Kind Of Pretty - AnnaChi246 (2024)

Have you ever wondered what kind of pretty you are? Ever wonder what people see when they look at your smile? Well according to a Mr. Sakusa Kiyoomi it never mattered much to begin with.

Kiyoomi was known for being cold, calculated. Handsome, yet unapproachable. Never giving more than expected, yet executing it perfectly. A man so tired of being seen as perfect by society. Adorning the high society life. The silver spoon shoved in his mouth. He was ‘calligraphy pretty’.

He was a divorced single dad. Once married to an absolutely stunning woman. That’s how everyone described her anyway. He married her straight out of university due to pressure from his parents.

She was the star on top of a Christmas tree, everyone loved her, and she relished in it. Every spotlight would solely shine on her even while they were together. However, like Christmas it was seasonal. She was the dimmest when alone with Kiyoomi. She was nothing but cold. She was ‘Christmas pretty.’

Kiyoomi never cared for commercialized Christmas and that’s what he saw in her. Fake through and through. The makeup covered more than her fake smile. To Kiyoomi the touches never felt warm.

They were married for a year. Had their daughter; then like the Christmas season she disappeared. Her life was taken away by a drunk driver. Leaving Kiyoomi alone to pick up the pieces of his broken marriage and raise his daughter. Kiyoomi moved back into his parent's home where raised her with the help of his family’s staff for the next five years.

It wasn’t till he hit his breaking point. His parents are harassing him to get remarried. Bring him women after women. They said now that his daughter was starting school, it would be the perfect time to start dating. They had perfect potential partners. Yet Kiyoomi couldn’t be less interested. With his daughter starting kindergarten soon he packed up all their things and moved. His parents persisted and demanded to have him move back into the family home, but Kiyoomi didn’t budge. That was the push he needed. Finally severing ties with his family and starting over.

His daughter was ‘night sky pretty’. You could see the stars in her onyx eyes. See the constellations bounce through her curls. And feel shooting stars in her laughter.
That was the only good thing that came out of his marriage. A baby girl is as gorgeous as the vast night sky. She was perfect, a neat and clean person like her father, and was nothing short of sweet. She was his everything. It wasn’t till a faithful day while taking his daughter to her first day of kindergarten that he saw him.

He was ‘sunrise pretty’. His smile was as blinding as the sun Kiyoomi begrudgingly saw before bed. His honey-colored eyes were intoxicating with the warmest hues of the rainbow. There was a gentleness to them that couldn’t be replicated. It somehow felt like hope.

“Daddy?,” asked Asami and Kiyoomi snapped out of his thoughts quickly looking away. This wasn’t happening. He’s been through this whole relationship thing before and he wasn’t going through it again. His mind flashed to his late wife. “He’ll just end up like her,” Kiyoomi thought as he stood there. His daughter was in his arms, and other parents walking past him. Everyone was greeted by the pretty blond teacher.

His daughter pouted at her dad who was frozen in place staring at nothing and wiggled out of his arms. “Asami!” Gasped Kiyoomi as his daughter booked it toward the school only to get scooped up by the teacher. “Whoa there little one! Where’s yer ma or pa,” smiled the teacher lifting up and down earning a few giggles in return. That voice was as warm and sweet as his eyes. Like a toasted honeycomb.

“I’m right here,” Kiyoomi called out, sprinting up to them. “Is this yer pa sweetie,” he asked and Asami nodded, making grabby hands at Kiyoomi who took her in his arms. “I’m sorry she got away from me,” said Kiyoomi trying to keep his embarrassment in check only for his words to come out emotionless. “Well it’s nice to meet ya, my name is Atsumu, Miya. I'm one of the kindergarten teachers,” Atsumu replied like his earlier comment didn’t faze him and Kiyoomi felt his face get warm but he pushed past it.

“Yes. Nice to meet you,” Kiyoomi managed to say before walking past the blond into the building. His heart trying to calm down as he walked with his daughter past the brightly colored walls, and into the administration office to know where to find her classroom. Asami was so excited, looking around with a big smile on her face. Kiyoomi got the location of her class and they both made their way to the room. A young woman was there greeting parents and helping the children who ran past. She had a sweet caring aura around her. Kiyoomi hoped she was the teacher.
The way she seemed to flow from person to person with a smile and understanding gentle eyes. Running the line between nativity and innocence with structure and integrity. Sweet enough to hurt one’s teeth. She was ‘icing sugar pretty’.

“Mr Sakusa, Miss Asami, welcome to preschool! My name is Yachi. I’m the assistant teacher. Our teacher is on greeting duty today,” she smiled brightly. “Thank you,” he replied as he watched Asami run off to find her desk and talk with the other children. Seeing her so happy made Kiyoomi smile softly.

“You both can stay as long as you need to feel comfortable, though your daughter seems like a social butterfly already-,” said Yachi. “The teacher is Miya Atsumu correct,” asked Kiyoomi unknowingly, cutting her off. “Uh yes Sir you know him,” she asked, visibly nervous. “No no, I just met him outside. Tell me what’s he like- as a teacher of course,” Kiyoomi instantly corrected himself trying not to let his embarrassment show. “Oh yes um well he’s a great teacher. A little rough around the edges, but very kind and gentle with the kids,” she explained. “And with the parents,” he asked and he saw her expression darken. Her voice got shaky, “he’s…. Assertive with parents,” she said slowly. Like she was choosing her words carefully.

“Tell me more,” Kiyoomi asked intrigued. Yachi quickly waved her hands in front of her. “Trust me he’s safe. He just cares a lot for the children,” she said frantically, almost catching everyone’s attention in the room. “I see,” he finally said and Yachi let out a small sigh of relief. Kiyoomi wanted to know why. But he knew he wasn’t going to get anywhere with her. She almost had a panic attack over some simple questions. Yachi soon walked around and talked to other parents. Kiyoomi moved to the corner and didn’t interact much.

He watched his daughter play with the other children. Her curls bounced as her laughter rang. “Single dad?,” asked Atsumu and Kiyoomi nearly jumped out of his skin, whipping his head around to see Atsumu standing next to him. As soon as he registered was happened he spoke, “How did you know.” Atsumu let out a small laugh, crossing his arms he gave a teasing smile. “Most dads don’t stay this long,” Atsumu replied and Kiyoomi looked around. He was right. It was all moms but him. He swore he saw a few other dads but he guessed they left already. “Well, ya don’t have to worry. Yer daughter is in good hands! I treat these kids like ma own,” Atsumu reassured and Kiyoomi nodded.

“I heard you’re assertive with parents,” Kiyoomi asked blankly and noticed Atsumu’s whole aura change. Those eyes were not the eyes of the man he saw minutes ago. “Depends. Are ya a dead beat,” Atsumu asked in a tone that sent a chill up his spine. “No,” Kiyoomi said quickly. As if a switch flipped, Atsumu smiled and said, “Then we don’t have a problem.” All before he walked away to talk to the other parents, leaving Kiyoomi dumbfounded. He needed to know more about this teacher. More now than ever.

It was only a little while later before Yachi handed Kiyoomi a packet on what to expect for the year. “If you have any questions both I and the teacher’s name/work email are in the corner of the first page. Including best times to get a hold of either of us,” she smiled. “Thank you,” said Kiyoomi, taking his daughter’s hand and leaving. Not before catching a glimpse of Atsumu laughing with one of the kids. They were walking out when he noticed someone familiar. A police officer wrangling two small boys.

He had a warmth that always surrounded him. A subtle sweetness overcoming bitter undertones. The kind of bittersweet feeling of being released from a hug you wish lasted a touch longer. He was ‘espresso pretty’.

“Officer Sawamura,” said Kiyoomi. Daichi looked up surprised. “Sakusa. I didn’t know you were in the school district,” he asked. Daichi had worked as security at Kiyoomi’s father’s company in the past. They’ve talked on occasion. “I just moved here. I see you left the city as well,” Kiyoomi asked. “Yeah. My husband got a job at this school last year, so we moved closer. Figured it’d be better for the boys anyway,” smiled Daichi. “I see. Listen. I have some questions. What can you tell me about the teacher Miya,” asked Kiyoomi but Daichi looked confused as he put one of the young boys on his shoulder while he carried the other on his hip. “Which one? The kindergarten teacher or the gym teacher,” he asked. “Gym teacher?” Kiyoomi asked. “Oh, you must not know. They’re twins. Atsumu is the kindergarten teacher and Osamu is the gym teacher,” explained Daichi.

“Well, I’m talking about Miya, Atsumu. He’s Asami’s teacher. I’m just worried about her,” said Kiyoomi, and Daichi nodded. “Ah well, you don’t have to worry. The kids love Atsumu. He’s one of the best teachers. Kids come out of his class extremely confident in themselves,” chuckled Daichi. “I see. And how’s he with parents,” he asked and he saw Daichi’s eye twitch. “Uh he’s…..fiiiine,” said Daichi. “Tell me the truth. What is it,” Kiyoomi asked, annoyed. “Uh well-“

“Oh, Daichi,”

They both turned to see a grey-haired man running up to them.

He had a calmness about him that seemed like he was hiding something chaotic. Like watching something with a hairpin trigger. Something exciting that made you question when the drop was coming. Yet your nerves are calmed by the feeling of acceptance that showed in their eyes. He was ‘the calm before the storm pretty’.

