Pheromones: Bakugo x OC female - StraightEdgeGoth - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

(This is my first time posting fanfic in a long time. It might be a rough start but will get better. I don't mind criticism or advice but I do not tolerate bullying. Now enjoy!)

I took a deep breath. Mentally preparing myself to once again get back into society. I was standing outside the ginormous doors of UA’s 1-A classroom. I could hear what sounded like yelling and scolding going on inside, making me mentally cringe and groan. There’s no way I am ready for this! Maybe I can convince Grams to let me continue homeschooling. I smoothed down my uniform jacket and shuffled my black bat-like wings, making sure they fit through the slits comfortably as I also tied up my black shoulder length hair, moving any stray hairs behind my pointed ears, adjusting my glasses, the thick black frames providing me with some comfort, then moved my black tail to make sure that it was comfortable in the slit in the skirt and wouldn’t lift my skirt too much when I walked. My chubby body not quite fitting in the clothes. The black spade ending of my tail tickling the back of my calf. This outfit is way too tight, guess they do really run smaller here in Japan. I probably shouldn't prolong this but I really just wanna leave.

“Are you going in?” A voice spoke behind me, making me jump. I turned to see an older man heavily bandaged in a banana colored sleeping bag. Alright, that's kinda weird.

“Um…yeah I am.”

“I suppose you are the transfer student that Principal Nezu told me about. Well come on then.” And he shouldered past me into the classroom. I followed behind him and immediately felt all eyes on me, clenching my black backpack strap tighter as the voices died down to gawk at me. The man stopped at a desk near the front and turned to look at the class. My wings twitched as I stared at all the students, my tail wrapping around the lower part of my left wing.

“This is our new transfer student. Grab the empty seat next to Bakugo. I’m taking a nap, copy what’s on the board and be nice.” He motions to a very angry looking spiky blonde haired boy with piercing red eyes, then proceeds to crawl under his desk and go to sleep. I sighed and started heading in that direction.

“Hello my name is Tenya Iida. I am the class representative for 1-A. It is very nice to make your acquaintance…” He looked at me expectantly. He was tall with black hair and glasses with a very serious face.

“My name is Blossom Amor. It’s nice to meet you as well.” I say sitting down in my seat. Smoothing my uniform skirt down again. This skirt is definitely shorter than I like. My wings felt exposed as I shifted them to comfortably sit in my seat. Stretching them out to lift them over the back of the chair.

“Tch another lame extra. Move it, why don’t you?” A grumpy voice said from your left. You looked at said grumpy blonde as Tenya berated him. His crimson eyes glaring at you as you brought your wings back closer to you.

“Bakugo, Aizawa sensei said be nice.”

“DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU EXTRA!” He screams at Tenya. They both continue to argue. You look between them unsure of how to calm things down.

“Hello I’m Izuku Midoriya.” A green-haired boy with freckles approached my desk along with a brown short-haired girl.

“I’m Ochako Uraraka. Nice to meet you.” She smiles at me and I manage a smile back. “Don’t mind Bakugo he’s always like that.”

“Tch go die!” Bakugo finally calms down and goes back to writing. Tenya, now finished with the argument, comes back over to stand with Midoriya and Uraraka. They all look at me in interest.

“So what is your quirk, does it involve your wings? Can you fly? It looks kind of like a bat's wing? Do they get cold? Does that hamper your flying in colder weather? Does your tail help you steer while flying?” Midoriya bombards me with questions. A blush slowly rises on my pale cheeks as he mumbles more about my tail, and how it can help me fly.

“Whoa Deku, take a breath and give her a chance to answer. Don’t worry he’s always like this.” She giggles slightly as Midoriya pulls out a notebook and pen.

“I thought his name was Midoriya?” I tilted my head to look at her. Confusion written on my face.

“Oh that’s his nickname.” Uraraka clarifies. The boy in question seems to vibrate with excitement. How am I gonna answer this, ugh, I should’ve prepared to be asked these questions. I take a deep breath and can feel my face start to heat up as I try to answer Midoriya’s question.

“Yes it involves my wings, no I can’t fly but that would be awesome, I can use them to glide though in the correct environment, they do look like bat’s wings, I have a 15 foot wingspan, sometimes they get cold, and my tail is more like an extra appendage I can use it to grab things and block attacks or reach for things when it’s too far away.” I say all in one breath, gulping in air as Midoriya furiously scribbles in his book.

“I hope you don’t mind if I write this all down. I love learning about new quirks.” He glances up at me as I nod in approval.

“It’s no problem.” I smile at him. Then I hear a scoff from beside me.

“That didn’t tell anyone sh*t about your quirk, it’s probably as weak as you are.” Bakugo growls out. Glaring at me I clench my fists and glare back. His crimson eyes pinning me to my desk.

“I don’t appreciate you calling me weak when you haven’t even seen me in action and when did it become ok to eavesdrop on people’s conversations? Maybe mind your own business or join into our conversation like a civil person would.” I remark dryly. Tenya, Uraraka, and Midoriya all gape back and forth at me and Bakugo. Ok why did I do that? I’m never like this. Why are they gawking at me? I’m gonna assume people don’t normally stand up to him? Guess there’s a first for everything.

“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOU DAMN EXTRA! I’LL MURDER YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!” Bakugo jumps up from his desk, hands sparking. Guess he has some type of fire quirk then. Way to go I’m not here even an hour and already made an enemy. I sighed tiredly at his display, making him even angrier. Tenya and Bakugo argued a bit more while a blonde haired guy and a red haired guy walked up to me.

“You’re not from around here are you? You have a weird accent, it’s really hot! So are your fangs very vampy if you know what I mean. Hey Shoto looks like you're not the only one with weird eyes anymore!” The blonde guy exclaims while mimicking a vampire biting. I flushed a deep red. My tail swishing back and forth furiously.

“Kaminari! Come on, that's not very manly.” The red haired guy spoke while shaking his head. “Don’t mind him. I’m Eijiro Kirishima! I think your eyes are really cool!” He smiled brightly, his red eyes shining, earning a genuine smile in response.

“Blossom Amor and yes I was born and raised in America actually but my… family thought I could learn more here at UA so I was transferred here. My left green eye is from my mother and my right yellow eye is from my grandmother. It skipped my dad.” The fight between Tenya and Bakugo finally died down again. Hoping no one caught onto my almost slipup.

“If everyone is done talking here, we are headed out into the training grounds to practice our quirks before the Sports Festival.” Aizawa finally awoke and if possible looked more tired than he did before. As he finished speaking the door slammed open.

“I AM COMING INTO THE CLASSROOM!” A loud voice boomed before All Might popped into the classroom in his classic pose. My jaw dropped. I knew he was teaching here but I never expected him to actually come into the class. When I finally adjusted to All Might’s presence it hit me what Aizawa had just said. I groaned. Well this will be interesting.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Aizawa and All Might led us to the training grounds, while walking I noticed Bakugo was a bit in front of me. I subtly sniffed the air. Hm caramel and burnt sugar? What a strange combination. My heart did an odd little flip which I, of course, ignored as one should.

We reached the training grounds and headed inside. There were clusters of various sizes of rock pillars and indents where one could climb if necessary. I glanced around noting anything that would give me an upper hand.

“Alright so Aizawa and I have decided to have one-on-one battles for the time being. Now keep an eye on the fights and try to think about how you would fare against that quirk.” He nodded to Aizawa to continue.

“The pairing are as follows… Midoriya and Uraraka, Ashido and Kirishima, Amor and Bakugo…” I groaned and hung my head. Please no! Ugh! I start rubbing my neck, while my tail wraps around my calf.

“Tch I have to destroy another lame ass extra again. Not even worth it.” Bakugo scoffed at me.

“Please you haven’t even fought me yet.” I snap back, but he just grunts and walks a short ways away. Leaving me confused as to why I keep acting this way. All of a sudden someone grabs and yanks on my tail, making me yelp and moan at the same time. I turn, back handing whoever just touched me, making a small purple haired boy go flying.

“Gross Mineta, keep your hands to yourself.” A pink skinned girl yelled at the boy as she came over to me. “Don’t worry girl I got your back. My name’s Mina Ashido, but call me Mina please.” She smiled brightly at me.

“Blossom Amor but please call me Blossom.” I smiled back, checking to make sure my tail wasn’t damaged then looked around to make sure no one heard that moan. I saw Bakugo blushing as he was walking away. Crap.

“Alright now get changed and then we’ll start the training.” Aizawa dismissed us, and Mina and Uraraka walked with me into the girls changing room.

We started changing, my training pants were tight around my stomach, thighs and butt, while the slit in the back fit my tail perfectly. The shirt slits also fit my wings perfectly but it was kind of tight around my chest and shoulders so I left it unbuttoned. I was wearing a black tank top underneath.

“I’m really sorry about Mineta. I should’ve realized he’d try something.” Mina apologizes. I shake my head.

“Hey it isn’t your fault some people can’t keep their hands to themselves.” I chuckle at her.

“Hey, is your tongue pierced?” Uraraka pipes in. I stick out my tongue showing the black ball, and raise my tank top to show off my belly button piercing.

“Yup in my family it is tradition for the women who share quirks to get these piercings.”

“That’s so cool! I wish my parents would let me get one.” Mina pouts. I giggle and Uraraka finishes getting ready. I pull off my glasses and tuck them into my school uniform.

“You aren’t gonna wear your glasses?” Mina looks at me.

“Nah I don’t want them to get broken and I only use them because the fluorescents in school can give me wicked headaches.” They both nod at me as we make our way back out.

“So… you and Bakugo huh?” Mina asks, glancing at me. I start blushing.

“Yeah I don’t know what his issue is with me though. We barely know each other.” I sigh and twist my tail around my right wing.

“I think he likes you.” Mina glances at me again. I stopped walking, shocked by what she said. “Just a feeling, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you once you entered the classroom.” Uraraka nods her agreement. “Yeah I noticed that too. Are there any guys you're interested in?”

“God no, it’s my first day after all.” I chuckle as Uraraka sighs in relief. “Why are there any guys You like?” I smirk at her. She turns bright red and yells out “NO!” At the same time Mina says “Deku.” We all look at each other as we burst out laughing. Finally back at the grounds.

Mina and Uraraka leave me by myself as they go prepare for their fights, and I find a spot on the ground to sit and write in my notebook as I watch the fights. I’m nose deep in notes when I hear a scoff in front of me. I sniff then glance up. Caramel and burnt sugar…

“Tch just like that damn Deku. Notes won’t save you when I beat you.” Bakugo looks down at me. I growl at him. His crimson eyes narrowing at me response.

“Well it doesn't hurt to be prepared.” I tilt my head at him and take another quick whiff. He smells different… I wonder what he’s feeling.

He scoffs and walks a couple feet away from me sitting down. I go back to my notes, his unique scent lingering in my mind.

“Amor! Bakugo! You’re up next.” Aizawa calls out. I close my notebook and leave it next to Mina as I walk towards the grounds, my tail tucking between my wings.

“Hah scared extra? I’ll kill you!” Bakugo mocks. I just stare at him as we both head opposite each other. He gets into a fighting pose while I yank off the training shirt and toss it to the side. He starts blushing, and glances away.

Ok pillars that means plenty of space to duck and weave and it will let me glide as well.

“Young Bakugo no killing and BEGIN!” All Might shouts out.

-”Alright there it’s Present Mic! Blossom Amor! Quirk: Succubus! Her quirk gives her the ability to not only sense pheromones but to create them and attract the enemy she can also use her vocals to lure them in as well! Her quirk only affects people though! She can also suck out their energy just like a vampire and use it to heal herself! Which makes for a wicked quirk!”-

Bakugo lets off two huge explosions behind him, giving him speed and ramming me into a nearby pillar. I hit it and groan at the impact on my back, scrapping my wings as I dodge his fist and roll away watching the pillar crumble.

“Jesus f*cking Christ! All Might said NO KILLING!” I shout at him as I start running away. I turn and dodge his next speedy move while releasing some pheromones using my wings to fan it in his direction. I continue this for at least 10 minutes, dodging and fanning. Why isn’t he going down yet? That many pheromones are enough to make an elephant go nuts! What is with this guy?

-Outside the grounds-

“That’s strange.” Midoriya mumbles besides Tenya and Uraraka.

“What is it Deku?” Uraraka glances at the screen.

“Amor told us she can’t fly so why is she flapping her wings?” He rubs his chin deep in thought.

“Yes, that is indeed strange. She is quick though and is giving Bakugo a run for his money.” Tenya agrees as they watch the fight.

Further away Aizawa and All Might’s eyes are glued to the screen.

“What do you think Aizawa?” All Might glances at him.

“She is as strong as Naomi told us. Maybe more than even she knows. Time will tell.”

-Back to the fight-

“Stop running you coward!” Bakugo yells as he rushes me and I dodge narrowly missing his hand. I didn’t miss his other hand and he burned my side, making me cry out. I twist, roll then run to a nearby pillar. Clutching my side as I’m hit with a wave of pain making me want to vomit. He chases me and manages to get behind me and grabs my tail, making me howl in pain and pleasure as he burns it, I swiftly bring my leg up to turn and whack him in the privates, before collapsing. Get up, get up, GET UP! I just keep running until I lose him. Panting I try to think of what to do. sh*t! This isn't working. I'll have to give him everything I have. My f*cking tail! Owie! The f*cking bastard. I check on the damage before I start climbing the pillar and peek out from the side once I'm near the top.

“GODDAMMIT EXTRA FACE ME!” He screams,still kneeling on the ground clutching his goods, scanning the area for me. I take a deep breath, jump from the pillar, letting loose all the pheromones, and furiously batting my wings. He spots me and using his explosions starts flying towards me. I tried to dodge but wasn’t quick enough, he grabbed my left wing and burned it. The pain making me see stars, I plummet to the ground hitting it hard enough to knock my breath out. While he gracefully lands a bit away. I struggle to stand before taking a large breath trying to recover quickly.

“Weak, pathetic extra.” Bakugo grins victoriously at me. A psychotic grin on his face. He starts running towards me hands sparking.

“It’s easy to push me away from you.” I start singing loudly, making him slow down. “Easy to say you want to be left on your own.” His red eyes glaze slightly as he drags his feet towards me. I pitch my voice lower trying to desperately soothe the raging pheromones he starts secreting. “Yet somehow I can’t help but see how your eyes shy away.” He stands in front of me looking at me like I’m the most exquisite creature he’s ever seen. “Your hands seal the entrance and path to your heart.” His hand comes up and gently caresses my cheek. My heart flutters at his touch. I can feel his breath on my face as he looks into my eyes. I see something different in them though, I don’t understand what. As his face inches closer to mine our lips are about to connect… “I’m sorry.” I whisper as I flit past his lips and latch onto the crook of his neck, biting down gently with my fangs, drawing his energy and blood into my mouth. I hear a deep groan as I drink from him. He tastes so…good… I don’t want to stop… The heady scent of his blood making me dizzy, I manage to pull away, lick the mark closing the holes, co*ck back my arm and punch him in the gut, sending him flying into a pillar thus knocking him out.

“AMOR WINS.” All Might proclaims. I glance at Bakugo’s form before turning and heading towards the rest of the class.

“That was amazing, Amor!” Midoriya is the first to reach me. Followed by Uraraka, Tenya, and Mina.

“Please call me Blossom all of you and thank you.” I blush as I try to control the recoil of my quirk. Their scents and pheromones driving me almost feral. I need to get outta here fast.

“How did you do it? Is it poison?” Midoriya questions and then starts a muttering rampage. I take a deep breath and shake my head.

“No it's pheromones. If you’ll please excuse me.” I state trying to walk away. All of them following behind me.

“Oh how is your side? Are you going to see Recovery Girl?” Tenya inquires looking at my side, I glance down when I notice his red face realizing Bakugo had burnt most of the fabric so not only was my side exposed but also some of my rib cage and belly button.

“No, when I bite people I can drink their energy and heal myself or boost my quirk or their emotions, but I am not feeling very well a side effect.” I explain exasperated covering my stomach as best I could with my arm. They all nod and congratulate me one more time before dispersing.

“Amor.” I turn to see Aizawa call out to me while All Might carries Bakugo to wherever Recovery Girl is. If he could see himself now he’d be livid! I snicker before walking towards Aizawa.

“Yes sir?”

“How are you feeling? Naomi said the more you use your quirk the worse it is? Is that for you or Bakugo?” He glances at my wings and side, taking note they are healed.

“It’ll be worse for Bakugo. In about a day I’ll be able to rejoin society, but Bakugo, the amount of pheromones I launched at him. It’s hard to say he’ll either go insane without me around or just be a little clingy. I had to use way more than normal on him.” I stared at All Might’s back, curious about the unconscious boy he carried. “Does your Recovery Girl have the ability to fix hormonal issues?” You turn back to Aizawa.

“Not just physical.”

“Well at least his stomach and head will recover.” I chuckle lightly. “If he starts rampaging more than normal, call Grams so she can inform me, my presence will ease the pheromones until they wear off.” Aizawa nods, I gather my things and head to the secluded classroom that was provided for me in these instances. Grams really thought of everything. I wonder if she knows anything about why I had to use so much or that weird scent. Stretching my wings I entered the classroom unable to get Bakugo off my mind.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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I was laying on the couch in the empty classroom, headphones in, watching a movie when I received a call. I didn’t know the number so I let it go to voicemail then listened to it.

“Hey Amor, it's Aizawa. Bakugo’s awake but seems his normal self so you can head home and I’ll have his mom keep us updated if anything changes.” I sigh in relief, grab my backpack and start heading to the exit. When I make it to the entrance I see my grandmother's car parked out front, her driver getting out as he spots me opening the back passenger door for me.

“I told Grams I can just take the train.” I sigh exasperated. The driver says nothing then closes the door as I get in.

“Yes but if you took the train then Grams couldn’t talk to you now could she.” I turn surprised she was in the car.

“Oh hey Grams! How’s it going?” She glares at me as I nervously chuckle.

“Young lady! I thought you had better hold of your quirk. Why did I receive a call from your teacher saying you practically drowned that boy in pheromones?” I gulped and stared at her. Her long black hair was pinned in a high bun, shot through with silver, while her piercing yellow eyes pinned me in place. She had just started getting laugh lines around her mouth and eyes although she is in her 70’s. Her red pinstripe bodysuit fit her figure perfectly. I wished I could dress that well.

“He wouldn’t go down Grams. I've never seen anything like it. I had to even pull out the voice to get him to finally stop, he almost burnt me to a crisp so I had to take a little energy to heal myself.” I stare out the window remembering all the strange things. “When I sang to him there was a strange look in his eyes like my voice didn’t have as strong an effect. His scent also changed even though he wasn’t hit by any pheromones, something I have never smelled before...” I admit to her, looking back when the silence stretches. She looks confused and… worried? Has she never heard of this before?

“Anything else?” She asks softly.

“Yeah his blood… it tasted different… like nothing I have ever tasted before… I didn’t want to stop…” I blush and glance at my hands. I look back up at her to see her stern look back into place.

“For the time being do NOT take anymore of his blood.” I nod my agreement, the car ride is quiet all the way back home. When we reach the house I head into my room for a shower and to get some rest too tired for dinner.

Ugh! I am SO not ready for tomorrow.

-The next day—Bakugo’s POV—

I slept like f*cking sh*t last night. Couldn’t get that lame ass extra outta my damn head… I yawn tiredly, while heading to the train station. All through the night I had strange dreams. Didn’t help that Aizawa sensei and that old hag were whispering about something behind my back. I think back to the fight yesterday… What the hell was that bitch’s quirk anyways… Maybe she messed with my f*cking mind, yeah that had to be it. No way I would ever think about that extra willingly… even if she is cute… nice body… adorable smile…her pale skin…looks so soft...her pink heart-shaped lips… those noises she makes when you yank her tail…I shake my head to clear those damn thoughts feeling my face turning red. I am NOT going there. Absolutely f*ckING NOT! As I’m about to board the train I feel someone bump into my back. I turn around to kill the stupid bastard when…

“Oh! I’m so sorry… Oh hey Bakugo how are you feeling?” I stare down at Amor as a faint blush rises to her cheeks. Her duo colored eyes sparkling in joy. Is it joy at seeing me or joy that she didn’t kill me?

Tch. Fine.” I mutter before turning around feeling my cheeks heating up. Amor stands next to me looking bashful as the train starts its departure. We both stare straight ahead. “What’s your quirk?” The question slipped out before I consciously thought about asking. She glances up in surprise and if it’s even possible looks more adorable as she stutters turning bright red, making me smirk.

“OH…uh… well you see…it’s… uh.” She sighs before bracing herself. “I can release pheromones that can distract people and supposedly make them feel what I want. I haven’t mastered that part yet. I have only the base pheromones as of now…and my voice, it kinda does the same thing but that has more to do with pitch.” She glances at my face before looking back out the window as we stand there.

“Hm…” I look back out the window. Lost in thought. So what I’m feeling is that because of her?

“The side effects for people vary, it can be a mild crush that goes away in a day or, if I use too much, an obsession that can last for months. It’s stronger when I use my voice. Have you ever heard of sirens? Those mermaids that led pirates to their deaths it’s like that.” She explains a bit more. Like she’s reading my mind… guess we’ll see if these stupid feelings leave after today. I glance back down at her and take in how the sun hits her face making it glow. Her thick black glasses made her look even more attractive. Her heart-shaped lips turned down in a pout. She glanced at me again before biting her lip and turning fully to me. All I could focus on was her lips and how kissable they looked in that moment.

“Um Bakugo? Did you hear me?” She inquires softly looking into my eyes.

“Huh?” I snap out of my trance feeling my cheeks start to flood with blood.

“I…uh… I’m sorry I bit you. You are an amazing fighter and did some damage to me. I just wanted to apologize for biting you without asking. With my quirk, consent is very important.” She rubs the back of her neck, one of her fangs popping out over her lip slightly, her black hair looks braided back today, her wings shuffling against her back. Her rubbing her neck only emphasizes the outline of her… Whoa no absolutely the f*ck not… I glare at her turning away. Making sure my nose isn’t bleeding. How can someone so f*cking adorable be so damn dense!

“Not like I care extra.” I look out the window again. It’s silent for the rest of the ride to school. When we exit the train we start the short walk towards school. The silence between us is becoming unbearable.

“It was… a good fight I guess. Don’t let that go to your head you damn extra I’ll kill you next time!” I ground out even though it pained me. I glance at her as she looks at me and give me the brightest smile I’ve ever seen, fangs and all. My heart stutters in my chest as it floods with that same warmth I felt when I first looked at her. Her tail is even f*cking waging!

“You too! It’s been so long since I’ve had a fight like that. It was amazing!” She starts flailing her arms giggling as she's describing the fight and I have to hold back a chuckle before I notice her tongue. It’s f*cking PIERCED?! That should be illegal! I continue being entranced by that bit of jewelry as she continues on unaware.

“Oh we’re here.” She exclaims and pulls me out of my trance. We head inside to our class and take our seats. She’s focused on taking notes as sh*tty Hair and Dunce Face approach me.

“So Bakugo, I see you and Amor came into class together?” sh*tty Face starts off. Wagging his eyebrows.

“Yeah? How’d someone like you bag a beauty like her in a day especially after burning the crap outta her. I could never hurt a woman.” Dunce Face states pissing me off.

“We aren’t together and f*ck off! Like you’d have a damn chance.” I growl and start popping mini explosions in my hands making him back off.

“Chill Bakugo the way you fought was very manly. We were just curious if you liked her.” I turn back to sh*tty Hair.

“GO DIE!” I yell out catching Batty’s attention. She looks at me with a question in those two different colored eyes before she turns back to the notetaking. Her wings rustling as her tail starts making cork screws.

“Bet I could if I just ask her.” Dunce Face glances at her before looking at me. “You call dibs?”

“What do I f*cking care.” I look down at my own notes, clenching my fists so tightly they begin to smoke., as he approaches her.

“Hey there.” She glances up at him confused. Her wings twitch. And her tail wraps around her chair leg.

“Uh hello?” She unsurely murmurs back.

“I was wondering if you were free this weekend. Maybe go to the movies?” Dunce Face tries his hardest to put on this stupid date me face. I roll my eyes, clenching my fists tighter trying not to eavesdrop.

“Oh no sorry I’m not interested in dating. Sorry you wasted your time.” She has a light blush on her face, and is chewing on her bottom lip, one fang poking out again. What I would give to be the one biting those lips… DAMMIT stop right there, f*cking Dunce Face asshole had to go and make her look so f*cking hot. GAH WHY IS THIS HAPPENING! I growl lowly before looking away. Dunce Face comes back over a defeated look on his face. I smirk at him.

“So much for your sh*tty proposal.” He and sh*tty Hair head back to their seats just as Aizawa walks in.

“Alright time to prepare. The Sports Festival is next week.” All the extras cheer. Hmph whatever I'm gonna win anyways.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter Text

-The day of the Sports Festival- Blossom’s POV

“Sorry Amor but you won’t be able to join in this year.” Aizawa says.

“It’s alright I don’t mind, it'll give me a better idea of what next year’s may look like.” I smile at him as we head into the stands. He shows me where I can sit and watch while he heads to the commentator booth. I can feel the excitement from the crowd, all the co-mingling scents overwhelming me, I take a pheromone suppressor with a gulp from my water bottle that Grams gave me for this occasion. No need to make everyone worse. Eventually all the classes come out and I stand by the railing looking at all the friends I had. Bakugo walks up to the stand to say a speech. Oh that can’t be very good.

“I just want to say I’m gonna win.” He looks out onto the crowd as he deadpans. I snicker as all of class 1-A freaks out.

“This is gonna be fun.” My tail wags in excitement, the spade head hitting a chair behind me gently. Suddenly a horn goes off and all the students run into a doorway. I sit back down and watch from the screen, as it begins. I watch as Todoroki freezes everyone and runs out ahead.

“And they're off!.” I cheer as Bakugo, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Aoyama follow behind him. Followed by everyone else. I cheer as they take down robots and watch in amazement as Midoriya beats Todoroki and Bakugo to be the first one out.

“Wooo you go guys!” I scream from the stands knowing they can’t hear me. As the students gather for the second round of the festival, you watch anxiously. Who do I want to cheer on the most? I hope they all win…but I suppose if I had to choose… I think back to Bakugo’s demeanor the day after our battle. I had expected him to be all over me but he didn’t. Did my pheromones have no effect then? I tried discussing it with Grams but she said not to think about it. Maybe he’s just that strong. I wish I understood these feelings. I think back to the rest of that week he either ignored me or I could feel him staring daggers at me when he thought I didn’t notice. We haven’t been paired together since.

“Let’s see what we have in store for you next.” Midnight says as she cracks her whip bringing me out of my thoughts and back to the festival. A cavalry battle? How strange. I watch as everyone starts choosing their teams worrying about Midoriya as he was worth the most points. My anxiety racked up a notch as I watched everyone battling it out. I stretched my wings out as I stood up against the railing once again, watching everyone go after each other. Bakugo’s team didn’t surprise me. I had noticed Kirishima and him had become closer after Kaminari asked me out. I shudder. Ugh that still makes me uncomfortable. I continued watching as Todoroki froze most of the teams and continued straight on for Midoriya, while Bakugo and his team fought some class 1-B students. I heard him scream in rage before he launches himself off of Kirishima and grabs the other students headbands, and then as the other team runs he chases them down. I grip the handles of the railing watching like a hawk as Bakugo uses Sero and Mina’s quirk to slide up on the other and grab the remaining headband. I watched as Todoroki and Midoriya fought for the 10 million headband before… BEEP “TIME”S UP!” Bakugo falls on his face as Present Mic calls out. Making me snicker, I watch the board to see who won. Cheering when Bakugo came in second and when they announced that Midoriya and his team was 4th. I did a happy dance before making my way down to the ground to congratulate everyone.

“MINA! MINA!” I run up to her and give her a huge hug. “Congratulations you were so cool!” She giggled and hugged me back.

“I didn’t really do much though Bakugo only chose me because I could melt Todoroki’s ice.” She sighs.

“Psh your quirk is amazing and you did way more than you think. You totally kicked ass!” I reassured her as we started heading out, she was stopped by Asui so I went over to congratulate Uraraka and Kirishima and then looked around to congratulate Bakugo but I couldn’t find him in the crowd so I followed Kirishima.

In the lunch room I found Mina and Uraraka so I sat down with them and started eating. When Yaoyorozu approached us, apparently Mineta and Kaminari had told her that Aizawa wanted us to wear UA cheerleader outfits like the girls from America and represent UA.

“Uh I’m not technically part of the festival though so I don’t think I'm allowed to…” I look at Uraraka and Mina. They both pin me with puppy dog eyes.

“Please you have to! It’ll be fun with us all together and you're representing the UA!” Mina nods as Uraraka reasons.

“Alright…” I sigh.

-On the field-

I’m surprised I’m not beet red right now. The tight fitting top and short skirt doing nothing to hide my figure, my heart shaped belly button ring on full display, while my tail twitches as we learn it was all a set up by Mineta and Kaminari.
“Let’s make the best of it!” Hagakure jumps up and cheers.

“She’s not wrong, they are kinda cute.” I say swinging my hips giggling. Glad it wasn’t just me in this. I wonder what Bakugo thinks?

Pretty soon everyone was drawing lots for the final tournament. Once that was done, I looked for Bakugo again to no avail, but bumped into Kirishima

“Whoa! Amor you look…” Kirishima stammers out. “Incredible!” His face is tomato red. I giggle.

“Please, it's Blossom and thank you.” I smile at him. Before joining the girls in cheering I look around one last time, bummed I haven’t seen him.

“Who ya looking for? BBBBakugo maybe?” MIna smiles mischievously at me.

“What? NO!”The usual blush rising to my face. She just giggles and we begin cheering.

Soon enough it was time for the finals and we all headed inside.

-In the girls locker room-

“OH NO WAY! SOMEONE STOLE MY CLOTHES!” I’m searching through all the lockers, and my bag and they definitely weren’t here.

“That’s so weird, who took your clothes?” Mina, already changed, was helping me look.

“I bet it was one of those idiot boys!” I growled as my tail lashed from side to side.

“Hey, maybe Yayorozu can make you some!”

“Oh you're right! Where is she?” I glance around, hopeful she’ll still be here. “Oh no she must have already gone down to the stands.” I cringe thinking about who I might run into on the way there.

“Well maybe Bakugo will finally see how cute you are…” I clamp my hand over Mina’s mouth. “Don’t you dare say another word.” I glare at her as she nervously giggles.

I sigh and head towards the lockers.

-The students stands—Bakugo’s POV—

Tch, this is so lame, stuck next to Dunce Face. I stare off into space when all of a sudden I hear a small cough.

“Oh…uh… hey Bakugo have you seen Yaoyorozu?” I glance up at the soft voice only to see…. My god what the f*ck is she WEARING! A CHEERLEADING OUTFIT! She’s….I mean it fits her so well….her belly button is pierced too?.... God does this outfit do wonders….GAH NO NO NONONONONO! I am not going there!

I blink feeling my face flame up and point to the lower right corner. “There.”

“Thank you.” She gives me a fangy grin and continues on down the steps. Her hips and tail swayed seductively. I wonder if she's doing that on purpose. I shake my head trying to get rid of the emotions she’s stirred. Her wings fluttered making her tight shirt rise a bit showing more back. God, even her back is attractive. I didn’t even know I was a back man.

Heh what a view, so glad I stole her clothes. Wanted to see it up close.” I turn to look at Dunce Face as he’s also checking her out before getting super pissed and setting an explosion off in his face then moving to the opposite side away from him. f*cking idiot…good idea though…

I watch as she and Yaoyorozu converse and she walks back up the stairs with clothes, oblivious to how she’s making me feel.

-Student stands 10 minutes later—-Blossom POV—--

Ah all better! I smile and stretch my arms as I make my way back to the stands. I had missed Midoriya’s match but I was just in time for Todoroki’s. I looked for an empty seat when Bakugo caught my eye, rolled his eyes, and then patted the seat next to him.

Weird… well it’s either him or Kaminari so… I start heading towards Bakugo when I catch Mina’s eye and she smirks at me making me blush and almost fall into my seat.

“Oh! Sorry about that, I tripped.” I scramble into my seat thankful Momo, my newest friend, made me leggings. They fit like a glove, and a black t-shirt that was slightly baggy. I noticed Bakugo look over at me before turning away and watching the match. A light blush rose to my face as Mina kept sneaking peeks at us.

“Thank you Bakugo.” I look out to see Todoroki and Sero begin.

“Tch whatever. Better than Dunce Face. That damn Deku won if you’re curious.” Bakugo focuses ahead of us and we sit in silence. I just nod.

“Good for him.”

“Tch whatever. I’ll beat that damn Deku and become the number 1 hero.” He growls out at me. I look at him closely before I nod again. His crimson eyes alight with some unknown emotion.

“I know you will.” Giving him an encouraging smile. He turns red and scoffs.

“Yeah well who asked you Batty.” I pause for a moment. Batty? Is that me? I squeal and jump up and down.

“Ah I have a nickname! Yay!” Bakugo gives me a strange look before focusing on Sero and Todoroki. It wasn’t a long match. Todoroki completely overwhelmed Sero with a powerful ice attack that had me ducking for cover when I felt something warm covering me. I peeked up to see Bakugo’s face next to mine, his bright crimson eyes staring deeply into mine, his arms wrapped around my back, his body in front where the ice was blowing on us. I looked at him shocked and then turned bright red when I realized how close we were to kissing. He did too before quickly sitting back down in his seat, hands in his pockets.

“Don’t.” He says as he sees me go to open my mouth. I frown but press on.

“Thank you.” I smile at him before we look back to see Sero almost completely encased in ice.

“Poor Sero. He didn’t even really get a chance.” I watch as Midnight and Sero are frozen by Todoroki’s ice. That looks super cold. Brrr. Bakugo and I watch Kaminari as he fights a girl with green hair, I glance over at Bakugo as he tenses growling out as he stares at Kaminari. I use the tip of my tail to tickle the back of his neck before snatching it back before he notices I did it 3 more times before he realized it was me and glared at me. Those eyes make my stomach do a weird sort of flip, before we know it his match is over.

“Better knock it off Batty.” His hand pops with small sparks. I giggle and wag the end of my tail to nod in agreement. He rolls his eyes and gets up to prepare for his match.

“Good luck Bakugo.” He just waves his hand as he walks away. I stare at his receding figure until Mina takes his place. She knowingly smirks at me. “Oh no don’t even.” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“What I wasn’t gonna say a word.” She bats her eyes innocently. “I just noticed that he saved you a seat and then may have protected you from some big bad ice is all.” She chuckles and grins from ear to ear. I sigh in bewilderment.

“Yeah he did.”

Finally it was Uraraka and Bakugo’s turn. Uraraka was dodging Bakugo’s attacks. It was like a dance watching them both move. I was on the edge of my chair anxious for both of them when I happened to glance up and see all the rocks she had floating in the air. The Pro Hero who had been booing Bakugo had gotten a stern talking to but if I ever found him, well he might not be able to walk.

"Tch Uraraka is an amazing fighter and booing Bakugo is just bullsh*t! He’s treating her like an equal, not like a girl." I take a deep breath trying to focus back on the match. She releases the rocks and Bakugo lets out a huge explosion. Pushing her away from him, when it looks like the match will continue she falls down making Bakugo the winner. I was excited for Bakugo but my heart ached for Uraraka. I knew how badly she wanted to win.

With that we were onto the final round! Bakugo had made his way back to the students' stands and was making his way to sit next to me again. After being attacked by Kaminari I just had to add my opinion.

“Well I’m glad Bakugo didn’t go easy on her.” I pipe up. “It would’ve done a dishonor to the hard fighting Uraraka went through. If he had gone easy on her and she won it wouldn’t have been a real victory.” Bakugo came to sit next to me.

“I don’t need you to defend me Batty.” He looked into my eyes for a moment before he let out a quiet thank you. It was so soft I thought that I hadn’t heard a thing. I noticed he was slightly grasping his right arm.

“Does it hurt?” I whisper. He looks at me before scoffing.

“I don’t need your help.” I roll my eyes and grab his toned bicep with my tail forcing his forearm into my lap, starting a gentle massage on his forearm. The spade head of my tail patting his head.

“If I can help you in any way I will.” Looking into his crimson eyes again before smiling. He starts blushing and looks away but lets me continue my ministrations until I’m satisfied. “Heh, you're welcome.” He just grunts at me face still red. Is he sick? I kinda regret those blockers right now. Facing back to the front we watch Kirishima and Tetsutetsu fight and then the time came for Midoriya and Todoroki.

