Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (2024)


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Your horoscope for the week of April 28 to May 4 begins with a dizzying stir, but it ends with something being created and destroyed. Emotions are at a fever pitch, and seasonal transitions are pushing you out of your comfort zone, but one thing is for sure—after this week, things will be running much more smoothly.

On April 29, a dreamy and illusive shift takes place as Mars forms a conjunction with nebulous Neptune, bringing your focus to something that lies beyond the realm of possibility. You may be idealizing the potential in a situation, causing you to dream big, but with very little practicality in mind. Still, this formation can bring your artistic visions to life, expand your sex life, and encourage you to judge your victories beyond the context of your ego.

For the past few weeks, the combination of eclipse season and Mercury retrograde took a toll on your relationships and your vitality, but you’re starting to regain your confidence and strength. On April 29, Venus will enter Taurus—the zodiac sign of is rulership—allowing the goddess of love and beauty to do what she does best. Allow this transit to get you grounded, bringing you back to the present moment where you can fully appreciate the sensual and romantic pleasures you’re surrounded with. On April 30, red-hot Mars will enter Aries, and because the planet of power and ambition governs Aries, you can expect to feel more motivated to achieve greatness and compete to win.

You can expect to dive right into the deep end by the end of the week, as a last quarter moon in Aquarius joins forces with Pluto—planet of rebirth—on May 1. Pluto isn’t afraid to stare into the abyss of your shadow self, so get ready to sift through the moldy darkness of your spiritual closet. This takes place just as Pluto is stationing retrograde on May 2, which means something shocking and unexpected may resurface. Power dynamics are shifting and manipulators are soon to be exposed.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or risingsign(and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

  • Aries

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (2)

    This week is starting off on a disorienting note for you, as Mars—your ruling planet—joins forces with Neptune in your 12th house of unseen energies and enemies. Don’t underestimate anyone, as there may be a secret hater in your midst. By that same token, don’t rush into judgements about who may or may not be on your side.

    Luckily, you’re bound to get the leg-up on your competitors, as Mars enters Aries on April 30. With Mars powering up your first house of the self, you’re remembering how invincible you are and what you’re capable of dominating. However, take care not to get involved in meaningless battles.

    As the week comes to an end, you may be tapping into a new source of social influence and notoriety. As Pluto stations retrograde on May 2, the tides are turning in your community, revealing the difference between coming together as a team and falling prey to cultish peer pressures. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Taurus

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (3)

    You have the power to let go of your ego for the benefit of your community this week. Mars joins forces with Neptune in your 11th house of social endeavors on April 29, which can either demystify your desire the allure of an exclusive clique or increase your desire to fit in with them. Don’t base your self-worth on a set of unrealistic expectations.

    Your self-love will see a boost as Venus enters Taurus on April 29. With your ruling planet blessing your first house of the self, you’ll be able to charm and romance those you come across with even sharper precision. You’ll have access to sensual pleasures and luxuries that may you not have been previously afforded.

    Your reputation is making ripples, and this week, you may notice a power dynamic shifting with an authority figure. As Pluto stations retrograde on May 2, it will bring up deep-seated truths about your public standing and the amount of influence you hold over your surroundings, especially in your career. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Gemini

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (4)

    The more haters you have, the more successful you are. This week, Mars forms a conjunction with Neptune in your 10th house of authority and public image, which could shine a light on those who aim to sabotage you. Don’t concern yourself with the petty squabbles of sheep.

    On April 29, Venus enters Taurus and blesses your 12th house of spirituality with love and solitude. You may feel like retreating inward or engaging in a secret love affair. True connection reigns over appearances. On April 30, Mars enters Aries and motivates you to connect with your outer community and leave behind your mark of influence.

    As the week comes to an end, there’s a strong chance you’ll see something in a much more honest light. Pluto stations retrograde on May 2, challenging your faith as changes the nature of your ninth house of wisdom and philosophy. Are you believing in something that works against you? Can you alter your reality with your perception? Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Cancer

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (5)

    Your perspective is coming under review this week. On April 29, Mars joins forces with Neptune in your ninth house of wisdom and adventure, tapping into your desire to experience something mind-altering and magical. Don’t fall for the pretty promises of something that may come to disappoint you. Do embrace your ability to make the impossible seem possible.

    Your work-life balance got wrecked by Mercury retrograde, but you’re embracing a renewed sense of power and ambitionas Mars enters Aries on April 30. With Mars activating your 10th house of public pursuits, you’re coming across as a fighter to all your competitors, making them wish they never underestimated you.

    However, as the week comes to an end, a dirty secret may come to light as Pluto will station retrograde in your eighth house of underground attachments on May 2. Sifting through all truths that remain underground, this retrograde will show you whether you’ll ever receive a return on that investment. Luckily, the truth is like kryptonite to a manipulator. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Leo

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (6)

    This week, you should defend your boundaries like the perimeter of a castle. On April 29, Mars forms a conjunction with Neptune in your eighth house of shared energies, which could bring up codependencies and enmeshed relationships. Don’t let the fear of losing someone prevent you from protecting your energy.

    After Venus enters Taurus on April 29, you’ll have the power to charm your way to success in the professional world. Blessing your 10th house of career and public image, your ability to glamour your customers and sell your abilities will reach new heights. Time to negotiate!

    By May 2, Pluto will station retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships, which could bring up conflicts and resentments with someone who represents the “other” in your life. You may find that a longstanding ally is becoming an enemy or that your arch nemesis is now your greatest asset. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Virgo

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (7)

    You may be idealizing someone one way or another this week. As Mars joins forces with Neptune in your seventh house of partnerships on April 29, you could be seeing someone with rose-colored glasses, but you could also be seeing someone in a much worst light than they deserve. For now, let the facts speak for themselves.