“Suga, did you finish up,” smiled Daichi. “Yeah, here let me take one of the kids,” said Suga, taking one of his sons. “Oh hello. Sorry for interrupting,” Suga asked, looking between Kiyoomi and Daichi. “I was asking about Miya Atsumu,” Kiyoomi replied bluntly. “Oh yeah, great guy. Your little one will love him,” smiled Suga. Kiyoomi decided to bite the bullet. “Why is Miya aggressive with parents,” snapped Kiyoomi and the other two paused before Suga let out a laugh.

“Come with me I’ll answer your questions,” said Suga and they walked to his classroom. There the boys and Asami ran to the toys kept in the play area. “There now the kids won’t be antsy. As for Atsumu, I take it you heard the rumors,” asked Suga leaning on his desk. “No, I haven’t. I just noticed everyone avoiding the topic,” said Kiyoomi, satisfied he was finally getting some answers.

“Oh. Well, some rumors were going around, even before I was teaching, that there was a kindergarten teacher who wasn’t afraid to physically fight parents who abused their kids. Sending more than one to the ER yet no one has ever pressed charges. Now I can’t confirm or deny the allegations, and Atsumu’s past isn’t my story to tell, but Atsumu cares deeply for these kids.

He wouldn’t hurt them, plus they all love him, and without proof, the school can’t do anything. Some parents who have been seen being aggressive with their kids complain to the administration that Atsumu turns cold to them and intimidates them when he sees them. But the parents usually drop it when asked why they’re being that way towards their children. They can’t get him in trouble without getting themselves in trouble,” explained Suga and Kiyoomi just stood there taking it all in.

“I can tell you that Atsumu’s name isn’t new at the station, but very few officers care to pursue charges of a kindergarten teacher defending children. Thou if he needs to be humbled don’t be afraid to tell Osamu your concerns,” chuckled Daichi and Suga laughed. “Yeah, Osamu is usually the only one who knows how to handle him. Well aside from the principal. But anyway, are you satisfied,” smiled Suga.

“Very. Thank you for explaining everything. I’ll take my leave now,” said Kiyoomi and the others nodded. “Don’t be a stranger,” smiled Suga waving at Asami and Kiyoomi as they walked away. “This school year is going to be interesting,” thought Kiyoomi as they got to the car. Buckling in Asami as she giggled to herself. “Did you like your class Asami,” asked Kiyoomi while putting the car in drive. “Yes,” smiled Asami, throwing her hands into the air. “I guess all that matters is how she’s being treated. I can put up with anything thrown my way. Miya Atsumu. Why do you care so much,” thought Kiyoomi.


Suga walked to Atsumu’s classroom to see him wrapping up. Yachi is seen walking further down the hall. Atsumu grabbed his bag and keys. “Yo Tsumu,” called Suga, leaning in the doorway. “Oh hey, what’s up? How was yer opening day,” smiled Atsumu walking up to him, coat in hand. “Finished finally. Daichi took the kids to the car but I wanted to let you know something interesting that happened,” smirked Suga. “Do you already have a troublemaker,” chuckled Atsumu. “Nah I can handle that. You know that single dad that came in. Sakusa,” asked Suga.

Atsumu paused as Kiyoomi’s face appeared in his mind. “He was interesting for sure. Seemly attentive and loving to his daughter, while being kinda cold to others. Yet he was also respectful to Yachi and myself. He’s attractive. I'll give him that. I’ve never met someone who is ‘calligraphy Ink pretty’. Nice hands and, tall, muscular build. Honestly the total package. His ex-wife was lucky. Wonder if she’s still around. A straight guy like that isn’t single for long,” thought Atsumu before quickly answering Suga’s question.
“Oh yeah. Interesting guy. What about him? Is he in trouble,” asked Atsumu, narrowing his eyes. “Nah but he was pretty interested in you,” teased the other and Atsumu was surprised. “Hu? Or is it the parents' thing,” asked Atsumu, not impressed. “Yep. Heard the rumors. Asked me about it-,”

“You didn’t tell me about my past did you,” glared Atsumu. “Tsumu, please. I would never. I may love the drama, but I’m not Oikawa. Second, he's your type so I wasn’t gonna ruin your chances,” he smiled. Atsumu felt his cheeks start to heat up. “Oh please. A guy like that has to have a girlfriend, and ya don’t even know if he’s gay. He doesn’t know I’m gay,” sassed Atsumu. “Oh, I can tell. You’ve been single for too long. I’m not saying throw yourself at him but maybe flirt a little,” said Suga.

“I appreciate ya caring about my love life but I just want to go to work, go home, play some volleyball at the community center, and relax with a drink in my hand. Not many relationships survive my lifestyle, especially one with a kid,” Atsumu sighed. “Are you saying if he asked you out you’d say no,” teased Suga and Atsumu blushed as he tried to brush it off. “I guess not,” he said quietly. “Well, good luck. Don’t blow it. He seems like a good guy,” chuckled Suga, waving back as he walked away. Leaving Atsumu alone to lock up the classroom.

He locked the door, taking a deep breath. “This is not how I wanted the school year to start,” he grumbled. “Hey scrub,” called out Osamu. Atsumu looked up to see his brother walking up to him. “Oh hey,” said Atsumu. “Hm? What’s wrong? Rough class already,” he asked. “Nah, just potential drama starting,” sighed Atsumu. “Well let’s go out to eat tonight then. We can talk about it. This makes me grateful that I don’t have to deal with parents,” shrugged Osamu. “Yeah,” said Atsumu, following his brother out.

Osamu may be Atsumu’s twin yet their personalities couldn’t be more different. Osamu is the feeling of winding down after a long day. The feeling of accomplishment after hard work. Yet also felt like more work had to be done. The beauty released by the transition from light to dark. The only parallel to his brother’s pretty. He is ‘sunset pretty’.


Kiyoomi was cooking dinner while faint noises from the program Asami was watching was playing in the background. She loves that blue dog. He could hear her giggles. Yet Kiyoomi’s mind kept wandering back to that preschool teacher. His golden eyes seemed to suck him in like he was sinking in honey. That smile made the world stop for a second.

Kiyoomi shook his head. “Stop it. I can’t go back to that. She made my life hell… he’d only do the same,” he sighed. Plating the Oyakodon till he felt a tug on the hem of his shirt and looked down. “Ice cream,” said Asami. “Excuse me,” said Kiyoomi, humoring his daughter. “Oh sorry. Em Icecream… PLEASE,” she said emphasizing the please. “How about dinner first,” he asked and he saw her think about it. “No I’m full,” she smiled.

Kiyoomi squatted down to her eye level. “You’re full?” He questioned. She nodded aggressively. “Daddy look in my eye. I’m so full,” she replied. “Asami you haven’t eaten since lunch. How are you full,” Kiyoomi asked and he saw her think before pouting. “Ate in my kitchen,” she said a little quieter. “Your play kitchen. With the fake food,” smiled Kiyoomi. “Ah yeah. I have an apple and a zoookinie,” Asami said pointing to the living room. “A whole apple and zucchini hu?,” Kiyoomi reiterated and she nodded again.

“That is a lot of food. No wonder you’re full. I guess you’re too full for Icecream,” said Kiyoomi standing back up and Asami looked shocked. “No no no!” She hopped up and down with her arms up. “A little space is left,” she cried. “Tell you what, sit with me while I eat, and I’ll give you Icecream,” smiled Kiyoomi and he saw her eyes sparkle as she agreed. Her father set the table and she quickly got to her seat. She watched as Kiyoomi put both bowls of Oyakodon in front of him and began to eat his. Asami tried to look uninterested but her eyes kept going back to her bowl. The delicious smell of chicken wafting the air. Her stomach grumbled and Kiyoomi had to stop himself from laughing. “Daddy….,” he heard her say very softly. “Yes princess,” he smiled. “Can I have bite,” she mumbled looking down.

“Yes you can,” Kiyoomi smiled passing her bowl with a spoon to her and she took a big bite. She smiled big in delight as she continued eating. Kiyoomi smiled as he shook his head and went back to eating.
Soon they were both done. Asami helped clean up and as promised Kiyoomi went to the fridge to get the ice cream only to find it gone. He forgot to get more when they finished it last week. “Ice cream,” sang Asami. “Sorry sweetheart. Seems it’s all gone,” said Kiyoomi. Asami’s face fell. “But you pwamised,” she said quietly. Kiyoomi’s heart hurt. Call him a pushover. He didn’t care, “wanna go to the store to get some,” smiled Kiyoomi. “Yes yes yes,” jumped Asami, eyes sparkling.


Atsumu and Osamu arrive at a hole-in-the-wall ramen shop. Pushing away the noren as they walked inside. Both sat down and got their order taken care of. “So what’s the drama this time,” asked Osamu, splitting his chopsticks. “It’s this dad,” grunted Atsumu. “Ah, another piece of sh*t. Ya know you can’t keep fight’n. Yer gonna get yer ass thrown in jail,” said Osamu. “It’s not that. He’s a decent father from what I can tell. He’s just...I don’t know…. Suga says I’ve been single too long and wants me to ask him out,” said Atsumu, and Osamu looked concerned. “Tsumu don’t risk yer job for some dick,” sighed Osamu. “Hey don’t say it like that! I wouldn’t… maybe I should try dating again. It’s been six years,” said Atsumu, looking down at the bowl being placed in front of him. “I mean yer last relationship was kinda messy. I don’t blame ya. Just don’t be stupid,” said Osamu before taking a big bite of noodles. Atsumu picked at his ramen. His voice got soft and uneasy. “I just don’t know about being a dad since-.” Osamu interrupted. “Yer nothing like him Tsumu.” Atsumu let out a long sigh before digging in. The warm soup made him feel better. “How are you and Rin doing,” Atsumu asked and his brother sighed, “Honestly we’re been having problems. We both work most of the day and have to catch up with sh*t on the weekends. We need to spend more time with each other. It’s hard to have a romantic date out when children keep coming up to us wanting to say hi.”

