Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (2024)

Your horoscope for the week of April 14 to 20 says you’re currently recovering from an intensely transformative eclipse season. Divine interventions are underway, speeding you up toward the inevitable and laying down the groundwork for what comes next. And yet, the cosmos still aren’t finished reconstructing your life, because this could be the most innovative week of 2024.

A first quarter moon in Cancer on April 15 guides us through the beginning of the week, fully immersing you in your emotions and encouraging you to take action. You may have had many revelations and insights last week, and now, you’re moving toward new goals and deepening your dedication to ongoing engagements. Take your time! It may be Aries season, but Mercury is still retrograde, forcing us to take things slow and tie off loose ends from the past.

Toward the end of the week, you may have heartfelt conversations with loved ones and find closure in your relationships. On April 19, Mercury retrograde will join forces with Venus in Aries, paving the way for passionate declarations that reveal where everyone stands. People will be admitting that they never stopped loving each other; that their feelings have never faded.

As Mars in Pisces forms a sextile to both expansive Jupiter and enlightening Uranus on the same day, you may feel equally motivated to take action toward something exciting, inventive, and somewhat shocking. April 19 is also when the sun enters Taurus, getting us grounded and allowing our commitments to take root. Taurus season is when longterm visions really start taking shape, inspiring patience, pragmatism, and practicality. But let’s not forget that Taurus is ruled by Venus, encouraging us to find pleasure, sensuality, and indulgence every step of the way.

All of this culminates to one of the most significant astrological events of 2024—the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21 degrees Taurus. Taking place on April 20, this conjunction represents the rumblings of collective change, spearheading us toward an unknowable future. Longstanding structures are being torn down, outdated attitudes are being tested, and a brand new world awaits us on the other side of this journey. Get ready for shocks and surprises to pave the way for massive breakthroughs. The future is now.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or risingsign(and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

  • Aries

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (2)

    You’re reconnecting with your roots as this week, as a first quarter moon lights a fire in your fourth house of home and family on April 15. It’s time to remember who you are and what you need in order to feel emotionally sustained and protected. Tend to your inner world, as it’s easy to remember who you are when you feel safe enough to let down your guard.

    Mercury is still retrograding through your first house of the self, doubling down on the confusion and clouding your instincts. However, as Mercury meets up with love planet Venus on April 19, it will bring you a much needed dose of romance and self-love. There has never been a better time to treat yourself to something sweet, especially if you’ve been extra hard on yourself lately.

    With a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction culminating in your second house of money on April 20, you may be coming into unexpected windfalls or erratic shifts in your finances. Whether your bank account is seeing an influx of unexpected wealth or a sudden expense lands in your lap, you’re clearing away blockages that have been impeding your ability to get what you want. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Taurus

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (3)

    This week begins with a burst of communication and a busy itinerary, as a first quarter moon will spread electricity through your analytical third house on April 15. This will inspire you to get a lot done in a short amount of time, even if you’re just completing tasks you’ve been procrastinating. It’s also prime time for brainstorming, so make sure you’re jotting those ideas down.

    You may feel the effects of Mercury retrograde intensify as it joins forces with Venus—your ruling planet—on April 19. Because this retrograde is moving through your spiritual 12th house, you may feel more thoughtful, sensitive, and contemplative. Get to the bottom of who you are when you remove your ego from the situation. However, Taurus season begins on the same day, reawakening your confidence and upping your energy.

    This year, your solar return is proof that something groundbreaking is coming together for you. As Jupiter forms a conjunction with Uranus on April 20, shocks, surprises, and curveballs will be thrown your way. Although it may feel unsettling at first, these changes will embolden you to embrace a more powerful and insightful version of who you are. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Gemini

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (4)

    The week begins on a grounding note, as a first quarter moon will produce growth in your second house of money and self-worth on April 15. You may gave experienced a few financial setbacks recently, but you will begin to form a practical game-plan and you may even come into unexpected sources of cash. Money comes and goes, which means more is always on the way.

    These past two weeks have been exhausting for you, as Mercury—your ruling planet—is still retrograding through your 11th house of community. However, you may be reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances as Mercury joins forces with Venus in Aries on April 19, resurrecting former connections in your social circle and inspiring you to pick up where you left off.