    On April 29, Venus enters fellow earth sign Taurus, sending magic to your ninth house of travel and wisdom. This is a beautiful time to visit a distant land, experience new things, and get away from your day-to-day reality. You may even meet your next love interest while abroad.

    You may feel overworked by May 2, when Pluto stations retrograde in your sixth house of work and health. Pay extra attention to your mind-body connection, as aches and pains may arise that tell you exactly what needs rest. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Libra

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (8)

    You may feel more tired than usual as this week begins, as Mars forms a conjunction with Neptune in your sixth house of daily routines on April 29. Don’t forget to nurture your mind, body, and health, no matter how much your coworkers and superiors expect you to keep up with demands. You’re more than a cog in a machine.

    On April 29, Venus enters Taurus and takes a dive into your shadowy eighth house, bringing up your most intimate desires and unhealed wounds. Connections formed now will be so much harder to break. However, on April 30, Mars enters Aries and increases the passion and conflict in your seventh house of partnerships. Get ready for lots of breaking up and making up.

    When Pluto stations retrograde in fellow air sign Aquarius on May 2, it could bring up red flags in love and unhealthy ways of expressing yourself. Just because something feels good doesn’t mean it’s good for you, and this week, that hangover might hit harder than usual. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Scorpio

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (9)

    This week, you’re beginning a powerful and magnetic love affair. On April 29, Mars joins forces with Neptune in your fifth house of romance and creativity, increasing the desire you feel toward another person or another idea. However, make sure you’re not falling in love with what could be rather than what actually is.

    It will become much easier to get along with your loved ones and get on the same page as your partners after Venus enters Taurus on April 29. With the love planet dancing through your seventh house of one-on-one relationships, you’ll rediscover the careful balance between sharing and listening, as well as giving and receiving.

    By May 2, Pluto will station retrograde in your fourth house of home and family, which could bring up conflicts and resentments with relatives. If the demands of your domestic life have been imbalanced, you can expect these relationship dynamics to shift gears. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Sagittarius

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (10)

    You may be craving a familiar feeling of comfort this week, as Mars forms a conjunction with Neptune in your fourth house of home and family on April 29. You may feel a pull toward your roots, but you may also be idealizing the past. You could feel resentful of where you came from, but overlook the strengths you’ve inherited from your ancestors. Nothing makes sense right now, but it will eventually.

    On April 29, Venus enters Taurus and brings ease to your sixth house of work and health. This could inspire you to improve your daily rituals and get more juice out of your squeeze. However, as Mars enters fellow fire sign Aries on April 30, it could increase your desire to blow off your responsibilities and have fun. Luckily, you can rediscover all the ways in which business and pleasure can converge.

    Gossip may run rampant by May 2, when Pluto stations retrograde in your third house of communication and local interactions. Don’t take the bait and participate in arguments that go in circles. Rise above it all, because your silence speak volumes. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

  • Capricorn

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (11)

    Pay attention to the lies you tell and the lies you believe, as Mars forms a conjunction with Neptune in your third house of communication on April 29. This could make it harder to focus on the truth, allowing embellishments and irrational hypotheticals to muddy the facts. Communicating with honesty and openness will get you far, especially if ti comes with empathy.

    You may feel exhausted by the demands of your family and your private life after Mars enters fellow fire sign Aries on April 30. Activating your fourth house of home and roots, there could be more conflict behind closed doors, but also a powerful motivation to improve your living standards and protect those who matter the most to you.

    Your financial status could embrace a shift by May 2, when Pluto stations retrograde in your second house of money and material possessions. This could highlight negative spending habits as well as an unhealthy conflation between the numbers in your bank account and your sense of self-worth. You are more than what you have. Money comes and goes. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Aquarius

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (12)

    This week, you should reconsider what you’re spending money on and what void you think these purchases are filling. On April 29, Mars forms a conjunction with Neptune in your second house of income and financial endeavors, which can stoke the fire of your desire to attain a certain level of luxury or prominence. Remember—buyer’s remorse only hits after the bill arrives.

    After Venus enters Taurus on April 29, you’ll receive blessings in your fourth house of home and relatives. This will lay down a solid foundation for love, security, and warm welcomes, inspiring you to make your living space yours and enhance the feelings of affection you have for those you consider family.

    By May 2, Pluto in Aquarius will station retrograde, which could help you tap into a dormant source of inner power. However, in order to access this power, you may find that you need to cut chords with certain people and commitments. Although it feels like a risk, the benefits will eventually outweigh the drawbacks. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Pisces

    Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (13)

    You may feel overwhelmed by confusing feelings as Mars forms a conjunction with Neptune in your Pisces on April 29. This could lead to an inflated sense of self if you’re talking a big talk, but it could also cause you to dismiss your strengths and let self-doubt leave you paralyzed. If you can dream it, you can be it, but don’t underestimate a powerful plan.

    On April 29, Venus enters Taurus and brings beauty to your third house of communication. This could encourage you to make new friends, potentially even crushing on someone new in your neighborhood. And as Mars enters Aries on April 30, you’ll be in a powerful position to increase your earnings and compete for a larger payday. Just remember not to be disappointed if you don’t meet expectations that were unrealistic to begin with.

    Nightmares and strange dreams may rouse you from your sleep by May 2, when Pluto stations retrograde in your 12th house of subconscious energies. Pay attention to patterns that arise as you look within, coming face-to-face with truths you’ve always known, but simply forgot. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Your Weekly Horoscope Is an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride From Start to Finish (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.