“Oh yeah I guess yer right with Sunarin being the art teacher at the private school across town, and ya being the PE teacher,” replied Atsumu. “Plus he agreed to be the girl's volleyball coach. There goes our evenings,” said Osamu, swirling the noodles around. “No wonder kids are coming up to y’all so much. Damn. What if you both go on a romantic trip next time we have a break? Go to the next town over or Tokyo? Where no one knows ya,” said Atsumu. “That’s a good idea. I do want this relationship for the long haul. I love him,” smiled Osamu. “I wish ya luck. I can’t believe yer love life is better than mine,” joked Atsumu and Osamu chuckled, “You’ll trick someone to fall for ya sooner or later.” “Hey!,” laughed Atsumu. They continued to chat for a bit, though it was mostly about work.

“Hey, I'm gonna take the long way home. Tell Rin I said hi. Tonight’s on me,” said Atsumu, paying for both of them. “Don’t get into trouble. Text me when ya get home,” said Osamu before taking off in the other direction. “Yeah yeah,” waved Atsumu. He made his way home. Going a few blocks over to the convenience store. He needed something sweet.

*Ding dong*

“Welcome,” said the friendly cashier as Atsumu entered the shop. Atsumu nodded in acknowledgment making his way down the aisle. “What do I want ...hmmmm,” he thought, scanning all the candy in front of him. “Teacher!!!.” Atsumu was surprised. He quickly looked next to him to see Asami running up to him. Her father is rounding the corner. Kiyoomi was surprised to see her teacher here. The blond wearing that smile that was wedged in Kiyoomi’s brain.

“Asami-chan! What are you doing here this late? '' smiled Atsumu. “I’m gonna get Icecream,” she said excitedly. “Yummy. That’s great. Don’t eat too much before bed,” chuckled Atsumu. Asami nodded looking back at her father. “Daddy! It’s teacher!!!,” she smiled. “I can see that. Hello Miya-san,” said Kiyoomi walking up to them. “Nice to see you again. Mr. Sakusa. You can call me Atsumu. My brother also works at the school,” said Atsumu. “What brings you here,” asked Kiyoomi. “Wanting something sweet, but I think I found it,” chuckled Atsumu ruffling Asami’s hair as she giggled. “Well, we won’t bother. Enjoy your night Miya-san,” said Kiyoomi, taking his daughter’s hand. “Yer no bother at all,” smiled Atsumu. Asami looked towards the window and then back at Atsumu.

“You can't be alone,” she said and both Atsumu and Kiyoomi looked confused. “What was that darlin,” Atsumu asked. “It’s dark!” she said loudly. “What’s wrong with that sweetheart,” asked Kiyoomi. Asami got visibly upset. Pointing at Kiyoomi saying, “You said no alone at night! Teacher can’t go alone at night,” yelled Asami. The room went silent. Atsumu burst out laughing as Kiyoomi tried not to look embarrassed. “Sweetheart he’s a grown-up. I’m sure he can get home just fine,” said Kiyoomi. Asami looked at Atsumu with tears in her eyes. “Nooo not safe,” cried Asami. Atsumu got down to her level, “Hey it’s ok. It’s ok. I’ll be fine. I live a little bit down the road,” smiled Atsumu. Asami looked back at her dad with a pleading look. “We’ll walk you,” said Kiyoomi defeated. Atsumu looked up at him surprised. “Yay,” smiled Asami.

Atsumu stood up. “Ya don’t have to,” he whispered. “It’s fine,” said Kiyoomi. Atsumu didn’t protest. He knew Kiyoomi just didn’t want his daughter to feel bad. He could play along. When all three left the store together. Atsumu pointed down the road. “I live this way,” said Atsumu. “We’ll follow your lead,” said Kiyoomi and Atsumu nodded. Asami was delighted as she got in between them, getting to hold both their hands as they walked.

“Teacher, where is your daddy,” smiled Asami. Kiyoomi noticed how Atsumu tensed up for a brief second before he snapped out of it and smiled. “What kinda Icecream did ya get,” he asked, changing the subject. “Choco,” she replied, doing a little jump. “That sounds good,” chuckles Atsumu.

The walk home was calm. The road was being softly illuminated. Asami’s voice and laughter echo through the night air. Question after question Atsumu answered. Kiyoomi felt oddly relaxed. Like they all seemed to fit together. “Oh this is me,” said Atsumu.

Kiyoomi now snapped out of his thoughts look to where he was pointing to see an apartment building. “It was nice to see you both. See you at school Asami-chan,” he smiled. “Hug,” smiled Asami. Atsumu chuckled as he squatted down and gave her a hug. When they parted she pointed to Kiyoomi. “Daddy hug,” she smiled and the adults looked at her surprised. “We don’t have to,” said Kiyoomi. “Yeah I’m fine,” said Atsumu quickly. “No! We say goodbye with hug,” pouted Asami. “OK ok. If it’s alright Miya-san,” said Kiyoomi opening his arms.

Atsumu stared at him like he lost his mind. A blush slowly creeps onto his cheeks. “Hug,” demanded Asami pointing to her dad. Atsumu took a deep breath and hugged Kiyoomi. Asami happily hugged their legs. Atsumu felt his heart going a million miles an hour.

Kiyoomi felt the warmth radiating off the other. The blond smelled like citrus and linen. Kiyoomi weirdly felt his body melt into the hug. As they parted Atsumu did his best to hide his red face, waving before he walked away. Kiyoomi exhaled, for a second he wished it would have lasted a little longer. He almost forgot how it felt to hold someone like that. Taking his daughter’s hand they continued to walk home.

As soon as Atsumu got inside his apartment he let out a scream while covering his mouth. “Atsu?” a voice said. His roommate looked into the entryway to see Atsumu panicking. Red in the face, hyperventilating. “Wow I haven’t seen you gay panic that bad since high school,” he stifled a laugh. “Shut yer trap Oikawa! I’m not,” yelled Atsumu. “Oh, you are. Wanna talk about him,” smirked Oikawa leaning against the wall.

That man right there can be described as many things, but you’d never met anyone with such an ignite in their eyes. Radiating warmth of confidence and compassion, yet having the power to burn it all down. Something so mesmerizing and beautiful, yet incredibly dangerous. However at the same time he could give the most gentle warmth. He is ‘fire pretty’.

“No, because you can’t keep yer mouth shut,” said Atsumu, taking off his shoes. “I’m offended. I promise I won’t say sh*t,” said Oikawa. “Yer lucky yer the only one here,” sighed Atsumu. “Actually…” Atsumu looked and saw Iwazumi step out from behind Oikawa.

He is as sweet as he is bitter. Not to everyone’s tastes, yet everyone can agree on the desire to have it. A level of responsibility and maturity. The type of guy that’s good for your heart and melts with a little fire. He is ‘dark chocolate pretty’.

“Really Oikawa?! You’re already banging our boss,” said Atsumu dumbfounded. “Hey, technically he’s the new vice principal. Not really our main boss,” said Oikawa. “I can tell you both have a lot to talk about so I’ll get going. See you tomorrow Toru. See you Atsumu,” said Iwazumi, seeing himself out. “Damn I was hoping he’d spend the night,” pouted Oikawa. “Ok well now I can tell ya my problem. Cuz if you say anything I can tell them about ya dicking management,” smirked Atsumu walking past his gasping roommate. “You’d risk my job for a little gossip,” asked Oikawa, offended before walking into the kitchen. Watching Atsumu set the convenience store bag on the counter and get a beer out of the fridge.

“It’s this guy. He’s…. Kinda you know. Interestin’, mysterious. Smells like allspice and vanilla. Has the cutest kid-“. “Whoa whoa you got a thing for a dad,” gasped Oikawa leaning over the counter. “Unfortunately. Like it’s a little crush… I just met the guy. He’s just soo,” Atsumu trailed off. “Hot, sexy, is he fit. Like looks aren't everything but like… he is a 10 right,” asked Oikawa.

Atsumu gets his phone and starts typing. “You tell me,” he tosses his phone. Oikawa looks at the screen to see a LinkedIn profile. “Sakusa Kiyoomi. Wow he’s rich rich. Hot but not my type. I approve,” teased Oikawa tossing the phone back. “I know he’s a single dad. But I’m not sure if he’s dating someone or even if he likes men. God it’s just like me to catch feeling over a f*cking straight guy,” groaned Atsumu before taking a big chug of his beer.

“Atsu come on look at his skin. No straight guy moisturizes or is that good with skin care. He’s at least bi,” shrugged Oikawa. “That doesn’t prove anything. Plus I can’t date a dad anyway,” sighed Atsumu. “Hey some of my greatest hookups were dad’s,” smirked Oikawa. “Please tell me how ya got hired as our school counselor again,” sassed Atsumu. “Hurtful. I like gossip sue me. And I’m great at helping people. But I’m off the clock bitch,” said Oikawa walking past Atsumu and opening the fridge. “I got too much baggage for a guy like him anyway,” sighed Atsumu, swirling the last bit of beer in the bottom of the bottle.