Watching them give it their all was awe inspiring, their last moves created an explosion that pushed me into Bakugo, which caused a lot of stuttering as my chest pressed into him. Then as the steam and dust settled Todoroki was proclaimed the victor.. Midoriya looked really injured and was taken to Recovery Girl. I got up and went down to the infirmary to see if there was anything I could do for him. Midoriya looked pretty bad when I walked in. Recovery Girl was kicking everyone out when I piped in.

“If I may, I can try to help you.” She paused and looked at me. I clear my throat. “My quirk can help with energy. I can try to give him some of mine to help you better heal his wounds. I could also try to heal him as well.” She glances at the thinner guy in the room before giving me the go ahead. I pause for a moment using all my strength to pull my energy into my blood. It was more difficult with the blockers in my system but when I felt I had enough I spoke.

“Ok Midoriya this may sound weird but I need you to open your mouth.” He did what I asked and I pricked my finger letting 4 drops of my blood run into his mouth. He jolted like he had been electrocuted.

“Oh wow! I could run a whole race right now!” Recovery Girl looked him over, then glanced at the skinny man.

“That’s some quirk, dearie let me know if you ever want a job in healing.” I blushed and left the room as she was removing his bandages, glad I could help with something but feeling drained. I licked my finger to close the pin prick. Not bad for my first successful energy transfusion, hope he feels better. I make my way up to the stands, once there I’m attacked by Uraraka asking how Midoriya is.

“He’ll be just fine.” I smile reassuringly at her. “Recovery Girl let me help her heal him so he should be right as rain.” I heard Bakugo scoff as I sat down.

“Why would you help that damn Deku.” His glare was more intense than I’ve ever seen. I gulped.

“Because he was seriously hurt. I would do the same for you, you know.” I look down as I’m speaking, my tail wrapping around my arm. I fiddled with the spade before looking back up at Bakugo. He looks confused. Then he just scoffs and we go back to watching more battles.

Before long it was Kirishima and Bakugo, in which Bakugo won, and then it was the final match. Bakugo and Todoroki. Mina had come to sit next to me while Bakugo went to the waiting room.

“So?” I glance at her, giggling at her expression. I brace myself for her questions.

“Go ahead.” I stretch my wings a bit, feeling cramped.

“He is sooo down bad for you girl! Have you seen how he's been all day?” She jumps up and down in her seat excitedly. “Ah its just like a romance novel! You guys are too cute!” She squeals out.

“I don’t think that’s it at all Mina. He’s just being nice like the hero he wants to be. We’re just friends.” She gives me a dumbfounded look.

“GIRL! Are you dumb? Your quirk is succubus and you can’t tell if he’s interested or not?” I scratch the back of my neck in thought.

“A long time ago I thought someone genuinely loved me for me but it was because of my quirk. I won’t make that mistake again.” I look at her, my tail tapping the tips of my wings in a rhythmic motion.

“Girl, I know it's hard but I’m telling you he really likes you and not just because of your quirk.” She looked at me gloomily. I sigh and mumble an ok before we focus back on the match that was about to start. Anxiety welling up in my stomach as I worried for Bakugo and the outcome.

It was a difficult match to watch. Todoroki seemed to only use his ice quirk trying to encase Bakugo in ice. It failed and only seemed to piss Bakugo off more. Just when Todoroki looked like was gonna use his fire side he didn’t letting Bakugo use his move Howitzer Impact to ram Todoroki into his own ice. Making him the winner, which he was very upset about. I released the breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding as Bakugo was screaming at Todoroki. Midnight eventually knocked him out and they were both removed from the arena. Finally it’s over. I’m so excited he won! My tail was slightly wagging. Mina looked over at me snickering at my excitement.

As everyone went down for the awards ceremony, Mina nudged me. “Girl I am so glad this is over I’m so tired!” I nodded exhausted as well even though I wasn’t competing. “Wana exchange numbers?” She waved her phone in my face. I giggled and typed my number into her and Uraraka’s phones. Once in the arena Midnight announced it was time to start and a platform brought up the 3 winners. Bakugo was muzzled and chained to his viciously fighting to get out. Poor Bakugo but he has to learn how to relax. I shook my head as All Might presented the medals and took Bakugo’s muzzle off, causing him to yell and scream. As he tried to fight the medal being placed on him I giggled loudly, he heard it and turned to look at me the moment he did All Might took his chance and got it over his neck. With the last parting words from All Might the Sports Festival was finished!

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter Text

(I know this doesn't follow the anime but I love fluff)

-A week after hero names were chosen-

“Alright guys! Tomorrow we’re off, we should go to the mall before our internships!” Mina stretched as Aizawa went back to sleep under his desk. She stood up waltzing over to Uraraka’s desk.

“Oh my gosh yeah!” Uraraka rushes over to Midoriya and Tenya to invite them. Mina heads over to Kirishima and Kaminari to ask them. Once almost all of the class had agreed it just left me and Bakugo. Mina waves me over where Uraraka and her were standing.

“Hey you're going right?” That sounds more like an order.

“Yeah of course.” I stretch my wings, my tail swaying gently back and forth.

“Perfect! Make sure Bakugo comes too.” I stare at her in shock. “He’ll come if you ask him, besides you need his number anyway and it's the perfect opportunity to get it.” She loudly whispers, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, as I shush her turning red. I sneak a peek at Bakugo only to discover he’s already looking at me. We lock eyes for just a moment before he turns away. I do really wanna see him, Mina’s right this might be the perfect time.

I nervously walk over to Bakugo’s desk, leaning down in front of him slightly. My wings tight against my back while my tail taps softly on the corner of his desk. He stares up at me with red eyes betraying nothing. I gulp before starting.

“Hey Bakugo! Everyone is going to the mall tomorrow, me included, did you..uh.. wanna come?” I manage to squeak out my cheeks heating. He looks at me for a long moment, his piercing crimson eyes revealing nothing about his thoughts.

“Tch whatever.” Deflated, I turn to leave wings and tail drooping.

“Give me your phone.” I whip back around and tilt my head at him, not sure I had heard correctly. He motions for my phone again and I pull it out of my pocket for him. He adds his number to my phone then texts his phone from mine. “Text me the time Batty.” He returns to whatever he was previously doing and I do a mental happy dance, my tail thrashing about.

“Mina I got his number! AND he’s coming so what time?” I look at her smugly as she jumps up and down clapping excitedly. Midoriya and Tenya look confused but I just wave them off.

“10am will be perfect I think.” With all of us agreeing we leave the school. At my Grams house I tell her of my plans and head to my room to pick out my outfit. Flopping on my bed after running through all my choices I grab my phone to watch a movie. Picking one I remember I was supposed to text Bakugo.

Hey! Just wanted you to know the time for tomorrow is 10am


How was your day?

It was fine.

How about you?

It was a good day! Got my outfit all picked out for tomorrow too!

Didn’t know girls really did that sh*t

What are you doing now?

LOL they do and I’m watching Tangled

The f*ck is that? Sounds like sh*t…

AH THE AUDACITY! This is a cinematic piece of art!!!

Just googled it
It looks like sh*t

Lol I was joking Bakugo

Have you seen it?

No do I LOOK like a baby

Oh maybe we could watch it like together sometime

Tch like I would want that

Oh I just thought…well nevermind I probably should let you get going your probably busy

I go back to watching my movie, singing to all the songs and enjoying myself. As the credits roll
my phone vibrates. I stretch out my tail wagging when I see the ID. My heart does a flip.

I guess then I could show you what real
movie taste is.


I giggle and head into the bathroom for a shower and then bed. I fall asleep with a huge smile on my face and a certain blonde haired angry boy on my mind.

-The next day- 9:30am

I have my Grams driver drop me off at the mall. As I step out of the car, I pull my black heart shaped sunglasses off my head. I had left my black hair down the ends curling slightly, I had on a black crop top, fishnet sleeves, a black collar with a silver heart tag dangling from it. My eevee backpack hangs from one shoulder. My short black skirt swayed slightly as I walked my tail wagging in excitement. I had fishnet stocking and my beat up black converses on. I had done just some eyeliner, mascara, and painted my nails black. My lips were covered in a black gloss. I guess Grams was right, dressing like this is empowering. Wonder what Bakugo will think. My silver skull shaped belly button ring glinted in the light as I stepped inside. I giggled when I caught sight of Mina and her jaw literally dropped. She was wearing a baby blue tank top and jean shorts.

“Girl you are gonna kill him today!” I smirked at her exuberant display.

“I don’t know what you're talking about.” I wink and chuckle. I know looks aren’t important but I really wanna dress to impress. Mina and I chat while we wait for the others. Eventually we are joined by everyone except an angry blonde boy. I checked my phone but didn’t see a text from him. To say I was let down was an understatement, it felt like my heart was cracking. I sigh trying to shake off the unwanted feelings and enjoy my day with my friends.

Pink Queen:
OMG glance up! Guess who made it.


I glance up and my heart starts beating overtime. Bakugo is making his way to us. He’s wearing a tight black t-shirt, jeans, and his infamous pissed off look. I can feel the blood in my cheeks heating up as I quickly look at Mina pretending I hadn’t noticed him approaching.

-Bakugo’s POV-

My heart stutters in my chest as I finally lay my eyes on Batty. She’s talking to Mina, her hair let loose for once and her crop top showing off all her curves. I gulp, unable to breathe for a moment as I take her in. Her eyeliner emphasized her beautiful green and yellow eyes. Her tail wrapping around the chair leg. f*ck! Why is she so f*cking gorgeous. Like a damn masterpiece. I catch Kaminari and Mineta checking her out and send a death glare that has both of them scurrying away. When I approach the table she looks up at me and gives me the biggest fangy smile, her lips a delectable black color.

“Hello Bakugo.” Her voice is breathy. The sweet sound makes my chest go warm. I smirk back at her. I get a waft of vanilla and sandalwood. The smell stopping me in my tracks.

“Hey.” I look around at everyone noting they're all staring at me. “What do you want extras? Are we doing this or not?” I grunt out and everyone gets up from the tables. My mouth goes dry when Batty stands up and I realize that her skirt is short. Should be f*cking illegal to look like this. That damn belly button jewelry is just so f*cking delicious…. WHOA NONONO! I’m not going there. Pinky says something that I didn’t hear and the extras all start heading out. Batty hanging back with me. Eevee huh? Figures she’d pick a cutsy Pokemon.

“So an eevee huh?”

-Mina’s POV-

Uraraka and I were towards the front of the group, I glanced back to make sure Bakugo and Blossom were out of hearing distance. They were walking close together Blossom emphasizing something with her hands. Bakugo’s face looked gentle for once.

“Alright Plan Can You Feel The Love Tonight is a go!” I giggle and high five Uraraka. She gestures over to Kirishima, Tenya, and Midoriya.

“Alright boys, you're gonna help us!” They all give us confused looks. I sigh impatiently. “Bakugo loves Blossom but they're both oblivious to it so we're gonna set them up.” Kirishima grins, but Tenya and Midoriya look shocked. And Tenya was supposed to be the smart one.

“WHHHHAAA-” Uraraka clamps a hand over Midoriya’s face.

“SHHHH! Deku do you want to get blown up.” We both quickly glanced back to make sure no one else heard. Once in the clear we returned to our conversation.

“Alright I’m in there’s nothing manlier than true love I figured something was going on Bakugo has been talking about her more than normal!” Kirishima holds up his fist slightly tearing up. Tenya nods and eventually so does Midoriya.

“So how are we gonna do this?” Uraraka glances around and points to a couple places.

“Ok so we're gonna go to the bookstore, then the clothing stores, and then…” I grinned wickedly. “Karaoke. The one true way to bring couples together.”

“What if Bakugo doesn’t go for the singing?” Midoriya was deep in thought as he asked.

“Kirishima will go up and sing with her then he’ll get so jealous that he confesses to her, just like in the movies. I did my research.” I nod triumphantly. As we all agreed the plan was under way!

-Blossom’s POV-

Mina was dragging us all over this mall. We already went to five bookstores, six clothing shops, and were currently sitting in the food court eating. Mina had conveniently placed me next to Bakugo.

“That smells really spicy.” I scrunch my nose at the scent of his ramen wafting towards me.

“Tch you obviously have no taste, dumbass. It isn't spicy enough.” He finishes his ramen, grabs his garbage and tosses it out. Coming back to sit next to me. “What are you eating?” He stares at me, his red eyes bright.

“Hm? Oh my favorite a snow cone!” I wiggle as I take another bite of my cotton candy flavored snow cone. My tail comes up to tap on the back of his chair. He blushes then looks away, confusing me for the hundredth time. He had blushed when I was bent over looking at books, or when I accidentally opened up a very explicit manga. Also when I was looking at boy shorts in one of the clothing stores. Hm wonder if he isn’t feeling good? I wish I knew what he was thinking all I smell is his burnt caramel scent. I’m not getting any readings on his pheromones, although that’s hard when everyone is surrounding me like a blanket. He has such beautiful eyes. I blush as I realize I’m staring at him. I quickly looked at my phone. I had changed my wallpaper to one of Bakugo and me. It was in the bookstore where I was holding up the manga while Bakugo was furious and blushing. My cheeks flush as I remember his body heat so close to mine, his scent enveloping me.

“That’s not food.” I stick my tongue out at him, giggling at his eye roll.

“Is too Sparky.” He sputters on his drink, glaring at me popping off sparks in his hand.

“What did you just say dumbass?” I giggle at his display. He’s so adorable when he’s mad. I lean in slightly to take another whiff of his scent. This is definitely my favorite smell.

“Spar-key. It’s your nickname you gave me on I want you to have one too.” He scoffs and looks away as I smile at him. Before we can continue our rousing conversation Mina stands up.

“Time for karaoke!” Everyone groans.

We headed into the karaoke room Momo had rented. It was large; the couches were a bright red with white walls. Mina had started pairing people up. After about ten minutes she pipes up.

“Alright Blossom and Bakugo your turn!” I blush as she says this, while Bakugo looks ready to explode.

“f*ck NO EXTRA!” It hurt a bit that he didn’t want to sing with me when we had spent pretty much all day together. Mina sighs and shrugs.

“Fine, then Kirishima and Blossom can sing.” I glance at Kirishima as he grins at me and nods, while Bakugo looks ready to kill someone grumbling while he continues to sit.

“Oh, ok so what song?” I head to the remote to pick a song. Mina snatches it out of my hands.

“Ah ah ah I’m picking.” I gulp and nod heading to stand over to Kirishima. The lights started flickering and the first chords of the song started playing, making me blush as I stared up into Kirishima, Mina pushing us into this pose. My tail wiggles when I realize I know the song, I get ready to sing glancing over to my left to see Bakugo directly across from me, his crimson eyes burning into mine.

All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been

I start singing softly into the microphone, tail swaying with my body as I gesture my hand into the air. I look into Kirishima's red eyes as they stare back at me. His pheromones remain the same. I smile at him. Glancing over at Bakugo, my cheeks start heating up.

Now I'm here blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here suddenly I see
Standing here it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new

I hold my hand to my heart as I close my eyes, picturing Bakugo’s piercing eyes. I can feel my quirk starting to activate as I sing. My fangs extend as the hypnotic melody takes me over. My quirk rushed up my throat. Pitching my voice soft, and low.

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

I slowly lower the microphone and open my eyes looking at everyone’s entranced stares making me blush and look back at Kirishima. He’s grinning widely at me as we ignore Bakugo’s furious gaze. I can feel the power just under my skin, glad Kirishima is unaffected by my melody. My body is buzzing and warm. Just like Grams said it would when I truly sing. Kirishima does have very interesting teeth. His shark-like teeth catching and holding my gaze.

All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were

Kirishima takes my hand, staring deep into my eyes as he starts leaning into me. My heart starts to beat faster, my face flushing. His scent breezes toward me, a refreshing beach, still only the smell of burnt caramel has my body going fuzzy and warm. I can feel my pupils dilate as I feel Bakugo’s eyes on me. My wings rustle and my tail slowly slides down my leg.

Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

He twirls me around slowly drawing me to his chest, before spinning me away. I bring my microphone up to start singing the chorus out, hands still interlocked.

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you

I close my eyes hoping Bakugo can feel how much I wish it was him standing here with me. How much I wish it was his hand, his voice and his body I was next to.

Now that I see you

Kirishima pulls me in again and dips me down, both of us chuckling as the song concludes. We bump fists as almost everyone gapes at us. The silence lasted a moment before we got rounds of applause. The only one looking unhappy was Bakugo. Our eyes met and he growls before getting up and storming out. I glance back at Mina who looks a bit panicked before I rush out to find Bakugo, but as I get out the front door he’s already gone. I collapse on the ground, a few tears escaping. My wings and tail drooping. Please I wish you knew how much I wanted it to be you. My heart hurts. Why am I feeling this?

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Chapter Text

-Bakugo’s POV-

I stormed out of the mall. Pissed beyond belief. How dare sh*tty Hair! My Batty! I can’t believe she sang like that with him…I..I… my Batty? Where did that come from? I stopped in my tracks pondering why I had called her mine. I was almost halfway home so I continued walking. I felt my phone vibrate and when I glanced at the ID’s I just lost it all over again. Making my way into my house I headed up to my room and slammed the door.

-Blossom’s POV-

I bid all my friends goodbye and headed back home. I didn’t make it far into the house before my Grams caught me.

“How was the mall?” She glanced at me from over the book she was reading. She was reclined on the couch, her feet on the table.

“It was fine.” I roll my shoulders already wanting to head to my room.

“Good to hear, now I have news for you! Since you don’t have an internship I have decided you’ll work with me at Siren’s Lounge.” She places her book onto the coffee table and pats the couch. I hesitantly take a seat and look at her. Her yellow eyes are practically glowing. “I know it’s not a hero internship but it’ll be fun. Besides, you will be working with a Pro Hero for a couple days, so hopefully that will alleviate your boredom.” Her tail pats my head.

“Ok Grams.” Arguing with her was always hopeless.

“So tell me about him.” I almost jumped out of my seat. She motions to my outfit. “You never dress like this unless you wanna make an impression…so is it that Bakugo boy?” She tilts her head, eyes narrowing. “The one whose blood you tasted?” I gulp before nodding my cheeks bright red. She sighs, taking my hand. She looks older than her age at this moment. “Blossom, I know that pretty soon you're gonna grow up and that there is much we must discuss about your quirk. I want you to know that I see nothing wrong with that boy but be careful. Our quirk is one that many covet either to have or use and you do not need to be mixing with the wrong sort of people.” My eyes narrow, I yank my hand out of hers and storm to my room. Flopping on my bed I ignore my phone. Texting the one person I wanted to hear from.

-First day of internship-

While everyone was meeting their Pro Hero’s I was in the car with Grams heading out to Siren’s Lounge. It was located near a building named Genius Office. “Best Jeanist owns that building.” Grams points to it. “He’s one of our best customers.” We arrived at a large ten story building with tinted windows and black walls. The front logo was a seafoam green circle with an aquamarine mermaid sitting on a rock with waves crashing around her, inside everything was plush and a seafoam green, the walls an off gray with dark green trimmings. I glance around as I take in the paintings that littered the walls.

“Grams?” I look unsure. I glance down to my jeans and Sylveon t-shirt feeling vastly underdressed, my hair in a ponytail and black backpack dangling off my shoulder.

“Not to worry dearest. This is my hotel. Over there is the bar, which you will not enter. That’s where we are going to practice your vocal quirk.” She points over to a large open room with bar stools and people already drinking despite the early hour, across from that room was an even larger room where a stage stood, plush seats all around it, then hands me a card. “This is for your room. It's on the 8th floor, room 69.” She straightens her blouse and walks towards the indoor bridge. “Now you won’t be doing hero work with him but you will assist in any way you can. We will get the introductions out of the way.” She walks along the bridge, her wings hidden under her clothes, her tail swaying with her movements as her skirt floats along her ankles. My wings and tail were twitching by this point outside my clothes. My heart suddenly aching again as it had ever since the karaoke incident. I clasped my shirt and ran to catch up. Grams opened a door that led to an office and we were met with screaming.

“GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!” A gruff voice yelled at a tall blonde man covered almost completely in jeans. I glance at the raised voice to see Bakugo. He was too busy growling and steaming at the man to notice me yet, I felt Grams straighten beside me and cough a bit. Both Bakugo’s and the man’s eyes swiveled to us.

“Ah hello Naomi.” The man walks forward and takes Grams hand kissing her knuckles through his jeans. She glances at Bakugo before looking at the man.

“Hello Best Jeanist, I'm here to introduce you to my granddaughter. She'll be working with you for a couple days.” Grams nods to me and I step forward holding my hand out. Looking at Bakugo as Best Jeanist takes my hand.

“Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He kisses my hand before going to stand next to Bakugo. He looks between us. “Bakugo! Where are your manners?” Bakugo looks even more pissed before he walks towards Grams.

“Tch hello.” He barely glances at me. My heart breaks at the lack of acknowledgement. “I already know her.” He finally says nodding towards me. Just standing there with his hands in his pockets looking bored.

“Hm. I see you have your work cut out for you, Jeanist.” Grams eyes narrow on Bakugo as his hackles raise at her tone. Grams and Jeanist head to his desk, leaving me and Bakugo just standing there.

“Why were you screaming?” I mumble trying to avoid looking at Bakugo, focusing on the plain room. A couple couches and desks were set up on opposite sides. Bakugo’s glare cuts through my defenses.

“What does it matter?” He grumbles before sighing. “He’s trying to brush my hair. This place is a goddamn waste of time.” I tilt my head to look him over. I can see the frustration rolling off of him in waves. My tail curls around my lower right wing.

“Sounds like it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your appearance.” He looks up at me confused, his red eyes searching for something. Before his eyes glided down my form.

“Sylveon huh?” Turning bright red my hackles raised in defense.

“Hey Sylveon can be a tank when properly trained, let me guess you have a Typhlosion.” I stick my tongue out at him, my earlier nerves forgotten for a moment.

“Tch no.” He eyes me before turning around and ignoring me. A moment later Grams and Best Jeanist come out of the office. Heading towards me, Best Jeanist took my hand one more time.

“I can’t wait to work with you but would you mind showing Bakugo to his room, he’ll be staying in Naomi’s hotel.” My eyes widen at the statement, but I nod my head slowly. Grams hands Bakugo a key card and all of us head back to the Siren’s Lounge. Once in the hotel’s check in area Grams turns to me, sighing deeply, her tail barely twitching.

“This is where I leave you dearest. His room is on the card, you both have the rest of the day to yourselves. Best Jeanist expects you bright and early.” She pins her yellow eyes on Bakugp before turning to me, her gaze softening. “Tomorrow evening your training will begin. I will have your costume sent to your room.” Standing stiffly she glares at Bakugo one more time. “Good evening to you both.” She walks toward her office, closing the door behind her.

“Tch I can find my own room.” I sigh before snatching the card out of his hand with my tail. “HEY!”

“Shh people are trying to go about their day.” I giggle softly as I bring the card up to my hand patting my tail.

“Tch lucky I let that happen dumbass.” He grumbles looking annoyed at my tail as we head into the elevator. I glance at the card and gulp. His room is next to mine room 70. The silence in the elevator was deafening. His scent growing increasingly hard to ignore. By the time I had thought of something to say we had reached the 8th floor. I led him to his room.

“My room is 69 right next to yours if you need anything just knock.” I glance at him to see his eyes already on me. We stare at each other for a moment, my heart beating out of my chest, before he nods and grabs his card, heading into his room. I wait for the door to close before sighing and rubbing my chest, the ache in there worse than before. “I need a hot bath.” I slowly walked to my room unaware that Bakugo had been watching from the peephole. After starting my bath I derobed and slid into the hot water, my music blasting in the bathroom. Shifting so my wings and tail were more comfortable I sang along.

-Bakugo’s POV-

As I fell on the bed Batty started blasting some music. It sounded like a rock song, while the lyrics were muffled the thumping of the bass and drums was loud and her vocals as well. f*cking Batty doesn’t she know some people are trying to sleep. I sigh and grab my bag pulling out my Nintendo Switch. I booted up the system and opened my Pokemon game. I grabbed my phone and searched up Sylveon, reading the information I chuckled to myself. Course she chose that one…love huh?... Does she love sh*tty Hair?... Why do I care?... I felt my heart clench painfully and shook my head at the thought. I spent the next half hour focusing on evolving my eevee nicknamed Batty into a Sylveon and keeping her on my team. Tch I’m a goddamn fool! What is wrong with me? I don’t know why it hurts every time I think of her. I’m just gonna ignore her and then this’ll all blow away. She has sh*tty Hair anyway. The thumping of the beat was driving me up the wall. I growled loudly and jumped up, throwing my Switch on the bed, marching over to her door and banging on it. I’m gonna give this f*cking dumbass a piece of my mind.

“Yeah, is it my dress?” She opens the door and I lose all semblance of my sanity. Her long black hair was stuck to her bare shoulders, water dripping down her neck to the swell of her breasts that were covered in a towel. Her legs and feet were bare. Her wings looked soaked and softer than before. The scent of vanilla and sandalwood overpowering me. She answered the door f*ckING NAKED!.... Holy sh*t she’s so beautiful… God I wanna lick that water drop. sh*t focus…She’s a beautiful shade of red…her tail is making her towel rise up her thighs…sh*t sh*t sh*t… I could feel my face heating up as I stared at her. Once she realized who it was at her door she turned a bright red and hid behind the door.

“Um…yes Sparky?” She mumbled peeking at me. Her green and yellow eyes wide, I glance again at her wet shoulders desperate to bite them. That nickname. My heart clenched at the sound of it.

“Uh…uh…music…loud…” Was all I could get out as I followed another droplet down her arm. Her tail wiggled furiously causing her towel to loosen around her thighs showing more and more skin as she moved a bit away from the door.

“Oh I’m so sorry I’ll turn it down immediately! Goodnight Sparky.” She squeaked and closed the door quickly. I was left standing in the hallways trying to remember how to walk. When I finally managed to get to my bed, I tossed and turned trying to push thoughts of fangs and wet, naked skin out of my head. The last thought I had before darkness finally took me was: I’m screwed.

-The next day—-Blossom’s POV—

Grams had me running errands most of the day. The dress had finally been delivered by one of the housekeepers. It was a black mermaid dress with a small hole cut into the front, it had swoopy sleeves attached to the small collar of the dress, and the black faded into an aquamarine color. It was gorgeous. I was terrified of tonight Grams had been very vague on what I would be doing. Finally after running papers back and forth I was given a break. I was in the lounge area itself staring at the stage while I silently ate. My mind wandered before settling on Bakugo again for the hundredth time. Blushing furiously I remember the way he looked at me when I answered the door. He looked like he wanted to tear my towel off and eat me. A shiver rolls down my spine followed by a rush of warmth before looking at my phone.

Sharkboy: Hey, how's it going?

Blossom: It looks like I’m right next door to Bakugo.

Sharkboy: Awesome I’m sure it’ll be fun!

Blossom: HAHA yeah right

Sharkboy: :(

I sigh before opening Mina’s.

Pink Queen: Hey girl, how's the hotel?

Siren: It’s good, how's your internship?

Pink Queen: SO BORING!!!!!

Siren: Sorry to hear.

I considered letting her know about the towel incident but decided it's better to wait. I finish eating my performance time drawing nearer. I head back to my room to grab the dress before heading to the dressing room of the lounge.

–10 minutes later—

I sigh as Grams assistant helps me into the dress. It’s very form fitting accentuating every curve on my body. I slowly turn, feeling like a princess mermaid, then strapping black wedges to my feet. My black nail polish sparkling in the light. Her assistant starts putting some makeup on me. When she’s finished I have a smokey eye, flawless eyeliner wings and pouty red lips.

“Gorgeous as always dearest.” I turn to see Grams heading towards me. “Now remember when you sing you will get all warm. You must use your intuition on how the song flows to properly activate your quirk and draw the crowd in, then once you have them use your vocals and pitch to make them feel how you feel. Just let Yuki know which song you want and she’ll have it ready for you.” I nod my head, too nervous to speak. Grams nods to Yuki and leaves.

—Bakugo’s POV–

I sigh in disappointment. Best Jeanist was a mistake. All he did today was brush my f*cking hair and all I could think about was f*cking Batty. I trudged over into the lounge, ordered dinner, and then just sat trying to fix my hair. I was staring off into space when the lights suddenly dimmed. The waiter delivered my food before a beautiful melody started playing, then she stepped out.

-Blossom’s POV-

I take a deep breath listening to the music before stepping out. The spotlight was on me and its brightness prevented me from seeing anyone. I took a deep breath, brought the microphone to my mouth, and started singing. Bringing my other hand to clasp the microphone, I settle them over my chest.

It’s easy to push me away from you

Easy to say you want be left on your own

Yet somehow I can’t help but see how your eyes shy away

Your hands seal the entrance and path to your heart

I close my eyes feeling my blood rush, opening them to look at the crowd, my hand stretching out to them feeling such agony and sadness. I try to focus, my own sadness rising to meet them. I can feel the energy in the air. My heart is aching.

Anger kept fear and the sadness you feel

Under the surface for so long

Locked that room, you keep it inside

Lend me your voice

Words you try so hard to forget, they’ll break through the silence

Bring me close

Let me see the past you regret deep down below

Show it all


I twirl slowly and reach my hand out towards the sky, letting the emotions of the crowd flow into me. Washing me in their fears before trying to change what I felt and release it back into the crowd. I take a step towards the crowd, the spotlight following.

It’s not so hard living all by yourself

It isn’t hard, yes I know that’s what you’ll say

It’s what you have told yourself over and

Over again in darkness

You try to hold back all the thoughts

I bring my hand to my chest absently rubbing over the dull ache that had once again settled. Thinking of my feelings for Bakugo. How I wish he could see me. I smile when I think of his chuckles.

But you know, I just want you as you are

Just the you that I see right before me

It’s all that has been on my mind

Focusing on the rush of strong energy that attached to me, I think of Bakugo of how I would sing this if he was here. Please I want you to notice me, I want it so badly. Feel what I feel. Clenching my hand in a fist over my heart. I could feel my energy reaching out and touching the crowd. I grow determined and focus on the crowd. That energy from before rushing to meet me again I feel it intermixing with mine.

Lend me your voice

Let me see your face, let me start to show you what I see

Bring me close

Let me feel the beat of your heart, the secret you bury

Lend me your voice!

Anything you want to say, I’ll be right here, I’ll listen so tell me

Open the door

Let me come and sit by the fire, just let me come close to your heart


–Bakugo’s POV-

It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. The way her voice pitched and flowed with the music. To say I was stunned was an understatement, her dress twirling with her every movement, her wings and tail for once not twitching. She looked so serene. Her face is a picture of an angel. Every emotion is on display for me. From her little smile to her determined eyes as she focused on the crowd. I felt that dull pang in my chest and rubbed it at the same time as she did. Then it felt like some type of energy was reaching for me and when my energy met it… Like nothing I’ve ever felt before…What is this?...Do I love her? Is that possible? But sh*tty Hair, can I do that to him?... I looked at her eyes as she finished the song. Such sadness didn’t belong there. I’d do anything in my power to fix it. Sighing in defeat I start eating knowing I’d never be able to stay away from her.

-Grams POV-

As Blossom started singing I glanced at the crowd, my gaze focused on the Bakugo boy when I spotted him. Feeling her use her voice and the energy change and become something else was the proudest moment of my life. The crowd’s energy was responding well to hers. I watched as she rubbed her chest, quickly looking over to see Bakugo do the same. I narrow my eyes, focusing my quirk. They widen when I feel the energy’s clash and intermingle becoming something else entirely.


-Blossom’s POV-

I slowly trudged up to my room. Grams had dismissed me with a curt nod and a ‘job well done’ but I was exhausted from the energy it took for me to use my quirk draining. I clean my face and crawl into bed hoping Grams will give me a recovery day. I fell asleep instantly.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Chapter Text

-A couple days later- Blossom’s POV

I had been following one of Best Jeanist’s sidekicks for half the day. He was a young looking guy with a greasy attitude. He had already tried groping me twice and his eyes raked over my figure every 5 minutes.. My plain black t-shirt and jeans make me wish for sweats and an oversized hoodie. I cringed as he called for me again. Heading towards his office I bumped into Sparky.

“Oh sorry! Hey Sparky, did you have a good patrol?” I grin at him. The jeans that he was forced into fit him like a glove and made me catch my breath, while his costume top defined all his muscles perfectly. He turns red and then glances at the office door. The sidekick had come out to investigate. My grin quickly slides off my face.

“There you are, I've been calling you.” He walks up towards me and grabs my arm. I yelp out in surprise and before I can blink Bakugo has him pinned to the ground with small explosions going off near his face.

“f*cking touch her again I dare you.” His tone is scary calm. The guy starts yelling at Bakugo but before he could do anything Best Jeanist ran out separating them and bringing us into his office.

“What happened? Bakugo, we don't attack other heroes!” Bakugo looks annoyed. I notice the sidekick trying to sidle up to me so I step closer to Bakugo who moves me to his other side, glancing at my face before touching my cheek. My tail wraps around his arm, startling him. Our eyes meet red clashing with green and yellow, and it feels like my breath has been sucked away. He looks away first glancing at the sidekick.

“He was trying to protect me, and that guy grabbed my arm. He’s been trying to touch me all day.” Said sidekick was looking at us pissed off. Bakugo shoots out mini explosions as his temper rises. My tail starts a slow rubbing motion to help him remain calm. He glances at me before looking away, red faced again. Burnt caramel. I missed this scent, there’s something underneath though I can’t quite place.

“She’s lying.” He hissed out.

“Shut your f*cking trap Batty never lies.” Somehow his words warm me. Best Jeanist looks between us all.

“Bakugo, Amor, you are excused. I am terribly sorry this happened. I’ll see you tomorrow Bakugo.” He nods us towards the door before turning to the stunned sidekick. “As for you, we need to have some words.”

Bakugo closes the door on Best Jeanists' rant and we’re left in the hallway. “Are you ok?” He asks me softly. I untwist my tail from his arm and take a step back, missing his warmth.

“Yeah a little shaken up but I’m alright.” I give him my best smile. He glares at me closely.

“Tch liar, come on.” He grabs my wrist marching us out of the hotel and a bit down the street. I giggle quietly as I watch him walk in front of me, his hold on my wrist never faltering. Soon enough he stopped us in front of a shop. My tail starts to furiously wag as I realize where we are.

“Really? You mean it?” I clasp my hands in front of my face giving him my best puppy dog stare. He looks at me before blushing and walking in. I skip in behind him humming happily.

“Oi pick something already.” He rolls his eyes as I look over the menu. We ordered our snow cones and then took a seat at a table waiting for them to come out. “I’ve been dying to come here forever thank you so much.” A genuine smile lights up my face, I can feel my fangs poking my bottom lip.

“So who was that Naomi hag with you?” I tilt my head to the side, surprised by his question.

“Hag? She’s gorgeous and she’s my Grams.” I thank the waiter for bringing my food and he starts trying to chat with me. I laugh when Bakugo glares at him, making him leave. Bakugo looks at me annoyed.

“What? He was obviously trying to flirt with you.” I chuckle again taking a bite of my snow cone. Wiggling in excitement, my tail comes up to touch Bakugo’s hand. His skin is rough and calloused, but warmer than I expected.

“I don’t think so and oops sorry this thing can have a mind of its own.” I point to my tail. Bakugo humphs again before taking a bite, his face crunching up in disgust before he spits his out.

“f*cking nasty. Too sweet. And he definitely was your just too dumb to see it.” He pushes it towards me. I hesitantly take it and finish it rolling my eyes at his comment on my intelligence. We start making our way back to the hotel. My tail grabbing onto his hand, he glances at it for a second then continues walking letting it hold his hand. Making me blush at the feeling of his skin caressing it. The heavy scent of burnt caramel made me forget how to walk a couple times. Finally we make it to the hotel and up to our rooms. He pauses in front of my room, extracting his hand from my tail.

“Um… Did you want to come inside and maybe…uh… watch a movie?” I ask him from under my lashes, not daring to glance at him.

“Sure, let me get changed first.” He walks toward his room and I turn and enter mine. Blushing, I screech before grabbing my pajamas, at-shirt and shorts, to change, starting up the tv. I had it opened to a streaming service before I heard a gentle knock on the door. Jumping up and almost tripping, I answer in excitement. Bakugo is standing there in a black tank top and black sweats.

“Hey come on in!” I opened it wider for him. He enters holding a switch case then proceeds to sit on my bed. “AH I see you’ve brought your switch have you come to be defeated by my awesome Sylveon?” I bat my eyelashes at him. He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“As if.” I giggled, it took a while but we had chosen Beauty and the Beast to watch. I was laying on the bed on my stomach while he was reclined against the headboard arms resting behind his head. My tail was wiggling and tapping my wings as I stretched one of them out. The beast had just yelled at Belle and she was running from the castle.

