Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (2024)


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Your horoscope for the week of April 21 to 27 begins with a crash, bang, and boom, but it all quiets down as the week comes to an end. You’re coming away from the shaky and erratic energy of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, and as unexpected transitions continue to play out for the next few weeks, anything can happen. Drama has been at a fever pitch lately, but it’s all clearing away blockages that have been inhibiting your freedom.

The week kicks off with the Taurus sun forming a tense square to Pluto in Aquarius on April 21. Since Pluto is the planet of transformation and rebirth, this could irritate the parts of yourself that remain inflexible to change. It could your overwhelm sense of security by pushing you out of your comfort zone and forcing you to see the world through a new lens. Life-altering information is being brought forward and your usual instincts are being challenged. I don’t know about you, but I’m already feeling uncomfortable (and slightly scared)!

This will be immediately followed by a full Pink Moon in Scorpio. This fixed water sign is concerned with uncovering secrets, discovering hidden truths, and maintaining control. That means this full moon should shine a light on hidden agendas, making everyone’s true intentions known. Prepare for shocking revelations to come to light. If you play your cards right, this powerful new source of information could not only benefit you, but the world at large.

You’ll want to take a load off by April 25, because things will start to lighten up as Mercury retrograde finally comes to an end at exactly 8:53 a.m. ET. Stationing direct at 15 degrees of Aries, this retrograde was particularly tiresome, as Aries is a zodiac sign with a whole lot of pride, which is one reason it led to an influx of ego-driven disagreements. And because Mars—Aries’ fiery planetary ruler—was sitting beside inhibiting Saturn for the duration of this retrograde, it’s likely that you’ve felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. Luckily, that post-retrograde clarity is about to hit, so get ready for all that pressure to become a diamond.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or risingsign(and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

  • Aries

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (2)

    You may be struggling to give up something that matters to you in order to put your trust in something larger than yourself this week. The Taurus sun squares off with transformative Pluto on April 21, encouraging you to make a sacrifice for the sake of achieving your dreams or opening your heart to a community effort.

    A full Pink Moon in Scorpio rises on April 21, bringing mind-blowing truths to the surface. Taking place in your eighth house of transformation and transactions, this will encourage you to strengthen your boundaries at the same time that you cultivate a deeper intimacy. You may also be getting a return on a financial investment.

    Mercury retrograde comes to an end on April 25, bringing clarity and focus to your first house of the self. For the past three weeks, this retrograde may have left you feeling unsure of your identity and what actions you should take next. And after much trial and error, you’re coming away with a more confident self-acceptance. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Taurus

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (3)

    This week, there may be friction between way you want to be seen and the way you actually are. The Taurus sun squares off with regenerative Pluto on April 21, turning up the pressure to curate your image without completely ignoring your true self. Everyone has a part they have to play, but it doesn’t have to come at the expense of your authenticity.

    A full Pink moon in Scorpio rises on April 23, unveiling shocking relationship developments. Prepare for truth bombs to go off in your seventh house of partnerships, showing you who you can and cannot rely on. Let someone unexpected earn your trust.

    When Mercury retrograde comes to an end on April 25, you may feel less exhausted and weary with the world. As Mercury begins to move forward in your 12th house of subconscious energies once again, you may finally feel ready to let go of resentments you’ve been holding onto. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Gemini

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (4)

    Letting go of one perspective in favor of another can feel terrifying, but that’s exactly what the world wants you to do this week. As the Taurus sun squares off with Pluto in Aquarius on April 21, an enticing and overwhelming adventure may finally show you a brand new way of seeing things. However, some of these revelations may be difficult to stomach.

    As a full Pink Moon rises on April 23, you may come to terms with what your mind, body, and spirit need in order to feel nourished and supported. Revelations surrounding your daily routine as well as your work-life balance may prove incredibly illuminating, especially if you’ve been grinding extra hard at your job lately.

    By April 25, you can breathe a sigh of relief as Mercury retrograde finally comes to an end. Since Mercury is your ruling planet, the past few weeks have been especially confusing and overwhelming, especially when it comes to navigating your social life. However, these connections and conundrums are leading to worthy developments. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Cancer

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (5)

    You may have big dreams and lofty goals, but this week is one big reminder that there’s still so much work to do before you get to where you want to be. As the Taurus sun squares off with revelatory Pluto on April 21, you won’t find a quick shortcut to success, but you will find the strength to make a longterm investment.

    A full Pink Moon in Scorpio spices things up on April 23, urging you to embrace your creative instincts and find a more meaningful way to express yourself. Landing in your fifth house of pleasure and passion, this full moon could introduce you to your next love interest or your next artistic idea.

    When Mercury retrograde finally ends on April 25, it will come with a blast of clarity surrounding your career and where it’s heading next. You’ve been working out several kinks in your work flow and in your professional pursuits, and now, it’s time to rock n’ roll. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Leo

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (6)

    There may be some push and pull between your professional responsibilities and the promises you’ve made to the people in your life this week. As the Taurus sun squares off with transformative Pluto on April 21, you make everyone happy at the same time, but you will discover that longterm relationships are based on trust, compromise, and sacrifice.

    On April 21, a full Pink Moon in Scorpio could bring alarming information to the surface, especially when it comes to your personal life. Rising in your fourth house of private matters, you may finally become aware of a major transition that affects the dynamics of your home and family.

    Mercury retrograde ends on April 25, bringing an idea that you’ve been entertaining full-circle. You may realize that it’s time to return to school, dive into new studies, or renew your faith in something you’re passionate about. A public display of success means nothing if what you’ve achieved doesn’t matter to you. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Virgo

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (7)

    Right now, you’re craving exalting life experiences that make you feel alive. But with the amount of work you have on your plate, who even has time for an adventure? As the Taurus sun squares off with overwhelming Pluto on April 21, you may need to put up more boundaries in order for you to actually feel a human being instead of a cog in a machine.