“Hey, we all of issues. Plus being a single dad I’m sure he’s got baggage too,” Oikawa said closing the fridge door and holding two beers. Oikawa handed another one over to Atsumu who took it. “Thanks. I think I’ll just let it play out. If it happens it happens but I’m not gonna chase it. It took me forever to get over my ex,” said Atsumu popping the top of the other beer. “Ah yes. Mr. He who should not be named. Atsu as your best friend I need to tell you. It’s been years. You let that asshole keep you miserable for waaaaay too long. Don’t keep giving him the satisfaction,” said Oikawa and Atsumu sighed. “I hate when yer right,” smiled Atsumu. “Intelligence and looks. I got it all,” smirked Oikawa walking towards the living room. “Bastard,” laughed Atsumu following his friend.


It was lucky that Atsumu lived in the same direction as Kiyoomi and Asami. They didn’t have to double back and only had another block to go. Asami was talking away and Kiyoomi couldn’t stop thinking about the hug earlier. The way the blond smelled, the way he just seemed to fit in his arms. This wasn’t happening. No, he refused. He was a single dad and he was going to stay as a single dad at least till Asami graduated college. Then maybe, MAYBE he considered dating. Kiyoomi let his daughter have one small scoop of ice cream before he got her ready for bed. Soon she was fast asleep leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Going to his office and logging into his computer. Despite his better judgment, Kiyoomi found himself typing Atsumu’s name into Google. Nothing weird popped up. Not that I expected anything. The school came up along with his name on some sports teams from when he was in college. He was surprised to see his name in advertisem*nts for the community center’s sports program. All of that led to Atsumu’s Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Ending up scrolling on Atsumu’s Instagram for longer than he cared to admit. No women or men were ever present in any of his pictures. Unless they were group pictures. Not even mentions.

“So he’s either single or knows how to keep his personal life off the internet. This is ridiculous. I already said I’m not dating or remarrying. I need to just get him out of my mind,” said Kiyoomi to himself. He was tired, yet he couldn’t sleep.

“Damn it,” he grumbled looking at the clock, knowing he had 4 hours before his daughter usually got up. He glanced over at his phone. “I know you work the night shift…. I’m gonna regret this,” he mumbled pushing the call button.

“Why hello my favorite cousin! What do I owe for pleasure to have you finally return my call,” sassed Komori. “I’m hanging up,” sighed Kiyoomi. “No, no Kiyo come on. I haven’t heard from you in days. Since you moved it’s like you forgot I existed. Plus I’m bored at work,” said Komori. “I’m sure being a security guard is very boring,” said Kiyoomi, rolling his eyes. “Listen, it's not like I’m guarding the queen. Plus most of the kids at the private school are really well-behaved. I’m also in the entryway tonight so not much goes on. The other guards have the fun job of wandering around the school,” sighed Komori. “I’ll never understand the appeal of the night shift. There’s too much to do throughout the day,” said Kiyoomi. “Eh agreed to disagree. So Kiyo, why'd you call? Not that I’m not happy about it, just curious,” said Komori.

Kiyoomi paused thinking if he really wanted to have this conversation before he sighed. “This teacher is getting under my skin,” he replied. “Teacher? Oh yeah, Asami started kindergarten. Is she causing you or Asami trouble? Do you need to switch schools,” asked Komori concerned. “It’s a man and no he seems to be a good teacher…,” Kiyoomi explained. “Then what’s the problem? Personally difference,” Komori asked. “He’s just so… pretty,” Kiyoomi sighed. “Like how pretty?,” asked Komori. “He’s sunset pretty,” he replied. “Whoa. How are you not wife-ing up this man,” asked Komori. “Be serious. I told everyone including myself that I’m not dating again. I can’t go through that whole mess again,” he rebutted. “I mean…I get it. It’s because of Cana isn’t it,” asked Komori.

Kiyoomi paused. “It’s not like we ever loved each other. It was all for show… she wouldn’t even look at me when we slept together. When she died it was unexpected, but I felt more guilty than anything. Thoughts about how I could have fixed things so Asami would have both parents in her future. I know it’s not my fault for what happened, but what if that’s the type of relationship I attract? What if he’s like her,” Kiyoomi explained looking out the window at the moon.

“Kiyo; you know kids can tell if their parents don’t care for each other. You know that better than anyone. Does Asami deserve a mom/other dad? Sure, but I think she’d agree with me that she wouldn’t want one at your expense. Plus dating is to find out if you work together. It’s not like after one date you’re forced to marry each other… Through with you're track recor-.”

“Montoya,” Kiyoomi warned. “You’re not under you're parents thumb anymore. It’s just you both deserve to be happy,” smiled Komori leaning back in his chair. “I hate it when you’re smart,” smiled Kiyoomi. “Hey guilty as charged. Omg it’s funny you have a crush because I’ve been crushing hard on this art teacher,” chuckled Komori.

“I didn’t say I had a crush. Plus you have a new crush every week,” sassed Kiyoomi. “Um well considering I have a thing for a guy who’s ‘tattoo ink pretty’, I think I’ll be crushing on him permanently,” laughed Komori.
“I’m ‘calligraphy ink pretty’ so that means nothing to me. We’re the same,” said Kiyoomi bluntly. “Ew don’t say that. It’s completely different,” said Komori grossed out. “Weren’t you also the one who tried to convince me to date the one guy from my father’s company because he was ‘fountain pen pretty’. Saying we go together because our type of pretty was the same,” Kiyoomi reminded him.

“That's what I got for reading and taking so many personality tests. Listen Cosmo said you both would work together, it made sense,” said Komori. “By that logic, me and your crush should get together,” replied Kiyoomi. “Haha you’re so funny,” said Komori, extremely sarcastic.
“Anyway, Montoya I think you’re right for once. I don’t have to be completely vulnerable, but it won’t do any harm getting to know this guy better,” said Kiyoomi. “Can’t give me a regular compliment can you? Haha, I wish you luck Kiyo. Tell me how it works out,” Kamori said excitedly. “Alright. Have a good night,” said Kiyoomi before hanging up. Kiyoomi laid there lost in thought. “Atsumu Miya…,” he whispered.

The next morning Kiyoomi got his daughter ready for Kindergarten. She was dressed, fed, and in her car seat in a matter of 20 min. Honestly his personal best. Asami was still sleepy but still happily sang along to the children’s nursery rhymes that her dad played on the car radio. When they walked up to the school Kiyoomi noticed Suga greeting parents instead of Atsumu this morning. “Ah good morning Sakusa,” he waved when they got close. “Morning,” he replied. “Good morning,” smiled Asami. “Have a good first day,” Suga smiled watching them walk towards the building before greeting other approaching parents.

They reached Asami’s class. Yachi was standing outside the room talking to an overly worried mother. Deciding not to bother them he went around and stepped inside the class. “Asami-chan!,” said Atsumu excitedly. “Way too much energy for 7 am,” thought Kiyoomi watching his daughter run and hug her teacher. “Are you ready for some learning,” smiled Atsumu. There was that smile. Kiyoomi found himself just staring at them till Atsumu looked up surprised. “Oh Mr. Sakusa, you are free to go. I'll take it from here,” said Atsumu. Kiyoomi nodded, waving goodbye to his daughter as he walked out the door. He made his way to the car feeling a little worried, but knowing his daughter was in good hands. He soon arrived home. Going into his office to start on his remote work.


Yachi helped the students put their belongings away and Atsumu helped them wash their hands. After attendance on the *magic* circle rug. “Alright, everyone. I’m Atsumu yer teacher. Let's play a game. When I say yer name ya’ll have to stand up. Say yer name again and tell me something ya love,” smiled Atsumu and the kids looked excited. One by one Atsumu called on them alphabetically by last name. “Asami-chan,” said Atsumu and she lit up. Standing up she said, “My name is Asami. I love my dad,” she smiled “That’s sweet of you-,”

Asami interrupted. “I love Asumooo too,” she said proudly. “You are the sweetest. Alright let’s keep going,” chuckled Atsumu. Morning time went by quickly. The kids followed the lessons well. Learning the number of the day, and the day of the week. Splitting off to work on Math, spelling, and reading activities. Atsumu was so glad to have such a good class this year. Yachi was also extremely helpful. It was his first time with a teaching aid. Soon before they knew it, it was 11 and the bell went off.

“Oh, there's the bell. Who’s hungry,” smiled Atsumu and the kids all raised their hands. Everyone got out their lunchboxes and those who got school lunch got theirs from the cart that came to their classroom door. Atsumu walked around making sure everyone was eating when he stopped behind Asami. Her lunch was adorable. Everything was cut into a cute shape. Atsumu stifled a laugh imagining Kiyoomi creating this super cute lunch for his daughter. It was adorable. Something he’d pay to see. Asami looked up and offered a piece of Tamagoyaki. “Taste,” she smiled. “It’s ok sweetheart. I have my lunch ya eat up,” said Atsumu and she nodded, taking a big bite.