“Tch stupid girl.” I turned around to look at Bakugo, shocked.

“What?” He kept his eyes focused on the movie.

“She’s dumb, he had every right to be upset and she just runs away. f*cking coward.” I tilt my head but go back to watching the movie. My other wing starts twitching so I stretch it out over Bakugo’s legs letting them both dangle off the bed. Slowly my head starts dropping onto the pillow I was holding. Bakugo’s scent filled my lungs.

-Bakugo’s POV-

“Hey dumbass, your wings are on me.” I nudge Batty trying to get her attention. I watched as Belle was saved by the Beast and nursed back to health. Her wings are so warm… I jump as I feel her tail come up to twist around my hand. “Batty? Oi your f*cking tail is on me.” I nudge her with my foot only to notice she’s asleep. I roll my eyes but then return to the movie as Belle and the Beast dance. I guess this isn’t as sh*tty as I thought. I slowly rub circles along her tail, making her wings twitch. I finish the movie, hopeful as the Beast and Belle are finally together, and manage to move her wings enough to grab the remote. I turn the tv off before covering her with a blanket, I hesitate by the bedside debating on if I should leave when her tail shoots out and grabs my arm. I sigh in defeat before climbing carefully into bed. I rub her tail and her wing rises enough so I can scoot in the bed facing her. I yawn, her soft wing envelopes me as she drops it. My eyes close slowly as I stare at her precious sleeping face. Her unique scent filled my lungs and eases the pain in my chest. I am awoken by my phone vibrating. I yawn and try to reach for it, realizing that Batty had moved in her sleep and was now cuddled up against me, her head on my chest, her arm wrapped around my stomach and her thigh pressing up against my hip. Her shirt had ridden up exposing her side, I carefully dug into my pocket for my phone and read the message bleary eyed.

Best Jeanist: Take the day off. I have a lot of paperwork to do on the now fired sidekick.

Bakugo: Ok sir.

I toss my phone on the chair nearby and yawn again feeling Batty nestle more into my side, her leg coming up to wrap over my stomach. My heart pumps faster as I realize I can feel the heat of her core against my hip making my body respond on its own with tightening pants. Her scent seemed to subtly change to a spicier vanilla, panicking I twist away from her and fall onto the floor. Startled awake she sleepily looks at me before yawning and reaching out to help me up. I look at her hand for a moment before grabbing it. She pulls me back into the bed and tucks her wing around me before going back to sleep. Her breathing on my neck finally relaxes me enough that I fall asleep again.

-Blossom’s POV-

I yawn before rubbing my eyes as I try to sit up. I realize I’m pinned to the bed. I glance over and feel my face heat up as I realize Bakugo is on top of me, his leg tossed over my thighs, his body pressed tightly against mine and his arm wrapped around my stomach, hand holding my tail. As he starts rubbing it I go even more red, stifling my groans. I carefully extract myself from his embrace and run into the shower, closing the door I lean against it looking upwards. Burnt caramel follows me into the bathroom. I hold my shirt up to my nose, inhaling deeply.

“I can’t believe Bakugo and I were cuddling.” A chill raced up my spine and that ever present ache in my chest was gone for the moment. Wiggling like an excited puppy I opened the door and snuck a peek at Bakugo. His tank top had ridden up and he was on his back, part of his abs were on display and my mouth watered. His face though looked so peaceful especially when there was no frown or snarl maring his face. I walked toward the chair and grabbed my switch, settling in on my Pokemon game waiting for Sparky to wake up. He finally woke up after breakfast had been delivered Grams had texted me telling me to take the day off after being sexually harrassed, so I could spend the day relaxing. I had just finished my food when Bakugo woke up and yawned, glancing at me then the food. I went back to my game while he ate, enjoying the silence between us for once my heart light.

“Playing Pokemon?” I glance up at his intent stare. Shifting in my seat I nod unable to communicate as the lights hit his eyes making them glow, and drying out my mouth. “Bet my team will beat yours.” He grins at me and grabs his switch.

“It’s on.” I grin back.

We face each other as we choose our teams. I stretch my wings and shake my tail, noticing how he was watching before jumping back on the bed. He grinned before jumping onto the bed.

“Ready?” I nod once again unable to speak. “Such cutesy Pokemon I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” He mocks my team as we start our fight.

“A Typhlosion? How original.” I return dryly, he looks annoyed as my Marill ko’s his Pokemon, but his next one gives me pause.

“A Sylveon?” I glance at him and a blush dusts his cheeks. I decided to ignore the fact she had my nickname. I grin as he destroys my team, my heart surprisingly full and light.

“Told you they were tanks if trained right.” My tail wags in excitement as I stretch out my wings.

“Tch whatever you still lost.” He sounds so smug.

“Yeah but it was fun.” I whine looking at him he had moved to put his switch away, turning around to look at me, he smirks and then creeps up. “What are you doing?” Concern is etched on my features.

“Ah nothing.” He continues his obvious creeping before jumping on me pinning my legs to the bed and starts tickling me. I laugh until I’m breathless.

“B-baku-go…ppp-pplea-sse…” I huff out between gasps. His tickling is relentless.

“Come on, say I’m the best. Then I’ll stop.” I look up into his eyes and see nothing but happiness there. It makes my heart do a flip settling somewhere near my stomach.

“Y-you’re t-t-the…bbbbest!” I manage to shout out and he stops tickling me and starts laughing himself then collapses on top of me. For once a genuine smile on his face. When he finally manages to pull himself up our lips are only inches away, his crimson eyes stare into my duo-colored ones. Every emotion I feel is staring back at me at this moment. I can feel him start to lean down closer to my lips preparing to kiss me and then…. BABY SHARK DOO DOO DO DOO DOO….

Groaning, he gets up and hands me my phone. I look at the caller ID, and smile.

“What the hell kinda ringtone is that?” He gruffly states, looking annoyed and pissed off.

“It’s Kirishima. I must have forgotten to turn off my ringtone. I'm sorry.” I look at him apologetically, All of a sudden he tenses and grabs his things before storming out of my room. Leaving me feeling unsure and confused about what just happened. Noticing Kirishima left me a voicemail, I listened to it. After answering him back I sigh and head into the shower. Bakugo disappears for the rest of the day.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Chapter Text

-Blossom’s POV-

Soon enough the internships were over and we were all back at class. I was listening to Asui, Mina and Uraraka talking about their internships. Glancing over at Bakugo every couple of minutes his hair had lost its signature spikiness thanks to Best Jeanist. He ignored me for the rest of our internships which left me more hurt and confused then I had ever been. The dull ache in my heart was a constant by now and rubbing it seemed to be the only way to help. I overheard Kaminari and Deku talking about Stain. Sighing I start doodling in my notebook.

“Hey Mermaid, how's it going?” I glance up at Kirishima, grinning.

“That my nickname Sharkboy?” He gives me a wide grin before we fist bump. “All Might wants us to get changed and head to the training area.” I nod at him and stand up grabbing my hero costume. I glance over as I feel eyes burning holes in my back, to see Bakugo fuming before pushing past Kirishima shoulder checking him. Kirishima and I look at each other confused before he shrugs and we head out. Once I was in my costume, which was a black leotard with short sleeves, a seafoam green utility belt and fishnet tights. Covering my feet were black steel toed boots. For dramatic effect I also had a black cape buttoned at my neck concealing my wings and all but the tip of my tail. Listening to All Might he paired us into groups for this race. The first group was Tenya, Mina, Midoriya, Sero, and Ojiro. Our task was to race against each other and get to All Might first.

“I know Deku is gonna be last.” Bakugo stated, I nodded as we watched the screen. We were all shocked when Midoriya pulled ahead his jumps looking just like….I glanced at Bakugo as I felt the rage radiating from him. We watched as Midoriya slipped and Sero made it to All Might first. As I watched the others I marveled at how much they had grown. For my group Bakugo had won, I was a close third with my wings helping me glide through the air currents, and that was the class we all headed into the respective changing rooms.

“Blossom so how was working with your Grams?” Mina was in the middle of pulling her shirt off.

“It was…unexpected but I did work on the vocal aspect of my quirk though.” I smile reminding myself that I would have to tell her everything that happened later. All of a sudden Jiro shushed us and her earphone jack went through the wall and a piercing scream was heard from the other side.

“Ugh peeping toms so gross!” I spat out.

“Thanks Jiro.” Momo said as she was pulling her skirt on. We went through a couple more classes and just like that school was over. We all headed home. I ate dinner and spent the rest of the night texting Mina and Uraraka everything that happened with my internship.

-The next day-

“There's one week left before final exams, I’m sure you're all studying constantly right?” Aizawa states as the last bell of the day rings. Everyone was chatting after class about study groups. Momo had a large group of people wanting to study with her. I had come in 8th in the midterms so I wasn’t too worried.. I was packing up my stuff and getting ready to head out to lunch. I was wondering what a training camp would be like and what our practical might entail. At lunch I noticed Bakugo sitting by himself so I grabbed my food and took a seat.

“Get lost dumbass.” He glanced up from his phone to glare at me before looking back down. I roll my eyes and place my tray on the table sitting down.

“Can you help me study please.” I stab at my food and take a bite, looking anywhere but at him. He looks surprised. “My math isn’t very good and I know you excel at that.”

“Why not ask Ponytail.” He gestures to Momo who’s surrounded by people. For a moment his eyes soften showing what could be sadness before redirecting his sharp gaze on me.

“Because as much as I love Momo she can over explain. From what I’ve seen your explanations are much simpler.” He looks at me surprised again before nodding.

“Whatever.” I grin widely at him before taking another bite and my tail starts wagging. He glances at it before smirking and eating his food.

“Hey guys so we're all gonna be study buddies!” Kirishima plops down next to Bakugo grinning widely. Bakugo rolls his eyes and starts concentrating on his phone.

“We’ll all meet later at a nearby restaurant, got it extras?” Bakugo grunts out before rising from his seat and walks away before we can agree.

-Later that day-

I had headed home and changed into shorts and a tank top before grabbing my backpack and rushing out heading to the destination Bakugo had texted me. Once I entered the shop I looked around and spotted Bakugo alone.

“Hey!” I walk up to the table smiling. Bakugo looks up and starts blushing before looking back down. I go to scoot into the opposite bench seat from Bakugo when Kirishima runs up.

“Hey guys! Ready to study?” Bakugo leaps up faster than I’ve ever seen and pushes me into his bench seat.

“You there.” He motions for Kirishima to take the opposite bench. Once Kirishima was seated he slid in next to me. Kirishima looks oblivious as the tension slowly builds between Bakugo and I. His burnt caramel scent invading my nose and settling in my lungs.

“Alright let's get started.” And so we began. Although a couple hours later Bakugo was beating Kirishima with rolled up paper. I felt confident in what he had shown me and when I went to sleep that night I was excited for a test for once.

-3 days later-

It was time for our practical exam. Everyone was panicking as Principal Nezu was explaining that we would be paired up and fighting against the teachers. Honestly I was terrified. Aizawa was pairing everyone together.

“Midoriya and Bakugo and Amor. Since there is an uneven number you three will all be together.” As he finished his sentence All Might came flying down and landing. f*ck my life. Bakugo and Midoriya, how is this gonna work? Against All Might. Our match was the 10th one. After All Might and Aizawa explained their handicap and how to either run or handcuff them it was time. Kirishima and Sato were up first. Just as Midoriya was about to talk to us, Bakugo grabbed my arm and walked away. I watched as Midoriya looked dejected and headed inside to watch.

“Sparky I think…”

“I don’t wanna hear it.” He lets go of me to sit down on the ground. I stay standing, my tail curling into itself.

“But strategizing is a good idea. We need to all get on the same page. All Might is strong.” I stretch my wings and tangle my fingers together. He grunts at me before closing his eyes. I tilt my head at him, shocked. Is he taking a nap? For real I know he doesn’t like Midoriya but… I sigh and reach out to shake him when he grabs my arm and shoots up.

“Don’t f*cking touch me.” The fury in his voice makes me quake. “I’m not doing sh*t for that damned Deku and if you knew better you wouldn’t either. I’ll beat All Might myself.” Feeling my eyes well up I pull my arm out of his grasp.

“By yourself huh? Do you think I am as useless as Midoriya? Am I nothing more than a burden? AM I THAT WORTHLESS?” I bare my fangs at him in anger, my wings flaring out and tail lasing angrily. “Fine, do it yourself then.” I turn and quickly walk away leaving him stunned. The ache in my pain grows as I silently cry. I make my way to Midoriya. Feeling my heart break with every step. Finding him with Recovery Girl and Uraraka, I watch the ending of Tokoyami and Tsu’s battle.

“Hey Midoriya, let's strategize.” He nods at me in determination.

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Chapter Text

We entered the battlefield at last. Bakugo glaring at Midoriya. I sigh and watch as he storms off into the area. Midoriya and I hang back as he marches on. I sniff the air trying to see if All Might is giving off anything I can use. I glance at Midoriya who looks lost in thought. Suddenly he runs up and tries to speak to Bakugo, trying to convince him of our early strategy.

“Midoriya is right, we can't fight All Might. He’s too strong.” I reach out to grab his shoulder before retracting my hand. Bakugo’s eyes snap up to mine and for a second I see regret and shame? My tail brushes his arm making him jerk back.

“STOP FOLLOWING ME!” He grounds out hissing at Midoriya. “I’m not running away from this fight.” As Midoriya kept trying to reason with him Bakugo lashed out and smacked him in the mouth knocking him back, I gasped and ran to check on Midoriya. The ache in my chest flaring as I meet Bakugo’s eyes as I’m crouched over Midoriya.

“What the f*ck Bakugo!? He’s our teammate!” I kneel down to look at Midoriya’s mouth. Brushing my hand along his nose making sure it isn’t broken I shoot a glare at Bakugo, who only looks enraged. The pain in my chest increases for a moment as I rub my chest, Bakugo copying my movements.

“I don’t want to hear another word.” As Bakugo turns and continues to move forward I help Midoriya stand as he tries yet again to get through to Bakugo. “Tch figures you’d support that damn Deku. What is he to you? What am I?” He whispers, making me question if it was just my imagination. As they started yelling at each other a huge gust of wind knocked us all off the ground, my wings didn’t close fully in time and I was pushed farther away ramming into a street light knocking the air from my lungs. Bakugo and Midoriya stop rolling and look back at me as I try to stand both with worried looks. Bakugo takes a step forward before hesitating.

“Who cares if I destroy this whole city?” All Might appears from the clearing smoke, freezing me in place. The pheromones his bloodlust gives off makes me dizzy. I can feel my own bloodlust rise up in response. The sheer power he radiates is insane. What are we gonna do? Midoriya runs over to me yelling at Bakugo as All Might attacks, grabbing his face while Bakugo blasts him and then slams him into the ground. Panic sets in my heart as I hear Bakugo wheeze. Some long buried instinct takes over, I snarl and race towards All Might. Using his pheromones I try to off balance him and it works for a moment before he grabs my neck and slams me into the ground as well next to Bakugo. I groan and roll on my side facing him. sh*t… that f*cking hurt…think one of my wings is torn or broken…

“Drink…” I blink in disbelief as Bakugo slowly reaches for me. “From…me…” I hesitate before nodding, grasping his hand.

“Ok Sparky…I’m sorry.” I bite into his arm, draining his blood, the taste overwhelming me. The scent of burnt caramel and something more filling my lungs. My bloodlust taking over for a moment, I push what energy I had into him as I fed. All of a sudden I feel a thread in his energy attaching to my own. I try to shake it off but the ache in my chest spikes before fading away completely. While Midoriya distracts All Might, Bakugo nudges for me to stop, I reluctantly do so and we both stand. Bakugo looked more energized, while most of my minor injuries had healed. The break in my wing had healed but was still oozing blood from the membrane near the top.

“I have a plan but you need to listen to me…please?” I pitch my voice low as Bakugo hesitantly nods. I whisper quickly, before moving around Bakugo launches himself at All Might as he’s distracted with Midoriya. All Might creates another gust and as Bakugo and Midoriya argue he nails him to the ground with some scrap metal, Bakugo launches an attack and All Might punches him in the stomach. I swear I felt it in mine as a sidle up behind a building before launching myself into the sky, drops of blood falling.

“Ah ah little lady. Not so fast.” All Might jumps up intending to grab me, snapping my wings close, I drop on him and twist at the last minute to attach to his back immediately latching onto his neck and taking his blood. Wrapping my tail around his arm and squeezing. I drink deeply, sapping as much energy as I can for my next move. All Might manages to yank on my tail making me release his neck and he sends me flying into Bakugo, his arms instinctively cage me to his chest as we are knocked down. I pant on top of him. I can still feel the thread can he? Our eyes lock for just a moment, a blush rising on his face as I straddle him.

“S-sorry.” I pat his chest as we both try to stand All Might slowly walking towards us. I turn and start beating my wings, releasing as many pheromones as I can. As he continues his approach he starts speaking to Bakugo. He stops right next to me and grabs my throat. Bakugo growls loudly, still trying to stand.

“Nice try.” He continues holding me as he speaks to Bakugo. I panic as I see him raise a fist to Bakugo. Only to watch in horror as Midoriya punches Bakugo. All Might and I stare at them stunned. Thinking quickly I bite down hard on All Might's hand and he lets me go yelping in surprise. I run towards Midoriya as he grabs Bakugo and we run. No surprise they argue as we run Bakugo punches him and they both fall over. Leaving me the only one standing, my injured wing starts drooping, the pain intensifying blood flowing out. I focus on storing the energy I had stolen from All Might.

“I can't think of a way to beat All Might Kacchan.” Midoriya starts off, surprising me. He goes on to talk about being kids when Bakugo punches the wall.I cringe and take a step forward to calm them both, the rage he releases is intense. I watch as Bakugo relays a plan that he had just come up with stunning me and Midoriya. As Midoriya moves into position Bakugo hangs back looking intently at me.

“You ok?” He glances at my torn wing. I look into his red eyes nodding. He pats my head gently as I start moving into position. My heart clenches painfully and I flush.

“Thank you Sparky I knew you had it in you.” I grab his arm squeezing lightly before I start climbing the walls to the nearest roof. Bakugo runs out and starts blasting at All Might then calls for Midoriya who jumps out from behind All Might and blasts him with one of Bakugo’s gauntlets. I launch myself off the highest roof and fly towards Bakugo, he jumps up, and I grab his hand followed by Midoriya’s hand.

“Now Bakugo!” Holding their hands Bakugo launches blasts pushing us faster towards the escape door. I flap my wings directing us as we continue flying, banking when necessary cursing my inability to properly fly. “We’re almost there! Just a little further.” I struggle to hold both boys as we get closer sniffing for the pheromones I released on All Might. I gasp as he appears right next to me, he destroys both of Bakugo’s gauntlets and hits my injured wing making me drop them and slam into the ground gasping, as I land on my injured wing I fight back a scream, the world going black for a second. This is All Might with a f*cking handicap? Jesus…

“DON’T f*ckING TOUCH HER!” The rage coming off of Bakugo makes me cringe again. As he starts attacking All Might. Watching Bakugo and Midoriya both trying to stop All Might and getting beat down hurt my heart, both of them trying their hardest and working together. Finally… I close my eyes as another wave of pain overtakes my body. I watch as Bakugo launches Midoriya at the escape but gets knocked down by All Might into a bus. I wince in sympathy. Bakugo tries one last attempt before All Might slams him into the ground.

“Time to sleep Young Bakugo.” Midoriya and I look at them as Bakugo speaks. Trying to gather my wits and the stored energy I scent All Might again snarling as I hurl my pheromones at him.

“I’ll destroy myself before I accept defeat at your hands.” My heart ached at his words, the pain growing. The energy finally flooding my veins gives me courage and strength. I take a deep breath and slowly stand up.

“T-this ends now.” I inhale deeply. I snap out my wings, fangs bared, and tail lashing back and forth as I release more pheromones stopping All Might. As he approaches I feel that strange energy from that day at the Siren’s Lounge engulf me.

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night

Just call my name, I'm yours to tame

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night

I'm wide awake, I crave your taste

All night long 'til morning comes

I'm getting what is mine, you gon' get yours, oh no, ooh

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, oh

I sing loudly, making him stop in his tracks. My throat aching from the volume I push all of my pain and frustration into the song. His eyes glaze over and a wave of reassurance hits me. As I have him lulled Midoriya activates his quirk and punches All Might bringing him to his knees, I run and grab Bakugo heaving him in between my wings, tail wrapped firming around his waist, and run for the escape. Midoriya quickly follows me as we make it through the exit and complete the match. Collapsing we are all carried to Recovery Girl. I insist she heals Bakugo first looking over as she kisses him, jealousy rising up I barely contain my growl. She moves onto Midoriya and heals him as well. Plopping on a bed nearest to Bakugo I wave her away having used too much of my quirk, the thought of being touched making my stomach roll I bandage my wing and pull the curtains to give myself privacy. Closing my eyes I scent the air for burnt caramel and drift off to sleep.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Chapter Text

-Blossom’s POV-

Before class had started Mina was panicking about failing the practical, along with Kirishima and Kaminari.

“Mina it’ll be alright.” I try to calm her as she’s crying. She had failed the practical and was worried that she wouldn’t be going to training camp with the rest of us.

“You’ll have to tell me all your cool stories.” She says between sobs. Sero chiming in to give some comfort, as he was speaking the door opened to reveal Aizawa.

“When the bell rings you should be in your seats. Now unfortunately there are some of you who did not pass your final exams, so when it comes to the training camp in the woods everyone is going!” Everyone who failed was stunned. Aizawa went on to explain about how it was deception on the teacher’s part to see how we would handle the exam and that the intention was never to separate us. Our classes then resumed as normal after school though Hagakure mentioned how we should all go to the mall to prepare for the camp since we would be there for a week.

“Ah good idea!” Mina nudges Uraraka, glancing at me. “Blossom you're coming right?”

“Of course!” I tilt my head at her. “I need a new sleeping bag.” Mina giggles as she winks at Kirishima, who was chatting with Bakugo.

“Any progress with Mr. Explosion?” Uraraka whispers.

“I wish he’s been avoiding me since the fight. I don’t understand.” I sigh looking at Bakugo’s annoyed expression as he walks away from Kirishima. “I better get going see you tomorrow at the mall.”

-The next day at the mall-

I met with Mina and Uraraka as they waited out front. I had donned a Typhlosion tank top and jean short shorts, the material clinging like a second skin. A pair of beat up sneakers on my feet and a black backpack hanging off my shoulder.

“I can’t believe Bakugo played Pokemon with you and you guys slept together and now he’s ignoring you? Like what gives!” I cringe as Mina brings it up yet again.

“I don’t know Mina but I doubt he’ll be here so let’s just focus on shopping.” Eager for the distraction from my conflicting emotions and the now constant ache in my heart. Once most of the class was there we broke off into pairings. I followed Momo and Jiro for a new duffle bag.

-Mina’s POV-

“Kirishima did you text Bakugo?” I watched as a dejected Blossom followed Jiro and Momo.

“Yeah he said he’s on his way.” He smiles at me as he answers and my heart does a funny flip. Uraraka and Midoriya look between us.

“Uh do you think that’s a good idea? Kacchan has been acting weird around Blossom since the fight. Plus the last time we were all out it didn’t go so well.” Midoriya looked panicked. I shook my head and focused.

“They love each other. It's more apparent now than ever we have to help them see it. Plan Can You Feel the Love Tonight continues!” I raise my fist towards the sky as I jump up excitedly. Everyone except Midoriya looked excited.

-20 minutes later—Blossom’s POV–

I had lost Jiro and Momo and was currently looking at sleeping bags. The speakers overhead were playing some pop tunes as I decided on the orange sleeping bag. I paid for it and left the shop, spotting a little manga shop across the way. As I entered the shop my phone went off.

Pink Queen: Hey where r u?

Siren: All About Manga why?

Pink Queen: Oh just curious

Siren: Kk

I put my phone back in my pocket, my tail wiggling in excitement as I looked at the Fruits Basket collection they had displayed. I had grabbed a plush Kyo cat and was turning around when I slammed into what felt like a brick wall, until arms slid around me and caught me before falling back, cuddling the plush I looked up to see Bakugo staring down at me cheeks a bright red. My heart flutters as the pain subsides, his scent enveloping me for a moment. “Tch figues you wouldn’t look where you're going.” My cheeks started burning as I took a step back, his arms loosening. The ache in my heart flaring for a moment.

“Oh hey Mermaid! Didn’t know you were here!” I look over to see a bouncy Kirishima. “Anyways thanks for the help Bakubro gotta go see ya!” He all but ran outta the store, leaving us confused in his wake.

“Alright Sharkboy is weird. What are you doing here Bakugo?” I look back at him, tail curling around my wing.

“sh*tty Hair asked for help picking a backpack and then led me here and ditched me.” He huffs out looking around the store.

“Oh well did you wanna join me in shopping? You’ve camped before right?” I clutch the plush tighter and turn to look over the Fruits Basket merchandise heart hammering in my chest.

“Tch I suppose. Don’t need you freezing out there.” He rolls his eyes and comes to stand besides me. “What is this sh*t?” He picks up a Yuki rat plush.

“Fruits Basket. It’s popular in America as well as one of my favorite anime and manga to read too. It’s about a normal girl who stumbles upon people who change into their respective chinese zodiac animals. She finds love and everything. It's so cute!” I hug the Kyo cat plush as Bakugo just stares at me. Placing the Yuki plush down, he grabs Volume 1 of the manga.

“Sounds dumb. I wouldn’t be caught dead reading that.” He snatches the plush out of my hands. Looking it over he smirks at my face before continuing to hold it, the manga in his other hand.

“Hey don’t knock it till you try it and give Kyo back! He’s my favorite!” I try grabbing the plush but he just holds it up higher until I give up. Huffing, I cross my arms, glaring at him. “Rude, you know.” He just rolls his red eyes and walks away forcing me to follow.

“So I see you're wearing Typhlosion today. Getting tired of Sylveon?” He glances at me before stopping in front of a Pokemon plush keychain display.

“No, I can like more than one Pokemon you know.” Sticking my tongue out at him I turn and head towards the exit. Leaning on the wall I look up at the sky trying to figure out my emotions, before a bag hits me gently in the face. Blinking, I grab the bag to see Bakugo’s smug look. I open the bag to see my Kyo plush and a Typhlosion keychain. I look at him blushing. “Thank you. I see you got something as well, it’s the manga isn’t it?” My tail sneaks behind him to grab the bag but just as it’s about to Bakugo grabs my tail and tuts me.

“Tch you’ll never know. Now come on, let's get the rest of your sh*t.” He leads me into a couple stores where I get everything I need, before we stop for lunch. “Anything else you need, Batty?” He takes a bit out of his extra spicy ramen staring at me. My eyes are glazed over in thought as I stare at a small stage across from us.

“Hm? Uh, just a new bathing suit and that’ll be everything I think.” I take a bite out of my sandwich. He nods and we continue eating in silence.

“I’m..uh…sorry.” I blink at Bakugo as he rubs the back of his head not looking at me. I tilt my head confused. “About the fight during our final. I’m sorry. You’re not worthless or a burden.”

“I already forgave you, but thank you.” I smile brightly at him and he flushes red looking away from me. I giggle and look at him mischievously. “Buuuuut I do have a way you can make it up to me.”

“How?” He looks confused. I point to the stage, he groans and shakes his head.

“Come on, it'll be fun.” I wink at him.

“Hell no.” He glares at me growling.

“Ah alright.” I giggle at his facial expressions. We finish our meal in peace and quiet. My tail wagging back and forth.

“ALRIGHT EVERYONE MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!” An announcer appears on stage, Bakugo and I look at each other before redirecting our attention to the stage. “Now do we have a treat for you! Today is our karaoke day! Now for those who don’t know we pick songs for you guys to sing right here on this stage! Now you can sing solo or with a group, we have everything for everyone! Now let’s begin!” As people started getting up to sing, Bakugo and I remained seated. He occasionally glanced over at me to see my reactions to the music.

-Mina’s POV-

“Alright looks like it's karaoke time.” I rub my hands as Kirishima, Uraraka and I watch Blossom and Bakugo.

“Uh Mina, how are you gonna get them on stage? Last time didn’t work out so well ya know.” Uraraka glances at Kirishima, who nods his head.

“Easy, we issue a challenge. Me and Kirishima will go and sing and then call out Bakugo. He'll have no choice but to sing with Blossom and since I know the announcer they’ll have the perfect song.” I clap my hands before grabbing Kirishima and heading towards the stage Uraraka just staring after us. We quickly spoke in hushed tones to the announcer before climbing on stage, and choosing a love song for us we started rocking out my heart kicking into overdrive as Kirishima’s red eyes looked into mine. I could start seeing why Blossom stared into Bakugo's. They were a lovely shade of red. After our song was over I looked at Bakugo. “Bet you can’t beat us in singing Bakugo.” He looked enraged as we started making our way off stage.

Game, set and match.

-Blossom’s POV-

That can’t be good. I watched as Mina and Kirishima left the stage, not looking back at Bakugo his rage very apparent.

“Come on Batty, let's show sh*tty Hair and Pinky what real singing is.” He grounds out before grabbing my arm and dragging me to the stage.

“Uh alright.” We were handed our microphones and a song started playing.

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

I know you want me

So don't keep sayin' our hands are tied

You claim it's not in the cards

And fate is pullin' you miles away

And out of reach from me

But you're here in my heart

So who can stop me if I decide

That you're my destiny?

What if we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing could keep us apart

You'd be the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

So why don't we rewrite the stars?

Maybe the world could be ours


Bakugo had grabbed my hand and was staring deeply into my eyes as he softly sang. His voice was beautiful and took my breath away when I realized the song. A smile lighting up my face as he sang just for me. I raised the microphone towards my mouth and let his hand go, turning away, as doubts started consuming me.

You think it's easy

You think I don't wanna run to you

But there are mountains

And there are doors that we can't walk through

I know you're wondering why because we're able to be

Just you and me within these walls

But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see

That it was hopeless after all

No one can rewrite the stars

How can you say you'll be mine?

Everything keeps us apart

And I'm not the one you were meant to find

It's not up to you

It's not up to me

When everyone tells us what we can be

How can we rewrite the stars?

Say that the world can be ours


I was walking away from him, tears in my eyes, our energy swirling around me as I felt that little thread tighten. Shaking my head Bakugo grabbed my arm and twirled me around bringing me to his chest as we started singing the chorus. His crimson eyes shining with emotions I couldn’t and didn’t want to name. My throat warms up as I let my quirk rise up.

All I want is to fly with you

All I want is to fall with you

So just give me all of you

It feels impossible

It's not impossible

Is it impossible?

Say that it's possible

How do we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine?

Nothing can keep us apart

'Cause you are the one I was meant to find

It's up to you

And it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

And why don't we rewrite the stars?

Changing the world to be ours

Bakugo lowers his microphone as I keep mine where it is, he leans in to me as I slowly pull away holding his hand, my tail coming up wrapping them in place.

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

But I can't have you

We're bound to break and my hands are tied

We stare at each other as the crowd goes wild, both of us breathing heavily before breaking eye contact and letting our hands slip apart, we wave to the crowd as we leave the stage Mina and Kirishima come running towards us.

“Ah you totally beat us! That was amazing!” Mina gushes at me as Bakugo tries to shrug Kirishima’s arm off of him.

“Bakubro way to sing! I knew you had it in you!” Kirishima’s smile was wide as he looked between us.

“Guys! There's a problem with Midoriya!” Momo comes racing towards us ending the weird vibes between Bakugo and I after our performance. We all raced towards where Momo was leading us learning that Shigaraki had cornered Midoriya and threatened him. And just like that the day was over. Thankfully our school year had come to a close and it was time to get ready for the camping trip!

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Chapter Text

-Blossom’s POV-

I was sitting on my bed reading when my phone started going off. I was in just a bra and shorts. I grabbed my phone and answered Facetime without thinking.

“WHAT ARE YOU WEARING DUMBASS PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!” The tomato red face of Bakugo graced my vision before I realized what he said, screamed, and dropped my phone. Grabbing the closest shirt I yanked it over my head.

“Jeez Sparky my ears! I need those you know.” I whined, grabbing my phone, flopping on my belly. “How can I help you this fine morning?” My wings spread over my bed tail scratching my head as I yawn.

“Wanna grab a snow cone?” He looks away as he mutters. I tilt my head pretending to debate.

“Hm I don’t know… I have my whole day planned…” Just as he started huffing and puffing I grinned. “Just teasing yeah lets get some! Where are we meeting up?”

“Your place right now.” I look at him confused before I hear knocking on my front door scrambling up and run out and jump from the banister gliding to the door. Opening it there’s Bakugo in a black tank top and black shorts. I grin and lean against the door.

“Why hello there, how may I help you?” He blushes lightly.

“Shut up and let me in already and go get dressed I don’t have all day.” I giggle allowing him to pass through before rushing up to my room to get changed. I grab a pink tank top and jean shorts, tossing my hair in a ponytail and pulling on my shoes. I rushed down to see him waiting by the door. “Alright let’s go!” I text Grams as we head out. As we’re walking towards the train he keeps glancing at me.

“sh*tty Hair been texting you lately?” I pause looking confused.

“No, why should he?” He just shrugs, confusing me even more, but before I have time to ask we’re boarding the train. Bakugo chooses to stand while I look for a spot to sit before sighing and reaching futility for the handlebar. He just rolls his eyes and grabs my hand holding onto me as the train starts moving.

“So what made you wanna hang out with me?” He just shrugs again, making me roll my eyes. The ever present ache in my heart is fading. By the time we reach the snow cone shop the ache is totally gone, as we head inside to order I notice someone with black hair and what looked like scarring watching us before he disappears in the crowd.

“Oi what do you want dumbass?” Bakugo draws my attention away from the strange man and to the food.

“Oh bubblegum please! Look Bakugo they have a spicy one you should try it!” We order our snow cones, I glare at Bakugo as he pays for it ignoring my request to split the bill, and sit at a table. Bakugo looked out the window as I answered my phone.

Pink Queen: Hey Kaminari is inviting everyone to the pool at school tomorrow. Wanna go?

Siren: Yeah sounds good

Pink Queen: Don’t forget to invite Bakugo! ;)

A blush starts rising to my face as I reread her message. I glance up at Bakugo who is already looking at me as he eats. “Is it good?” I ask softly, not sure how to broach the pool subject. He nods before staring at me some more. I take a deep breath. “Kaminari invited everyone to the pool tomorrow wanna go with me?” He looks startled, before staring out the window. My face heats up as I assume he doesn’t want to go.

“Sure I guess.” I look at him stunned before breaking out a huge grin, fangs sticking out. He blushes before looking at my cone. “Finish eating.” I nod and start chowing down. Humming we get up and leave.

“Oh look! A swimsuit suit store! I never did get one at the mall. Can we go inside?”

“Whatever dumbass.” I led him into the store marveling at all the cute outfits, pulling him to the fitting room. He sits down looking bored as I grab a couple suits. Rushing into the changing stall I tried on the first one which was a black one piece. Not liking the way it looked on my butt, I changed into the second one which was a light blue tankini. It was too tight around my breasts so I changed out of that and into my last one. It was a black bikini with a cat keyhole on the top, the bottoms had little ears on the front and a pink paw print on the back. It fit perfectly highlighting my curves. I snapped a picture to show Mina before an idea popped into my head.

“Bakugo you still there?” I called out of the stall.

“Unfortunately dumbass.” His gruff reply made me giggle before I opened the door and walked out. I walked towards him as he looked up from his phone, his jaw dropping literally. His face turned a bright red as he seemed lost for words. Giggling, I did a slow twirl.

“How does it look?” I tilt my head at him, my tail slowly swaying.

“Uh…um…good?” He was still beet red and his eyes were glued to my chest making me snicker.

“Sparky my eyes are up here.” I point to them before he growls at me, his hands sparking.

“Shut up Batty!” I run back into the changing room before he can start using his quirk, getting dressed I come back out the said suit in hand and go to pay for it. Bakugo slowly followed me. Once we were all done it was time to head home. The walk to the train and the ride there was mostly silent. Bakugo would randomly start turning red, making me giggle. Finally we were at my house.

“Thanks for taking me out, Sparky. I had fun.” I look up at him as we stand outside my door.

“Whatever thanks too I guess.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, on impulse I give him a hug letting his scent wash over me he hesitates before returning my hug. We stand there for a moment before I pull back looking into his crimson eyes. Slowly his head starts coming down and my eyes flutter close as I feel his breath on my lips before….