    Don’t feel the need to overindulge in socializing, as too much talking could make it harder to hear what your inner voice is trying to tell you. As Jupiter joins forces with Uranus in your 12th house of solitude and unseen energies on April 20, you may have spiritual awakenings and profound internal breakthroughs that allow you to see your past, present, and future in a more revealing light. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Cancer

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (5)

    You’re starting the week off feeling more confident and motivated to take up space. As a first quarter moon lights up your first house of the self, you’re remembering what makes you so powerful and inspiring to others. The world can’t know what you’re capable of if you’re too cowardly to show them. Step up to the plate and give it your best shot.

    Despite this burst of momentum, Mercury is still retrograding through your 10th house of career and legacy, which could be wrecking your work-life balance. If it feels like you’ve been working harder and harder with no results, you have accolades to look forward to as Mercury joins forces with loving Venus on April 19. You’ve accomplished so much with so little, so spend time celebrating those accomplishments.

    Your popularity is about to skyrocket as the week progresses toward a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20. Landing in your 11th house of networking and media, this conjunction could be when your post goes viral on social media. Your name could be the talk of your community at the moment, inspiring envy and adulation from your contemporaries. Soak up this extra attention, but be careful who you trust. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Leo

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (6)

    This week, you’re learning so much about you are underneath it all. As a first quarter moon runs through your spiritual 12th house on April 15, you may have deep-seated revelations about how you feel and what you continue to carry from your past. It may be time to let go of guilt and resentment, paving the way for a bigger and brighter perspective of the future.

    Ever since Mercury began retrograding through your ninth house of travel and expansion on April 1, there’s a chance you’ve been feeling more lost and confused about what to believe. However, as Mercury joins forces with Venus on April 19, you may reconnect with a philosophy you once entertained in the past, causing you to remember something profound that you’ve forgotten. The wisdom is already within you, ready to be reawakened.

    The cosmos are cooking up a major career breakthrough for you and it all unfolds once the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction becomes exact on April 20. If you’ve been stuck in a rut at work or feeling unsure of how you want to participate in the public sphere, you may find yourself landing an opportunity you never could have expected. Even if you feel unqualified for it, the Universe wants you to know that you’re ready. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Virgo

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (7)

    You’re tapping into innovative ideas this week, as a first quarter moon will bring confidence to your 11th house of community ideals and social connections. You may be settling debts with people from your past or calling in favors that you’re owed, reminding you of how powerful your network truly is. Use this burst of extraverted energy to expand your social sphere even further.

    You’ve been fully immersed in unfinished projects and investments, as Mercury—your ruling planet—has been retrograding through your eighth house of shared resources and transactions for the past two weeks. However, as Mercury meets up with Venus on April 19, a beautiful moment of intimacy and vulnerability may arise, reminding you of who you can trust and who you shouldn’t.

    You may tap into some game-changing ideas by the end of the week, as Jupiter joins forces with Uranus in your ninth house of big-picture-thinking on April 20. Let go of the way things have always been done and be courageous enough to pioneer something new. You’re way ahead of the curve right now, and even if people doubt your instincts, have faith in your vision anyway. You’re onto something. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Libra

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (8)

    You’re putting yourself out there this week, as a first quarter moon brings energy and momentum to your 10th house of career on April 15. You’re ready to let the world in on some big news; to show the world what you’ve been working on. Your passions are intertwining with your relationships, so don’t be afraid to pair up with someone who can help you accomplish even more than you could on your own.

    By April 19, you may even be reconnecting with someone from your past or deepening your connection to someone who’s still in your life. As Mercury continues to retrograde through your partnership sector, you’re picking up where you left off with exes, old friends, and even former business associates. And as Mercury meets up with Venus, you may find there is still potential with someone you’ve lost touch with. However, you may also find that it’s OK to move on from the past, especially if it comes with forgiveness.

    A Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20 could bring secrets to light, especially if you—or someone you trust—has been harboring dark truths. Your emotional and financial ties are being tested, which means you may finally start to see a return on those investments. However, unexpected shakeups could make you realize they were alway on shaky ground to begin with. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Scorpio

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (9)

    A burst of spontaneity could inspire you to go against your typical routine as this week begins. A first quarter moon rises in your ninth house of travel and expansion on April 15, which could inspire you to blow off your plans and go somewhere fascinating. Life is too short to let monotony take over, so inject some excitement into your day-to-day life.