After a bit Atsumu clapped his hands, getting everyone’s attention. “Alright, we have music today so I need everyone to get in line. But before we go, does anyone need to go to the bathroom,” he asked. A few children including Asami raised their hands. “Ok. Those who need to go to the bathroom follow Ms Yachi. The rest follow me ok,” he replied and the class nodded. Atsumu took the majority of the kids down the hall. Yachi stayed in the classroom helping each child go to the bathroom and wash their hands. As Yachi and the four other children walked to the music room. Asami stopped. Yachi and the rest didn’t notice and kept walking. Asami saw a familiar face down another hallway and ran over.

“So basically indoor tag with the second graders is a no-go. They don’t seem to find it interesting. I think I’m gonna have ’em play Shark zone instead-,” Osamu was interrupted by something hugging his leg.
“I thought PE didn’t start for another hour,” asked Asahi. “It doesn’t,” said Osamu before he knelt making eye contact with Asami. “Hey there, where are you supposed to be,” he asked. She looked confused, then said “Moosic”. “Ah ok. Do you need me to take you,” he smiled. “Yes please Asumooo,” she smiled back. “Asumooo? Oh yer my brother’s kid. I’m not Atsumu. I’m Osamu,” he explained. Asami stared at him extremely confused. “No. You're Asumooo. I’m not dumb,” she pouted. “We’re twins. We have the same face with two bodies,” said Osamu, and Asami looked horrified. “No,” she yelled starting to tear up. “Hey Asahi can you do me a favor and go get Atsumu for me,” asked Osamu. “Sure I don’t have to be back to the library for a little longer,” Asahi said before making his way quickly to the music room.

Asahi could be described as many things. The gentle giant, the man with the glass heart. A shoulder to cry on. The feeling of safety in a man’s body. The most selfless person one could meet while not being afraid to stand his ground when needed. He is ‘redwood forest pretty’.

Yet before he got there he saw Atsumu and Yachi looking down the halls. Yachi looked panicked and Atsumu looked concerned. “Hey Atsumu! I think I found something of yours,” smiled Asahi. “That’s a relief. Did she make it to the library,” asked Atsumu running up to him. “No, she found your brother. They’re in front of the gym,” he explained and Atsumu bolted down the hall. Yachi thanked Asahi profusely before going back to the music room.
Atsumu saw Osamu holding Asami.

“Hey,” Atsumu called out running towards them and he saw Asami look surprised. Looking back and forth between the twins before she burst out crying. “Asami-chan came here,” Atsumu reached for her and Osamu handed her over. “We’re brothers. We just look the same. It’s when a mommy has two babies at the same time,” explained Atsumu. “Two babies,” repeated Asami between hiccups. “Yep, two whole babies. That’s not so scary is it,” he asked. Asami thought about it. “No I guess,” she mumbled, calming down. “That a girl. Now meet your PE teacher. My brother Osamu,” smiled Atsumu and Osamu waved.

“Ok, Omoo. But I love Asumooo,” she pouted. “Fine by me. I promise we’ll play a lot of fun games later ok,” Osamu smiled. “Ok,” she smiled back. “Thanks for finding her. She ran off when Yachi took some of them to the bathroom,” Atsumu explained. “She found me actually. But yeah no problem,” shrugged Osamu, and Atsumu nodded before walking Asami back to music class.
“Asami, remember we stay with Ms. Yachi or me. Ok?,” asked Atsumu. “Ok,” said Asami. To Yachi’s relief, they made it back alright. Yachi apologized profusely to Atsumu who calmed her down.

“Heya there little one my name is Noya. I’m your Music teacher!” Noya smiled walking up to them. Asami nodded looking around at all the kids holding different types of toy instruments.

Noya was like lightning in a bottle. His energy was extremely infectious, and he had the energy to keep him going regardless of the time. Seemingly unhinged or troublesome, yet being the most reliable person one would ever meet. Your biggest supporter, your number one fan. He is ‘lightning pretty’.

“Come on, I’ve got a pair of cymbals with your name on ‘em,” said Noya excitedly and Asami smiled, following him to the chest of instruments. “Ok I’ll let you take over, I’ll be back,” said Atsumu and Yachi nodded. “Alright, kids! Play it loud, play it proud,” yelled Noya and the kids went buck wild. Yachi tried keeping her smile as she covered her ears. “At least the kids are having fun,” she said to herself.

Soon it was time for recess. “OK everyone get in line. We’re going outside,” cheered Atsumu entering the music room, and the kids quickly put things away. Before running to get in line. The playground to Asami was massive! She was hesitant to touch the equipment. Many of the kids ignored her since she was just standing there like her feet couldn’t move. “What’s wrong Asami-chan,” asked Atsumu, squatting down to her level.

“It’s not clean,” she pointed at the equipment. “Oh do you not like getting dirty,” he asked. “Daddy is clean. Clean a lot. I like clean,” she replied. “Ah ok. How about I get some wipes, clean off a swing, and we can do that,” he smiled and she nodded excitedly. So Atsumu did as such. Got some disinfecting wipes and cleaned off one of the swings. Asami with help got on and Atsumu pushed her and several other kids for the rest of the hour. “Looks like I can skip the gym for my arm workout,” thought Atsumu. Soon Atsumu was taking the kids back inside but this time into the Art room.

“Alright kids, say hello to Ms. Alisa Haiba. Please be nice to her and do what she says,” said Atsumu. “Welcome class! I’m so excited to see such cute kids. We’re going to draw some family portraits. Doesn’t that sound fun,” she said happily and the kids cheered. Atsumu nodded, sneaking out of the classroom. Yachi stayed behind to help if needed.

Alisa is excitable and extremely friendly. She had a natural beauty that seemed to glow off of her. Her laughter is infectious and her eyes would sparkle. Like trapping joy in a bottle topped off with an abundance of love. She is ‘idol pretty’.

Alisa and Yachi handed off sheets of large paper and crayons. The kids got to work. Giggling, sharing what they were drawing with their teachers as they walked by. Till Alisa got to Asami’s picture. She smiled watching her draw with such passion. “Well, little artist. Can I see,” Alisa asked and Asami leaned away proudly revealing her artwork. “Awe you have such a cute family! Is that you? That’s so good,” Alisa smiled. “Yep this is Daddy,” said Asami pointing at the stick figure with black squiggles on his head. “Oh of course. Then who is this,” asked Alisa pointing to the other stick figure with a yellow line across his forehead.

“That’s Asumoo,” she smiled back. “You drew your daddy and Atsumu?” Alisa asked. “We love Asumoo,” Asami said, taking a red crayon and making a big heart around the three stick figures. “That’s adorable! I’m so glad you like your teacher,” Alisa said, ready to walk away when Asami said, “Yeah me and daddy gave big hug and daddy took Asumoo home.”

Alisa stopped dead in her tracks. Even Yachi who was across the room stopped and stared surprised. “Your dad took your teacher home,” Alisa asked, now invested in the story. “Yep. Daddy loves him. I love him,” she smiled. “You’re so cute. Want me to print a copy of your pretty picture for you to give to Atsumu? Then you can give yours to Daddy,” smiled Alisa and Asami nodded with a big smile. “Suga’s gonna love hearing about this,” thought Alisa walking to check on the rest of the kids.

After Art. The kids had a gym. Atsumu comes back to the art room to lead them to the gym. Like Asami, the kids were either in awe or confused by the twins standing next to each other. Atsumu and Osamu explained and after a bit the kids accepted it. Kids called Osamu by the wrong name at times but that was expected. “Alright ankle biters today we’re gonna play a fun game called snake. Does anyone know that game,” said Osamu and no one raised their hands. “That’s ok. Everyone gets in a circle. Imma stand in the middle and spin a long rope on the ground. Don’t worry it won’t go too fast. If the rope touches ya yer out. So ya gotta jump and yell snake. Understand,” he asked and the majority nodded. He did have a few kids demonstrating before the full game began.

Asami was pretty good but got out. She walked to the wall where the other kids who also got out stood. Yachi had them play with hula hoops till the round ended and they could get back into the game. All in all the kids had a great time. Yachi took the kids back to the classroom where Atsumu was getting their final lesson ready.

“Welcome back, your art teacher brought me your pictures. I’ll hand them back when y’all head home ok,” he smiled and the kids agreed taking their seats. They did a quick letter of the day activity before letting the kids take a nap, before finally cleaning up.

“How was your first day so far,” whispered Atsumu to Yachi. “It’s really fun. These kids are wonderful,” she smiled. “Yeah, we got a good batch this year. I’m excited to see these little tikes grow,” said Atsumu, watching them all sleep soundly.

By the time pick-up time rolled around all the kids had their coats and backpacks on. A few were getting antsy about seeing their parents except for Asami who was glued to Atsumu’s side. One by one parents came and Atsumu handed back their child’s artwork and said their goodbyes. Kiyoomi walked into the room to see his daughter chatting with Atsumu. She seemed not to notice him yet. Her expressions were very dramatic when telling a story. “Asami,” he called out. She quickly turned and her eyes got wide. “DADDY!,” she yelled running into his arms. “Hello Princess,” Kiyoomi smiled giving her a hug. “Hey Mr. Sakusa. Your daughter did great today,” said Atsumu.

“That’s good to hear. There weren’t any problems?” he asked. “Well she did run off a little with going to music class but we talked about and she’s sorry. She saw my brother and thought it was me. Don’t worry it happens more than I care to admit. She also had an issue with the playground equipment being dirty. But we wiped down a swing and she enjoyed herself. I also got her artwork. Let me find it,” said Atsumu, going through the pictures.