“Ahem, it’s late Blossom.” We jump apart as my Grams has the door open leaning on the frame, Bakugo turns bright red and gives me a quick bye before rushing away.

“Grams! Come on…” I groan as I walk into the house letting her close the door behind me.

“Blossom, what did I say about that boy?” She narrows her eyes at me. The yellow color is practically glowing.

“I know Grams were just friends.” I start heading towards my room trying to get away from her.

“That didn’t look like just being friends. Unless the definition of friends has changed.” I roll my eyes and sigh.

“Grams no matter what I feel I’m sure Bakugo doesn’t reciprocate it.” I mumble out, tired of our conversation.

“Dearest, I'm only looking out for you. I don’t think he is the one for you.” She grabs my shoulder gently, turning me around.

“What would you know Grams? No man was ever the one for you! You bounced any time they started getting attached.” I snarl my fangs bared and wings flared out. “And besides he doesn’t like me like that!” My eyes start welling up. She hesitates looking at my duo-colored eyes. Pain coloring her features.

“But do you? Do you like him?” She strokes my wing. The question has me taken aback as I feel that thread tugging my heart.

“It doesn’t matter.” I twist out of her grip and rush towards my room slamming and locking the door before dropping my purchases and huddling against the door sobbing. Even if it was love, what do I know? I’ll be forced to be like Grams…he couldn’t love me, could he? My tail wraps around my middle as I cry before getting up and crawling into bed.

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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-Blossom’s POV-

I awoke to my alarm blaring, hitting it I stretched and yawned, moving my Kyo plush over a bit in my bed. Checking my phone to see what time it was, vibrating as I was opening it.

Pink Queen:
Today’s the day! Pool time!


Pink Queen:
We have to use the school’s swimsuits ugh!

I giggle at her antics before climbing from bed and getting ready. I texted Grams before leaving, not really in the mood to speak with her after last night. On the train to the school my phone vibrated.

Hey dumbass, are you still going to the pool?

Yeah r u?


Yeah see you there :)

My mood improved as I headed towards UA. I hurried to the doors as I saw Mina and Momo waiting out front chatting. Hiding just out of sight, a black hair male figure stood staring at the girls until they entered the school.

“Hey guys ready to party!” I greeted both of them before we all headed inside. Giggling, we gossiped as we all got ready.

“Hey Momo, do you like anyone?” Hagakure asked curiously.

“N-no! Do you?” Momo was bright red, making us all giggle.

“Shoji is kinda cute don’t you think? What about you Jiro?” I glance over at Jiro as she turns red.

“Well..uh..maybe Kaminari, when he’s not being a total perv.” Mina screeched an ‘I knew it’ as everyone chuckled. Uraraka was talking about her possible crush on Midoriya as I nodded thinking they would be a cute couple. As we head out we run into almost all the boys.

The looks of disappointment on Kaminari and Mineta’s face was perfect. The swim suits the school provided fit like a glove and had enough space for my wings and tail. The only boys not there were Kirishima and Bakugo. I sighed before diving into the pool keeping my wings tight up against my back. I did some laps around the pool.

“Blossom! Girl wanna play with us?” Mina shouted as I came up for air, Jiro had grabbed a volleyball and the girls were tossing it around.

“No I’ll pass thank you though.” I glance around seeing Midoriya and Tenya talking on the other side. I sigh again and roll to float on my back staring at the clear sky, my tail propelling me. The ache in my heart pulsing slightly as my mind wanders to Bakugo and all these feelings I have.

“I know who you're waiting for and Kirishima said they’d be here soon.” Mina pops up beside me startling me and making me almost drown.

“Jesus Mina you can’t just do that!” She looks at me and smiles.

“So do you love him?” I blink at her, not quite sure I heard correctly.

“What?” I almost swallowed pool water. She looks at me expectantly and I sigh. “I don’t know…Grams has been riding my ass about my feelings for him. I mean yesterday she saw us almost kiss and…”

“YOU WHAT?!” I cover her mouth, shushing her as everyone stares at us.

“Shhhh are you crazy!” I glance around before letting her go, my wings unfolding from my back so I can float again. “I don’t know it almost happened and I wanted it so bad, but I don’t know what he wants. He's so hot and cold! I mean we’ve almost kissed a couple times.” I stare at the sky, the pain in my heart spiking.

“What are you gonna do?” I turn my head towards Mina. She's looking thoughtfully at me, I sigh again.

“I wish I knew. I never got to tell you but when I drank his blood that second time our energy created like a thread that even now I can feel. He hasn’t mentioned anything so I think he doesn’t feel it. I can’t tell Grams cuz she’ll freak and I just wish I knew what it meant.” My tail lashes out splashing water at Mina. She giggles before patting my shoulder.

“Girl it’ll all work out in the end you’ll see.”

“I hope so.”

“I want you to be at your strongest you damn nerd!” I glanced over my heart leaping as Bakugo and Kirishima finally made their appearance though Bakugo looked annoyed…and shirtless.. My mouth drops open. Mina chuckles at me as I start turning red Bakugo, having yet to see me. I hear Tenya call out something about a race for the boys and groan at having to leave the pool. Diving down again I swim towards the boys and pop up near the edge climbing out.

“Hey boys.” I stretch my wings out shaking off water as Momo offers to be a referee. Bakugo meets my eyes before sliding over my figure and blushing. Kirishima just gives me a big grin. “I hear you're gonna annihilate Midoriya?” I shake my head as Bakugo smirks.

“Damn right!” Before I could say any more Tenya cuts in.

“Alright let’s start.” I heard toward the wall and watched as all the boys started racing Bakugo and Todoroki using their quirks to be first.

“Heh you see that Batty. I totally beat those sidekicks.” He grins at me. I grin back and nod while watching Midoriya beat Tenya by a hair.

“What you did was very impressive.” I flash a little fang at him as I smirk. He blushes lightly and looks away. I chuckle and slide my tail up his arm tapping his shoulder lightly. Mina gives me a thumbs up from behind Bakugo. Soon enough it was Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki’s turn for the race. We all were excited to see who would win and just as they were about to start, Aizawa appeared and kicked us all out. We never got to see who would’ve won.

“Hey Batty I’ll walk you home.” I glanced up as I came out of the school after changing to see Bakugo and Kirishima waiting for me.

“Thanks Sparky, you too Sharkboy.” I nod to both and head down the steps.

“Tch why are you thanking sh*tty Hair it was my idea.” He grumbles as I draw near. I giggle and wiggle my tail at him.

“Sorry, thank you Sparky.” I stepped in between the boys only for Bakugo to move so I was only near him.

“Whatever.” We walked home in silence for a bit before Bakugo kicked a stone complaining about how he didn’t get to pummel Midoriya. I roll my eyes as Kirishima talks to him, reminding him they are our friends, I nod in agreement.

“You know you can beat someone and they’ll still be your friends. Kirishima is right.” Bakugo huffs at me in annoyance and I giggle at him.

After Bakugo and Kirishima drop me off at my house I head inside and up to my room excited for the training camp to start!

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

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-The 1st day of training camp—Blossom’s POV–

We were waiting to board the bus, listening to Aizawa’s speech. We all had our school uniforms on and most of us were chatting with each other. I had my backpack slung over my shoulder, my Typhlosion keychain dangling off of the zipper.

“Ah that’s so cute! Are you a Pokemon fan?” A girl with short white hair and blue eyes stepped up to me.

“Yeah to be honest though, Sylveon's my fave.” I whisper back to her not wanting Bakugo to overhear.

“I love Gastly myself.” She chuckles before Monoma goes on a rampage about the ‘superior class 1-A’. “Monoma’s scary.” I nod and she walks away. I hear Tenya call for us to board the bus and head towards ours, overhearing Mineta talk about us as we head on the bus gives me pause.

“Get yourself together seriously.” Kirishima shakes his head at Mineta, before moving to the bus. I catch sight of Bakugo and run over towards him.

“Hey seat buddy!” I grin at him.

“Tch seriously?” He narrows his eyes on my backpack, seeing the keychain before smirking. I follow him onto the bus calling dibs on the window seat. As the bus starts moving we all start getting more excited.

“I can’t wait, this is gonna be so fun!” Mina looks over her seat at me grinning.

“Yeah it is!” I agree, Tenya calls for order so she turns back around. I glance at Bakugo who seems to be asleep before popping in my headphones and pulling out a book. My tail starts twisting and my wings itching for release a half hour into our ride. I try to ignore it before I feel someone rubbing my tail, a shiver runs down my spine as I bare my fangs at whoever was touching my tail, just to see Bakugo holding it.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you.” I feel a blush rise up my cheeks as he continues stroking, making an unknown heat flare inside me, dampening my panties. His scent overpowering me in the small confines of the bus.

“S’fine figured long trips annoy your tail.” He looks at me closely as he continues his ministrations. I start having a hard time breathing and almost start panting when Aizawa tells us it's time to stop the bus. Thank you God! I don’t think I could survive any more of that. We all exit the bus. I take advantage to spread my wings out fully, letting the heat of the sun warm them, and cooling down after Bakugo’s touch. I flap a couple times just to get the jitters out.

“You didn't think we stopped here to stretch your legs did you?” Aizawa comes up behind us as he speaks. Then the black car next to us opens its doors and two females emerge both looking like cats.

“We’re the Wild Wild puss*cats!” They say in unison, and then attack Midoriya when he brings up their age. I chuckle at their antics before Aizawa tells us to say hello.

“The camp is at the base of the mountain.” The brown haired cat girl, Mandalay, pointed out, leaving us confused as to why we stopped all the way up here, making some of the students run for the bus, as we all realized that training had begun. The blonde haired girl, Pixie-Bob, had turned the ground into mud pushing us off the cliff. I snap out my wings and start gliding, before I fall too far, circling where everyone has fallen.

“Hey are you guys ok?” I landed by Mina, as Mandalay explained we have 3 hours to get to camp, having to make it past the beast forest. Mineta ran into the forest to pee when he was faced with a huge monster. I sniffed trying to figure out what they were. Koda tried using his animal quirk to no avail as well. “These things aren’t animals Midoriya.” I call to him as he rescues Mineta. The combined quirks of Tenya, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Midoriya took the beast down as Mineta still cowered.

“We’re not done here.” Bakugo is glaring into the forest as Kirishima congratulates him. All of us stare as more of those monsters come charging at us. All of us agreed that we had to get through them. Shoji and Jiro act as lookouts, notifying us when they appear. When suddenly a flying one showed up, Sero took it down. Everyone was working together in perfect sync which amazed me. I was standing near Bakugo watching everyone go. It made me feel a little useless myself.

“Hey!” I glance over to see Bakugo glaring at me. “Wipe that dumbass look off your face. You aren’t useless.” I look surprised at him before nodding. “Climb up that tree and make sure we’re going the right way.” So I rode the air currents, getting boosts from Bakugo every now and then , eventually we made it through the woods. It took 5 hours and everyone was exhausted. My wings were aching, and my voice was raw from boosting peoples quirks when I could, landing near Bakugo I collapsed by his feet. Once out of the forest we were greeted by the cat girls, and Aizawa. Who were talking about us getting through before Pixie-Bob started talking about grooming Bakugo, Tenya, Midoriya, and Todoroki. It made my hackles rise, my tail shooting out and grabbing her when she got too near, my fangs bared. She was trying to break free as Mandalay was talking to Midoriya about the kid next to her named Kota. Pixie-Bob was unable to break free of my tail as I stood up.

“Hey let gooooooo.” I hissed at her, fangs bared, and whipped my tail out making her spin and fall in front of Aizawa. The adults all look surprised. Pixie-Bob got back up dusting her skirt off. “Your strong girl, and noted that one’s off limits.” We all watched as Kota punched Midoriya in the crotch making him bow over and Tenya panicked. I huffed and scented the kid. So much anger…and pain…Why?

“That kid’s got spunk.” Bakugo chuckled.

“He’s like a mini version of you.” Todoroki deadpanned, enraging Bakugo.

“HEY WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! You need to shut your mouth before I blast you to hell!” Bakugo took a threatening step towards Todoroki who remained unmoving. I chuckled a little at their antics.

“Yeah sure.”

“Enough playing around grab your bags off the bus and take them to your rooms, when you're done well have dinner in the cafeteria, after that you can bathe and sleep. Your training starts in earnest tomorrow. You better get a move on.” With those parting words Aizawa heads inside while we all groan, heading towards the bus.

“I call top bunk!” I hear Mina screech as I open the girls room, it’s small with lots of bunk beds. I sigh before grabbing the bunk under her next to the window. “This is sooooo exciting!” I laugh at her joy as we get our beds set up. “So tell me what that was all about with Pixie-Bob.” She whispers as I make the bed.

“I didn’t like the way she was getting close to him is all. She’s, like, old.” I grimace as she jumps on my bed.

“Uh-huh and your crush on the explosion boy has nothing to do with it?” She smirks as I roll my eyes, blushing.

“No it does.” She drops her mouth open in shock as I finally, sort of, admit my feelings. “Now let’s go eat!” I grab her hand, yanking her off my bed and we head towards the cafeteria. Upon entering Mina heads towards Kirishima, while I glance around most of the seats are full except the one by Mineta so cringing I head towards him. Midoriya is on his opposite side and as I approach with my tray of food I hear an explosion and see Midoriya fall out of his seat.

“Hey dumbass over here.” Bakugo glares at me as I move away from Mineta and step gingerly over Midoriya. Mineta sighs dejectedly and I see him move his hand that was laying on the bench seat. Bastard was gonna cop a feel! I set my tray down and helped Midoriya stand up, earning a scoff from Bakugo. “f*cking Deku doesn’t need your help, now eat.” He gently yanks my tail making me jump slightly, before taking a calming breath and sitting. Mina’s eyes are on me as she and Kirishima sit across from us.

“Thank you Sparky.” I murmur before chowing down on all the delicious food. Kaminari and Kirishima seemed to be eating the most out of everyone. Pixie-Bob and Mandalay both running around with food, but making sure not to stray too close to me or Bakugo. The ache in my chest dulling again as I feel the thread starting to pull itself tight around me, taking my breath away. Pixie-Bob was going around telling everyone this was a one time thing and we would have to make our own food in the future. Bakugo leaned over towards me, his scent once again overpowering my thought process.

“You ok?” His hot breath sending tingles against my pointed ear and neck, making me close my eyes against the unwanted warmth that spread through me as I leaned closer to him unconsciously. That ever present thread is tightening even more, while the ache in my chest lightens.

“F-fine. I’m fine.” I opened my eyes to see us mere inches away from each other, his crimson eyes staring so deeply into mine, I felt a blush start to rise and I backed up quickly, almost falling out of the seat. “H-how’s your food?” I was so focused on calming my heart I missed his disappointed look as he backed up as well.

“It’s fine, not spicy enough.” He continues eating, while I quickly finish my cheeks a bright red.

“Ah well look at that I’m done! Time for a bath!” I grab my tray and bolt from the cafeteria to my shared room, sitting on the bed I start blushing like mad. “Holy crap what was that?!” My head is in my hands as I recall his scent and how close we were. Eventually the other girls come in and grab their stuff.

“Come on Siren let’s go! It’s bath time!” I hear Mina shout out, I quickly grab my things, shaking away the thoughts as I head towards the communal bathroom. It turned out to be a hot spring, and as we all got into the water the gossip started.

“Ah Blossom isn’t this nice?” Mina sinks lower into the water. I giggle as I too sink in lower slowly stretching out my wings.

“Yeah it is. Especially after that workout my wings are killing me.” I sigh contentedly, Jiro and Momo start speaking about crushes with Uraraka and what we think dating each boy would be like.

“Midoriya would probably be the sweetest. What do you think Uraraka ribbit?” Tsu comments looking thoughtfully, while Uraraka turns bright red and panics. I giggle, turning to Mina.

“What about Kirishima he seems pretty sweet too huh Mina?” I smirk as she starts turning red stuttering.

“Well wh-what about Bakugo huh?” All the girls pause to consider.

“He’d be a total douche.” Jiro was swinging her earphone in her hand.

“Mean!” Hagakure muttered.

“Just rude.” Momo looked thoughtfully at the sky.

“Hey! He isn’t that bad, he can be thoughtful and caring! You just have to get to know him.” I immediately defended him, too late to realize the trap I was placed in.

“Hah I knew it! Ribbit!” Tsu clapped, grinning.

“Ah man, I owe you 20 bucks Momo.” Jiro groaned. I looked at them all shocked.

“You were betting on me?” I glared at Mina, tail splashing her with water. They all started laughing while I muttered about supposed friendship.

“Ah come on it was obvious to all of us Siren, not my fault you're just now catching up.” Mina giggles before hugging me and I join in on the laughter. Once the laughter died down it got quiet, all the girls just lounging around. I was propped up against a rock, eyes closed. Mineta had just tried to climb over but that kid Kota had stopped him but he ended up falling and being rescued by Midoriya, so it was finally peaceful.

“Hey Blossom? Will you sing for us? Just a little.” I glance at Momo as she has her hands clasped, I tilt my head before choosing a slow song.

-Bakugo’s POV-

The ache in my chest flared as a melody filtered through the wall separating the girls from us. All the guys stopped talking to listen.

Baby I’m dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

My heart flutters as I close my eyes picturing Batty. Her green and yellow eyes, cute nose, heart shaped lips and pointed ears. Her smile, and her fangs, and especially the noises she makes when you touch her tail. I groan as my body grows hot. That strange feeling of a thread being tightened around my heart as she sang. Does she feel it too? What the f*ck is it?

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don’t deserve this, you look perfect tonight

“Damn Siren has some vocals.” Kaminari’s loud ass voice breaks my thoughts. Looking at him I glare.

“Shut the f*ck up Dunce Face. Ruined the mood.” I ground my teeth as he smirks at me.

“So guys who do you like?” Kaminari pins me with his stupid eyes. I roll mine and try to focus on relaxing.

“Mina’s kinda hot don’t you think Kirishima?” Kirishima starts blushing, making me roll my eyes again.

“Well what about Blossom? Pretty damn cute huh?” I snap my eyes open looking at Kirishima enraged. Not only does this f*cker have Mina chasing him but he’s gonna sit here and bring up MY f*ckING BATTY! I grab his shoulder bringing my hand to his face popping off explosions.

“You better shut your f*ckING mouth right now sh*tty Hair.” He looks scared for a moment before laughing.

“Calm down Bakubro, while Blossom is adorable, my heart is set on Mina. Blossom and I are just good friends.” He smiles at me as I look into his eyes seeing nothing but truth.

“So you guys never had a spark? Not even when you were singing together?” My heart clenches as I remember them staring at each other as they sang that stupid love song.

“Haha no way dude, she knows I’m in love with Mina. Why? Do you think she’s crushing on me? I’ll have to let her down…”

“NO sh*tTY HAIR SHE DOESN”T LIKE YOU!” I snap at him before I can think about what he said. Pausing I let it sink in that sh*tty Hair doesn't love Batty. Do I love her? Is that what this feeling is? The ache in my chest throbs once before fading, I rub my chest as I think back to all our moments together, the almost kisses, the way she makes me see the world. My heart feels like and I shake my head as Kirishima continues on talking about Mina. After the bath I head to my bed thinking about all my feelings and Batty.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Chapter Text

-Blossom’s POV-

“Good morning class! Today we start a training camp that will increase your strength. Our goals are to increase your skill exponentially so that each of you earns a provisional license.” Aizawa handed Bakugo a ball for him to throw and it went 709.6 meters. Aizawa went on to explain that while we grew our stamina still needed work.

“Let’s hope you all survive.” A cold chill went down my spine as he uttered those words.While everyone was on the ground I was tasked with staying airborne longer while carrying heavy loads. I couldn’t fly yet but the air from Bakugo’s explosions helped me stay up in the sky. I was currently carrying 60 pounds in each arm and 50 pounds in my tail. I dived before flapping my wings trying to bank back up on the air current, I could feel my wings starting to ache when the thread in my energy suddenly tightened making me cry out and drop the 50 pound bag. I dove, shutting my wings grabbing it before it could hit Midoriya and opened my wings shooting back into the sky. Close one, almost nailed Midoriya. Eventually Aizawa called me back down, thoroughly exhausted I landed only to drop the bags and hit my knees panting. I could feel the sweat rolling down my wings as they shook.

“C’mon time for food.” I look up to see Bakugo standing there holding out his hand, I grasp it relishing the warm, calloused hands, before standing and walking with him, wings still open, hoping to cool down.

“Alright you guys are tasked with making curry tonight!” Ragdoll, one of the 4 Wild puss*cats exclaimed, making everyone groan. We got started on the cooking with Todoroki starting fires for everyone and me chopping the vegetables with Mina and Uraraka.

“You’re flying is so cool! Wish I could do that!” Mina sighs as she stirs a pot of food.

“It’s ok.” Uraraka and I say at the same time, all of us laughing. Once the food was done we all sat down to eat, then finished it was bathing and time for bed. It had been three days here and we were all exhausted.

“That reminds me tonight we’re gonna pit the classes against each other. You guys work hard and now it’s time to play hard too!” Pixie-Bob calls out as she’s sitting on some boxes. I glare at her as I flap my wings releasing pheromones towards a rock. Once our training was over we cooked and ate. Everyone was cheerful, but exhausted as we changed into normal clothes, and then the games began.

“Alright so Class B is the scarers, Class A will go around and collect the markers at the end of the route with pairs leaving every 3 minutes. The goal is to scare the most people!” Pixie-Bob had a handful of papers with numbers on them. We all came forward and grabbed them. I was paired with Mineta and my stomach dropped, I started to walk over towards him and his lecherous smile when a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders. The heat of the other person’s body searing me through my tank top and shorts.

“Blue-balls. Change. NOW.” The rough and deadly growl of the person behind me sent shivers down my spine. Mineta ran away to be with Todoroki as I turned my head to see Bakugo with his arms around me. “Your mine.” His breath soft and warm on my neck caused an involuntary purr. He released me and stood back smirking. “Let’s go dumbass.” I nodded the overwhelming desire rising up my stomach to rest near my heart.

“KYAAAAAA!” A head popped out of the ground making me scream and cling to Bakugo’s arm while he jumped then laughed at me, his scent comforting me as we pressed on, after a while of walking I let go of his arm.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to grab you so tightly.” A blush rising to my cheeks. I fiddled with my tail as I put space between us.

“It’s fine, I don't mind.” Bakugo continued staring ahead, heaving a deep sigh before turning towards me. His eyes were dark and unreadable as they looked into mine.“Blossom, there’s something I need to talk to you about…” He had started leaning into me, my pulse picked up and desire yet again curled low in my belly.

Two villains attacked us everybody back to camp! Do not engage any enemies.

Bakugo and I look at each other as Mandalay’s voice echoes in our heads. “We gotta move it.” Bakugo grabs my hand and we start walking forward, a miasma starts heading towards us, we both cover our mouths. Ahead of us was a strange figure wrapped in a black straight jack, he was muttering over a hand. I glance at Bakugo as the figure stands, anxiety wrapping around me. His hand tightens in mine.

“Tokoyami and Shoji were ahead of us, right?” I gulp as I look at the figure's face. His eyes were covered and he had wires pulling the skin of his lips back giving him a permanent grin. Fear gripped me for a moment as his bloodlust swamped my senses.

“No fighting is that the rule?” Bakugo’s grin is absolutely feral, making my stomach drop. My tail lashing back and forth as my wings spasm.

Everyone in Class A and B, in the name of the pro hero Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat. I repeat use your training, you may fight these villains.

The strange figure started heading towards us, my heart was pounding and we dodged as he released a ton of long knives from his teeth.

“Bakugo?!” I had jumped into some bushes while he ran the other way. I took a calming breath that I immediately regretted as the villain’s bloodlust mixed with the air, causing a dizzying effect.

“I’m fine. You?” I glanced down at my body, relieved I only had a small scrape, nothing serious.

“I’m ok.”

Listen, we've discovered one of the villains' targets. It’s a student named Kacchan. Kacchan you should try to avoid combat, and stick to a group.

I gasp as Bakugo rushes forward into the wall of knives only to be blocked by a wall of ice. Todoroki, carrying a student, had just appeared, saving us. He gave us both appraising glances before focusing on the villain ahead as he mumbled to himself.

“This is not a fight to rush into.” Todoroki calmly states. I nod my head agreeing my wings tightly folded against my back.

“Have to work. Do my job.” The strange man growls as he uses the knives to boost himself into the sky.

“They’re here after you.”

“Telling us not to engage and then changing their minds. I don’t know how but I have a feeling this is Deku’s fault.” We all dodge as this guy attacks us with his knives before jumping into some trees. Bakugo started sparking up his hands in anticipation. Fear gripped me even harder, scenting his bloodlust mixing with the villains I bared my fangs.

“This guy’s quirk is perfect for the terrain.” He easily moved through the trees trying to hit us again. We all dodged but he had nicked my tail causing a stinging sensation, I hissed before checking the damage. It’s fine, just a small scratch, no need to worry. I heard fabric tearing and glance to see Bakugo had torn some of his black t-shirt and was behind me binding my tail, before he rubbed it…lovingly? No, there was no way! I’m imagining it, yeah that’s it…

“Better?” He looks at me worried. I nod before focusing on the villain. I’m too close to the boys if I use my pheromones it’ll blow back on them…crap why couldn’t I have a more useful one!

“He looks like a scrawny sidekick to me.” Bakugo dodges as more knives appear. Bakugo starts lighting up his hands.

“You can’t start any fires, it could kill everyone, do you understand?” I look unsurely between the two boys.

“I’m not stupid I know that.” We all dodged as more metal came out of his teeth. How Todoroki managed to hold onto the person he had found was beyond me.

“Teeth attacks? Seriously? It’s time to blast this freak with everything I’ve got!” Bakugo stared angrily at the villain.

“You can’t.”

“If the trees burn just cover them with ice stupid!” They bickered some more when all of a sudden there were some explosions in the distance and Midoriya’s voice could be heard. We watched in awe as Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow had taken over his body slamming him into the villain. Midoriya was riding on Shoji’s back, his limb wings protecting him.

“We need some light now he’s outta control!” Shoji yelled out as they ran, I was behind Bakugo and watched stunned to see Tokoyami so unhinged. Todoroki went to start his fire when Bakugo stopped him, letting Dark Shadow grab the villain, break his teeth and throw him into a tree knocking him unconscious.

“GET DOWN BATTY!” I ducked as Bakugo and Todoroki lit up the sky with their quirks and saved Tokoyami from Dark Shadow’s rampage. After everyone assured Tokoyami it was alright, Midoriya then explained what the villains wanted. I stayed close to Bakugo, worrying that something bad was gonna happen…

“Our mission is to get Bakugo back to safety.” Tokoyami said. Midoriya had come up with a plan to get us back to the campsite.

“Blossom stay close to Kacchan, with you and Shoji using your quirks we should know who’s heading towards us..” I looked over at Midoriya and was startled.

“We’ll surround you as we walk.” Todoroki had started walking with Shoji near the front.

“I don’t need your help! Stop ignoring me!” Everyone had started walking, I lingered near Bakugo on his left side.

“We all want to help you so let us.” I grabbed onto his hand, giving it a squeeze, and smiling at him. He started blushing lightly but squeezed back. Tokoyami, who was behind us, made no comment. I started sniffing in earnest, catching the scents of everyone around me. My tail twisting up his arm, lightly rubbing.

“Just make sure you keep up.” I giggled as Bakugo glared daggers at Todoroki. We had started making our way through the forest, I smelled something strange, and then everything went black…

All of a sudden everything was bright and I watched as Midoriya, Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Shoji looked at me in fright, I glanced to see Bakugo standing next to me a hand wrapped around his throat, Before I could do anything I felt one wrap around mine.

“Ah ah princess don’t move. Checkmate. Heh.” Then we were moving through a portal, fear paralyzing me. That bad feeling I had had was coming true…

Chapter 15: Chapter 15


Trigger warning this one contains blood and torture that may be upsetting to some viewers.

Chapter Text

We were transported to what looked like a bar. The scarred man’s hands were still around our throats as a man in a black and white costume with a mask started tying Bakugo up. They strapped him to a chair and added hand restraints so he couldn’t use his quirk.

“Oh this one is cute! Not as cute as Toga though.” I held back my bile as the costumed man tied my wings to my back before tying up my hands.

“Twice, don't forget the tail and mouth.” The scarred man pushed me into a chair next to Bakugo, before Twice yanked on my tail, making me stifle a cry, and quickly strapped it into a cuff on the chair leg then slapped duct tape over my mouth. Bakugo and I shared a look before turning our attention to the villains in front of us. A news reporter was speaking on the tv before a guy with a hand over his face turned to look at us.

“Isn’t that nice? Katsuki Bakugo and Blossom Amor.” My heart dropped as he said our names, blood lust filling the air around me almost choking. Around us were Twice, a girl I’m assuming is Toga, the scarred man,a lizard man, a man in a mask, and a woman with large lips.

"So Bakugo, will you join the League of Villains?” The man with the hand over his face said.

“Tch go jump into traffic.” My eyes widen at Bakugo’s tone before glancing at him again. I glance at the rest of the villains gaging their reactions. Most look bored, as Bakugo continues talking.

“Dabi release him, he isn’t stupid enough to take us all on. UA students are so clever and all. I’m Shigraki by the way, Amor, I know we have never had the pleasure of meeting.” I look into Shigaraki’s eyes and shiver from the violence and chaos in them turning my stomach.

“I’m not letting him out Twice you do it.” Scarred man nods to Twice.

“Ok! No way.” Twice gives a thumbs up and then shakes his head.

“Just do it.”

“Oh let me cut him!” Toga giggles from behind the bar, as Twice unlatches Bakugo, only for Bakugo to attack Shigiraki and throw off the hand covering his face, showing super dry skin and scars.

“You’ll regret that. One way or the other you will join us. Kurogiri if you will.” I watched helplessly as Kurogiri created a portal holding Bakugo’s hands as he was strapped to the chair by Twice. I tugged at my bonds as Dabi smirked before coming to stand in front of me.

“Let's leave them. Maybe a day without food will change his mind.” Dabi turned and winked at me as all the villains filtered out leaving me and Bakugo in the bar.

“You ok Batty?” Bakugo’s whisper catches my attention. I look over at him and nod. “I’m not gonna change my mind, I can’t, no matter what.” I nod again agreeing the heroes would be here soon enough. “Try to get some rest Batty.” I closed my eyes willingly to sleep but neither of us relaxed enough for it.

—The next night—

“Have you changed your mind Bakugo?” Dabi asked this time. My bladder had started cramping, along with my stomach.

“Go f*cking die.” Dabi’s eyes narrow at his tone.

Tut tut wrong answer. Twice, Spinner move her.” The lizard man and Twice each grabbed a side of my chair, my eyes going wide. I stared at Bakugo’s horrified expression. They moved me into the hallway and to a room on the right. As they entered Toga turned the lights on, it was bare except for some straw on the floor in the middle with some heavy chains bolted to the floor.

“Your new home Princess. Untie her tail first.” Twice grabbed my tail as Spinner unchained it. I desperately lashed my tail at Twice knocking him off balance and hitting Spinner before I felt a sharp pain in my skull and then everything went black.

–-Bakugo’s POV–

Dabi re entered with Twice and Spinner, both of them looking beat up and bleeding. I smirked as I thought of how Batty must have gotten a good punch in. Worry filled me as I recalled that sharp head pain and the ache in my chest spiking.

“Your Princess is tough, had to knock her out to get her tied down.” I feel my rage growing.

“Tch she’s tougher than all you losers, I’ll never join.” I growl as Dabi smirks at me.

“For now let’s see how much longer she can tough it out. You too for that matter.” He shrugs and leaves the room, only for Twice and Spinner to stay. They were chatting about stupid sh*t when Toga entered.

“Where’s Dabi?” Twice rushed over to her.

“Getting prepared.” My stomach dropped at those words. Hurry up All Might…

—-Early morning–Blossom’s POV–

I groaned as I woke up, my head pounding. My vision blurred as I adjusted to the lights. My arms and legs were chained to the floor, my wings still tightly bound to my back. They ached as I rolled onto my stomach. Shaking my head a little I blinked and looked around the room. It was bare except for a surgical tray in the corner. I didn't see anything on the tray though. I tried moving my tail only to find it too was chained down. There were no windows in this room so I couldn’t judge how long I had been here, my bladder was screaming by this point and my stomach grumbled loudly. I moved to my knees, my head resting on the floor as a few tears leaked out. Katsuki…he never told me what he wanted to say in the forest…

—-That evening–Bakugo’s POV—

I glared as Dabi, Twice and Spinner entered, followed by Toga and Shigaraki.

“Ready to change your mind Bakugo?” My eyes focused on Shigaraki as he spoke, my stomach clenching painfully. I growled as they approached me.

“I f*cking said no are you deaf you piece of sh*t! Where’s Blossom? What did you do to her?” My eyes narrowed at Toga’s gleeful grin.

“Well we were gonna do nothing…but since you won't comply we don’t really have a choice. Twice, Spinner grab his chair and put him in front of the door.” Twice and Spinner jumped at Dabi’s request and I struggled against my restraints as they picked me up and placed me on the opposite side of a door.

“Aw do you love her?” I glanced at Toga as she spoke. “Lover’s blood always tastes the best.” I held back a shiver.

“We’ll send her your regards, come on Toga. Twice, Spinner, you wait out here with him. I’m gonna go have some fun and maybe Bakugo here will change his mind.” Dabi smirked as he opened the door, I saw Blossom’s head jump up from the floor fighting against her restraints as she looked at me terror in her duo-colored eyes. We kept eye contact as Dabi closed the door.

—-Blossom’s POV–

Dabi and Toga closed the door and looked at me grinning. I watched warily as Toga headed towards the surgical tray and unrolled a black bag taking out certain knives and placing them on the tray. Dabi slowly walked towards me and I fought against my restraints as he ripped off the tape on my mouth, replacing it with his hand. His grip was tight and made my eyes water, bright blue eyes pierced mine.

“Now listen here Princess you sing, release pheromones, anything and Toga here will bleed you out got it?” I glared at Dabi before nodding once. He sighed. “Now your gonna help us get Bakugo to agree to join us, you got it?” He released my face, and I forced a laugh.

“He won’t join you. EVER!” Toga comes to stand beside Dabi, as he’s crouched in front of me, still smirking.

“Ah well that’s too bad, guess we’ll just have to have fun until then huh?” His palms lit up with blue fire and I gulped, Toga playing with a scalpel.

“Get f*cked Dabi.” He chuckled before nodding to Toga, standing. She walked around me slowly, and I followed her movements as best as I could. She lashed out and cut my cheek, a cry escaping my lips as I was taking by surprise, the blood dripping down my face slowly.

“Good girl scream for Bakugo.” Dabi lit up his other hand. I clenched my jaw, hissing at him. The scent of bloodlust filling the room made me dizzy. I bared my fangs as my fear grew.

“f*ck you sicko.” Toga slammed into me forcing me on my back as she slowly sliced under my collarbone, I groaned and grit my teeth at the pain. The ache in my heart spiking. I looked up to see Dabi’s face hovering over mine as he kneels, hands landing on my hips.

“Oh no thank you, I’m not fond of jailbait Princess.” He whispers close to my ear, then activates his quirk and I scream. I tried wriggling out of his grasp as he dug his hands deeper into my flesh, turning my head as I vomited, drool dripping down my chin, coughing as I tried to evacuate my stomach. Toga slashed my tank top, cutting up my upper stomach. “There, that’ll leave a beautiful scar, don't you think Toga?” She looks critically at my hips. The searing pain hitting me in waves, Dabi smirks as he looks up at her before leaning back.

“She needs more.” He smirks and grabs the inside of my thighs activating his quirk again. I scream so loudly I can feel my vocal cords tearing. Toga tears my shorts off, as tears stream down my face, for a moment the world goes black before… SMACK…Toga’s hand whips across my face bringing me back.

“Ah ah ah no sleeping for this. We’re just getting to the fun part huh Dabi?” Dabi nods. I can feel blood leaking from all my cuts turning the straw red.

“Let's turn her over.” I looked at my thighs and the handprints burned into them shame rising, even though he hadn’t touched me his mark was undeniable. The straw digs into some of the cuts on my arms and legs, sticking to my sweat and blood soaked skin, the dizzy feeling returns as my vision wavers. Toga cut the straps holding my wings and I snapped them out taking her and Dabi off balance. I bare my fangs as blood drips out of my mouth. I glare at them as I try to stand, waves of pain hitting me.

“f*ck YOU! KATSUKI DON'T JOIN! NO MATTER WHAT!” Lightning quick Dabi punches my face and then grabs my hair, pulling me up painfully, barely touching the floor.