    A dramatic conversation could take place by April 23, when the full Pink Moon in Scorpio rises in your third house of close friends communication, and siblings. There may be a change in the dynamic you share with someone you interact with on a regular basis, especially if what you learn is hard to process.

    Luckily, Mercury retrograde ends on April 25, providing you with a bright spot amidst the chaos. As Mercury begins moving forward in your eighth house of intimacy, financial ties, and trust, you can rest assured that you’ve begun to settle the debts that have been inhibiting your growth. The hard part is now over. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Libra

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (8)

    Your deepest emotions are on display this week, forcing you to embrace a more profound vulnerability. As the Taurus sun squares off with Pluto—planet of rebirth—on April 23, you may run into tension or conflict in a romantic relationship. Your desires may not be in line with the level of trust you feel, so remember that butterflies in your stomach can also be warning.

    On April 23, a full Pink Moon rises in your second house of money and self worth, bringing your awareness to a possible shift in your financial status. Whether you’re making a large purchase or coming to terms with the fact that it’s time to save, there is a boost of abundance that is well on its way.

    Mercury retrograde finally ends on April 25, smoothing out the conflict and disharmony in your relationships. If you’ve reconnected with people from your past, you may come away feeling as though you’ve found closure. It’s time to process the lessons that both your allies and your enemies have been teaching you. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Scorpio

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (9)

    There’s a big difference between the family you’ve chosen and the family you were born with. This week, there may be friction between these two factions as the Taurus sun squares off with alchemical Pluto, bringing everyone’s hidden intentions to light. In order to have the relationship you’ve always wanted, you may need to embrace a new understanding of love.

    On April 23, a full Pink Moon in Scorpio glimmers with deep-seated truths. You may be discovering parts of yourself that were either dormant or previously unknown to you. Just because you are committed to who you’ve been doesn’t mean that’s still who you are. Let’s not forget Scorpio is the zodiac sign of transformation and rebirth.

    The past few weeks have been hectic, thanks to Mercury’s retrograde in your sixth house of daily duties and regimens. Now that Mercury retrograde is ending on April 25, you may discover a smoother way to accomplish your day-to-day tasks without sacrificing the rituals that keep you grounded and pampered. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Sagittarius

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (10)

    If you’ve made too many promises you can’t keep, it may come back to haunt you this week. As the Taurus sun squares off with revelatory Pluto on April 21, you may find that you’ve only got so much time and energy to accomplish what you’ve set out to accomplish. It may be time to be honest about how much you’ve got on your plate.

    When a full Pink Moon dawns on April 23, it could bring hidden emotions to the surface, urging you to have a good cry and let it all out. Healing is messy, and in order to survive day-to-day life, you often need to shove down your truth and get to work. This full moon could bring it all back up, where you can finally feel your feelings and set yourself free from them.

    By April 25, Mercury retrograde will finally come to an end, stationing direct in your fifth house of fun and pleasure. This could renew your sense of inspiration and your enthusiasm toward life. It could even lead to positive developments in your love life, especially if dating has been one giant rollercoaster ride lately. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Capricorn

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (11)

    Your desires may reach a fever pitch by April 21, especially if you’re crushing on someone. As a Taurus sun squares off with shadowy Pluto, you may find yourself spending more than you have to give in order to attain the satisfaction you’ve been craving. Don’t lower yourself just to impress someone and be careful about draining your bank account just for the sake of a good time.

    By April 23, you may come to terms with heavy truths regarding your social life. As a full Pink Moon rises in your 11th house of community and higher ideals, it could evoke revelations about who you spend time with and whether they’re a positive influence on your life. You may be ready to forge connections with people who actually share your interests and care about your dreams.

    When Mercury retrograde ends on April 25, it could leave you with a major resolution about your private life. If you and your family haven’t been getting along and your house has been a mess, this shift will help you see things more clearly and get on the same page. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Aquarius

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (12)

    You’re craving a stronger sense of safety and understanding at home, and if you and your loved ones aren’t seeing eye to eye, you may feel like standing up for yourself by April 21. This is when the Taurus sun will square off with Pluto in Aquarius, unveiling your hidden powers and reminding you of what makes you you. Remove all the pressure to be someone you’re not and get down to who you really are.

    A full Pink Moon in Scorpio shakes things up on April 23, leaving you with a revelation about what you’re aiming to achieve in your career and how you should brand yourself. It may be time to show the world the cards you’ve been keeping so close to your chest, because you’re finally ready to reveal what you’ve been working on.

    For the past few weeks, Mercury retrograde has been making communication more awkward and overwhelming. When it comes to an end on April 23, you’ll be in a beautiful position to clear away misunderstandings and finally find the right words for what you’re trying to say. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Pisces

    Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (13)

    Be careful who you trust, because hidden enemies are on the prowl this week. As the Taurus sun squares off with manipulative Pluto on April 21, you may find yourself walking a tightrope when it comes to sharing your truth without accidentally giving your secret hater a bunch of ammunition. You don’t have to tell everyone everything, especially if they can use it against you.

    By April 23, a full Pink Moon in Scorpio will remind you not to miss the forest for the trees. Instead of picking apart every little detail and focusing on every flaw, take a step back and see how everything comes together. A much brighter picture of reality exists, so give yourself permission to have faith that everything is gonna work out.

    If you’ve been overspending or coming to terms with changes that need to be made in your financial habits, all of it will become a lot more manageable after Mercury retrograde comes to an end on April 25. Take these lessons to heart so you can avoid unnecessary purchases and concentrate on spending your money on things that actually matter to you. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

Your Weekly Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Ending With a Bang (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.