“OK, I understand. As for the dirt thing, we keep our home very clean I have Mysophobia and I wipe things down constantly. I’ll talk to her about it,” said Kiyoomi. “Hey don’t worry about it. Being too clean isn’t a bad thing. Oh here it i-” Atsumu paused. Staring at it. Kiyoomi noticed his face go a little red before handing off the paper face down. “We’ll see you both tomorrow,” said Atsumu.

Kiyoomi flipped the paper over to see the heart surrounding the stick figures. With ‘Family Portrait by Asami Sakusa’ written by the Art teacher in the top right-hand corner.

“Love, who is this with us,” asked Kiyoomi. Asami looked at him like he was dumb. “It’s Asumoo. We love him,” said Asami loudly to where some parents looked over. Atsumu wanted the world to swallow him up as he turned to face the board, erasing the letter lesson they just had. An attempt to hide his reddening cheeks. Kiyoomi was glad Atsumu turned around as he felt his face also heat up. “It’s nice Asami,” he said as calmly as possible before taking his daughter home. Both adults were extremely embarrassed.

When the last kid left Alisa walked into the classroom. Atsumu had his head on the desk. Yachi long gone. “Hey Atsumu,” she smiled. Atsumu slowly looked up. “What’s up? Don’t you usually have to rush to the high school to pick up your brother,” asked Atsumu. “Hey, he’s a grown man. He can wait a few minutes. Plus he’s usually chatting up some of his students when I get there anyway. I came to bring you a gift courtesy of Asami-chan,” she said handing over a piece of printer paper. Atsumu took it and when he flipped it over he saw her drawing. Once again slamming his head on the desk. Alisa tried to hold back a laugh.

“I heard her dad took you home,” she teased. “We were walking in the same direction,” Atsumu grumbled, not looking up, knowing his face was red again. “Atsumu I can tell you’re blushing. Your ears are red,” she chuckled. “Listen, it's complicated. We’re not dating. He’s not interested in me. His daughter just really likes me. This isn’t the first time a kid tried playing matchmaker,” sighed Atsumu. “True. I get that too, but isn’t he your type,” she asked. “You spend way too much time chatting with Suga,” said Atsumu. “True. Just invite me to the wedding,” she teased as she walked out. “I’m gonna just melt into the floor,” grumbled Atsumu, tucking the picture into his desk drawer.

“Hey ya ready to go,” called Osamu from the door. “Remember when you said you owed me one for giving ya my lunch when you forgot yers,” asked Atsumu. “Yeah?,” said Osamu leaning against the doorway. “Well, I’m cashing it in now. Come over here and kill me,” said Atsumu and Osamu laughed. “What happened this time,” he asked, walking into the room. “I caught feelings for a dad. And now I can’t even look him in the eyes! His daughter is playing matchmaker whether she knows it or not. I’m freaking out,” Atsumu said, quickly covering his face. “I mean you’ve had worse crushes. Remember the bus driver,” teased Osamu.

“Yer not helping,” grumbled Atsumu. “Well, that depends. Did you want to pursue this guy,” he asked. “I don’t even know if he’s gay,” panicked Atsumu. “Well, that should be your first question for him. Though I don’t know how you can casually bring that up. You’re in a tough spot,” said Osamu. “I know,” yelled Atsumu tossing his arms in the air.

“Well, it’s the weekend tomorrow. So you have two days to think about it. You helped me with Rin so I guess I’ll help you with this guy,” said Osamu. “You’re a lifesaver,” said Atsumu, getting up and hugging his brother. “Yeah yeah don’t thank me yet. Come on, let's just go get food already. I’m starving,” said Osamu. “Fine, let me just lock up,” said Atsumu.


Alisa made her way to Suga’s room to find him typing away. Most likely finishing up lesson plans. “Hey Suga,” she called out. “Oh hey what’s up,” smiled Suga pulling his chair back from the desk. “I’ve got some tea,” she said giddy. She really wore her emotions on her sleeve. “Ooo spill,” Suga said leaning forward on his desk. “Looks like Atsumu finally has a love life,” she said and Suga smirked. “You don’t say. Is it Asami-chan’s dad,” he asked and she looked surprised. “You knew,” she gasped. “Not a whole lot. What do you know,” he asked.

“Well, Asami-chan drew him in her family portrait. Said she AND her father loved him. And her father took him home,” she squealed excitedly. Suga’s mouth dropped. “You’re kidding,” he said, shocked. “Nope. Scouts honor,” she smiled. “I can’t believe he didn’t tell me about any of this. I definitely have to ask him about this,” said Suga. “Let me know what you find out. I gotta go. See ya tomorrow,” said Alisa taking her leave as Suga looked back at his computer. “Atsumu what are you doing,” he smirked, going back to finishing up his work.

Atsumu and Osamu walked towards the Yakitori-ya restaurant they went to every Friday. They walked in and saw Rin standing by the wall. “Hey. Took you both long enough,” he said putting his phone away.

Rin could be described in many ways. Playful yet mischievous. The sly grin of a fox. That face led to trouble more than once. People make assumptions. Artists' form of expression though can be seen as taboo. Free as the wind being tied down to something permanent. He is ‘Tattoo ink pretty’.

“Tsumu is having troubles,” said Osamu, hugging his boyfriend. “Really,” smirked Rin leaning on Osamu. “Don’t just say that in public,” snapped Atsumu. “Relax. Fine we’ll get a table,” sighed Osamu and they walked to the hostess stand. As they walked to their table a familiar voice broke through the chatter. “Asumoo!!!,” shouted Asami. Atsumu froze. “Oh god please no,” whispered Atsumu before he turned around. He locked eyes with Kiyoomi. He and his daughter were at a table on the other side of the restaurant. Atsumu waved trying to not look shocked out of his mind.

“Go say hi Atsumu,” said Osamu with a sly smile on his face. “Shut the f*ck up,” whispered Atsumu looking at his brother with panic in his eyes. “What’s wrong? Aren’t ya usually excited to see yer student outside of work,” asked Rin. “Yeah Atsumu what’s wrong,” Osamu said sarcastically and Atsumu wanted to rebuttal, but he just signed. “Fine, I’ll go say hi,” grumbled Atsumu. “Stay as long as ya like,” said Osamu stifling a laugh as Atsumu walked to Kiyoomi’s table smiling brightly.

“Asumoo,” giggled Asami, reaching for a hug. Atsumu squatted down and happily hugged her. “Nice to see kiddo,” smiled Atsumu standing back up when they let go. “Sorry to bother you outside of work hours again Miya-san,” said Kiyoomi. “Don’t worry about it. I get this all the time. I’ll let y’all enjoy yer meal,” said Atsumu. “You no stay,” said Asami, tears coming to her eyes. “Hey, it’s ok sweetheart. Yer daddy wants to spend some time with you. I promise I’ll see ya tomorrow,” reassured Atsumu. “But I love you,” whimpered Asami and Atsumu felt himself giving in. He was a sucker for this kid.

“Asami that’s enough. Miya-san is here with his family. You can’t be selfish,” Kiyoomi said sternly. Asami looked at him and then at Atsumu before staring at the floor. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “Hey, I don’t mind joining y’all. How about this meal is on me as an apology for intruding,” asked Atsumu to Kiyoomi. Kiyoomi looked at his daughter and sighed. “I guess there’s no harm,” he replied, looking back at the grill. “Looks like I’m stayin’ Asami-chan,” said Atsumu, taking a seat across from them. Asami looked thrilled.

She even switched sides to sit next to Atsumu.
Kiyoomi didn’t expect the scene that unfolded in front of him. His daughter and her teacher. Sharing stories, and helping her cook and eat her food. He found himself smiling behind his mask as he watched them. “Daddy!,” Asami said, and Kiyoomi was knocked out of his

daydream. “Yes Asami,” said Kiyoomi, putting more meat on the grill. “I don’t like this,” she said, pointing at a sliver of bell pepper. “You have to eat your vegetables to grow big and strong,” said Kiyoomi and Asami frowned. “Hey, what if you eat all yer veggies and I’ll be super happy. So happy I’ll come to eat with you again,” smiled Atsumu. “Really,” she gasped excitedly and Atsumu nodded. She quickly ate all the vegetables on her plate. One right after the other. Kiyoomi just stared dumbfounded. Asami’s always hated peppers. He still offered them but he didn’t expect her to finish them.

“That a girl,” Atsumu smiled ruffling her hair. “Miya-san sorry about taking you away from your brother and you're…friend,” said Kiyoomi. “Oh, it’s fine. They’re actually dating. And trust me they could use some alone time,” chuckled Atsumu before taking a big bite of rice. “I see. And what about your partner,” asked Kiyoomi and Atsumu started coughing, being caught off guard. Before downing his glass of water. “Sorry I didn’t mean to pry,” Kiyoomi said, watching Atsumu catch his breath. “No no, it’s fine uh just surprised me. Uh, but to answer yer question no I don’t have a partner. Finding a guy or girl who can keep up with my hectic schedule is a challenge in itself,” joked Atsumu, trying to play it cool. Quickly going back to talking with Asami.