“Bad move Princess. I was gonna leave the panties on but f*ck it, Toga cut them off.” Dabi stared into my eyes as Toga sliced into my legs cutting my bikini panties off. She shreds them and then laughs gleefully, licking some blood off my face. I shiver in disgust as Dabi leans in closer to my face before slowly licking the cut on my cheek, our eyes meet yet again, his glee is apparent. His hand pushes my hair over my shoulder and out of my face. “I want to make sure I see all the looks you give me while Toga plays with you.” His deep voice whispers next to my ear. Bile rises in my throat and for a moment I contemplate vomiting on him before he drops me to the ground.

“This is so fun Dabi.” Toga starts slicing my back, cutting my tank top off leaving me completely nude in front of them. My tail lashes against the chains. I alternate between screams and groans as Dabi lets Toga cut me up. The only area left untouched was my wing membrane.

“Enough Toga, we should leave one last parting gift though.” He releases my head only to push me down my upper torso slamming into the straw, he moves behind me and yanks on my tail moving one hand towards the base right above my ass. “Scream for me Princess.” He activates his quirk and once again my voice goes hoarse as he sears the base of my tail. The pain is excruciating as the scent of burnt flesh hits me over the copper tang of my own blood.

“PLEASE PLEASE, STOP NO MORE NO MORE!” I’m sobbing as he finally releases my tail, the pain finally knocking me unconscious.

—Bakugo’s POV—

Blossom’s screams cut me like a knife. I desperately fight against my binds as I hear it. I can feel my wrists start to bleed as I rub against the restraints.

“f*ck YOU! KATSUKI DON'T JOIN! NO MATTER WHAT!” I look at the door as she continues screaming. She said my first name… my heart flutters at the way my name sounds coming from her mouth before a sharp pain overtakes me. I groan and buckle under the intense feelings. What is this? Why am I in so much pain?

“Damn what do you think she’s doing in there Spinner? Looking greener than normal dude.” Twice glances at Spinner as we all listen. He just shrugs. I grit my teeth, rage increasing as all the scenarios run through my mind. One in particular sticking out. The pain reaches an all time high as her screams echo in my head.

“PLEASE PLEASE, STOP NO MORE NO MORE!” All of a sudden her screams stop and so does my heart. No, no, no, she’s fine, she has to be…f*ck f*ck f*ck! The door opens revealing Toga she skips from the room, her shirt drenched in blood.

“I can see why you like her. She was so much fun.” She pats my cheek with a bloodstained hand, rubbing Blossom’s blood into my skin. My heart drops as I look at Blossom laying on the floor, face turned towards me. She had been put into a large t-shirt with blood covering the floor, her sides rising slowly, the shirt soaking up the blood around her, chains on her feet. Dabi walked out, also covered in blood, and threw some clothing on me. I glanced down and paled. It was Blossom’s shredded underwear covered in blood.

“She was fun, too bad she’s ruined now, we’ll have to play again soon. Too bad you missed out Bakugo. Maybe next time you can watch. Come on, let's leave him.” He closed the door and all of them filtered out of the hallway. I stared at the panties my brain trying desperately to fight off the images of Dabi raping her. I started silently sobbing praying to whatever god would listen to get the hero’s here before Dabi took her again.

–The next night—Bakugo’s POV–

“Release him Twice, I’m sure he’s learned his lesson.” Shigaraki had just been watching the press release the UA did on Blossom and I. They had moved me away from Blossom’s door and back into the bar, so I could watch the press release with them. Blossom was still chained in that room.

“Now will you join us?” I punched Twice as soon as I was free.

“If you want me to listen then get on your knees and beg.” As I crouched to launch my attack there was a knock on the door.

“Hi, I have a pizza delivery.” All of a sudden the wall by Spinner exploded and All Might came crashing in.

“SMASH!” As the heroes entered Kamui Woods bound all the villains with his branches before they could get away. Dabi being knocked out by an older looking hero. Blossom’s grandmother rushed past me searching for Blossom.

“Where’s Amor Young Bakugo?” All Might turned towards me, I felt so relieved.

“She’s…in a room in the back.” I nodded towards the hallway and watched as a couple officers and Blossom’s grandmother went back there. Not listening to anything anyone was saying I focused on that door to the hallway waiting for them to bring Blossom out. My Batty… All of a sudden Nomu’s started appearing even though Kurogiri had been knocked out by Edgeshot. I focused back on preparing for a fight as sludge enveloped me.

—-3 days later–Bakugo’s POV—

I sat next to Blossom in the hospital. I watched as her chest rose and fell with her breathing. The ache in my heart was gone for the moment as I held her hand.

“Wake up dumbass…please… I have to tell you that I…” I jumped as the door to her room slammed open and her grandmother and another woman entered. Her grandmother glared at me as the other woman came to stand beside her.

“Bakugo. Out.” I look to see the grandmother pointing towards the door. I slowly stand up and move towards the door, once I exit the grandmother follows me. “I don’t EVER want to see you near her again! Do you understand me?! You let her get hurt by those monsters. You didn’t protect her! And to think I thought.. You know what it doesn’t matter, you will never see her again.” I took the grandmother’s tongue lashing silent for once not even having the energy to fight back. She is right, it is all my fault. So with my heart shattering I walked away from Blossom and buried what I was going to say to her deep deep down inside.

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Chapter Text

—10 years later—Bakugo’s POV–

“In other news, another villain’s body has washed up on the docks. Sources close to the police say that the American vigilante SpellSinger has come to Japan as the body is the fourth in…” I groan and shut the tv off, turning back to my desk, heaving a sigh as I pull open a drawer, grabbing an old worn Sylveon keychain as I think of Blossom. She had been the main focus of my thoughts these past few months, something I had been unable to shake. The everpresent ache in my chest spikes for a moment. I pet its head as I stare into space before my office door opens, quickly stashing it back in the drawer.

“Hey Bakubro! Got time for drinks with me and Mina tonight?” Kirishima was all grins; he had gotten taller and let his hair grow longer but kept it that bright red.

“Can’t I have patrol tonight.” I ran a hand through my hair, having grown it out so it was a bit longer still spiky as ever though. Kirishima looked disappointed before slapping my shoulder.

“Well we’re still on for that new club that opened up right? The Viper’s Pit! Denki, Izuku and Hanta will all be there!” I roll my eyes and nod.

“Cool, don't forget it's tomorrow at 7.” Kirishima left and I stood up stretching before making my way to the locker room to get changed into my gear. I had kept the main design from my school days, gauntlets and all. Soon enough I was out patrolling.

—A couple hours later–

I was walking by a dark alley when a scuffle caught my attention. “Finally some action.” I rush into the dark alley taking a sharp turn when I see a villain and a cloaked figure fighting.

“Hey, get away from each other! Don’t make me hurt you!” I spark my hands as the male villain rush's me and tries to dodge my outstretched hand, grabbing his shirt he takes a hidden knife and slashes my face, cutting me.

“f*cking bastard!” I hear a feminine voice utter before the cloaked figure jumps over us grabbing the male villain's neck and snapping it. The figure continues running and I grimace, dropping the male and giving chase. The figure cuts corners and slams into a door before opening it and running inside, I lunge for the closing door only to be greeted by dim red lights. Music pounding through the walls I follow the hallway out onto a dance floor. Strobe lights illuminating the writhing bodies. Glancing around I see the cloaked figure slide into a side hallway and I follow pushing and shoving my way there. The scent of sweat and alcohol was overwhelming. Making it to the hallway to see the cloaked figure leaning against the wall. I rush them and grab their throat pushing them into the wall, their feet dangling above the floor.

I put you on top, I put you on top

I claimed you so proud and openly

And when times were rough, when times were rough

I made sure I held you close to me

I sparked my hand and pushed it near the hood as I growled.

“Better not f*cking move…” My hand illuminated the figure's face as the hood slipped back. My red eyes met brown ones as I took in her features. The ache in my heart stutters and then stops as I look at her heart shaped lips and fangs as she bares them. My grip slacks as I rove over her long black hair, but the eyes are the wrong color. I grow more confused. “Who are you?”

So call out my name (call out my name)

Call out my name when I kiss you so gently

I want you to stay (I want you to stay)

I want you to stay, even though you don't want me

Girl, why can't you wait? (why can't you wait, baby?)

Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love?

Her brown eyes stare into mine before she pauses. We just stare at each other as the music pulses around us. The red lights make everything darker, more intimate. I unconsciously leaned into her, her supple body soft against my hard one, vanilla and sandalwood floated towards my nose, stirring up emotions I thought had died in me, my pants growing tighter. Glancing down I see no tail, or wings. Not right…she’s not her…but why?

“Katsuki?” She leans forward as I’m startled by my name leaving her mouth and licks the cut on my cheek before kneeing me in my stomach, sprinting out a nearby door.

“What the f*ck?” The pain in my chest starts back up again as I kneel there.

Won't you call out my name? (call out my name)

Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way

—-Blossom’s POV–

What the f*ck… I had run all the way back to my sh*tty apartment and was currently cleaning the cut on my arm that bastard had left. My black cloak with the aquamarine waves on the ends look like they're splashing into each other, tossed onto a nearby chair. Well at least it won’t scar… what the hell is he doing here… I sigh before removing my costume. It was a black short sleeved leotard, I had seafoam green wave accented black tights that I removed as well as black boots. I grabbed my tank top and pajama bottoms then headed to the bed. My heart clenched painfully as I remember looking into Bakugo’s eyes, the red light turning his features harsh. His scent drowning me more than when I was a child, his blood even more delicious then I remembered. I sigh brushing my hair before braiding it back. It was one of the few things I kept from my childhood, grabbing my Typhlosion plush and forced my eyes closed. My dreams filled with confusion, anger, and a pair of unforgettable crimson eyes.

—-The next day–Bakugo’s POV–

I was having a sh*tty day. I spilled coffee on my shirt twice, had to dodge crazy fangirls, and slept like sh*t. Tossing and turning all night long those brown eyes making a reappearance in my dreams. Not even the 3 cold showers I had taken before work could stop the inferno building inside me. I finally made it into my office, checking my emails before staring into space again. Dropping my gym bag on the floor, I didn't have hero work today so I wore a black fitted t-shirt and black sweats, intent on hitting the gym before going to that new club with the guys.

“Kugo…Bakugo?” I shook my head and glanced over at Kaminari and Kirishima as they walked up to me. “Dude earth to Bakugo! Hey did you hear us?”

“Course I did Dunce Face.” I growled rubbing my face impatiently. I swear if I don’t sleep tonight!

“Cool, then come on, Deku is having a meeting.” I huffed as I stood and followed Kirishima to the meeting room. Almost all of the UA hero course students were there. I took a seat by Mina as Kirishima sat opposite of her. Everyone was serious-faced, tension heavy in the air.

“Now I’m sure you all know why I called you here.” Deku had become the number 1 hero, I was number 2. Already dressed in his hero costume, which he had kept the same from our school days, he glanced around the room at some of the confused faces. “We have reports that another villain has been murdered.” He clicks a button and a projector pops up a photograph of that male villain that had been killed last night. I grimaced as I remembered how the cloaked woman had escaped me. “This will make 5 now all with the same m.o. We believe this to be the work of the vigilante SpellSinger.”

“Oh sh*t. She snaps all their necks? Wait, the American vigilante? How the hell did she get over here?” Kaminari leans forward as he looked over a file.

“No she snapped this guy’s neck because Dynamight got in her way, she only targets villains, especially one’s with records of rape, torture, and kidnapping. The American police did not get very far on trying to identify her.” Uraraka stepped up next to Deku, looking grim-faced.

“We believe this might have something to do with her background, but at this time no one knows anything about her. Except what Dynamight learned that she is in fact female. The police have been notified and asked us to all be extra vigilant in trying to capture her.”

“Should we stop her though? These are violent criminals, sounds like she’s doing us a favor.” Everyone turns to look at Iida who had just spoken up. His eyes were glued to the file he had, my eyes widened. It was true all the murdered villains were multiple offenders who had been released from prison more than once but still, killing no matter who was a crime. The faint scent of vanilla and sandalwood teases me, I glance around to make sure she isn’t here.

“Ingenium, I know that these were convicted people, but nonetheless we must uphold the laws otherwise we are no better than the villains we fight.” Deku’s voice was confident, a far cry from the baby he had been. Iida raised his head nodding at Deku. “Now we have released the vigilante’s description to the press in the hopes she will be caught quickly. That’s all we have for now, everyone is dismissed.” He nods before everyone starts standing up and exiting the room. I head back to my office to grab my bag.

“Hey Bakubro, we're still gonna see you tonight right?” Kirishima pats my back. I nod as I exit my office thoughts back on Blossom. “Alright see you tonight!” He heads out and I release the breath I had been holding, rubbing my face as vanilla and sandalwood dance in my head, the ache pulsing.

—-6pm–Blossom’s POV–

I slam my hand over my phone groggily turning off my alarm. Yawning, I stretch before getting out of bed before heading into the shower and changing into a pair of high rise skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance crop top, grabbing a large black ribbon to hide the burn marks at the base of my tail, tying it into a cute bow, making sure its tight. Shaking out my wings before putting on a cloak making sure my tail is covered. I grabbed my bright green contacts and popped one in my right eye before fixing a short dark red wig to my head hiding my natural hair, applying smokey eyes and black lipstick before grabbing my coffin purse and heading out locking the door behind me. I walked quickly to the Viper’s Pit, opening up a back door and greeting the bouncer. I make my way towards the locker room and hang my purse in my locker. Checking my wig in the mirror, fluffing it over my pointed ears, I head to the bartender station.

“Hey Remie, are you waitressing tonight?” I glance over at the male voice of my coworker Kai. He was nice but super nosy, tall with short black hair and a ton of facial piercings.

“No thank god bartending tonight.” I walked over to the sink preparing for the night. Kai jumped onto one of the stools.

“Lucky! I’m on tables tonight. I heard there was a group of Pro’s coming in so at least the tips will be nice.” Freezing at the mention of Pro Heroes, I try to take a calming breath before panicking. He won’t be here, there’s no way… no one knows I’m back yet. Not even Grams. Everything will be fine. I nodded only half listening to the gossip Kai was spilling before 7 hit and we were open.

—Bakugo’s POV–

I made it just in time as Deku pulled into the parking garage. Parking my orange and black Acura RDX next to his green Nissan Skyline, I lock my car door before coming around.

“Sup Deku.” He jumps before spinning to look at me.

“Oh hi Kacchan! I’m surprised you decided to come out with us.” I just nod as we head towards the elevator and exit at the first floor. Upon entering the building I realize it’s the same one that I caught SpellSinger in. The strobe lights were flashing on the dance floor as we skirted around those to the bar and lounge area. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were already seated at a corner booth, directly across from the bar. The wallpaper and seats were black with red accents, the lighting brighter here than on the dance floor.

“Hey Bakubro! Glad to see you made it. Great to see you again Izuku!” Kirishima and his never wavering smile. While the music wasn’t as loud as on the dance floor I could still feel it thrumming in my blood.

“Hey guys! Have you ordered yet?” Izuku and Kaminari start talking about some dumb bullsh*t when our waiter arrives, a tall guy with a sh*t ton of face piercings. He hands us some menus and asks us about drinks.

“Just a round of beers for us please. Gotta drive tonight.” Kirishima orders for us, smiling at the waiter who blushes before writing it down and almost running to the bar.

“I think that guy likes you Kiri.” Kaminari watches as the waiter almost runs into a red headed woman. I glance over at them as the waiter waves his hands at the woman in the cloak. What an odd thing to wear in a club.

—Blossom’s POV—

Ugh it’s so f*cking hot in here. Why does the owner have to make it so goddamn hot! Fanning my face as I make a co*cktail for the waiting couple.

“Here ya go enjoy!” They thank me before leaving, and I sigh. My mind stubbornly finds its way back to Bakugo.

“Omg girl! Cutie alert in the booth, it's those Pro’s.” Kai comes running up, almost smacking me in his hurry to grab a pitcher for beer. Rolling my eyes I look over at the booth only to freeze. My heart clenches painfully as I make eye contact with the last person I wanted to see. Katsuki? Here? Holy sh*t! I can feel my world growing smaller as electricity sparks my long dead emotions. A hand waving in front of my face pulls me out of it, and I turn to focus on Kai.

“You ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. You’re new to Japan right?” I nod numbly. “Ah so the blonde with the shades on is Chargebolt, the guy with short black hair is Cellophane, the extremely hot redhead is Red Riot, Mr. green hair is Deku the number 1 hero in Japan, and the number 2 hero Mr. bite your face off is Dynamight.” I blinked hearing that. Bakugo was the number 2 hero, I was sure he would’ve hit 1 by now. My stomach clenches as I remember the last time I saw him before I was dumped back in America. Anger pulses as I try to push the memories down.

“Oh that’s cool.” I shrug before I start washing some glasses, keeping my head down.

“I think Dynamight likes you.” I glance over at Kai as he leans against the sink. “He’s watching you.” I shudder and try to focus on the task at hand: dishes.

“Hey! What's your name?” I jump at the deep voice coming from behind me Kai having gone back to waiting on the Pro’s. I slowly turn around as time seems to stop. Staring into dark crimson eyes I never dreamed I would see again. I pray he can’t see my tail start to wag, keeping my head down at the bar. I try to fight against the overwhelming scent of him. Burnt caramel, my favorite smell in the whole world.

“It’s..uh…Remie.” I gulp almost forgetting the new name I had given myself. His eyes narrow as he slowly roves down my body. I can feel the heat race up my spine as I start blushing, my breathing becoming shallow.

“Little hot for a cloak don’t you think?” He tilts his head to the side, eye’s focused on mine. I shrug the question off, my heart racing.

“Bad blood pressure, is there anything you need?” My tone is short and harsh hoping he’ll leave me alone. I have never been lucky.

“Yeah, your number.” I blink at him distraught. Kai comes up behind him and gives me a thumbs up. I can feel blood flooding my cheeks.

“Uh…sorry can’t give my number out to clients. Sides I’m not that kinda girl.” I turn my back to him hoping he’ll leave as I get started on some orders for other tables. Willing my wings and tail to keep still for once.

“You got a boyfriend?” Please just f*cking go away! My heart clenches at the thought of him dating other women. I hadn’t been able to stand being around other men. Not that my parents had let me around other people, not for a long time.

“Oh no she doesn’t! Just moved here from America actually! She’d looove to give you her number. Maybe you can show her around.” I glare at Kai as he waltzes next to me grabbing a napkin and writing my number down before handing it to Bakugo. I feel my face heat up as Bakugo smirks at me before tucking the napkin into his pants pocket and walking away.

I am hardcore f*cked…

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Chapter Text

—3 days later– Blossom’s POV—

Finally a f*cking day off! I stretched as I laid down on my couch. Rubbing a hand over my face, I sighed. Bartending was never the life I wanted but it got me the information I needed and was better than being a private dancer. My phone started vibrating as a news feed popped up. It was Mina and Kirishima, and not for the first time my heart ached at the loss of my friends. They were working out at the gym together. I closed the app and opened my photos, scrolling back to the ones I had sent to my new phone. Mina and I at the mall, Kirishima and I eating ramen while we studied, and my most cherished photo, Bakugo and the explicit manga. Chuckling, I wiped my face as a few tears leaked out before steeling myself to get up. After showering and brushing my hair I grabbed my normal high rise skinnies, a tank top, and my black ribbon for my tail. Checking my reflection I donned some sunglasses and a black backpack I headed out into the world to prepare for tonight. My wings were soaking up the heat as I walked to the nearest mall. I walked into the sporting goods section grabbing some rope, and water stones for my knives. After purchasing those I head to a nearby bookstore. Lifting my glasses I peruse the manga section grabbing some explicit manga and as I head to the checkout I run into someone, knocking me to the floor.

“sh*t I’m so so…Blossom?” I freeze as I look into Uraraka’s eyes. God f*cking dammit…

“Hey Uraraka, long time no see.” I slap a fake smile on my face and inwardly cringe as she wraps me in a hug. Her light honey scent envelopes me in warm memories.

“Why didn't you tell me you were in Japan again?! I haven’t heard from you in so long, we have to catch up!” She grabs my phone and types in her number before texting herself. “I’m having lunch with Mina tomorrow around noon does that work for you? You can tell us all about how you got back here!” I slowly nod knowing there was no way out of this but also secretly relieved. I really missed my girlfriends… Maybe this will be good for me, or end horribly. We parted ways and I headed back to my apartment to prepare for tonight. Hoping they didn’t tell Bakugo I was back yet.

—Mina’s POV–

I had just finished my workout when my phone started buzzing. Glancing at the ID I look at the texts.


Omg guess who I literally just RAN INTO!

Pink Queen:

Someone famous?


Blossom! As in Blossom Amor.

I gasped and squealed as I headed to the locker room setting up the group chat. I hadn’t heard from her in so long, I had missed one of my best friends.

Pink Queen:

Guys Blossom is back!

Red Hunk:

No Way! Awesome!


Dude no way?!


Oh awesome!



Explosion Boy:



Yeah Mina and I will be having lunch with her tomorrow! I’m so excited!!

Pink Queen:

We’ll get all the deets!

I sighed at Bakugo’s response hoping he would’ve been as excited as the rest of us. They were the closest. Maybe he’s in shock… Well no matter Can You Feel the Love Tonight continues! I will get them together.

—Bakugo’s POV–

My heart leapt into my throat as I read those words. Blossom was back… I was unsure how to feel. I had been texting Remie but she had yet to answer. I growled in frustration, Blossom doesn’t matter, it's time I moved on. I’m sure she has. My heart drops as I think about that, rubbing my chest as that ache spikes. Sighing I grab my gym bag and head to work out before patrol.

—That night—Blossom’s POV–


Hey it’s Bakugo Katsuki just wanted to see if you wanted to grab dinner tomorrow?


If you don’t want to, that's fine…

I had left him on read unsure of what I was gonna do. I hadn’t planned on anyone finding out I was back. If Grams catches wind she’ll be on my tail trying to send me back to America, I can’t go back there not ever. Shaking the thoughts from my head I glance unsurely at my phone before opening Messenger.


Yeah I suppose we can have dinner tomorrow.

Anxiety clenches my stomach as I put my phone in my cloak pocket before jumping out my window taking to the sky. I had received information that a new sex trafficking ring was being set up near the docks and now was the time to take out the leaders. They were holding a meeting, anger clawed at me as memories flashed. Me being kidnapped, and tortured., snarling as I fly faster before dropping onto a nearby roof. Rearranging my cloak so I become invisible with the night sky I crouch looking around. 6 guards? Really that's all they went with? This’ll be a piece of cake… I slither over towards the edge of the docks I find the small outpost I had made underneath and start singing. I heard the men’s footsteps as they drew near, entranced, before they’re silencers clicked, each body dropping into the water with muffled splashes. It was grim work but more effective than hero work. I crawled out of my hideout and checked to make sure it was clear, silently making my way to the meeting spot. It was an old abandoned warehouse. I snuck around until I found a sunroof flexing my wings, I jumped and glided to it before hunkering down looking in. There were about 7 guys in there all sitting around a table laughing and drinking. I narrowed my eyes. As if they have ANY right to do that, knowing they kill people, destroy families… the bastards…

“Don’t. Move.” His deep voice startles me, cursing silently I slowly turn to look at the shadows the voice had spoken from. Bakugo steps out, looking pissed and delicious all at the same time. “What you’re doing is wrong. You’re a murderer.”

“No, I'm a savior. All those men down there they’re the murderers. Do you know what they're plotting right now, Hero? Debating on the youngest they can get away with kidnapping, the selling rate of virgins, and how long a baby can last without food and water. You aren't saving anyone.” I bare my fangs at him, all those emotions I had thought I buried resurfacing yet again.

“Get down. Back up is coming.” He moves towards me and a board creaks making the men below us pause and look up. Then the shooting starts. I grab Bakugo and yank us off the roof. A door cracks open and the men spill out guns blazing. I dodge and punch a large man in the face knocking him out before plunging my knife into his heart. Snarling, I slice and punch all men in my way, glancing over to see Bakugo has felled 4 guys. Before I know it the fighting is over, I can hear police sirens in the distance, Bakugo and I stare at each other before I dash off the docks into the water. I see him rush to the edge looking around knowing he can’t see me before he curses and leaves. Slowly I swim to the other end and climb out, panting. I drop to my knees before snarling and slamming my hands onto the concrete. f*ck f*ck f*ck! Why me huh? Sighing as my forehead rested on the concrete, I eventually pick myself up and fly back home, hopping in the shower I grab my luckily waterproof phone before opening up the texts.


Send me your address. I'm picking you up at 6.

This is such a bad f*cking idea…so f*cking stupid. I sigh before texting him my address and then falling into restless slumber.

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Chapter Text

—The next morning–Blossom’s POV–

I groaned as my alarm went off. The events of the night before coming back to me, Bakugo’s intrusion, the fact that I didn’t get all my targets, and my impending date with Bakugo. Rubbing my face in frustration I hop into the shower. As the hot water poured over me my thoughts directed me to Bakugo. His mask fits him so well and he’s really filled out his costume, if only we weren’t on opposite sides. His scent floats back into my mind as I start heading down the forbidden path. Shaking my head I switch it to a cold shower, once out I check my phone.


Hey so did you get that date?


Yeah dinner tonight


YASSS let me know how it goes!!

Remie: Will do!


Hey so we'll be meeting at the cat cafe see you soon!


Hell yeah!

I glance at the time before pulling on a plain black off the shoulder shirt and black skinny jeans with holes on the knees, my black ribbon in place, grabbing my sunglasses and a black bat purse as I make my way to the cafe. I had my hair pulled back this time with no reason to try and hide. I make it to the cafe before Uraraka and Mina and find us a table. Taking a deep breath I contemplate just how I’m gonna answer these questions. My tail starts twitching as a little black cat bats at it.

“Oh my god Blossom!” I’m smothered by Mina as she gathers me into a bone crushing hug sobbing. “I missed you so much girl! Why didn’t you answer any of my texts or phone calls!” My eyes start watering at the pain in her voice, glancing at Uraraka I can see unshed tears in hers.

“I’m so sorry, to both of you. I really wanted to but my parents… they took my phone away. Took away any type of communication.” I hugged Mina back, her light fruity scent calming me as Uraraka sat down. “Enough about me, what about you guys? I see you’ve both become heroes.”

“Ah yes and I finally asked Izuku out! We have a date tomorrow!” Uraraka’s smile is the brightest thing I’ve seen. She radiates pure joy. Mina looks excited as Uraraka talks.

“Knew it!” We all laugh, I glance over at Mina smirking. “And you and Kirishima? I saw you guys working out together.” I wink at her as she goes bright red.

“We, uh, well we aren’t official yet but we do have a date on Sunday.” I squeal, pulling her in for another hug.

“That’s so exciting! I knew you guys were a cute couple.” We all laugh at that.

“So if you don’t mind me asking what brings you back to Japan? Are you a hero?” Mina tilts her head to the side eyeing me.

“Ah no I’m not a hero, but I love my job all the same. I waitress and bartender on occasion. I came back for a change in scenery. And before you ask, no I’m not seeing anyone, I haven’t really felt the need to.” My tail twitches as that cat scratches it. Mina gets a big grin and glances over at Uraraka.

“Well you know neither has Bakugo. He’s been single as long as we’ve known him.” I gape at them, my face going red. Never? Has he really been single this whole time? That can’t be right ‘Remie’ has a date with him today. Must be a mistake.

“I didn’t come back here for Bakugo, it was just a crush on my end. I’m sure he doesn’t even remember me.” The bitterness leaks out before I can stop it, making Mina frown.

“I wouldn’t be so sure. You don't have any feelings for him?” Her hopeful look makes me grit my teeth.

“No I don’t.” Tch that’s f*cking bullsh*t, he’s all I think about. All I’ve ever thought about. I’m an idiot. “Anyways, how are the others? Did they all become heroes too?” Mina launches into a new story for each of our former classmates, and I’m content to just listen. My wings twitching here and there. The pain in my heart dulled for just a moment, I basked in the friendship I had desperately missed. Soon enough we parted ways, Mina giving me her number and promising to text as much as she could. I sighed as I started home, walking past a playground I paused, watching the kids bounce around gave me a bit of resentment for my childhood. Once my quirk had manifested I stopped having a life, always locked away from everyone. Rubbing my neck I snapped out of my funk and continued on home. Instead of heading to my apartment I climbed to the roof, standing on the ledge I spread my wings out and jumped catching the air and rising. The steady beat of my wings eased my mind as I circled high over buildings and people, twisting and turning with the air currents I enjoyed the freedom I had.

“Weird seeing someone else with wings.” I jump startled by the male voice as I spin ready to attack. A male in his 30’s flying behind me, his red wings flapping. His hair was blonde and cut short, he had golden eyes. He wore a tan colored jacket with a black shirt underneath with tan colored pants and black boots. The left side of his face bore a large scar.

“Yeah there are not many winged people.” I narrowed my eyes as I subtly inhaled his scent as he flew closer to me, it was smokey with a hint of fried chicken. A rather weird combination. “What do you want?”

“Not a very trusting woman I see. Well I saw you flying and thought you might want some company.” I tilt my head inhaling again, he didn’t give off any deceitfulness or lies.

“Sorry but I don’t know you.” Anxiety had started biting at me.

“I’m Hawks.” He held his hand out for me to shake. I looked at it for a moment, hesitating, before I grabbed it and shook.

“Blossom.” He grinned at me, he’d be handsome if I wasn’t currently attached to a spiky explosion guy.

“Nice to meet you, do you fly here often?” He fell beside me as I started soaring again.

“No, I'm new here. Just came from America.” I slowed down as he seemed to have trouble flying for a moment, his wings freezing. “Are you ok?” Hovering next to him I reached out.

“Yeah old injury, sometimes it starts acting up. I should probably head on home, it was nice to meet you, maybe we’ll meet up again sometime.” He looks at my wings wistfully.

“Yeah I wouldn’t mind it.” For once it’s the truth, while flying was relaxing it also could be lonely. He was the first winged person besides my Grams I had come across, she never flew. As I watched Hawks land on a building I pulled my phone out of my purse. f*ck it’s 5 already I’m gonna be late if I don’t get home. I sped home and made it in time to throw on my green contacts and my red wig. Readjusting my ribbon I twined my tail over my skinny jeans giving the illusion of a belt and throwing a large plain black cloak over my wings. I had finished applying eyeliner when there was a knock on the door, taking a deep breath I answered.

“Hi.” His crimson eyes were bright as he took in my appearance. Though he frowned when he caught sight of my cloak.

“Hello Remie, you ready?” Stepping out of my apartment I locked up and followed him to his car. Inhaling his scent when he wasn’t noticing, I had truly missed it. His car was black and orange and looked fast as I climbed in. He closed my door for me and walked around to the driver's side. I had little time to covertly move my wings but it was still uncomfortable as he drove us to the restaurant. When we arrived he quickly walked to my side and opened my door for me.

“Thank you. Are you sure you wanna come here? It looks kinda expensive.” I glanced at the fancy restaurant feeling very underdressed. He handed his keys to the valet before coming to stand beside me.

“I rented the whole place out so it’s fine.” My eyes widened at his admission and I couldn’t help the flinch as he laid his hand against my wings. If he noticed he didn’t show it, as he led me into the building. His hand scorched me where it rested, making me blush as I walked trying to focus on anything but the feeling. Luckily the waiter had a booth available for him and we were escorted there, Bakugo motioned for me to go in first and I scooted to the farthest side as he followed in staying opposite of me.

“Can I start you off with some drinks?” The waiter handed Bakugo and I our menus and I glanced at what they served. My jaw almost dropping at the prices.

“Just a tea to start with please.” Looking over the menu more closely I hear Bakugo ask for tea as well and the waiter leaves. The silence is uncomfortable as we both look down. “So..uh.. What are you gonna get to eat?”

“The spicy sushi bowl. What about you?” His eyes darken as he looked my face over, his expression unreadable.

“The uh, tuna roll? I’ve never eaten sushi before…” I wiggle slightly under his gaze

“It’s good here, I’ll order a couple other things for you to try.” Soon enough our waiter returned and handed us our drinks before taking our order and heading to the cook.

“So why did you ask me out?” The words left my mouth before I had a chance to think, he stiffened at my question. Thinking back to Mina’s admission of his dating life, it didn’t make sense to me.

“Don’t know. The guys badgered me so I figured I might as well.” His words hurt for some reason. I know right now I’m not Blossom but I can’t help the jealousy that blooms. The ache in my heart is dulling considerably.

“Ah thanks, that warms my heart.” He frowns at me.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” I glared at him, fangs bared.

“I’m sure you didn’t.” The waiter returned with our food and we ate in silence. Trying to calm my frayed nerves I looked at him. He wore a plain black t-shirt just as he had when we were young. His shoulders had widened considerably and his arms were more toned and larger than I remembered. He had gotten taller and his hair was longer, he had pierced his ears and had what looked like a tattoo on his collarbone. His eyes were still sharp, seeming to take in our surroundings. His scent wafted over to me, a mixture of confusion, his natural smell and underneath all of that, lust. I widened my eyes. He wants Remie. Mina had to be wrong about his dating life. We finished our food in silence. Neither of us knowing what to say to break the tension in the air.

“Look I don’t date…the one time I came close…it just didn’t work. Sorry I took up your time.” He paid for our meal and was driving me home. I felt confused, here he was baring his soul to me and he didn’t even know I was Blossom. I almost told him the truth, but when we stopped at my apartment he opened my door. I stepped out and turned as he headed back to his side.

“I might not be the right girl but she’s out there…you’ll find her. She’s closer than you think.” I walked into the complex not turning to look at him as he drove away, my heart pounding in my chest, the ache spiking. As I entered my complex there was a tension in the air that gave me pause. My tail twitched as I quickly made my way to my door. Swiftly entering, I never noticed the scarred man who stood just around the corner. Throwing the wig off I sighed the date had not turned out the way I had hoped. It left me more confused than anything. Shrugging off my cloak I hit my stereo blasting some metal music in the hopes of drowning my thoughts, flopping on the couch I grabbed my phone.


Girl the deets!


We didn’t hit it off.

I hesitated wondering just how much to tell Kai. Seeing as how I was supposed to be hiding.


He has his mind on another woman. Which is fine by me.


I’m so sorry! Should I beat him up?


Hahaha no it’s ok.

As Middle of the Night by the Loveless came on my speakers I zoned out. Thinking about my current predicament, and Hawks. It was so strange that he appeared out of nowhere, it left me feeling uneasy. What was I gonna do about Bakugo? Could he still have feelings for me? Do I want him to?

—Mina’s POV—

Kirishima had come over to my place and we were having a mini date night. I was cuddled up on his lap watching a rom-com when his phone went off. He picks it up reading something before groaning.

“Bakugo’s first date with that bartender didn’t go so well.” He nuzzles my neck as he speaks. “Poor guy that isn’t very manly. He hasn’t been the same since Blossom.”

“What bartender?” Curiosity spiking since Blossom mentioned she was a bartender.

“The one at Viper’s Pit. Remie, he kept staring at her so I told him to go ask her out and he did. Their date was tonight. Guess she wasn’t the one.” He glanced at me as I sighed in relief. “What are you thinking?”

“Well Blossom’s back, and even if she won’t admit it she is still crushing on Bakugo…”

“I don’t like where this is going.” I roll my eyes.

“Here me out, why not set up a group date where they both happen to be there? Ya know something casual. Maybe the sparks will fly again!” I started bouncing up and down on the couch just imagining it.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I pouted at Kirishima, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He sighs and looks away. “Where and when?” Squealing, I grab my phone and text Blossom and Uraraka.

“Oh there’s a festival next weekend, let's plan for that!”

“Women…” He sighs again before texting Bakugo. This is gonna be perfect!

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Chapter Text

—Blossom’s POV–

It was time for work. I had spent the better part of the day agonizing over the budding friendship I had with Kai, and had decided to come clean, about this anyways. I kept my cloak on as I left my apartment, but once I made it to The Viper’s Pit I shed it. Taking a deep breath I left the locker room heading to the bartenders station.

“Hey Kai.”

“Hey Rem-” He turned stunned as he looked me over. My left arm rubbing my right as he remained silent. “You? Uh…what?”

“Look I haven’t been totally honest with you and I would like to start again. My real name is Blossom. These are my natural eye colors, and yes I do have wings and a tail.” He was stunned and the silence between us grew as he just stared. All of a sudden he wrapped me in a bone crushing hug.

“Finally!” Now it was my turn to be stunned.