    Even if surprises and interventions throw a wrench in your plans, it could reveal better methods and techniques to follow. Mercury is still retrograding through your proactive sixth house, showing you how to get back on track and get the most juice from your squeeze. And as Mercury meets up with Venus on April 19, you may reconnect with why you love your work and how much you appreciate the little rituals you perform each day.

    Major changes in your relationships are currently unfolding, and as a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction sends electricity to your seventh house of partnerships on April 20, you may meet someone new and exciting. If your relationships have been holding you back, this may when you break free from limiting social commitments. People come and go, and this week, you may discover a totally new understanding of how a relationship can work. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Sagittarius

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (10)

    You’re deepening your emotional and financial investments as this week begins. A first quarter moon will bring your focus to your eighth house of intimacy and transactions, which could strengthen the love and dedication you feel toward another person. It could also inspire you to take back your energy and establish firm boundaries if you’ve been giving away too much of yourself.

    A romantic rendezvous with someone from your past could spice things up by April 19. Mercury is still retrograding through your fifth house of fun and pleasure, bringing former flames back into the picture and reminding you of what makes you feel happiest, bringing you more clarity in your love life. As Mercury dances with Venus, you may remember what brought you together in the first place, reigniting the spark in stale relationships.

    Pay attention to your mind, body, and spirit as Jupiter forms a conjunction with Uranus on April 20. Bringing major breakthroughs in your sixth house of health and work, you may be taking on an exciting new job that increases your productivity. However, you may also be tapping into new ways of taking care of your physical wellbeing, making self-care a bigger priority. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Capricorn

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (11)

    You’re feeling inspired to connect with others and socialize on a deeper level as this week begins. A first quarter moon will light up your seventh house of partnerships on April 15, you may be called to take action in a way that brings you closer to someone else or deepens the bond you share. It may be time to start building a home with someone (or to start building a home of your own).

    You’re still tending to conflicts with family members and issues in your living space as Mercury continues to retrograde through your fourth house of your home and heart. However, as Mercury joins forces with Venus on April 19, it could bring a dose of much needed love, nurturing, and forgiveness. Home is not a set of tasks that need to be done, but the place where you should feel the most safe.

    Get ready for an exciting creative breakthrough to begin taking shape as a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction rises in your fifth house of artistic expression on April 20. This may be when you finally create your next masterpiece! And because the fifth house also rules over romantic love, this could also spark chemistry between you and a new crush. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Aquarius

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (12)

    If you’ve been procrastinating on work or simply not taking good enough care of yourself, this week could inspire you to change that. Beginning with a first quarter moon in your sixth house of self-care on April 15, you may feel a burst of motivation to nourish your mind and body, as well as finally tackle that pile of tasks you’ve been putting off for far too long. That task you’re currently overthinking? It’ll probably take you 15 minutes, so do it.

    Ever since Mercury stationed retrograde in your third house of communication on April 1, you’ve probably had many awkward conversations and miscommunications. Luckily, as Mercury joins forces with sweet Venus on April 19, it will spread just enough love and understanding to help you clear away the confusion and explain yourself more thougtfully.

    Surprises could shake up your personal life as this week comes to an end. On April 20, Jupiter will join forces with Uranus in a highly anticipated conjunction, bringing shocking breakthroughs in your fourth house of home and family. This could be when you move to a new place, changing you whole understanding of comfort and security. You could even be welcoming a new relative or loved one into your life. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Pisces

    Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (13)

    This week, you should harness whatever your feeling and pour it into your creative projects. As a first quarter moon rises in your fifth house of fun and self-expression on April 15, you’re about to feel inspired to reconnect with your inner child and color outside of the lines. Do what makes you feel most alive and grounded in who you are, what you love, and what you want to experience.

    You’re making major headway toward your goals, especially this week. Action-packed Mars is currently moving through Pisces, driving you to take action and spearhead new innovations. And on April 19, Mars will form a sextile to both Jupiter and Uranus, allowing you to make tons of progress and tap into a new way of doing things. Don’t be afraid to make big moves.

    Taking a chance on something out-of-this-world will pay off big time, especially after the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction becomes exact on April 20. As this conjunction brings forward-momentum to your third house of communication and intelligence, you have the power to expand your mind, learn new things, and speak your ideas into existence. Prepare for shocking conversations to unfold, as mysteries are being unraveled and your curiosity is leading you into the future. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

Your Horoscope Says This Will Be the Most Shocking & Unpredictable Week of 2024 (2024)


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.