Kiyoomi continued to eat. When they finished, Kiyoomi was set on paying. Taking Atsumu’s card from the waitress and giving her his. “Sakusa-san, I'd say I’d pay,” said Atsumu. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” said Kiyoomi, picking up his daughter. “Goodbye hug,” smiled Asami reaching out. At this point, Atsumu just went for it and hugged both of them. “Bye,” he said before quickly going to his brother’s table. His face was growing red, luckily his back was to Kiyoomi.

Kiyoomi and his daughter left and Atsumu sat with his brother covering his face with one hand. “So… how’d it go,” asked Osamu, taking a piece of meat off the grill. “Dude yer redder than the raw meat,” laughed Rin. “Shut yer trap! I can’t help it. He’s just soooo…,” Atsumu groaned. “Did you find out if he’s gay,” asked Osamu. “No but he now knows I am,” said Atsumu. “Well that’s something at least,” said Osamu. “I guess. I’m gonna go to the gym to clear my head. Enjoy yer date,” said Atsumu. “Thank you,” said Rin, waving goodbye before leaning on his brother.

Osamu smiled down at his boyfriend as Atsumu walked out. Atsumu took his time walking to his apartment. Waving to the few people he passed by. He noticed his elderly building manager who greeted him as he passed by. Atsumu unlocked his front door only to hear sounds when he stepped inside. He paused. He knew those sounds anywhere. “Damn it Oikawa,” he thought. Luckily, his gym bag was by the door. Atsumu sighed, setting his school bag down, and switching it with his gym bag. Stepping back out of the doorway and relocking the door.
Atsumu made his way down to the gym which was a couple blocks away.

24-hour location, which was extremely convenient. Sometimes if Atsumu couldn’t sleep he’d come down and run on the treadmill at like 3 in the morning. Atsumu walked in and was glad there wasn’t that many people. It was a Friday night after all. He saw the few people that he’d see almost every time, but two specific people caught his attention hanging around the weight rack. “Hey Atsumu!,” called Bokuto excitedly. “Yo Atsume,” smiled Kuroo. “Haven’t seen ya in a while,” said Bokuto. “Yeah, get ready to get your butt kicked in volleyball tomorrow,” said Kuroo. “Yeah yeah piss off ok,” laughed Atsumu as he went to change.

Bokuto is the embodiment of fun and carefree, being glowed by a rising heat of intensity. Finding balance with working hard by playing hard. He was ‘summer day pretty’.

Kuroo however is an aura of motivation, encouragement, and the mentoring bursts of color. People walking away were more inspired from him or wondering what mischievous things he was hiding. He was ‘northern lights pretty’.

Atsumu took his time getting changed. The meal he just had was playing on a loop in his head. They really looked like a family, didn't they. “Damn if I’m being this spacy I should probably stick to an easier workout than normal,” he thought as he walked out onto the gym floor. He looked to see Kuroo and Bokuto trying to beat each other with how much they could deadlift. Rolling his eyes amused, Atsumu made his way to the treadmill. Atsumu started slow, before getting to a good pace. Then he let his mind wander. Thinking about Kiyoomi and if dating was a good idea.

“Tsum-Tsum. What’s up, you look like something’s on your mind,” asked Bokuto walking up to the treadmill. Atsumu looked at him and slowed down his pace. “Yeah man, you've been running non-stop for like two hours. Enough time for us to finish our workout, shower, and get ready to leave,” explained Kuroo joining them. Atsumu stopped the machine and signed. “Do ya really wanna know,” asked Atsumu, stepping off the machine and the other two nodded. “Guy troubles,” said Atsumu. “Ah young love, did you meet someone,” teased Kuroo. “I thought you weren’t ever gonna date. Like EVER,” asked Bokuto, surprised. “Didn’t plan on it. I blame the universe,” said Atsumu, shaking his head. “Oh come on. You’re a beast. Hottest guy I know,” smiled Kuroo. “Hey,” said Bokuto, offended.

“I’m helping our friend bro,” whispered Kuroo. “It just won’t work. I don’t know why I can’t stop thinking about him,” grumbled Atsumu. “Hey, you never know if you don’t try. What’s holding you back anyway? It’s not looks, you're very talented, your brother owns a restaurant. I’d sleep with you if I was single,” said Kuroo and Atsumu squinted his eyes. “I can never tell when yer serious or not,” said Atsumu “It’s part of my charm,” snickered Kuroo. “I agree with Kuroobro. You're awesome. What’s holding you back,” asked Bokuto. Atsumu signed putting a hand through his hair before he replied, “He’s…. straight.” The other two burst out laughing. “Thanks, guys,” frowned Atsumu watching these grown men fall onto the floor unable to control themselves.

“Oh come on like y’all haven’t had a crush on a straight guy before,” snapped Atsumu getting off the treadmill. Kuroo managed to control his laughter before saying, “Daichi gay, Tsukki gay, Oikawa gay, Iwazumi gay, finally Kenma big gay.” Bokuto nodded, “Akaashi has always been gay. I think,” he smiled. “Have you told them you had a crush on them, Kuroo,” asked Atsumu and Kuroo fell silent, thinking for a minute. “I’m pretty sure they all know. I still flirt with Daichi. Kenma and Suga encourage it,” he smugly shrugged. “Didn’t Iwa tell you if you kept flirting with Oikawa he’d, and I quote, snap all you're fingers off at the knuckle,” asked Bokuto. “Details,” smirked Kuroo, waving it off. “I don’t think I need relationship advice from both of ya,” said Atsumu, looking skeptical.

“What about me!? I’ve only had one love. My world. The love of my life. My one and only Akaashi,” smiled Bokuto brightly. “Uh if I remember correctly you spent 2 years pinning after that man only to find out you’d been dating for 6 months into year two,” said Atsumu looking at him dumbfounded. Bokuto quickly looked at Kuroo baffled. “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone!,” cried Bokuto. “I know but it was so funny,” snickered Kuroo.

“Anyway. Regardless of my feelings, I don’t know his sexuality. I’m not gonna force anything,” signed Atsumu. “So you're going to ignore it and hope it goes away,” asked Bokuto, confused. “Exactly. I’m just a teacher. Plus he’s hot. He’ll be snatched up before I’m ready to date anyway,” chuckled Atsumu, but it almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself. Kuroo and Bokuto shared a look before agreeing. “Plus could you actually see someone like me as a dad,” laughed Atsumu, but the other two looked at him with so much sympathy that Atsumu stopped.

“Tsumu are you ok,” asked Bokuto, concerned. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m always fine. I should get home, I’ve got some lesson plans to finish. I’ll see ya,” said Atsumu, quickly grabbing his water bottle and walking to the locker room. The other two paused, looked at each other, but didn’t follow him. Atsumu put all his stuff into his locker before he grabbed his towel and jumped into the shower. He might have stayed a little longer than he should have. He could hear people coming and going. Atsumu just closed his eyes as the hot water ran over his skin. Slow exhales, he turned his head up towards the ceiling. “At least tomorrow I have volleyball,” he said to himself as he slowly opened his eyes again.

By the time he got home, it was already pretty late. Atsumu walked to the sound of television going on. “I’m home,” he called out, taking off his shoes. “Welcome home. Iwa’s here” called out Oikawa. “That’s fine. Imma just go to my room,” said Atsumu, not even bothering to look in his roommate’s direction. He wasn’t mad, he was just emotionally exhausted. Going into his room he just flopped into his bed. “This is gonna be a long school year,” he signed into his pillow.

The next morning was a beautiful day. Atsumu made it to volleyball practice with Oikawa earlier than they expected. “Hey you two,” smiled Yaku, meeting them at the door. “Oh hey, Yaku. You're early,” smiled Atsumu. “Yeah, Lev called me so f*cking early again this morning. He’s on another shoot. Hasn’t been home in a week so he really missed me. Since I was already awake I figured I’d get here early,” shrugged Yaku, opening the door. “It’s gross how in love you both are,” teased Oikawa walking in. “Like you can judge. I’ve seen you're Snapchat,” sassed Yaku. “He’s got you there Oikawa,” laughed Atsumu and Oikawa flipped him off.

Yaku could be described as feeling intensity in an instant. The clicking before the fire is lit on a stove. The warmth that keeps you coming back. The epitome of big things come in small packages. Comfortable when things get cold yet deadly when you turn up the heat. He is knitted sweater pretty.

The community center was separated into 4 areas. 2 large gyms, one large workout space, and a pool area. The two large gyms were set up for either volleyball or basketball. “Taumu you're late,” yelled Bokuto waving wildly next to the net as soon as Atsumu stepped onto the court. “Dude the gym just opened 30 minutes ago,” sassed Atsumu. “Come on, get changed! Set for me!,” yelled Hinata. A bouncy orange-haired man.

Hinata was like a whirlwind of citrus air. A splash of energy in a sea of positive energy. The kind of aura that would wake you up better than a cup of coffee. Like a breath of fresh air in nature. He is orange grove pretty.

“I’m going,” smiled Atsumu walking to the locker room area. He and Oikawa quickly changed and as they were walking past the pool area Atsumu heard a door open. There was a single-stall family bathroom and who decided, today out of all days, to come out of the bathroom? A little girl with curly black hair in a ponytail. She was wearing a purple swimsuit and a yellow floaty paired with blue water wings. Atsumu noticed her first and froze. Oikawa noticed and also stopped. “What’s wrong? A kid of yours,” he asked. “This isn’t f*cking happening,” said Atsumu quietly as Asami turned and locked eyes with him. Her eyes went wide. “ASUMOO!!!,” she yelled, catching everyone’s attention who was in the lobby area.