“Oh I already knew you were lying, it’s part of my quirk. I knew who you were the moment I laid eyes on you. I was just waiting for you to come clean.” I started tearing up relieved that I no longer had to lie. I smiled at him and we chatted before work started.

–A couple hours later–

I had just served a ton of alcohol to Kai’s table when a shiver went up my spine. I scanned my surroundings but no one was looking at me, shrugging it off as nerves I returned to the bar.

“Hey there doll, how about a private show?” The greasy voice from behind me made me shiver before turning towards them.

“And you are?” I give him a sultry look.

“Future leader of the Yama Clan.” I quirk an eyebrow and smirk at him. Too f*cking easy.

“I suppose I could, just this one time.” I set out a will return clock and walked towards a back room, swinging my hips slowly, scenting his arousal in the air. We enter the room and I close the door behind him, locking it, before pushing him on the black velvet couch. I could feel my quirk rising up like a wave and I started humming softly. The effect was immediate: his jaw slackened and he stared at a wall unblinkingly.

“Now tell me who you really are?” I pitch my voice low, as a move to a chair across from him. His body's response left me irritated, his pants had a barely noticeable tent in them.

“Kina of the Yama Clan.”

“What do you do?”

“I do grunt work for the boss Hanta Yama.” Sighing I rub my face. The Yama Clan was a relatively new gang who dealt mainly in narcotics and money laundering.

“Your gang’s purpose?”

“We are gonna take over Japan, and rule all the other gangs.” Small fry then.

“Is there any interest in sex trafficking?” The most important question I ask.

“None, boss's wife was a victim of that, plus SpellSinger is here.” Grinning widely I punched him in the face knocking him unconscious, I grabbed my hidden rope and tied him up so he wouldn't escape.

“Goodnight then.” Cracking my neck I exit the room locking it after me, I head back to work. That scarred figure watching the whole time from the shadows. After my shift was done and Kai had started home I walked back to the room and unlocked the door. Kina was still unconscious so I untied him, shrugged my cloak on and dragged him to the roof. Checking my surroundings I flew towards the nearest police department and dropped him right on their doorstep scaring a cop who was walking out, ducking I hid behind a building as the cop looked around stunned. All in a night’s work, I should keep an eye on that gang though.

—Siren’s Lounge—Gram’s POV—

I sighed over my glass of brandy, my son had just called to confirm that Blossom was missing. Staring out the window, I contemplated where she could have gone. She was the strongest of our kind and the most dangerous. Suddenly my door creaked open softly.

“Leave me.” I didn’t bother turning my chair to look at who had arrived.

“I have some very valuable information.” The voice was low and husky. His scent was strange, tobacco overlaying the smell of burnt wood. It wasn’t an unpleasant stench but very overpowering.

“I said to leave.” I pitched my tone low and hard, hoping my quirk would entice him to leave.

“But it concerns your granddaughter.” I spun my chair to face him surprised, but all I saw was a dark doorway.


“Yes, it seems she has come to Japan, coincidentally at the same time as SpellSinger.” A thick file was thrown onto my desk, her pictures spilling out. Her at a bookstore looking around, her at a dark club, and her in a window; dancing.

“What do you want?” I raised my gaze to the doorway when the figure took a step into the light. A Cheshire cat grin adorning his scarred face, his bright electric blue eyes pinning me in place.

“A second chance.” Narrowing my eyes I motioned for him to close the door.

“We have much to discuss, Mister…?”

“Just call me Dabi.”

—A couple nights later–Blossom’s POV—

I hate f*cking roofs. Why is it so goddamn cold tonight? Sighing I flattened my body against the roof, my binoculars pressed against my face. I had been following up on the Yama Clan and noticed a lot of disappearances around their territory. Silently I waited as the leader’s wife snuck out of the building, before following her gliding over roofs. She was headed to a local enemy gang’s ramen store. Suspicious, I glided onto the roof before dropping next to an open vent.

“Kaiba, where are you?” The wife was looking around in the kitchen as a burly man rushed to shush her.

“Come on, not here.” Rolling my eyes I popped a nearby indoor vent open and crawled through the vent system just barely big enough. I finally found them in a hidden room. It was small, possibly a broom closet. They were embracing each other.

“He’s been at it again. He found out some of his men were raping women and tortured them before displaying their bodies on our bedroom wall.” I wasn’t surprised Hanta Yama was the most ruthless when it came to that sh*t. Good for him, but it looks like you're cheating. All of a sudden there was a comotion sounding from the kitchen.

“Police put your hands up!” I quickly slithered out of the vents, standing up and dusting myself off.

“Well, we meet again SpellSinger.” I groaned before slowly turning around. His deep voice turned my insides to mush.

“Howdy there, Dynamight was it?” Katsuki, why do we keep meeting like this? His glare bites into my skin as I subtly check my tail, which is still hidden.

“You’re not getting away this time.” He took a large step towards me, as I backed up towards the ledge. “Don’t move.” I blinked at him, uncertain of my roaring emotions.

“I wasn’t! Scout’s honor.” He snorted the sound downright erotic at this point. He grabbed onto my arm holding tightly, sending all my nerve endings into a frenzy as he pulled me closer. I looked into his red eyes and did the first thing that came to mind. The thing that I had always dreamed of doing. Leaning into him I took his lips in a scorching kiss. Where mine were soft, his were hard, nipping his bottom lip begging for entrance and he opened his mouth in response. He tastes of spices and tea, groaning as my tongue enters his mouth he slips his arm around my waist tugging me to him. The taste starts a fire low in my belly, his chest is all hard plains that I rub myself against, moaning. He gasps as we break the kiss, smirking up at him, I flutter my lashes. His burnt caramel scent tinged with lust, making it almost painful to stop.

“Aw I hope you don’t do that to all the vigilantes around here you’ll make me jealous…Until next time.” Pushing away from him I backflip off the ledge and snap my wings open flying high in the sky.

—-Bakugo’s POV—

Sighing, I walked back into my office. It had been a long night. SpellSinger had gotten away yet again but at least there were no casualties this time. My face burned as I recalled the way she had molded perfectly to me as we kissed. I glanced up to see someone sitting in my chair, my eyes narrowed.

“Hello Dynamight. I need your help.”

“Why should I help you old hag, last we spoke you told me to disappear.” Blossom’s grandmother leaned back in my chair, her hair grayer than the last time I had seen her, but her yellow eyes were still sharp. Like she could read my very thoughts.

“Because you still care about my granddaughter. I need you to find her and make her see reason. She’s back in Japan, and she could be in danger.” She sighs, her body sagging looking older than she was for once her wings folded against her back, tail limp.

“What makes you think she wants anything to do with me? After all this time, she’s probably moved on by now.” My heart clenches painfully at the statement.

“She hasn't, I know her well enough.”

“Tch apparently not, if you're desperate enough to come to me.” I pause thinking back to my kiss with SpellSinger, my body lighting up. Maybe I was finally moving on, maybe seeing her wouldn’t be so bad. But she’s a vigilante, I have to bring her to justice…what do I do?

“Please Bakugo.” She looked at me pleading.

“I’ll find her.” Her grandmother looked relieved as she stood up and walked out of my office, plopping into my chair. I sighed heavily and rubbed my forehead. “What the f*ck did I just agree to.”

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Chapter Text

—The weekend— Blossom’s POV—

I had taken some vacation time for this festival Mina had badgered me to come to. All our classmates would be there except for Bakugo. Yesterday she had dragged me out costume shopping, Halloween had snuck up on me and this festival was a Halloween themed one. We had searched for nearly 3 hours before she had finally chosen something she liked.

Pink Queen:

Don’t forget today at 5 the festival is starting, see you there!


I won’t promise!

Stretching, I hopped into the shower and grabbed my costume. I had decided to go with an American icon. I slipped the tight fitting floor length black dress over my naked form, adjusting the v neck, which ended above my belly button, to better hold my breasts. My sternum tattoo was on perfect display. I had gotten the phases of the moon starting in between my breasts. Brushing my hair and straightening it, I finished by applying smokey eyes and deep red lips. Giggling in the mirror I winked at myself. My tail in its usual black ribbon this time I had added a large bow to it. My wings are tight against my back.

“Ah mon cher.” I tested out my best Morticia Addams voice, grinning when it gave me the chills. Tonight is a night for fun! I can think about my raging hormones and all this stress later. I headed out to meet the girls at the festival.

—-Festival grounds– Blossom’s POV—

I was seated on a nearby bench waiting for Mina and the gang, watching all the cute couples having fun in their costumes made my heart clench.

“Well hello there.” I glanced up at Hawks who had appeared out of nowhere. He was dressed as a vampire, fake fangs and all.

“Hey Hawks! How’s it going?” I flash him my own fangy smile, as he sits down next to me.

“Oh it’s fine. Just figured I’d join the locals, nothing like a festival to bring out the fun.” I nodded in agreement and we people watched for a bit.

“Hey girl! Oh my god that looks so sexy on you!” Mina runs up to me dressed as a cheerleader, the skirt very short. I grin as Kirishima follows behind her his eyes glued, he is dressed as a football player.

“Aw ya’ll are just the cutest, matching costumes and everything.” He turns bright red as I stand up and hug him. “Hey Sharkboy! I’m glad to see you.” He grins down at me as he hugs me back. He had grown very tall, surprising me.

“Oi sh*tty Hair there you are I got your message I don’t see why I need to wear this stupid suit for this but…” My heart stutters as I look around Kirishima to see a stunned Bakugo, he was dressed in a black and gray pinstripe suit, his hair looked like he had attempted to slick it back some pieces of his hair spiked in the back and a couple strands fell on his forehead. His eyes met mine and electricity ignited my blood. His eyes narrowed as he noticed Kirishima was holding me and he quickly let go.

“Hey Bakubro! Looking manly glad to see you came. You remember Blossom right?” He nudges me forward and I come to a stop in front of Bakugo. My breath catches in my throat as I realize they had attempted to dress him as Gomez Addams. His eyes rake my figure, starting a fire in my lower belly.

“Hey Bakugo, long time no see.” Mina popped up beside me with her phone out and an eyeliner crayon. The ache in my heart immediately stopped and I blinked in surprise. His scent was stronger than normal. I tilted my head as an undertone of lust hit me but I was unsure if it was coming from Mina and Kirishima or Bakugo. Couldn’t be Bakugo, no way.

“Hold still, your costume isn’t done yet.” She swiftly creates a thin mustache over his lips. He glares at her as she walks away chuckling. He focuses back on me, and a light blush rises on his face.

“Hey.” Midoriya and Uraraka walked up in matching ghost costumes, along with Kaminari and Jiro, and Shoto and Momo. Hugs and a few tears were passed all around as we all reacquainted ourselves. But through it all Bakugo’s eyes never left me. He suddenly glared as an arm slid around my shoulders.

“I see the gang's all here.” Hawks leaned against me smirking at Bakugo’s reaction. “Hey Midoriya, how is being number 1 treating you?”

“Oh hey Hawks! It’s going well! How is your retirement?” Midoriya looks a little surprised to see Hawks so close to me, hell I am too. As they continued chatting I subtly removed his arm from me uncomfortable with the feeling and stepped closer to Bakugo. Hawks bid everyone goodbye after a bit stating he had a meeting to get to. As he left I felt the tension in Bakugo leave too.

—Hawks POV—

As I left the group I looked around finding a secluded area, grabbing my phone as it rang.

“Hello?” A voice on the other side spoke.

“Yeah she’s here, like you said. No, I haven't found it yet. I don’t know if we should continue this, he looked like he was ready to kill me when I touched her…yeah I know, but this will change everything for them. You’re sure? Alright I guess so everyone is in place? And no civilian casualties right? Alright then. Bye.” Sighing, I rub my face, the prosthetic wings aching as a cool breeze hits them. I left the area determined to make sure this went without a hitch.

—Blossom’s POV—-

“Alright guys! So what are we doing first?” We all went in separate groups as some of us went to pig out on food and the others wanted to just walk around taking in all the costumes. I opted to walk around. Taking in all the sights and the music it was the lightest I had felt in a long time.

“First festival?” I jumped as Bakugo’s coarse voice slithered over my skin. I turned to find him standing next to me as I looked out over a pond. The light music flitting over me, closing my eyes for a moment just enjoying the peace.

“Yeah. It’s been a long time.” Trying to temper my emotions as his scent wafted towards me. Torn between anger and sadness. He glanced at me and leaned against the railing.

“Look Blossom we need to talk.” His voice sounded unsure, even as his gaze never wavered from mine. His eyes drew me in like a moth to flames.

“We really don't. I'd prefer to leave the past in the past.” I turned away from him intent on walking away.

“No, we need to talk about when we got kidnapped and when you left.” That stopped me in my tracks. My gut dropped as the memories I had pushed away for so long flooded back.

“Left? You think I had any choice?! I didn’t want to leave you, my friends, this place. I didn’t have a choice! And you know what that got me, locked up, in my own home. My family saw to it that I had no way to talk to anyone ever! And what about you? You never even came to see me before I was carted away! Some friend you were.” I saw red as my rage overtook me. Looking at all my friends go about their lives while I had lost mine. I could feel the tears welling up as I looked into Bakugo’s stunned face. Realizing I had said too much I turned to leave, walking quickly before Bakugo chased after me, grabbing my hand, he let go as I stopped moving.

“Wait, your grandmother didn’t tell you? That f*cking bitch…Blossom I never left your side at the hospital. You were still unconscious but you can ask any of our friends. I was there day and night. Your grandmother kicked me out shortly before they moved you back to America.” He looked like there was something else on his tongue but he just looked at me, his eyes searching. I looked at him, stunned. Of all the things Grams did to me…how could she…how f*ckING DARE SHE! Bakugo moved toward me reaching for my hand as we touched a blast knocked us over and Bakugo curled into me taking the brunt of the impact. We shared a glance before checking on the civilians, noticing there were none.

“Aw look what we got here, a couple of love birds?” A tall thin man stepped towards us grinning menacingly. Bakugo quickly stood and shielded me.

“Blossom, go.” His eyes never left the villain. What I wouldn’t do for Kai’s quirk right now.

“Absolutely not, we're still talking.” He huffed out annoyed, not getting the chance at a rebuttal because a woman came out of nowhere and grabbed him, tossing him away from me. Getting into a defensive crouch I eyed the man and woman.

“Where’s that freak Vlad?”

“Should be here soon. If the other hero’s don’t nab him.” I slowly backed up towards where Bakugo lay. Both of them twisted their heads towards me.

“Ah ah don’t move, miss. This will be over soon enough.” All of a sudden Bakugo shot forward, his palms bright with explosions.

“Die!” Some things never change. I watched as he fought the man and woman, burning them a couple times. Especially whenever they got close to me, which for some reason warmed me. The man dodged Bakugo and hit his stomach, dropping Bakugo for a second, enough time for the woman to elbow his back. Hissing, I darted forward and punched her. Bakugo stood up and growled.

“f*cking bitch!”

“Ah ah that isn’t very nice.” A bat flew in front of us before becoming a man.

“f*cking finally Vlad.” The three of them started speaking, ignoring us. Vlad was tall and pale looking like Dracula. It would’ve been hilarious watching them argue if not for the fact they were attacking us.

“Yeah yeah I know.” Faster than we could blink, Vlad darted forward and tapped Bakugo’s face. “Alright you guys enjoy! Effects last 2 days.” Then with a poof they all disappeared. I was more confused than before as I looked at Bakugo who was equally confused. He made a phone call to the cops. Midoriya and Uraraka had come running up to us as the smoke disappeared.

“Alright that’s done. Did you wanna stay or?...” He looked at me shyly. His red eyes darted to our surroundings, and to Midoriya and Uraraka.

“No, we can stay. I don’t really wanna leave without trying some of the food.” Grabbing his hand, I followed my nose tugging him away from the pond and to a nearby stand.

“We'll leave you to it guys.” Uraraka giggled as she tugged Midoriya away.

“Weirdos, oh hey what’s this Bakugo?” He glanced at the fish looking bread, before glancing back at me.

“Taiyaki, it's sweet, kinda like an American donut I suppose.” My eyes light up, wiggling. I order 2. Before I can pay Bakugo hands the vender money, and hands me my chocolate filled fish. Taking his own and biting into it.

“Thank you Sparky.” His eyes widen at the use of his old nickname and he starts blushing.

“Whatever, come on.” He grabs my hand and leads me to the stage where some music is playing. I watched as the performers played their instruments as I finished my taiyaki.

“You have some chocolate on your face.” I glance up at Bakugo as his face gets closer to mine, blushing as he licks the chocolate off the corner of my lip. Sending electricity to my lower belly. His tongue is warm and wet. “Sorry no napkins.” His breath fans on my face, he gives me a wicked smile showing off his fangs.

“Bakugo! You have fangs!” The appearance of them startles me out of my desire. His eyes widen as he touches his teeth.

“What the f*ck?” All of a sudden he doubles down clenching his stomach. Waves of bloodlust hits me, making me dizzy. I glance around, seeing it permeate solely from Bakugo. His ears turn pointed, and when he stands up straight again I shiver. His eyes, while still red, look absolutely feral. His fangs had gotten larger, looking wicked.

“So…thirsty…” He groans, running a hand through his hair, searching until he runs up to a stand and grabs a water chugging it, before spitting it out. “f*cking disgusting.” I slowly approach him; unsure.

“Bakugo?” He freezes sniffing the air, turning to look at me as I approach. His eyes narrow on my neck. “Are you ok?”

“You smell so f*cking good Batty.” My eyes widened, realizing that the villain had done something to Bakugo. Faster than I could blink Bakugo had me pinned against a wall in a nearby alley, his face burrowed into my neck inhaling deeply. He groaned and licked me. “f*ck…Batty…”

“Bakugo we have to get you out of here. I think that guy's quirk may have changed you. Do you live nearby? I’ll get you home.” He looks into my eyes, his scent wavering between bloodlust, anxiety, and pain.

“I live close by.” He grabs my hand and makes a run for it, dragging me. All of a sudden he stops making me crash into him. He sniffs before growling, I spot a nearby couple, the man handing the woman a napkin. Her blood glistened in the light.

“Bakugo? Bakugo!” He darts towards the woman and I rush to stop him jumping in front of the frightened couple snapping my wings out to hide him. His lips are pulled back in a snarl, his eyes dilated so that you could barely see the red. He looked completely unhinged. “Get out of here. NOW!” I didn’t turn to see the couple run, I just focused on Bakugo. He snarled at me as his prey disappeared. “Bakugo, come on let's go. You have food at home, remember?” Growls and snarls are my only answer as I grab his hand tugging it. He reluctantly leads me to his house, entering. I lock the door behind us, sighing.

“Sor..ry.” He can barely talk around his fangs, making me giggle. He darts in front of me one arm leaning on the door above my head, cutting my giggle off. His eyes staring into mine.

“I, uh, should go.” He growls as I try to move away from him. Leaning close to me he inhales deeply.

“No…need…” Bloodlust slams into me as he nuzzles my neck. “Hurts.” His voice cracks as he utters that. Shattering any defense I had, I shiver as his lips brush the crook of my neck. My blood pulsing in sync with my desire.

“Drink from me then. If it will help you then drink.” He leans back startled looking into my eyes, his own wide. He nods and dips his head to my neck again, licking before he bites down. As he takes his first pull, sparks start flying. A moan tears from my throat, my head hitting the door. His scent overwhelms me, mixing with my arousal. He drinks deeply, wrapping his arms around me. His body heat makes me feel overheated. Rubbing up against him like a cat, I can feel the tightening of his body. Tension rolling off him in waves, he’s hard all over. I have trouble opening my eyes, realizing he is taking too much.

"Ba..kugo…too…much.” My head rolls forward onto his shoulder, when he suddenly launches himself away from me and I stumble before sliding down the door.

“sh*t I’m so sorry. Batty? Batty!” I can feel his panic as he shakes me.

“Blood…need…” I fight to stay awake as he opens a vein on his arm lifting it to my lips. I try to drink but can’t seem to open my mouth. Leaning my head against the door his hand massages my jaw opening it as his arm drips blood into my mouth. I close my eyes as I finally latch onto his arm drinking.

“Good girl.” His voice is guttural, flecked with desire, and I manage to open my eyes as I drink while locking with his. The thread I had felt before pulsed and tightened, wrapping around us. My tail snakes around to touch his arm, slow, loving caresses. He starts blushing as I finish and lick the wounds close. The bite on my neck is still bleeding freely.

“Gotta close it.” He nods and licks the wound, healing it. Panting we both stare at each other. Tension thick in the air. I finally looked around at his place, all the furniture was black and modern looking. A large tv hung above a fireplace, I could see the kitchen which also looked modern.

“I’m so f*cking sorry Batty. That bastard’s f*cking quirk.” I look back at him and smile.

“It’s ok Sparky, sides you look cute with pointy ears and fangs.” I grin at him as he blushes.

“Tch you're delirious, you don’t know what you're saying.” He picks me up holding me close and I can’t help but nuzzle into him, inhaling his scent. He walks towards the back of the condo past a couple closed doors to a bedroom. The room seems huge as he gently lays me on the bed. The sheets are black and feel like satin, snuggling the pillow I peek at him. He’s watching me looking torn. My tail snakes out and grabs his hand pulling him to the bed making him chuckle.

“Alright Batty, to bed. I’m gonna take the couch.” Rolling my eyes I yank causing him to fall onto his back as I straddle him, the dress riding up my thighs.

“Stay with me.” He looks at our position, my breasts straining against the dress. Noticing his gaze I inwardly smile, bending a little lower so he gets a better view. I do my best puppy dog eyes while pouting. I can feel heat radiating off of him as I lean just above not touching. “Please…Katsuki?” My voice is pitched soft and low, eyes emploring. He groans, closing his eyes for a moment.

“You're gonna kill me dumbass. I only have so much restraint.” He lifts me off of him and stands, shrugging out of his jacket. I watch enthralled as he bends to rifle through a drawer before tossing a large shirt. “Here, you can't sleep in that dress.” He rushes into the bathroom while I shimmy out of the dress throwing on the t-shirt. It sits just below my knees. I climb back into the bed, covered when Bakugo comes out. He still wears his signature black shirt and black sweats, he climbs on his side back facing me. My heart skips a beat at his nearness, I almost reach out to touch him before changing my mind.

“Goodnight Bakugo.” I roll over and close my eyes.

“Night Batty.”

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Chapter Text

—-Early morning—Blossom’s POV—

I was sleeping peacefully until a snarl caused me to jump up falling out of bed. Panicking, I looked around only to see Bakugo pinning Midoriya against the way.

“Hey let him go Bakugo.” He ignored me, tightening his grip on Midoriya. He smelled of rage and fear. I walked up to him and rubbed his shoulder. “Calm.” He reluctantly let Midoriya go but remained by my side. “Midoriya, what are you doing here?” Midoriya picked himself off shooting a glare at Bakugo who just growled in response.

“I just came to tell Kacchan that while we didn’t catch the villains we did manage to get info on Vlad. His quirk gives people vampiric tendencies for 2 days. So he needs to be moved into a quarantine. For the public’s safety.” I grabbed his arm as he lunged for Midoriya.

“f*ck you! I’m not doing sh*t. I’m fine right here.” Sighing I resign myself to my fate.

“If I stay with him will it be ok if he doesn’t quarantine?” Midoriya glances at me.

“Blossom he’ll need blood. Vlad’s quirk makes it so if he doesn’t get it he goes through extreme pain.”

“Well then it’s already decided. We’ll stay here, together. He can have my blood.” Midoriya starts muttering and pacing, glancing at us occasionally. Bakugo had a constant stream of growls as he glared at the green-haired man.

“Shh it’s alright I’m right here.” Rubbing his arm he looked at me, before nuzzling into my neck. His body was vibrating before I realized he was purring. Bakugo was too busy to see Midoriya stop pacing and watch us, eyes wide. I nod to him and he nods back before quietly exiting.

“Come on Sparky, I need a shower.” I try to move away only for him to pin my body against his.

“No you’ll wash my scent away. I love my scent on you.” He slowly licks my neck causing me to shudder and groan. Huh, his speech is almost normal and his fangs did look a bit smaller when he was growling at Midoriya. Probably means that he’s full. He loves his scent on me? Why is that such a turn on? That thread I had felt earlier tightened again.

“Alright how about I shower and then you can rub your scent all over me again?” He paused looking at me before nodding and letting me go. I walked into his bathroom and shut the door behind me. I turn on the shower and stand under the hot water, once done I grab a towel and wrap it around my body, shaking water from my wings. I didn’t bother with my tail ribbon, opting to snoop in Bakugo’s drawers to grab some clean clothes. Still in the towel I step into the bedroom, only to lock eyes on Bakugo who hadn’t moved since I left. We just stared at each other.

“Um…hey I thought you would’ve left…if you don’t mind I..uh..gotta dress.” I manage to squeak out as he continues to stare. I take one step towards the drawers when I’m hit with his bloodlust. I turn in time to see him stalk me like a predator. Something primal in me rises as I scramble over the bed, he gives chase catching my ankle, and drags me to him, the towel riding up. My tail lashes out and smacks his chest, startling him. Giving me the chance to dart from the room I make it to the living room before I feel his arm wrap around my waist, the other on my neck.

“Bad girl…no running.” He nuzzles my neck, as I grip the towel tighter. “f*ck…you smell so f*cking good. Vanilla and sandalwood…but something else too…stronger…” I froze as he started rubbing my stomach. f*ck my arousal! He can smell my arousal…and of course I didn’t wear panties. I tried stretching my wings out to put some distance between us when he batted it away. His grip on my waist tightening.

“If you want blood Bakugo, I have to get dressed. I won’t give you blood like this.” He growled, twisting me to face him, his eyes feral. The towel had dropped lower barely containing my breasts, his gaze landed on them and his eyes dilated. I wiggled out of his slackened hold and backed up. His attention snapped back to my movements and he snarled.

“Mine…need…” My legs hit the back of the couch as he reached for me, grabbing my arms and pinning me to the couch. The towel had opened revealing almost all of my breasts and stomach, panicking I bucked against him as he leaned into my shoulder and bit down hard making me cry out. The towel was completely off now in my struggles, lust hazing my thoughts, every time I moved I brushed up against him. He leaned more into me making groans of his own as he drank. Soon enough he stopped and closed the wound. I darted up and bit into his neck, giving in to my own need. Our scents intermingled with lust and the copper of blood. He lifted me still attached to him so we were in a sitting position on his couch. He moaned as I grinded on his lap, his large erection pressing against my bare puss*.

“f*ck, Blossom…so good…such a good girl.” His hands rubbed up and down my spine as I drank from him. A pulsing energy in his blood, that I was startled to find was his desire for me. He started bucking wildly under me and grabbed my hips, pressing me down more firmly on him groaning as he found his release. I stilled as I realized just where his hands were. With his head leaned against the back of the couch he promptly fell asleep.

“Oops, took too much.” I giggled as I closed the wounds and climbed off. Looking at the wet spots from our shared arousal on his pants. Rubbing my hips in disgust I grabbed the towel and put it on before gently laying Bakugo down to get some much needed sleep.

—--Late at night—Bakugo’s POV—

I groaned, rubbing my head as I sat up. A shooting pain had worked its way into my skull. It was dark but I could make out the tv and the kitchen. Panicking I jolted up looking for Blossom, flashes of memories came back, chasing her, how she felt against me, the immense pain I was in, and forcibly taking her blood. Rushing to the bedroom I stop in the doorway seeing her lying on my side of the bed wings spread out. What catches my attention is the sheet that is barely covering her body, before realizing she is completely naked under that sheet. She has one knee up, on her calf was a tattoo of vines and thorns climbing her leg before disappearing into the sheet, and only her arm covering her breasts, glimpses of the moon tattoo in between them as she breathes, making me go hard again. So f*cking beautiful and I was nothing more than a f*cking animal… Those tattoos are gorgeous. How many does she have? I turn to leave disgusted with myself for staring like a creep when a soft voice calls out.

“Bakugo? Are you coming to bed?” Sleepily she sits up and as she does my mouth dries up. Her breasts are large with silver piercings, her nipples pink and pebbled, skin pale. She beckons me with her hand, unaware of her nudity. As I slowly move towards the bed, I scent her arousal, it's faint but still there. I groan realizing she must have masturbat*d in my bed, growing even harder to the point of pain, I climb into bed my back to her. I listen to her soft breathing as she falls back asleep, I toss and turn trying to get comfortable to no avail. I slowly get out of the bed, my pants stiff and uncomfortable. Deciding to take a shower, I head towards the bathroom, cracking the door open, and strip everything off. I wait for the water to heat up before stepping in. I groan as the water loosens up my stiff muscles, doing nothing for my straining erection. I can feel that assholes quirk start up again. The pain that starts in my jaw before working its ways to my throat. I shake my head trying to fight it, thinking of all the blood Blossom and I have shared. She tasted as good as she smelled, her blood had that coppery tang with undertones of vanilla and something spicy. Thinking about it made my blood pound through my veins. Cursing I took my co*ck in my hand and started stroking slowly, trying to relieve this fire Blossom had built in me.

—----Blossom’s POV—-

The sound of a deep groan pulled me from my slumber. Grabbing my borrowed shirt off the nightstand I rushed to the bathroom. It had sounded like Bakugo was in pain, opening the door I walked in on him mid stroke. The shower curtain hadn’t been closed so there was water on the floor. My mouth watered as I watched his large hand viciously stroke his co*ck, the water spraying on his back, unsure what to do I took a step back and when I looked at him again I met his eyes. They were glazed over as he grunted.

“f*ck…Blossom…” Ropes of cum sprayed the shower wall as he shuddered from his org*sm, before looking up at me smirking. His eyes were sparkling, as he shut off the water and grabbed a towel. “You naughty girl. Liked what you saw?” He tilted his head, the only warning I got before he lunged at me, fangs bared. Giving a startled squeak I dodged his outstretched hand and ran to the bed, his footsteps pounding behind me. Fear and anticipation welled in my belly as I jumped onto the bed and scrambled for the other side.

“Come on dumbass, get over here. I need you. Be a good girl.” I paused as I turned to look at him, he was standing on the opposite side of the bed towel hanging dangerously low, eyeing the large scar on his right side and the long slashing scar on his chest. I was bent on all fours on the bed. The only thing keeping my ass from showing was my tail, which was swishing back and forth slowly. I scent the air, his personal scent and arousal co-mingling.

“Aw Sparky didn’t you know? I’m always good.” With that my tail lifted revealing my unclad ass to Bakugo who growled before launching at me. I lept off the bed, and raced to the kitchen knowing it was futile but trying to find a hiding spot. I ducked behind the kitchen island as I heard Bakugo prowling the living room. Covering my mouth with my hands trying to still my breathing.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are Batty…” I could hear him sniffing and moving in the living room. I peaked out from the island to see his back turned towards me. “Tell me Bats, did you like masterbating in my bed? Did you enjoy watching me cum? Was your puss* as soaking as it is now? I can smell it, you know.” I crept around the island as Bakugo was looking out the window, towel hanging even lower, he had a couple thin scars criss crossing his back. I silently crawled to the back of the couch peaking again, I watched him move to the speaker system below the tv, hitting a couple buttons Earned It by the Weeknd started playing. The deep pulsing beat matching my heart, that thread twisting and tightening around me. “Come on baby, I’m getting hungry…” I shuffled quietly towards the bedroom, fear spiking as a noise from overhead caused me to look up. Bakugo’s face was positively feral as he looked down at me from the couch. His fangs were large and his lust swam around me. I froze for a second giving him enough time to pin me face first onto the floor. He gently moved my wings out so he was flush against my back, his tongue caressed my exposed shoulder, causing a shiver.

“Aw, does my baby like to be chased? Are you gonna be good now?” His breath in my ear has me moaning, I lift my hips higher to meet his.

“B-bakugo…” He bites me hard, I mewl a cry and try to grind on him. He moves his hips away from me, one of his hands snakes into my hair keeping my head down.

“That’s not my name. Say. My. NAME.” My eyes roll into the back of my head as his fingers start rubbing slow circles up my thigh. His voice is dark and husky, his hands were so warm, I felt like I was on fire. I was purring in delight at being dominated by him.

“Katsuki.” I can barely get his name out. I'm panting so hard. My tail wraps around his stomach reveling in the contraction of them. He nuzzles my neck, gently kissing where he had bit. I turned me on that I would have his bruises on my body, his marks. His hand was almost to my entrance, and I clenched in anticipation. When all of a sudden he stopped, I could feel him pulling back from me and I whimpered from the loss of contract.

“What’s that?” I froze realizing exactly what he had seen. Dabi’s handprints, they covered most of my upper thighs, the fingers spread far apart and the deep lacerations I had made in an attempt to erase his touch. My face is heated with embarrassment. I clamber out of his grip and pull the shirt down as far as I can so he doesn’t see them.

“Look, just take my blood. I’m not discussing that.” I tilt my head offering my neck, my eyes staring unfocused at the wall. He growled lowly, prowling towards me on all fours.

“Are those from when we were kidnapped…when they locked you in that room?” He stopped in front of me, trying to look at my hidden face.

“Leave it Bakugo. Take the f*cking blood and drop it.” I hear his growl of frustration before he firmly grabs my chin turning my head to look at him. His eyes are soft, and filled with pain. It’s all I can do not to start sobbing. “Take. The. Blood.”

“Batty, talk to me please. Are those his scars?” He starts rubbing my cheek and I realize that tears had started falling before I gave them permission. I nod as much as I can and he pulls me to him. “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you.” He nuzzles my neck inhaling my scent, his breath is warm on my shoulder when he bites down and takes a few pulls before closing the wound and getting up to get dressed. I’m left on the floor, the wound on my heart festering after having the bandaid torn off. I numbly walk into his room and grab a pair of pants before heading out to the living room to find something to watch. I had made some ramen and was sitting down to eat it when he came out.

“Blossom…” I was tense as he sat beside me on the couch a bowl of ramen for him on the coffee table.


“Blossom.” His tone was full of warning. My tail thrashed as irritated as I was.

“No.” He sighed exasperated and grabbed my bowl, setting it down before yanking me into his lap. I stayed tense as he moved around getting comfortable. My arms crossed over my chest one wing flared out in his face.

“Baby Bat…please just look at me.” I huffed before turning my body so I was able to see him. His eyes were bright red with amusem*nt. Frustrating me even more. “Come on now I just want you to listen ok?” I nod once, eyes narrowing suspiciously. “Thank you for sticking with me through this and offering your blood to me. Now what are we watching?” He glanced at the tv as one of my favorite Disney movies played.

“It’s the Lion King.” He scoffed before kissing my nose, and reclining so his back was against the arm of the couch. Pulling me with him so my head was cushioned on his massive chest. His pecs were softer than I thought they would be. He rubbed circles into my back as the movie played.

“So wanna talk about that moon tattoo?” I look up at him smirking.

“Which one?” He started blushing.

“You have more than one?” I snicker looking at his face.

“No just the one and because the Moon ties into my quirk, the siren part anyways.” He nodded in understanding.

“So how many tattoos do you have?” It was my turn to start blushing.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” He smirked at me, squeezing me lightly, stroking my wings with one hand.

“I never got the chance to show you what actual movie taste was dumbass. Guess now’s the perfect time.”

—-Outside Bakugo’s condo—Hawks POV—

It's so f*cking cold up here. I set my binoculars down as I watched Bakugo and Blossom cuddle on the couch watching tv. They had shared blood but it didn’t seem like enough for what they needed. As I drank my thermos coffee and cringed my phone went off.

“Hello? Yeah I’m still here. No they didn’t. Well how am I supposed to make that happen huh? Huh do I really have to do that. You know how I feel about going out in public. Fine. Yes I know. Yes I know. Do we really have to do this though? He seems like he loves her. No I understand but…Yeah yeah alright. Bye.” Sighing I settle back down to watch the lovebirds, trying to push down any guilt I feel.

—-Later that night—-Bakugo’s POV—

That f*cker’s quirk had finally ended, Batty was asleep in my bed while I was wide awake after calling her grandmother and lied. All I could think about was the scars on her thighs. She didn’t let me see them but I felt how smooth they were but then there were some raises in them, that was the confusing part. She had been silent for the rest of the evening, it caused my heart to clench. Then there was the ache in my heart. It was finally completely gone, but was replaced with this weird buzzing energy. I wish she would open up again. I miss my Batty.


I need help.

sh*tty Hair:

Like condom help or therapy help?



sh*tty Hair:

Oh ok

I explained to him my situation and his only reply was let me ask Mina. Ugh should have never asked this dumbass for advice. I continued pacing as my cell went off again. It was Mina this time. She texted me her idea and a grin started forming on my face. This will be perfect!

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Chapter Text

—--The next day—-Blossom’s POV—

I stretched and yawned as I woke up. Bakugo has finally gone back to normal, but I will say I miss the blood sharing. Laying on my back with my wings spread out I stare at the ceiling. The house was quiet and when I finally left the bedroom I saw why Bakugo was gone, on the coffee table a note. Baby Bat I have some paperwork to do, but then I’ll be right back. Bakugo. God why is he so freaking cute! My heart warmed at the note and wanting to hear his voice I grabbed my phone to call him when I received a text.

Pink Queen:

Hey girl, do you want to hit the beach with us? It’s the last time we can go before it gets too cold.



Pink Queen:

Perfect cuz I’m right outside Bakugo’s door!

I read the message and then there was a knock on the door, I opened it to find Mina. We hugged and she entered.

“Alright so we just gotta grab the others and then we'll be on our way. I rented the beach out so no strangers.” I sighed in relief before Mina grabbed my arm and dragged me from Bakugo’s condo. “Alright time for a bathing suit!” We hit about 6 shops with all the girls when I had finally found a suit that covered all my scars. Mina grabbed it though and shook her head handing me a small two piece when I tried it on. I realized it was a black kitten keyhole bathing suit, just like the one I had tried on when Bakugo and I were young. Happy memories flooded me and I almost sobbed. Deciding on the suit I went up front to pay grabbing a bathing suit cover just in case. Finally when we were all ready we started up to the beach.

—A half hour later—Blossom’s POV—

The boys were already there and setting up, glancing around I didn’t see my Sparky but I did see the stage covered in fairy lights. Sighing I set up my black towel next to Mina’s, stretching I laid on my stomach and stretched my wings.

“Hey kid, how's it going?” Tilting my head up I looked at Hawks. He was shirtless and wearing a pair of red bathing shorts.

“Hey I didn’t know you’d be here.” He shrugged and pointed behind his shoulder where a large man with bright red hair and a scar on his face was setting down a towel. The man headed over to where we were and I stood shaking his hand.

“As the retired first and second hero we were invited to join in with the new guys. Have you seen Dynamight?” I shook my head hoping my disappointment wasn’t too obvious.

“No, I'm sorry.”

“Ah no worries.”

“Hello I am Enji Todoroki, also known as Endeavor.” He didn’t smile and it was quite intimidating.

“Blossom Amor pleasure to meet you.” His eyes widened.

“Amor as in granddaughter of Naomi Amor?” Sighing I nodded, hoping he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. “I’m surprised you're here. I thought you were in America.”

“I’m on vacation and missed all my friends.” I shrugged it off, done with the conversation.

“So I’ve heard your quirk is strong, is that true? Because my son Shoto is….”

“What the hell are you doing here Hawks?” I peeked around Hawks and Endeavor to see a furious Bakugo marching towards us.

“Relax, don't bite my head off Dynamight.” He had on a pair of black shorts with a large orange x on them and a black tee shirt. “I was just leaving.” He grabbed Endeavor’s arm and they both left albeit the latter was reluctant. f*cking weirdo. What was his deal with my quirk? Bakugo watched them leave glaring the whole time before turning his attention to me. I was still dressed in my casual clothes, an off the shoulder black tee and skinny jeans.

“Isn’t that hot?” I grinned at him.

“Hello to you too and I was just about to go change but I got stopped by Hawks and Endeavor. I think he wants me to date Shoto, he was asking me about how strong my quirk is.” Rolling my eyes, I stood up grabbing my bag noticing Bakugo glaring at the older men, his hands sparking. Once dressed I threw on the black cover and stepped outside still shy. No one had ever seen the scars and I didn’t know how they’d react. Mina came running up beside me.

“Aren’t you warm in that?” She was wearing a red string bikini and a very red Kirishima was trying and failing to play volleyball with Bakugo. I noticed she was covered in scars, they criss crossed her arms and shoulders. She even had a few on her legs. Looking around, most everyone did.

“I’m ok for now. So what are we doing?” I followed her to her towel.

“Relaxing today, and also trying to get Momo and Shoto together, they've been skating around it for months now. Kinda like someone else I know.” Mina gives me a wicked grin. I had told her everything that happened in the car with Uraraka and Tsu. I looked over and saw Bakugo already looking at me with a frown on his face. “Hey will you sing to get this thing kicked off?”

“Are you sure?” I was uneasy. I only used my voice for catching villains, it had been so long since I had sung for fun. “It’s been a while.”

“If I remember correctly, Jiro and Denki and Kirhsima and I all realized our feelings because of your singing. If anyone can get through to Shoto it’s you. Maybe a certain idiotic blonde explosion too.” I flushed as I considered it.

“Any song ideas?” She grinned at me again and we set up the plan.

“Attention please! Attention!” I waved at everyone from the stage. “So to kick off the first official Hero beach day we decided that a song was in order. Now don’t everyone groan at once. Promise it’s a good song. Now I dedicate this song to all the lovers out there old and new. So partner up and don’t get too frisky.” There was a lot of snickering but the first to comply was Midoriya and Uraraka, they looked so in love my heart ached. Once everyone was in place I started the music. Hoping Mina’s idea would work, I softened my voice and pitched it soothingly, looking into the faces of my friends. I poured my pain at losing them and joy at being reunited into the song activating my quirk.

If I could begin to be

Half of what you think of me

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love

When I see the way you act

Wondering when I'm coming back

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

I always thought I might be bad

Bakugo had made his way to the stage and was staring at me as I sang, testing the bond we seemed to have created. I hesitantly sent happiness and adoration to him. His eyes widened as he looked at me unsure. My tail swayed as I moved closer to the edge of the stage, my gaze focused on him. Releasing my pheromones to embolden those who had yet to confess, I glanced at Shoto and Momo and he brought her closer whispering something in her ear. My heart ached for something like that. To be like them, I wish I still believed that hero’s were good and villains were bad. Why can’t it be so simple? To love someone and to feel it in return…

Now I'm sure that it's true

'Cause I think you're so good

And I'm nothing like you

Look at you go

I just adore you

I wish that I knew

What makes you think I'm so special

If I could begin to do

Something that does right by you

I would do about anything

I would even learn how to love

When I see the way you look

Shaken by how long it took

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

Love like you

Love me like you

Trailing off after the last word I reached out to touch Bakugo’s face only for him to pull back, guilt darting across his face and shimmering through our bond as he walked away. Confused, I looked at Mina, but she and Kirishima, like many of the couples, weren't coming up for air anytime soon. Shoto had carried Momo away for privacy. Only Hawks and Endeavor were witness to what happened. I watched as Hawks rushed over to me.

“You have an amazing voice, kid. You should go public.” I shake my head, tears filling my vision. I had done everything right. The pitch, the tone, hell I even threw in the damn pheromones and still nothing! What is wrong with me?

“Blossom do you want to fly? Maybe it’ll help?” I just grabbed the cover, tossed it on and jerked my wings out, jumped off the stage and flapped my wings taking off over the ocean. I hear Hawks follow, a flash of jealousy hits me through the bond. Serves you right. I regret it as soon as I think about it.

“Damn kid slow down us old timers can’t keep up.” I stop flapping and just glide letting Hawks catch up.

“I’m sorry I won’t be very good company right now.”

“For what it’s worth he’s an idiot.” His comment startles me and I lose altitude. Spreading my wings out and tilting upwards I fly a bit below Hawks I start circling above the deep blue water. “I can tell you love him very much.”

“Wha…no…it’s not…he just…I just…Ugh I do so f*cking much.” I rubbed my face as I finally faced the truth I had buried back in America.

“I think he loves you too.” I gave a hollow laugh.

“Yeah right. Did you see him? I poured my heart into that song and he just crushed it. I’m tired of this, I lost so much of my life and all I want is for the boy that I have loved since UA to f*cking notice me and like me back it’s pathetic.” I tilt my wings upwards and dart up. Hawks has a hard time following my erratic pattern but eventually grabs hold of my arm.

“Look I’m not one for dating advice, but if you really lost that much. Why are you stalling? Tell him what you want. Show him. Stop being afraid, you’ll never know if you don’t try.” I blinked at him, he sounded so passionate like this was a personal experience he was sharing. I hugged him smiling.

“Ah, thank you! You’re right I’ve spent all my life doing what others want and now I’m gonna do what I want.” I fly a distance away before turning back to see Hawks looking somber. Confused, I push it aside determined, flying over everyone I spot Bakugo a ways away sitting on a large rock jutting above the water. I speed towards him, but don’t stop in time barreling into him and the water. We both come sputtering up for breath as we surface.

—--Hawks POV—

I watched Blossom speed off with joy in her face. I felt disgusted. Sighing, I grabbed my phone and called a number.

“It should be done today. Yeah it’s going according to plan. Yeah, yeah I know. Doesn’t make it right.” I can see Blossom barrelling into Bakugo from a distance and regret hits me harder. “I know I won’t f*ck up. It shouldn’t be too long now. Yeah, bye.” I slowly glide back towards all the happy lovers. I’m so sorry, kid. I hope everything works out.

—-Blossom’s POV—

“What the hell dumbass are you trying to kill me?!” His glare is dangerous and a thrill shoots through me. “Why don’t you go back to Hawks, I’m sure you have so much in common.” He swims to the rock as I frown. Unsure for a moment I steel myself swimming behind him.

“No, we need to talk.”

“I’m done talking dumbass.” I grab his shoulder and he tenses turning towards me. “I tried talking to you before and you didn’t want to so why now? Huh? You think I care that you have those scars, that I’d see you any different after he raped you. Well guess f*cking what PRINCESS I don’t. None of that sh*t matters to me, you’ve already decided who you want. So why don’t you go back to Hawks, and leave me the f*ck ALONE!” He was panting his face red, but I could make out the tears in his eyes. He had forced so much venom into the word princess but for once that word had no effect on me. It took me a minute to realize what he had said.

“Raped? Dabi didn’t rape me Bakugo. You’ve thought that all this time?” I climbed the rock patting the side next to me for him, he huffed but eventually joined me.

“But the scars, they're on your thighs.” I grimace and tug down my bottoms a bit.

“And my hips and the base of my tail. He never raped me, but he wanted you to think that. I’m so sorry you’ve had to live with this as well as me. You don’t deserve that. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it before, I should have. Hawks is just a friend, nothing more.” Tears well in my eyes thinking of how much pain he must have been in after I was taken back to America. He looks at each scar closely before running his hand over them. It makes a delicious shiver run up my spine and I grab his hand as he pulls away. “Please, it feels good. You’re the first person to touch them. I know they are disgusting but…”

“They could never be disgusting.” I look into his eyes and only feel the truth. “The..uh..laceration scars are those from him too?” I sigh, closing my eyes. Memories swamped my vision., that cold room, no one but me and my thoughts day in and out.

“No I did. For a long time his touch was all I felt, while he didn’t rape me he left a mark I couldn’t get rid of. Sometimes I can still feel him.” Sagging forward I rub my face. He looked sad and I couldn’t stand it so I jumped back into the water intent on swimming away. When hands grabbed my waist and yanked me up.

“Did I say we were done talking?” Water slid off of Bakugo’s skin, the water only coming up to his stomach, and I couldn’t help but follow them. “The tattoo above one of the scars?”

“I had it done shortly after arriving here. Same with the anklet.” He grinned at me, it was full of promise and wicked ideas. I walked backwards until I hit the rock we were sitting on. Nervous of what that grin was doing to me. My nipples hardened as he leaned an arm above my head. Heat rose to my face as his scent enveloped me, burnt caramel turned my thoughts hazy.

“I noticed the one on your hip is a gauntlet, and the charm on the anklet is that one too?” His eyes roved up and down my body. The cool water had no effect on my heated skin.

“Yes in your colors.” His other hand ghosted over my lower stomach. Making my puss* clench as desire tore through me. His skin was so warm I thought he was gonna set me on fire. “This one peaking out?” His voice had dropped to a low guttural tone, his eyes darkened as he smirked at me.

“The mark of the succubus. Given to all users of this quirk at 21, it..uh..helps people identify us.” Now his grin turned feral.

“Looks like my colors too.” I stuck out my chin feigning confidence.

“Coincidence.” He chuckles and brushes his hand against my hardened peak fiddling with the piercing.

“And this?” His voice feels like molten lava as he leans closer so his breath fans my face. My eyes roll up as a wave of pleasure hits me. That inferno rolling inside me building up higher and higher.

“After I moved here, defiance.” He hummed.

“Look at me, Blossom.” I snapped my eyes open and stared into his. He’s so close please. “Say. My. Name.”

“Katsuki.” Is all I manage to breathe out before he slams his lips onto mine. He tasted of spice and dark promises, he nipped my bottom lip hard enough for me to gasp. His tongue quickly invades my opened mouth, making me moan as he rubbed my tongue with his. His hand came to wrap around my throat gently squeezing. Finally coming up for air we broke apart a string of spit still connecting us.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for that Baby Bat.” His eyes were dark with lust, my tail lashed out and grabbed his arm. He looked at it before a wicked grin took over. “So tell me do you remember the bus ride to training camp?” He starts rubbing the tip of my tail and my eyes roll into the back of my head as I lean against the rock, my back arching out. My hands scraped for purchase against the rock behind me, as my legs wobbled.


“Can I make you org*sm by rubbing your tail alone?” His grin was wide as I blushed furiously. I looked down, unable to answer. A moment passes before his hand darts out and grabs a hold of my chin forcing me to look at him, his grip firm but not painful. “Do not make me repeat myself.”

“I don’t know…I never…” Understanding lit his features.

“I’m your first? You’ve never played with yourself?”

“Yes. That night in your bed was the first time.” My face felt bright red as Katsuki’s grin widened.

“You were waiting for me? After all this time?” His gaze held a question, and his hope passed through our bond, warm and welcoming.

“Always.” He growled before yanking my tail to him, causing me to stumble forward. He pressed me against him, nuzzling before nipping me.

“My good girl. Do you need me?” I bit his shoulder in response and he backed me into the rock once again, grabbing my legs and wrapping them around his waist. One hand came up to rub my face while the other played with the string around my neck holding my suit in place, looking at him I take his lips into another kiss. Electricity coursing through my veins, my tail rubbing his arm. The water gently ripples around us as we come up for air, and fire surges through me followed by a deep pulsing pain, gasping I cringe as the pain intensifies. It was like nothing I had ever felt before all I could think about was making it stop.

“Baby Bat?” He cups my face, concern etched on his face.

“Hurts.” I mewl out, his eyes widen for a moment.

“Why do you smell so intense? Are you ok?” Panting I accidentally rubbed against him pleasure blocking out the pain for a moment. In a daze I continue the movement slowly rolling my hips. Groaning as my nipples brush his chest.

“Need you, please. Take my pain away.” I look at him nervous and excited. Licking my lips I bring my mouth to his for a passionate kiss. He responds and pulls my top string so his chest is the only thing keeping my bikini up. Pulling back he watches hungrily as my top falls off my breasts.

“So f*cking perfect. My perfect girl.” He kisses my collarbone slowly, trailing his tongue down my skin until he takes one of my nipples into his mouth moaning loudly as he sucks and licks it. “Sh baby, we don’t want anyone to see you. I’ll kill them.” I tug on his hair as he switches to my other nipple, grinding my hips against him. “So impatient for my co*ck. What a greedy girl.” I flash my fangs and grind harder against his length, he groans before biting into my neck as he unties the bottoms. His hand ghosts over my stomach and hip before coming between us to tease my cl*t. I bite my lip trying to contain my moan as he plays with me, alternating between biting my neck and sucking my nipples. Finally he leans back looking at me, his eyes glazed with desire. “Say my name. Tell me who you belong to.” He lifts me with one hand while pulling his shorts down, settling his co*ck at my entrance. My folds are slick as he teases the head of his co*ck against me.

“Katsuki, please…” He grins at me, before slowly pushing into me. He groans as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

“So f*cking tight…my Baby Bat…” He stops giving me time to adjust to the uncomfortable stretching, hissing. “It’s gonna hurt baby, but then I promise it’ll feel good. I’ll make you feel so good.” He kisses me as he yanks me down to fully sit on his co*ck, swallowing my scream as a sharp pain infiltrates my lusty haze. A few tears leak out and he licks them away. He plays with my nipple piercings as I pant. “You're such a good girl, you're being so good for me…that’s it just relax. I’ve got you” I clung to him as the pain eased. His movement sending electricity coursing through my body enhanced by our bond. His hands were hot as they rubbed the underside of my thighs, my legs clenching tighter around his waist.

“Please more.” Panting he slowly lifts me up and down on him uttering sweet words, glancing down I can see some blood floating in the water, I can feel fire curling as each thrust drives me higher. I can feel my puss* clenching around his co*ck. Our sweat intermingled with the water that splashes with each thrust. “I feel weird Katsuki…”

“Aw is my baby gonna cum on my co*ck?… you're so f*cking tight… it’s ok let go, just feel I have you.” My body feels like it's getting tighter and tighter, panting. I look into his eyes, bright red and filled with passion.

“Ah…yes, yes, yes…Katsuki!” Heat rushed through my body as a shattering org*sm took hold of me, my puss* clenched him so tightly it sent him over the edge with me. He holds me tightly as we both come down from our high. He slowly pulls out of me, and we just hold each other. Our shared emotions pulsing through the bond. His grin is wide as I rub my neck feeling sore. I definitely got some hickies.

“BLOSSOM! Hey where are you? Blossom!” We can hear Mina close by and I rush to fix my swimsuit before leaving the protection of the rock, giving Katsuki one last look.

“I’m here Mina, what's up?” She grins at me as Katsuki appears behind me. Her grin grows wider as she focused on my neck.

“Lunch time then the guys wanted to know if you’d sing again.” Giggling I nod walking out of the water, my explosive shadow following me muttering about ruined moments, as Mina walks ahead of us, I tease his lower back with my tail. Most of our friends were lounging on their towels boxes of pizza beside them. I grabbed a box and headed to my towel, my tail wagging as I sat down.

Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Chapter Text

—Blossom’s POV—-

I was reading and eating as Mina flopped next to me in the sand.

“Did it work?” Blushing bright red I grinned. Tilting my head so she could get a better view of my marks.

“Hell yeah it did!” We laughed as Katsuki and Kirishima headed towards us.

“And what are you two beauties giggling about over here.” Katsuki growled and rolled his eyes before plopping down next to me. Kirishima handed Mina a drink and then pulled her into his lap causing her to blush. Katsuki scooted slightly closer to me, glaring at Hawks.

“Oh just the next song Blossom is gonna sing.” Mina kisses his cheek, making me grin.

“Yup yup I have a great one in mind too but I’ll need the girls help singing this one.” We finish eating and Mina gathers the girls. Momo came to stand by me, a dazed look on her face.

“You ok?” She didn’t smell happy.

“Shoto’s dad…he…well he doesn’t approve my quirk isn’t strong enough…” She looks so lost, anger bites at me as I glare at Endeavor. “He told Shoto that you were better suited for him…”

“What a f*cking prick! Look Momo, you and Shoto are perfect for each other! The way he looks at you I’ve never seen him look like that before. His dad just needs to get with the program.” I pat her back looking towards Shoto who is looking frustrated. “Look at him Momo, he's pissed at his dad because he loves you and only you!” They make eye contact and Shoto smiles widely at her.

“Thank you my friend. I needed that.” I grin as the rest of the girls head towards the stage.

“Told ya now let's blow these boys pants off!” With all of us on stage Jiro handed me the mic. The girls had all gotten into position, like we had practiced each with a mic.

“Hello boys! So the girls and I wanted to sing ya’ll a little song how does that sound?” The boys applause was like a roar. “Alright hit it Jiro!”

All the girls on the block knocking at my door

Wanna know what it is, make the boys want more

Is your lover

Playing on your side?

Said he loves you

But he ain't got time

Here's the answer

Come and get it

At a knocked down price

I stopped singing as Mina walked forward twirling and singing, pointing towards Kirishima. I giggled as he started cheering and turning red.

Full of honey

Just to make him sweet

Crystal balling

Just to help him see

What he's been missing

So come and get it

While you've still got time

Get your boy on his knees

And repeat after me, say

Tsu, Uraraka and Hagakure started singing and dancing. Their respective spouses laughing and cheering.

Take a sip of my secret potion

I'll make you fall in love

For a spell that can't be broken

One drop should be enough

Boy, you belong to me

I got the recipe and it's called Black Magic

The rest of us started singing the chorus. Dancing in sync and smiling.

(And it's called Black Magic)

Take a sip of my secret potion

One taste and you'll be mine

It's a spell that can't be broken

And'll keep you up all night

Boy, you belong to me

I got the recipe and it's called Black Magic

(And it's called Black Magic)

Momo stepped forward, her eyes locked on Shoto, her voice trembling at first but quickly gaining volume.

If you're lookin'

For Mr. Right

Need that magic

To change him over night

Here's the answer

Come and get it

While you've still got time

Get your boy on his knees

And repeat after me, say, Oh

We all joined back into the chorus, Mina grabbing my arm and twirling me across the stage, laughing. I caught sight of Katsuki’s gentle smile, making me catch my breath.

Take a sip of my secret potion

I'll make you fall in love (Fall in love)

For a spell that can't be broken (Broken)

One drop should be enough (Ooh)

Boy, you belong to me

I got the recipe and it's called Black Magic

(And it's called Black Magic)

Take a sip of my secret potion

One taste and you'll be mine

It's a spell that can't be broken

And'll keep you up all night (All night)

Boy, you belong to me

I got the recipe (I got the recipe) and it's called Black Magic

(And it's called Black Magic)

All the girls on the block knockin' at my door

(I got the recipe)

Wanna know what it is make the boys want more

(Now you belong to me)

All the girls on the block knockin' at my door

(I got the recipe)

Wanna know what it is make the boys want more

(Now you belong to me)

Take a sip from my secret potion

I'll make you fall in love

For a spell that can't be broken

One drop should be enough

Boy, you belong to me (Hey!)

I got the recipe

And it's called Black Magic

(And it's called, and it's called Black Magic, Oh, whoa)

Take a sip of my secret potion

One taste and you'll be mine (Be mine)

It's a spell that can't be broken it'll keep you up all night (Ooh, oh)

Boy, you belong to me (Belong to me)

I got the recipe and it's called Black Magic

(And it's called Black Magic)

Falling in love (Hey!)

Falling in love (Yeeah)

Falling in love (Hey!)

Falling in love

Falling in love (Hey!)

Falling in love, (Ooh yeah)

Falling in love (Hey!)

Falling in love


We got a loud round of applause from the boys as they jumped on stage to meet their girls. Laughing I watched the joy on their faces before feeling a pair of arms snake around my waist.

“That looked like fun dumbass.” I rolled my eyes as I snuggled into his arms.

“It was look at Shoto and Momo.” They were wrapped in each other's arms. Katsuki kissed behind my ear and let me go as we left the stage.

“Jiro! Let’s use the speakers now and everyone can hang out!” I walked back over to my towel to put away my book, when Endeavor stepped into my path.

“I think you're making a mistake. Shoto would be best suited to dealing with your quirk.” I furrowed my brows.

“Shoto loves Momo, not me. He’s not my type anyways.” Sidestepping him I walked a couple inches before he grabbed my arm.

“Reconsider.” Glaring at him I opened my mouth to retort.

“Let. Her. Go old man.” I looked over at Katsuki who was in Endeavor’s face, his hands sparking. He let go of my arm, glaring at Katsuki before walking away. Before we could say anything to each other though, Tsu ran up.

“Come on, let's dance.” Giggling she pulled me over by the stage where the others started dancing to an upbeat song. I joined in giggling, twirling and being silly as I bumped into Mina. We continued like that for a while before Jiro pulled up a slow song. While the slow melody of Like I’m Gonna Lose You filtered through I started making my way off the dancefloor, content to watch everyone else dance. When I felt another arm grab my wrist, sighing I turned to lash out when I looked into Katsuki’s eyes.

“Can I have this dance Baby Bat?” My breath caught in my throat as I stared at him, The sunlight glinted off his blonde hair, giving him a sort of halo effect.

“Always.” He gently pulled me to him placing one hand on my waist the other holding my hand. Taking his lead we slowly swayed.

“Have you had a good day?” He pulls me a little closer as we notice Endeavor watching us.

“I have and you Sparky? Was it a good day for you?” Blushing as his breath hit my face.

“It was perfect.” He almost growled that last word out. Twirling around Kirishima and Mina I could see her giving me a thumbs up. Giggling, I looked back into Katsuki’s red eyes, our emotions clashing through the bond as we stared at each other.


Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Chapter Text

—--Blossom’s POV—-

“Blossom answer me!” I paled as I turned towards the voice, looking into angry yellow eyes. You gotta be f*cking kidding me. Everyone stopped dancing to look at the newcomer. Katsuki stormed up to him hands sparking. The man stood toe to toe with Katsuki, his black hair pulled back into a bun, he had on a business suit although it was rumpled.

“Private event buddy. Move along.” Katsuki's voice was deadly as they glared at each other. I grabbed Katsuki’s hand. A movement the man noticed causing him to snarl revealing large fangs. Katsuki gave a wicked grin and cracked his neck, Midoriya and Tenya jumped in trying to put some distance between the two.

“Sparky, that's my brother.” I turned my eyes towards my brother. His lean figure radiated tension, I growled at him. “Go home Wraith. I don’t even know how you found me, but leave me alone. I left for a reason.” If anything my admission had created thicker tension.

“You know Grams has her ways and she will be interested to learn about this Bakugo…” The tone in his voice made me pause as he returned his glare to me. “You are coming home now.” He took a step towards me and a breeze kicked up, his eyes widened as he looked between me and Katsuki. “No…no f*cking way! You f*cked him Blossom?” If anything Wraith’s voice got flatter.

“Wraith. Not here.” I hissed annoyed that he was making such a scene. My tail lashed out, swatting my wings.

“Too late for that Princess. Mom and Dad want you back in America where you belong. Not with this trash.” Anger assaulted me through the bond and my brother paused again, his head co*cked curious. “Oh your f*cking with me. No way…” Katsuki grabbed Wraith’s shirt.

“I don’t know what they teach you in America but here we respect others. Get the f*ck out of here. If she wants to go back to America then she will but no bitch ass f*cking brother is gonna make her. Or you deal with me.” Mina and Ochako crowded around me, hands on my shoulders.

“That goes for me too.”

“And me.” Wraith looked around at everyone before snarling.

“This isn’t the end Blossom. Leabhar an Succubus is gone. Grams had it here in Japan and now someone else has it.” My blood runs cold. I watch as Midoriya and Tenya successfully pull Wraith away, Katsuki comes to stand beside me. I can feel his eyes on me but my mind is whirling. I suddenly seem to not be getting enough air. How could she be so stupid?

“Leabhar an Succubus? What’s that? What’s up with your brother?” My tail lashes out grabbing onto my wing, my old anxieties returning. I hesitate telling them, sworn to secrecy.

“Wraith; his quirk works kinda like mine. A hybrid really it’s called Inccubus. He doesn’t have the tail or wings but can manipulate pheromones; it only works on women though. Leabhar an Succubus is a book, see people with my quirk are…different. That book explains in great detail our backstory.” I can feel Katsuki’s confusion and irritation at my lack of any real answers but he drops it, opting to brush his hand along my cheek.

“That wasn’t how I was planning on meeting your family, but aw well.” I jerked back as a sudden thought hit me.

“What did he mean when he said my Grams would be interested to hear this?” This time it’s him who hesitates.

“Who knows.” He just shrugs. Through the bond I can feel his guilt, the lie. “He also mentioned that you smell like me too which I don’t understand.”

“I need to go home. Mina if you're ready?” She nods and I head toward her car, Katsuki grabs onto my arm.


“Stop, I know you're lying about something. I can feel it. I don’t know why but you are.” I gently pull my arm out of his and continue walking. I can feel his hurt encompassing mine through our bond and I wipe away a few tears. It’s a silent ride home.

—--The next night—-Blossom’s POV—--

My alarm goes off and I get ready for work again. Saturday had flown by, Mina had offered to give me Katsuki’s number but I still hadn’t told him I was Remie. I had no idea how I was gonna approach that conversation. Guilt had been eating me at how we left things, but while I tried focusing on that I had started going through some changes. My body ached all over. I had heat flashes before freezing, and the strangest of all was my desire for blood had increased. The pain in my lower abdomen had increased and only masturbating stopped the pain, if only temporary, which I did a lot more now. I sigh as I approach the bartender station. Kai was taking a table order, so I started on the drinks.

“Long day?” I glanced up at Kai as I finished the drink. I had told him everything and we were brainstorming on how to tell Katsuki the truth. I felt like an idiot for being upset he was hiding something while I also was. Every now and then I had flashes of emotions through our bond. Pain, sadness, anger, but also love, lust, and joy. It was strange and I really wanted to know what the hell he was doing to bring those latter emotions. Something I had no right to think about, we didn’t even have a title for what we were.

“Oh sh*t.” I froze as anger flaring through the bond, gulping as I slowly turned to see Katsuki. The rest of the gang had taken a seat as he charged towards me. Kai tried to get in between us as Katsuki’s hands started sparking.

“What the f*ck are you doing here?” I rubbed my face. His red eyes searching my face frustration and confusion filtering to me. I had on a black leather catsuit with black heeled mid-calf boots.. The front zipper pulled down a bit to reveal some cleavage, my wings shuffled, as my anxiety grew.

“I work here; ever since I came back.” His eyes narrowed at my admission.

“Talk. Now.” He drags me from around the counter and I can’t help the yelp that escapes my lips as I bump into the corner.

“Hey man I think you should…” Katsuki grabbed Kai and slammed him against the counter. I yanked on his hand.

“Stop. Kai it’s alright I’ll be fine.” Kai mutters and glares at Katsuki before nodding at me. I lead Katsuki into one of the private rooms, blushing when we walk past the stripper stage and sit on the plush couch in front of it.

“What the f*ck? Wanna explain?” I sigh before digging my phone out of my pocket and text him. His phone vibrates and he looks at it, before looking at me. His eyes grow dark as his rage drowns our bond. “Remie…that was you this whole f*cking time and you have the f*cking nerve to bitch at me about the truth. You f*cking bitch. What else are you hiding from me huh? Is Kai really gay or have you started f*cking him too? What about Hawks? Are you hero hopping?” He lunges at me and grabs my throat, pinning me to the couch. His hand heats up and I gulp fear shooting through me. His anger has overpowered our bond and if he felt it he gave no inclination. The stronger scent of bloodlust permeates the room, my own needs rising to meet it.

“No. Never there’s only you…” His grip tightens cutting off anything else I might have said.

“Right like I’d believe you. So here is what’s gonna happen now since I can’t get you out of my f*cking bloodstream. You are going to take any punishment I dole out. Without hesitation, or noise. You don’t get to say no. Maybe I’ll be nice and f*ck you, maybe not. If there’s only me your gonna f*cking prove it. Nod if you understand. You are f*cking mine. No more lies, you belong to me.” I stared at him with tears in my eyes, his grip tightened painfully but my lower abdomen fluttered. I nod and he lets go. His eyes soften for a moment before hardening again. His eyes darted to the stage. “Strip you f*cking whor*, and make it good.” The air leaves my lungs as I stare at the stage. I shouldn’t like that name, I shouldn’t agree to this period I’ve never stripped before I mean sure I’ve watched the other girls but seriously? He grabs my cheeks as I hesitate and pulls me close to him, his breath smells of spices making me dizzy. “Did I f*cking stutter? NOW.” He lets go and pushes me back gently, at odds with his tone, I grab the nearby remote walking onto the stage. The deep bass of Deep Dive by Zaryah pulses around me as I breathe in and grab the pole. Flaring my wings out I slowly lean back against it, running my hands up the sides of my body before grabbing the pole and twisting around. Using my tail to wrap around the pole I hang upside down, arching my back, before slowly removing one leg and pointing it at him. His body is filled with tension despite his lounging position, legs spread wide, he unbuttons the top three buttons on his black shirt giving me a peek at the muscles beneath. My mouth is dry, as an unbearable heat wave crashes through my bloodstain. The cool metal biting into my flesh as I watch his hands. I grab the pole below my head and slowly release my tail and legs coming down into a split on the floor my back to him. Taking a shaky breath I inhale his heady scent, before lowering my top half onto the floor giving him the perfect view of my ass. My tail slowly caresses up my thigh and teases my clothed entrance, my arousal seeping through. Then lowering my ass I sit up and flare out my wings glancing over my shoulder, to find his gaze smoldering into me. My tail thumping on the ground following the beat. I smirk at him, fang protruding, before crawling around the pole and using it to pull myself up.

“Back on your knees.” His voice startles me out of my haze and I immediately fall to my knees. His face looks like it’s carved of stone, the emotions overwhelming me from our bond creating a drug-like effect. He leans forward, smirks and beckons me towards him. I sit back on my heels, co*cking my head for a moment, a wicked idea filling my head. I slowly drag one of my hands up my stomach and between my breasts before grabbing my front zipper and with agonizingly slow movements pull the zipper down to rest just above my panties. Giving him a full view of my moon tattoo. The fabric barely clinging to my breasts, my nipples hardening as I started breathing faster. Slowly I get onto all fours and crawl towards him, his eyes never leaving my body as I stop at the edge of the stage. My wings arch as I sit there, my tail hitting the ground again. He stands and walks towards the stage, leaning down to grab my face. The desire tenting his pants is undeniable, but his gaze changes from heated to cold.

“How many people have you done this for?” I never take my eyes from him, pushing my honesty through the haze of anger and lust encompassing the bond. My fangs ache as I narrow onto his pulse the need for his blood short circuiting all good intentions.

“Only you. I’ve watched how the girls did it and copied that.” My voice is barely above a whisper as he leans closer to me, his breath fanning my face.

“Crawl to the couch.” He releases my face and sits on the edge of the couch, legs spread wide. I continue my crawl, tail arching and slipping up and down my sides as I move. His gaze is drawn to it as I reach him, sitting in between his legs looking up. He looks at me searching before reaching to run his fingers through my hair. His hand holds my lower jaw as he stares at me looking torn, I nuzzle into his palm and nip the meat of his thumb pushing all my regret and forgiveness through the bond.

“What are you doing to me?” His voice is so soft I would have missed it. I was hyper aware of how my body ached for his touch and his blood. He grabbed my arms and guided me up onto his lap, before cupping my face and kissing me. His kiss was so sinfully sweet my heart skipped a beat, his erection pressing against my core. He gasped as I pressed more firmly onto him and my tongue darted into his mouth seeking his addicting flavor.

My tail teased his thighs brushing back and forth as I experimentally rolled my hips, his answering groan was enough for me to continue my ministrations. His tongue fought mine for dominance and his hands wandered inside my clothing, cupping my breasts and rolling my nipples through his fingers. I could feel my panties further dampen, his tongue rubbed against my fang and a drop of blood hit my taste buds. A roar rose in my ears as I rode him harder sucking on his tongue, lost in the sensations overpowering me. He pried me off of him panting hard. His hands grabbed the catsuit and pulled it off, baring my breasts to him.

“So goddamn beautiful Baby Bat.” He took a nipple in his mouth circling it slowly before sucking. Moaning my hips start bucking wildly against him, his hands heat giving me a warning to still. My eyes roll back into my head as his hot mouth descends on my other nipple, my tail rubbing his inner thigh.

“Please…” I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood fighting to remain still.

“Please what? Tell me what you need?” He kisses my collarbone, scorching my flesh.

“I need you.” Gasping as he blew air onto my over sensitive nipples, he lifted me and cups my puss*.

“Do you need me here? My, my look at how wet you are. You’ve soaked through your clothes, you naughty girl.” Whimpering, I nod. “Use your words.”

“I need you to fill me…please Katsuki.” He grins before pulling the top of my catsuit off of my body before flipping me over and yanking it down above my knees taking my panties with it. He leans back, eyes soaking in my form before sitting back and pulling me over his knees.

“I said I was going to punish you and I am.” I cry out as his hand smacks my ass, hard. “Count to ten.”

“One.” He rubbed the ass cheek he had just struck before hitting the other cheek.

“Two.” He repeated the process of rubbing and smacking and by the time we had gotten to five tears were streaming down my face. His hand ghosts over my slick folds causing my breath to hitch as I watch him lick his hand clean.

“So sweet. Keep counting.”

“S-six. Se-ven. E-eight. Nine. Te-en.” I could feel my arousal dripping down my leg as he finished spanking me. He lifted me off of his lap and laid me out on the couch, pulling my clothes off the rest of the way so I was completely bare to him. His eyes trailed over my body before pausing on all my scars, he leans over me and grips where Dabi once had on my hips heating up his hands. Rising from the couch he grabs my thighs and drags me to the edge before kneeling down on the floor.

“Ready to purr for me Baby Bat?” My eyes widen as he spreads my legs and licks me from bottom to top. My eyes roll into the back of my head as his tongue flicks my cl*t. I glance down to see him looking at me as he blows softly on my cl*t before attacking me with his tongue again. I can’t help the moans that escape my mouth as his tongue enters me, that familiar tension building up inside me. He adds his fingers as he rasps against my cl*t, pumping in and out of me slowly before curling them rubbing my g-spot, my back arches as he mouth moves to my thigh. Energy crackled around me as he bit down hard causing my puss* to clamp down on his fingers, my entire soul splintering as I reached the peak riding the high of my org*sm.

“You feel that pretty puss* milking my fingers? Such a good girl for me.” His mouth was covered in my arousal as he grinned at me before pulling me into his lap holding me close as I came down to reality.

“I’m sorry.” The words came out of my mouth before I had decided to say them.

“I…I’m sorry too.” Grinning, I lean out of his arms sitting beside him.

“The great Dynamight sorry? How shocking. I never thought I’d see the day.” He rolls his eyes as I start giggling. Glancing down at his pants I can see his erection straining the fabric. Smirking my tail sneaks up his leg and brushes against him, he jumps before looking at me stunned. “Never let it be said that I didn’t take care of what’s mine.” He groans as my tail rubs against him, I reach over and unzip his pants and free his co*ck before wrapping my tail around him, giving an experimental stroke. He grabs my hand and brings it to his mouth kissing my palm. While stroking I slowly lick his neck before biting and feeding from him. He moans loudly as I sync my pulls with my tail. Pleasure flooding through the bond, his breathing becomes heavier as I can feel him nearing, his co*ck becoming harder and larger. I closed his wounds and bit into my own wrist offering it to him before removing my tail and leaning down taking his large co*ck in my mouth, the velvety smoothness surprising me, pressing my piercing into his shaft before rasping the flat of my tongue over the head of his co*ck. My fangs gently scrape the veins as I bob my head up and down.

“f*ck Baby Bat that piercing is f*cking magic…so close…” His hands fist in my hair holding my head as he thrusts sloppily and finally stutters to a halt as he c*ms in my mouth, I swipe my tongue over his head before swallowing. Popping my mouth off of him I grin as he looks at me dazed. “You did such a good job Baby Bat.” I close the wounds on my wrist as we sit in silence.

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Chapter Text

—---Hawks POV—-

“Yeah I know…yeah it looks like it…ok… and you're sure no one will be seriously hurt?....I mean this isn’t a test, it's the real deal now…yes, yes I understand. Ok, bye.” Sighing I watch as people evacuate a large building sirens blazing. Stepping back into the shadows as I watch Dynamight enter only for it to come down on top of him a moment later. Regret eating away at my insides, my wings aching.

—--Blossom’s POV—

I stormed into Siren’s Lounge intent on finding Wraith. I walk into my Grams office to find both of them sitting down. “Don’t get up on my behalf.” Grams’ looks at me shocked and she quickly stands before walking towards me. I brush her off and head toward a window, looking at the buildings.

“Blossom, where have you been?”

“10 years Grams. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve been in Japan. Since I’ve had contact with any of my friends.”

“It was for your own good…” I spin around fangs bared.

“f*ck that bullsh*t! None of this was for my own good. It was for everyone else. I was kept in a f*cking room with no contact with the outside world. No one spoke to me… not even my own supposed family.” Wraith stood besides Grams, his arms crossed.

“It was for your own good, I know you don’t believe that now…”

“f*ck off Wraith, you may be the oldest but that doesn’t make you Dad. My life is none of your concern anymore. I answer to no one. You’ve kept enough secrets from me.” My tail lashed out against the window, Grams looked ashamed. Good the way it should be.

“Blossom…there's so much you don’t understand…about who and what you are.” Grams hesitantly takes a step forward.

“Then tell me! Why hide anymore? Why continue lying to me?” Tears filled my eyes as I stood waiting.

“You had sex with Bakugo…you smell like him…” I glared at Wraith.

“How do you know?” Grams sighs wearily and sits on the nearby sofa.

“It’s what we were trying to prevent, you see Blossom you have what’s called a soul bond.” My eyebrows raise, I had never heard the term before.

“Soul bond?” Wraith motions for me to sit down and I do.

“A soul bond happens when one of our kind finds our fated mate. If we exchange blood 3 times it creates a bond, one that can never be broken. Not even in death. You and that f*cker will be able to feel each others emotions and thoughts. It gradually grows, so eventually if the bond is strong enough you can see through each other’s eyes. When you…consummated…the relationship he embedded his scent into your very being. You will forever smell of him, and he you. It’s how we distinguish our mates.” My eyes widened as the realization of such a huge secret. I jumped up from my seat, voice raised.

“And you just kept that from me? You didn’t think it was important to let me know I had a soul bond let alone that I had found him? And then you kept me from him?”

“I wasn’t sure I had my suspicions but how was I to know I had to get you away from him before you created that bond.”

“Yeah cuz that worked so f*cking well! What else are you hiding from me?”

“How about we talk about what you're hiding from your lover boy? SpellSinger.” I froze. Wraith grinned at me as he walked towards Grams desk grabbing a file. “Grams hired Lover Boy to find you, which he did not tell us anything about. We had received information that you were somewhere in Japan, and that you had been using the vigilante name SpellSinger. We know you’ve been murdering criminals, and it needs to stop if not for the family image but for him. What would he think?” He throws the file at me with my pictures falling out. I grabbed them feeling faint as I stared from one shot to another. My whole life here in Japan had been documented, even the men I had killed were in this file. Disgust that I had been watched curled in my stomach, nausea taking hold.

“Does he know?” My head drops down reading everything over, the details immaculate.

“No and he won’t as soon as you leave.” I snapped my eyes up to his golden ones, my lips pulled back into a snarl.

“I’m not leaving him. I can’t.”

“You don’t have a choice, you don’t leave and I’ll show him the proof. He won’t want you if he knows you're a murderer. Did he tell you he was given the task of capturing SpellSinger? What do you think he’ll do if he knows it’s you? There is no happily ever after here Blossom.” I stood walking back toward the window staring out again as my world crumbled around me. I couldn’t stop the tears this time. I lifted my phone as the floor started shaking violently, I stumbled before turning my attention to the building that was collapsing in the distance. I rushed out of Grams office and made it a couple feet before I doubled over pain coursing through my whole body. I could feel the energy from our bond slacken, panic filling me. I shot off a quick message before snapping my wings out only to be grabbed, a cloth pushed over my face. I was kicking as I was pulled into the alleyway, everything going fuzzy.

“Stop fighting, everything will be just fine, Princess.” Panic shot through me before I lost consciousness.

Oh please no…

—-4 days later—-Bakugo’s POV—-

I could hear voices around me. Dragging me from my dreams, opening my eyes, I quickly shut them. The lights almost blinded me, as I lifted my hand only to feel tugs on my skin.

“Turn the goddamn lights off!”

“Oh he’s awake! Quick get Izuku.” I could hear someone rush out as I tried opening them again, finding the lights dimmer. Adjusting I stared at all the wires and machinery I was hooked up to.

“Where the f*ck am I?” Round Face and Deku came rushing in. sh*tty Hair occupied the seat next to me. Dunce Face entered a moment later, I was trying to rip the wires off of me when sh*tty Hair grabbed my hand.

“Bakubro, don’t. At least until the doc gives you the ok.” Groaning, I laid back in bed, already exhausted. Everyone looked worried, their faces pissing me off, none of them the one I really wanted to see.

“Kacchan what do you remember?” I squinted at Deku, trying to recall.

“The building came down, did we get everyone out? Where’s Batty?” They all glanced at each other before sh*tty Hair spoke up.

“Bro you’ve been out for 4 days. Someone had called that building an hour earlier telling everyone that a bomb was going to go off so no one was in there. Except you.” Annoyance filtered through my tired brain as I tried processing what he had told me.

“So it was a set up?” My mouth was parched so I reached for the glass off water growling when Dunce Face handed it to me. Quickly downing it I handed it back to him.

“Looks that way, you have broken ribs, a broken arm, a concussion. Tons of bruises, scrapes and scratches. Luckily the damage wasn’t too bad.” Deku wouldn’t look in my eyes, anxiety settled low in my gut. Our strange bond had been quiet, I pictured myself trying to touch it but it seemed cold, almost dead.

“So why has no one told me about Blossom? Why isn’t she here? Does she know?” A knock on the door halted any further conversation. The door opened to reveal Wraith.

“What do you want f*cker.”

“Hah, very funny. Here Deku I have the footage from outside Grams building.” He handed Deku a manilla folder and stepped off to the side. His yellow eyes pierced me as he glared. “You don’t seem too broken up about this.”

“Huh? Say that to my face. I’ll kill you!” I could feel my hands sparking. sh*tty Hair grabbed my arm.

“Hm I thought my sister meant more than that.” I froze my fear chilling my blood.

“W-what? Deku what the f*ck is this dumbass saying?” Deku glared at Wraith before clearing his throat.

“Blossom went missing after that building fell on you. We don’t know where she is.” Panic overtook me as I ripped out all the iv’s before rushing out of the bed only to collapse on the floor.

“The f*ck did you just say Deku? There’s no way…I would’ve…but she… I…” I felt water hitting my clenched hands and looked up at the ceiling only it wasn’t leaking. Rubbing my face I found the source of the water. I stared blankly at the wall, desperately pushing emotions through our bond to try and find her. All I was greeted with was silence, I could feel my heart fracturing. Everything was muffled as Deku escorted Wraith out and sh*tty Hair rubbed my back getting me into bed. The sheets were stained red and as I looked at them I felt my whole world collapsing. A sharp pain registered on my face as I stared up at Deku.

“Snap out of it there’s more. I wasn’t gonna say it in front of Wraith but Uraraka received a text from Blossom before she disappeared.” He nods to Round Face before she steps up to me showing me the message. The numb feeling took over me again as I read just 3 words.

I am SpellSinger…

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Chapter Text

—--A week later—-Bakugo’s POV—

I was finally healed enough to be discharged with strict orders of light duty. Deku had sh*tty Hair stay with me to make sure I complied with the doctor’s orders. I was still processing that Blossom was missing. The investigation had turned up nothing, the footage only showed her sending the text and then being grabbed from behind. I had watched it at least 20 times and the sick feelings it gave me had yet to ease. The assailant had worn a hoodie and gloves so we didn’t see any skin. As I rewatched the footage yet again I paused on her panicked face. Guilt and anger had been a constant companion since I had awoken. How could she possibly be SpellSinger? She was trying to be a hero, what happened to her? The more I tried to deny it the more it made sense, especially that electric kiss we had shared. This whole time she was keeping this from me. What else is she hiding?

“Bakubro come on, watching it over and over won’t help. She wouldn’t want this.” sh*tty Hair gently took the tablet away from me and pushed a bowl of ramen in front of me. I was sitting in his living room surrounded by files and photos.

“Stop talking like she’s already dead, she isn’t.” I once again reached out to our bond feeling for anything. It wasn’t broken, so I took that as a good sign, but it seemed muted.

“I know, she is a fighter, just like you.” I didn’t feel much like a fighter. I had barely eaten or slept since she was taken. My only obsession was getting her back. I poured over every detail hoping for even a sliver of hope. I picked up the bowl, my stomach finally winning, and quickly ate. “Now go take a shower, Deku and Denki are coming over after they’re patrolling. And before you ask no, there are no leads, we just need you to go out. Maybe a light patrol would do you some good.” I grumbled as he ushered me into the bathroom sighing in defeat as I started up the water. Hoping for a sign.

—--Hawks POV—-

My wings ached and the weather was finally starting to cool down. I watched as Midoriya, Kaminari, Bakugo, and Kirishima all left his apartment. Dressed in their hero gear, guilt spiked in my gut as I took in Bakugo’s face. This whole thing had taken a toll on him. My phone rang and I quickly answered, turning away from them.

“Hello?... yeah I’m watching him…no… are you sure it’s necessary?... I really don’t want to be there… I just don’t, no I’m not getting cold feet…no… yes I’m watching Wraith and the grandma too…yeah…ok bye.” I hung up before flying off into the night, on the search for Wraith. He had made himself quite the nuisance trying to find anything on his sister.

—--Bakugo’s POV—-

We walked down the street Dunce Face and Deku chatting casually, I was bringing up the rear my mind exhausting all theories on where Blossom was. I watched as a couple walked around us the woman cuddled up against the man’s arm. A pang of loneliness hit me as I imagined Blossom and I doing this. Would I ever get to do that? Could she possibly be gone for good? I shook my head annoyed at my train of thought. If I think like that I may as well give up now how f*cking weak… I felt something knock into my legs and glared down to see a child. She had long black hair and bright red eyes, her eyes widened at my glare before I knelt down seeing her mother come running up.

“I-I’m so sorry.” I take a breath relaxing my face. I pat her small head, wondering if Blossom had wanted kids. We had never really had a chance to discuss our future. Would she wanna marry me? Start a family… Did I want that? As soon as that thought entered my head I knew I wanted a family with Blossom…a forever.

“It's ok but these streets are dangerous. Make sure you stay with your mom got it?” She nods before her mother thanks me and together they leave. I glance at the guys who are all wearing various faces of shock. “What? I can’t yell at a kid.” I shrug and continue walking, determination fueling my steps.

“Bakugo, Midoriya and I were just discussing some villains we caught, I think it might be worth it to talk to them, maybe they have some information.” For the first time since I woke up I grinned.

“Well then lead the way.” As we started towards the police station a small black dog darted out dodging Deku and sh*tty Hair, coming to a stop before me. A large black bow on his neck.

“That’s weird…” I picked the thing up and pulled at the bow realizing it was a large black ribbon, the same kind Blossom always wore on her tail.

“Wait, is that what I think it is?” Deku picked up the other end of the ribbon flipping his hand coming away with red flecks on it. We make eye contact as the realization hits us both. We both looked around trying to find whoever had released this dog.

“We need to get this to DNA.” sh*tty Hair and Dunce Face peered over Deku’s shoulder.

“What why?...wait, is that dried blood on your hand?” Dunce Face lost all color in his face as he finally pieced it together. We quickly made our way to the police station after not seeing anyone suspicious. Once there I reluctantly handed the ribbon over and Deku had his hand swabbed before we were led into the interrogation room. I handed the dog to sh*tty Hair.

“Do not let this dog out of your sight or I’ll kill you.” He gulped but nodded, and I walked over to Deku watching as they led one of the suspects into the room before following Deku in. We watched as this guy squirmed in front of us. I felt angrier than normal, Deku patted my arm before sitting across from the guy, I remained standing too restless to sit.

“So you may have information we need. On a female, long black hair, black bat-like wings and a tail. Ring any bells?” The guy paled under our stares. He looks anywhere but at us. We stare at him as the silence stretches.

“I don’t know sh*t.” I growled my hands sparking, startling the man as I grabbed his shirt.

“You better start talking before I blow you to f*cking bits.” He pales at my statement before Deku separates us.

“This woman is special to us, we are willing to offer you a shorter sentence, and protection in return for your information.” I pace the room more pissed than I was before meeting Deku’s eyes before huffing. He looks between us before laughing.

“There’s no one who can protect me from him if I spill my guts. You can pummel me, throw me in jail but it’s better than revealing anything.” He leans back as I rush for him intent on breaking his f*cking neck before Dunce Face rushes in to restrain me.

“Well I don’t know who he is, but I can tell you what we’re gonna do if you don’t tell us anything. 20 minutes is plenty of time isn’t it Dynamight? The police will look the other way. I can guarantee most of the bones in your body will be broken. You will wish you were dead.” I grin wickedly as Dunce Face releases me prowling towards the man. I crack my knuckles, laughing.

“Alright! Alright! There have been whispers. Nothing concrete, no locations but it’s been said that they found something, and are working on creating a monster. A girl who can bring the whole world down.” Deku and I look at each other as the man shivers. We leave him to meet up with Kiri and Denki.

“A monster?” I glanced at Deku. He looked worried and as I stared at him a bad feeling settled low in my gut.

“We need to talk to Wraith.” I nodded as we hurried out of the station.

—-Hawks POV—--

I watched as Wraith slipped into an alley. He was meeting up with one of our defected members, anger clawed at me as Wraith handed the guy some money. Before he had a chance to open his mouth and spill more secrets a shot rang out and the guy dropped to the ground dead. I ducked out of sight trying to find where the bullet came from. I noticed one of the newer guys on a roof one building over. Anger flared as I made a quick call.

“Don’t trust me?... yeah he took the rat out…I had it handled…if he wasn’t suspicious now he will be…yeah whatever… I’ll be there soon, bye.” I gazed at Wraith as he slunk out of the alley no worse for wear, but wearing a frustrated mask. I rubbed my face before spreading out my wings and taking off.

—-Bakugo’s POV—

We had reached the Siren’s Lounge and I burst through the doors startling the receptionist. The others followed behind, Mina and Uraraka had joined our group. I ignored the lady and headed up to the office knowing Grams was there. She was in the middle of a call, Wraith was leaning up against the back of the couch, both looked surprised that I had entered.

“Answers now.” Grams sighed tiredly, as Wraith stood glaring at me.

“We have it handled, leave.” I grabbed his shirt, rage and desperation clawing at me.

“Get f*cked! You’re gonna help me whether you like it or not so just f*cking save it an help me find her… please.” My voice broke at the please, and his eyes softened for a second he glanced over at Grams who nodded.

“Take a seat, it's a long story. One that Blossom was never told.” We all sat around a table with cups of tea the receptionist had brought in. Wraith sat directly across from me, his hair in a bun again, Grams sitting next to him. Mina leaned into Kiri, and Uraraka sat on the couch arm next to Deku. “Where to start…” I huffed out my annoyance.

“Usually the beginning.” She chuckled looking over at me.

“You always had such a smart mouth even as a child. When Blossom was born it was the happiest day of our lives, while her older brother and sister have variations of our families quirks, Blossom was an exact replica, but… maybe that was her downfall. We have a special book, Leabhar an Succubus or the Book of the Succubus, a simple name but it holds all our secrets. It went missing shortly before Blossom was taken. That book was written 1,321 years although it later was translated into the Gaelic version we have today. Our first ancestor was Lilith herself. She created our quirk…”

“Impossible! Quirks are relatively new. They haven’t been around that long.” Deku stood up pacing and muttering, Grams sighed exasperatedly as she watched him.

“If you’d let Grams finish it’ll make more sense.” Wraith rolls his eyes as Grams adjusts her wings.

“As I was saying, our quirk is different, and as such we have closely guarded it, no one outside of family should have known about that book. There are legends of Lilith, the mother of demons as she had been dubbed. Our family's quirk has always been held to be demonic, in a way I suppose it is. One of the first recorded quirks ever seen.”

“Look this is all fascinating but what the f*ck does it have to do with Blossom?” I grimaced, fed up with the history lesson I had no interest in.

“Did the older generation teach you nothing? This is the story of Blossom’s rare hidden abilities. Now if you stop interrupting I can finish. Children these days.” Grams huffed while Wraith snickered before she whacked him with a file.

“What Grams is trying to tell you is that Blossom is a Lilin. A true daughter of Lilith. She is very rare; there has only been one other like her and that was Lilith’s first daughter. With it comes nothing but sh*t.” Grams smacked him with the file again before clearing her throat.

“Lilin are very gifted and special, their powers surpass all others of Lilith’s blood. They are always female and have god level healing abilities no matter the injury or sickness. They can make legions bow before them, not even the most god fearing man can withstand them. But all that comes with a cost, their need for bloodlust is unsurpassed. They feed off of wars and strife, and Lilin’s are the only ones who can create more succubus. Bakugo you are her soul bond, her fated mate, you need to be protected at all costs. The sure fire way to her is through you.” Deku inhales sharply and shoots me a troubled look.

“What?” I blink at them, the room seeming to shrink around me.

“She can force the change on anyone, whether it kills you or not depends on the soul. The last time a Lilin was brought forth the whole world almost perished. Your connection to Blossom is rare for our kind and sacred, but if they turn her into a Lilin she will attack and kill without hesitation, like an animal.” She looked at Wraith sullenly as he grabbed her hand.

“How did they stop that Lilin?” That bad feeling settled over me again as she uttered those words.

“Death is the only thing that can stop them. That book had the key to awaken Blossom and I fear that that is the plan of whoever took her. If they change her they may just try to capture you without your bond; she will lose all humanity. Without you our world will be forsaken.” I bowled over as an intense wave of agony overtook me, almost blacking out. When it finally passed I looked over at Deku panic in my face as I uttered one word.


Chapter 27: Chapter 27


***Trigger warning there is torture and non consensual sexual acts in this chapter*****

Chapter Text

—-Blossom’s POV—--

Pain. everything was just pain.

The days had blended into each other, wherever I was it was dark. I had been shackled to the floor. The heavy chains clinking with every movement, my arms and legs ached and the scabbed over wounds bled as I moved trying to free myself knowing it was useless. The thick collar around my neck chafed. I groaned as I accidentally moved my wings, they had been hooked onto the ceiling. A door opened behind me and I flinched as the footsteps grew closer, trying to keep the fear at bay.

“Princess are you awake?” That voice…please don’t let it be true… The lights turned on and I closed my eyes as a wave of nausea rolled in my stomach. I blinked my vision clearing as a figure leaned over me. My eyes widened as I finally made out the figure.

“You.” My voice was laced with venom as I glared at him. He grinned as he crouched down, taking my face in one of his hands. His skin was hot and rough against my cheek. I bared my fangs and growled as he looked at me. Fighting the helplessness that threatened to overwhelm me.

“It’s been a long time Princess you look… well... all things considered. Unfortunately for you it’s going to get worse than better.” His grin made me sick, and when I spit in his face he backhanded me, I bit my lip trying to contain my scream as I swung from my wings fresh blood pouring down onto my back. Blood dripped from my mouth as I stared at the concrete floor sparse hay covering where I kneeled. He stood moving out of my sight, I heard a door slam and sighed as I pressed my face onto the floor, tears slipping out.

—-Dabi’s POV—-

I closed the door grinning before I headed into my temporary office. Walking to my desk pulling out the book that would change not only my life but everyone else’s as well. I flopped into my chair as I worked at translating the text for what to do next.

“Hey I’m here.” I rolled my eyes looking up as Hawks entered, he looked disdainfully around the room before sitting on the couch across from me. “What’s that?” He motions towards the book.

“Leabhar an Succubus. The Book of the Succubus, it’s gonna help us get what we need.” He looks down for a moment, as the silence grows.

“Is she awake?” I roll my eyes again, before going back to the translating.

“Yes she is. No you can’t see her.” He jumps up and starts pacing.

“But I should I’m a part of this.” I stand walking towards him.

“And you will see her in time, let me do all the dirty work you’ve been doing great. Remember I’m the bad guy here. I will always make sure your hands are clean.” I pull him into my chest, kissing the top of his head as he snuggles into me. “Now go back out and watch those brats, no doubt he’ll feel what I’m gonna have to do to her.” He gulped before nodding his head and pulling away from me, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back kissing him passionately.

“See you later?” He looks hopeful.

“Always.” He walks out the door and I sigh, grabbing my papers and heading towards Blossom, more determined than before. This will work, it has to. For him.

—----Blossom’s POV—-

The door quickly opened and shut and I closed my eyes hoping it wasn’t him.

“Alright Princess are you ready? Now I promise I’ll make sure your tattoos remain intact, can’t make any promises on anything else though.” Fear shoots through me as he yanks on the chains holding my wings shrieking as he tugs harder, then steps on my tail shorting the chain so it becomes imobile.

“Just making sure it’s secure, don’t need you moving for this.” He grabs something just out of my view, and without warning starts cutting into my back, the blade biting into my muscles as he makes long cuts, shredding what little clothing I had on. My screams fill the room as he tears into my back and wings, blood coating the floor, the rivets drawing my attention as they slide down my arms. Eventually I can’t feel anymore and am greeted by blackness, only to be awoken a moment later by him slapping my face.

“Ah ah Princess wake up. You don’t want to miss this.” He pushes a screen in front of my face as I watch them pull Katsuki from a destroyed building, before the feed loops again and again. They get a close up of his battered blood coated body. Katsuki’s arm was twisted wrong and his head was covered in blood. He moves the phone away just in time for me to vomit the meager contents of my stomach. Desperately trying to reach through our bond to feel him I am greeted by nothing. No energy, no emotions, nothing. My panic increases as I try again and again to reach him.

“You can’t reach him. Unfortunately for you, your ancestors wrote a how-to on how to make sure your pesky little bond doesn’t interfere with what I need to do to get you ready.” I glance up at him as his words sink in.

“L-leabhar an Succubus? You have it?” He nods his grin widening.

“So you’ve heard of it? Perfect, that will make this easier. For me not you. Just remember, this is all your ancestors fault really.” He yanks my legs out from under me and starts cutting again. My screams fill the room until I can’t scream anymore. Thankfully when I black out this time he doesn’t wake me up.

—-3 days later—Blossom’s POV—-

Everything hurt all over, the floor beneath me remained coated in my blood. Dabi had come in almost everyday, recutting my wounds to make sure I continued bleeding. My throat ached as the need for energy and blood overwhelmed my senses. I had no more control over my quirk releasing a constant stream of pheromones. My tears had finally dried up, my vocal chords were strained from all my screaming. The only relief I got was the meager bowl of water he would place in front of me to lap at. I was completely naked and disoriented, the room was warm enough; a small consideration on his part. He was the only one who ever entered this room. I kept trying desperately to reach Katsuki through the bond, but nothing changed. I was beginning to lose all hope.

“Alright Princess how are we today? Looking absolutely gorgeous by the way.” He leaned down to face me reeking of alcohol. I snarled weakly at him as he took my face in his hands. “You know fighting your quirk is very hard, I can see why this is one of your kinds best kept secret.” He murmured before connecting his lips to mine, biting my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood before taking advantage of my pained groan to shove his tongue in my mouth.

“You were too young the first time but you were always so attractive.” He hiccuped as he ran his fingers through my hair catching on the blooded mats. “Poor baby, maybe in another life I could’ve had you. Anyways I have a special treat for you tonight.” He hooked large chains onto clasps attached to my wings, then connected those heavier chains onto the floor before releasing the ceiling chains. My wings dropped with a thump, before he was moving to tighten all the chains forcing me upright on my knees, my arms slightly behind my back. His eyes glazed as he took in my breasts, a shiver ran up my spine. I became painfully aware of how naked I was, my shirt having been thoroughly shredded.

“Please, you don't have to do this.” My voice was barely above a whisper.

“No I do, now behave and maybe you’ll come too.” He grabbed the collar around my neck forcibly pulling me to him as he kissed along my jaw. His hands stroked up my arms to my shoulders before ghosting over my nipples. He pinches them hard making me yelp, before lowering his head taking the piercing between his teeth. Disgust curled in my stomach as I felt my body respond to him, my thighs dampening with his ministrations.

“Tsk you ruined my handiwork. Naughty girl, well don’t worry I’ll fix my brand on you. I’m going to enjoy tearing you apart.” He leaned back looking at the scarring on my thighs before heating up his hand, the flames dancing over his skin before he placed it on my scars. The scent of burning flesh invaded my nostrils As I screamed his other hand dancing over my stomach to cup my puss*. “You like this, look at how wet you are. If only your precious mate knew, he’d be disgusted.” His thumb brushed against my cl*t as he inserted a finger, pumping it in and out of me. He stopped burning my flesh to cup my breast and jerk me closer to him. He forcibly kissed me again as he continued pumping, adding another finger. I could feel that tension coiling and fought to deny it before he pressed on my cl*t forcing me to org*sm. Pulling his soaking fingers out he licks them groaning. “So f*cking sweet, and you clenched so greedily around my fingers you little slu*t.” He stood up his erection hard against his pants before pulling it free, loosening the chain attached to the collar he tugs me toward his co*ck.

“If you bite me I will make this much, much worse for you. Do you understand? Good now f*cking take my co*ck in your mouth.” I hesitantly open my mouth before he grabs my hair and pushes his co*ck all the way to the back of my neck, gagging and choking. He sets a brutal pace, tears streaming down my face as I fight to breathe, too terrified to fight back. His thrusts become wilder, his breath more erratic before he pulls out of my mouth to spurt his seed on my face. Shame rises in me as it drips down my face. “Taste it. You know you want to. According to the book, that's how your kind used to get their energy.” He lit his hands up menacingly before I quickly stuck my tongue out catching what was near my mouth. The low hum of energy from his seed gave me a momentary rush of pleasure before I remembered what he had done to me. I hung my head down, tears threatening to spill. I listened to him re-zip his pants and walk out of the room. Fury overcame me and a blood curdling shriek filled the empty space.

Chapter 28: Chapter 28


****Trigger Warning, this chapter contains blood and rape*****

Chapter Text

—-4 days later—-Dabi’s POV—-

I listened to her wails as I walked from the room, her eyes had slowly changed from yellow and green to bright blood red. She didn’t realize the changes but I did. Tonight was the night, a large blood moon hung in the air. I crossed the room and grabbed my pants pulling them on as Hawks sat up in our bed naked.

“Are you sure I need to leave? I don’t mind waiting right here for you.” He looked at me hopefully as he watched me dressed. I hadn’t told him about this step, I didn’t have the heart to see his face when he learned what it cost.

“Baby she is your friend, I know how hard this has been for you but I need you to keep an eye on her pesky mate. He’s been getting far too close to finding her. Make sure he stays away.” It was true Bakubrat had been relentless in his mission to find her. He finally nodded his head and quickly dressed, I watched him fly out the window before grabbing the candles and knife. Cracking my neck I grinned before leaving my room and into hers.

—---Hawk’s POV—-

I watched as Dabi left the room before silently flying around the building spotting Blossom’s room when he turned the lights on. He set down a knife and candles on a table before cutting his hand, using his own blood he drew a circle around Blossom, who was snarling and fighting the chains like an animal. He walked towards the windows and threw them open, breathing in deeply before heading back to her, his skin taking on a reddish hue as the moonlight filtered in. When he completed the circle he grabbed the chains on her wings and pulled her upwards until she was dangling off the floor before drawing a star and some strange symbols. Inhuman noises flew from Blossom’s mouth, punctuated by growls and screeches. My stomach dropped watching her struggle to free her torn wings, blood splattering on the floor, her tail chained to her back. My wings ached as I watched her fight before Dabi pulled her back down and chained her wings to the floor. He adjusted her collar chain so her face was pressed against the floor, ass in the air. As her cheek rubbed into the blood the circle lit up red as Dabi’s voice murmured strange words while lighting the candles, Blossom’s screeches died down as he finished speaking before carving a small star into her lower back.

—--Dabi’s POV—

I uttered the words that would force her to comply with the red of the moon casting ghastly images as the candles flames flickered. I grinned as she was silenced watching the blood trail down her body, the heady scent of her pheromones filled the air. My co*ck twitched as her hips swayed slowly, the air crackled with power around us. The star on her back glowing an ominous red, to match with the circle.

“Are you ready Princess?” Arousal coursed through my bloodstream making me instantly hard, even though I had gone a couple rounds with Hawks before entering the room. Blossom just snarled fighting to remove the chains, she had managed to get her mouth around the chain attached to her collar and was gnawing on it. I smirked as I brought my hand down on her ass, watching it jiggle in the light. Her growls grew more frenzied. “Don’t worry I’ll make it feel so good, your bond with Bakubrat will break. Then you’ll belong to me.” She was bare before me and I watched entranced as some of her arousal dripped down her leg. I brought my hand up to cup her puss* enjoying the warmth her body gave off, I could even feel when her temperature shot up as I gently rubbed back and forth. Her folds were slick and once fully coated I dipped a finger in to tease her cl*t. Her growls increased in pitch, even as her body followed my movements.

—---Hawk’s POV—----

I watched in horror as he started stroking her puss*. My stomach rolling, I turned my head and vomited on the floor. Her body was responding to his ministrations even as she looked like she was fighting. She gnawed at the chain more vigorously as Dabi grabbed her hair jerking her head up before kissing her. His tongue moving into her mouth before he pulled back slapping her, blood was dripping out of his mouth. He slammed her head into the concrete, and I turned away vomiting again. Dabi pulled a muzzle off of the table and placed it on her dazed face, blood was streaming out of her nostrils. He dropped her head callously once it was strapped on, scolding her before muttering more strange words the candles flared brightly before resuming their small flames. I glanced at my phone as it vibrated, Bakugo had been spotted nearby and with one last look back at Blossom as Dabi positioned himself behind her I took off, tears trailing in the wind.

—---- Dabi’s POV—--

Her pheromones were thick in the air, shimmering around me as I stared at her. Her puss* was tight around my co*ck as I pounded roughly into her. Her angry snarls turned into whimpers and the occasional moan as she took all of me. The star on her back lit up brightly as I came inside her feeling her org*sm around me. I can’t believe Bakubrat wasted his time f*cking her. She feels so f*cking good. The pheromones had increased the intensity of my org*sm and as I pulled out of her I was already hard again. I watched as my cum leaked out of her hole onto the star. The star shot up a blinding red light all around Blossom. I was awestruck as I watched as long horns started protruding out of her head, her fangs had grown by at least three inches and her nails had turned into deadly claws. She threw her head back and howled, the sound grim, as the lights faded and the candles blew out, the chains around her neck breaking as a pair of angry red eyes glowed in the darkness.

—--Bakugo’s POV—--

A sharp pain coursed through our bond again. It had gone silent ever since the incident at Grams. All of a sudden I was bombarded with emotions, none of them made sense. I fell to my knees trying to understand. My vision took on a red hue as I stared into nothingness before seeing the moon, I gasped as Deku rushed over and helped me stand. Scents sharpened as I inhaled shakily.

“He ok?” I looked up to see Hawks landing close by. We all paused as a howl punctuated the night. It sounded close by and I grew uneasily staring at Hawks. Bad man…. hurt… hungry… What the hell? The strange voice entered my mind. It didn’t sound like Blossom though it did sound female, it was raspy and sensual. The thoughts seemed almost primal in their needs, anxiety rippled through me. Is that Blossom’s thoughts? What is happening?

“What are you doing here Hawks?” Wraith appeared behind me, startling him. Deku looked from Wraith to Hawks and the buildings around us, we were in an abandoned neighborhood. It was where we had tracked the villain's rumors down to. Standing on my own again as the emotions subsided from the bond I took in our surroundings behind the houses was a number of buildings and a warehouse.

“I was patrolling and saw you so I figured I’d join in. Although I never thought that Deku would allow a civilian to patrol.” Something’s wrong, he smells like he’s nervous and upset….wait why can I smell that? I should not be able to smell that… Bad man smell… The thought rose unbidden as I took in a fading smokey scent that didn’t seem to fit Hawks. Wraith’s eyes narrowed as he inhaled deeply. A wind picked up scattering leaves and garbage, the uneasy feeling increasing.

“Why are you lying?” Wraith took a step forward, his fangs bared. “He knows something. Do you feel that shift in the air Bakugo?” I cracked my knuckles as I grinned at him.

“Yeah I feel it, and I can smell his lies.” Wraith looked concerned by that revelation.

“What are you guys talking about?” Hawks started shifting away from us when Deku grabbed his shoulder.

“Tell us what you know Hawks. Where is Blossom?” Deku’s grip tightens as another howl rises up, this time much closer.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m trying to help you find her. Why are you letting a civilian in on this?” I scoffed as I cracked my neck.

“He is Blossom’s brother, Wraith.” I nod towards Wraith who was intently searching the skies. The red hues giving us all ghostly appearances, a chill ran down my spine and I glanced up as well not seeing anything. “Now tell me what I wanna know and maybe I won’t hurt you too badly.” Wraith pales and grabs me pulling me out of the way as a figure drops down where I was just standing. We all gaped at the figure, their red eyes piercing mine as I dropped to my knees.

“I don’t think so brats, let Hawks go and I might consider quick deaths for all of you.” I stared at the crouched figure as Deku released Hawks, coming to stand beside me. I watched with bated breath as Hawks ran towards the shadows where the voice had echoed from. The crouched figure loped after them on all fours, but just before the shadows swallowed them completely they turned towards me. Those glowing red eyes haunting me as the moon lit up features I adored. Dark stains covered her mouth running from her nose, her fangs protruding over her top lips as she tilted her head, her hair was wild and matted. My heart clenched as emotions swam through our bond.


Chapter 29: ***Update***

Chapter Text

I'm so sorry I haven't posted school has been crazy and I am having wicked writers block but I am hoping to post soon! I will update as soon as I get the next chapter out.

Pheromones: Bakugo x OC female - StraightEdgeGoth - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.