Kiyoomi walked out of the same bathroom to see his daughter book it toward Atsumu. Atsumu crouched down and accepted the hug from Asami. He didn’t dare to look up to see if Kiyoomi was there. If she was swimming then he might also be swimming. This means he might be shirtless. Atsumu’s heart couldn’t take that right now.
“I’m swim’n,” Asami giggled pointing at the pool area. “Oh, that’s nice. I hope ya have a blast,” smiled Atsumu. “Mr. Miya I didn’t expect to see you,” said Kiyoomi.

Atsumu kept his eyes down on his daughter. “Yeah I play volleyball here with a bunch of friends on the weekends,” said Atsumu. Oikawa got a devilish idea. “Hello, I’m Oikawa Toru. I’m the school's guidance counselor. It’s very nice to meet you,” smiled Oikawa offering a handshake. “Sakusa Kiyoomi. Sorry, I don’t shake hands. My daughter goes to the school,” he replied. “I see. Is it just you two? Or does your partner not swim,” asked Oikawa and Atsumu froze. Asami’s babbles melted together while he waited for the answer.

“I’m a single father. I do not have a partner. No boyfriend whatsoever. Are you two together,” he asked. “No,” Atsumu said almost too fast before Oikawa quickly replied. “No no, we’re just roommates. Been friends since college. I’m seeing someone. Anyway, It was nice to meet you. We should get going.” Atsumu quickly got the hint. He stood up. “Yeah, we gotta get started see ya both. Have fun Asami-chan,” smiled Atsumu, only catching a glance at Kiyoomi before he walked away with Oikawa. Atsumu noticed Kiyoomi was wearing swim trunks, but luckily for his brain, he was also wearing a black shirt.

“You need to get it together. That was embarrassing,” said Oikawa, when they were out of earshot, and Atsumu felt his cheeks flare up. “Shut it! He just makes my brain not work. What if he was shirtless,” whispered Atsumu. “Then you enjoy the view. You always bring a swimsuit just in case. Why not go join them,” teased Oikawa. “I would literally die,” said Atsumu and Oikawa stifled a laugh. “You are down so bad,” he replied. “I said shut it! I know…,” Atsumu trailed off. He kept replaying in his head what happened till he stopped right outside the gym door. “What?,” asked Oikawa. Atsumu looked at him with widened eyes like he’d seen a ghost. “Did he say that not only was he single but he didn’t have a boyfriend specifically,” whispered Atsumu. “Yeah, he did,” smirked Oikawa and Atsumu’s face flushed. “Looks like you’re out of excuses,” teased Oikawa as he walked into the gym ahead of the other. Atsumu gulped before he walked after him.

The game seemed to go by like a blur. The two teams consisted of Atsumu, Noya, Asahi, Hinata vs Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa, and Yaku. Few people were missing but they all had a good time nonetheless. Atsumu however was moving purely on instinct. His thoughts were somewhere else. Game after game, point after point. Atsumu hasn’t played like this since high school. No thoughts just volleyball.

Atsumu set the ball expecting to see Hinata but the ball hit the floor. That snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked to see everyone looking behind him. “What’s up?” he asked before turning around. There, standing on the gym floor, dripping wet was Asami. Her dad was nowhere in sight. She was just smiling watching them play. “One of yours,” asked Kuroo towards Atsumu. “Yeah hold on,” he said quickly running up to her.

“Asami-chan, ya can’t just run off from yer pa,” sighed Atsumu crouching down to her eye level. She pouted. “Daddy’s there,” she pointed behind her. Atsumu looked up and his face turned red. Sakusa was talking to a worker, shirtless, with a towel around his shoulders right outside the gym. Atsumu quickly looked back at Asami. “Oh I guess he is,” Atsumu replied, trying to calm down his speeding heart rate. “You like swimming,” she smiled. “Sure do sport. Did ya have fun,” he smiled as he motioned to the others to go on without him.

Soon they continued playing. “Yeah! You swim with me,” she asked excitedly. “Maybe next time,” said Atsumu. Asami nodded, accepting that answer. “Sorry to keep bothering you Miya-san. I was talking to one of the workers about a sanitation issue and she got away from me,” said Kiyoomi, surprising Atsumu who quickly stood up. “It’s no problem I love my kids,” said Atsumu trying to keep his eyes from traveling down Kiyoomi’s body.

“Still we shouldn’t be making this a habit on your days off,” said Kiyoomi picking up his daughter. “Seriously, it's no problem. I’d never get mad at a kid liking me too much. Plus Asami-chan is a good kid,” he smiled. Kiyoomi paused. There was a moment of silence that Atsumu was going to break but he was stunned with what Kiyoomi said next. “Miya-san, are you free tomorrow?” Atsumu froze. He looked like a deer in headlights. Suddenly a volleyball smacked him in the back of the head and he whipped around. “WATCH IT YA FUC-,” he quickly covered his mouth, turning back to Kiyoomi. “Sorry I didn’t mean to curse,” Atsumu said quickly. “It’s fine. You're answer?,” asked Kiyoomi. “Oh yeah. I uh… yeah I’m free,” Atsumu finally replied. Kiyoomi nodded. “Great. Can I have your number? So I can send you my address,” asked Kiyoomi, so natural, so calm. Atsumu felt like his heart was going to explode.

By the time the exchange was done, Kiyoomi left with his daughter and Atsumu was facing the wall trying to calm down. His face was bright red, and his heartbeat ringing through his ears. Oikawa walked up to him grinning ear to ear. “So I saw you give him your number. When’s the first date,” he teased. “Shut it,” grumbled Atsumu, not bothering to look at the other. “Come on, I'm you're best friend,” said Oikawa. “No yer not. Samu is,” Atsumu sighed. Oikawa looked offended. “You're brother doesn’t count,” he sassed. “So is everyone gonna make fun of me or?,” said Atsumu looking back at the others who were chatting amongst themselves. “Maybe, let’s leave before they notice,” said Oikawa gesturing to the door. “f*ck it,” said Atsumu following him out.

Meanwhile, Kiyoomi got home. He went through the motions of giving Asami her bath. She was delighted to put on her favorite pjs afterward. Honestly, it didn’t register what he did with Atsumu till he finished setting the television to Asami’s favorite show. He finally sat down and his brain started bombarding him with what happened. His mind flashes back to seeing Atsumu playing volleyball. His muscles flexing, his smile, the way his thighs- he shook his head. Pink growing on his cheeks. “I’m insane,” he sighed, leaning back on the couch.

“Daddy,” asked Asami, tapping his leg. “Yes sweetheart,” asked Kiyoomi, looking down at her. “Snack,” she smiled, pointing to the kitchen. “Ok hold on,” said Kiyoomi standing up and going to the kitchen. He started peeling an apple. “I didn’t even have a plan for when he comes over,” thought Kiyoomi. He signed, setting the apple pieces on the bright yellow plate. Once Asami was once again occupied, Kiyoomi got out his phone.

He felt so silly looking up first-date ideas. “This is ridiculous. We’ll just watch a movie or something,” said Kiyoomi, setting his phone down. Yet the minute he set it down it started ringing. An obnoxious ringtone that could only be from one person. He answered, “What is it, Montoya.” “Wow no hello, how are you? I know you worked hard last night?” Komori sassed. “I’m hanging up,” said Kiyoomi. “Wait wait sorry this is important,” yelled Komori. “What,” said Kiyoomi. “Since when do you use Pinterest,” asked Komori and Kiyoomi hung up.

Immediately Komori called back. Kiyoomi answered. “Kiyo, I'm serious! You haven’t used that Pinterest account since I made it for you in high school. You pinned something to a blank folder. I follow you, remember? What’s going on,” he asked. “I remember you said you used it for date ideas,” said Kiyoomi, and Komori gasped. “You got a date with the hot teacher,” said Komori. “It’s not even a date. He’s coming over. That’s it. He’s not spending the night, it’s not going any further than him hanging out for a few hours,” explained Kiyoomi.

“Wow, so romantic,” said Komori sarcastically. “Trust me nothing will happen,” Kiyoomi assured. “But it could Kiyo. You haven’t dated; much less looked at another person romantically since…. Ever actually,” said Komori. “I’ve had crushes, Montoya. I'm not a robot,” rebutted Kiyoomi. “The fact that you never told me about any of them is proof they didn’t happen,” Komori replied. “I’m not sure what you want from me,” Kiyoomi asked blankly. Komori signed exasperated. “To take this seriously Kiyo! Look I have the day off tomorrow. Let me come take Asami. She loves me and I’ll bring her back Monday morning before she has school,” suggested Komori. “There’s no school Monday. The school sent out a memo. There was a problem with the AC system so they’re fixing it Monday,” said Kiyoomi. “Even better, I’ll bring her back Monday afternoon,” said Komori excitedly.

“You’re not going to let up are you,” signed Kiyoomi. “Not this time. Come one Kiyo you deserve to be happy. Give yourself a little break. Give love a chance,” said Komori. And Kiyoomi paused. “It's really been over 5 years since she passed… and I didn’t even love her. I just don’t want Asami to hate me for replacing her mother,” said Kiyoomi quietly. His gaze went to his daughter giggling at her show. “She won’t think that. I’m sure she wants you to be happy more than anyone,” assured Komori. Kiyoomi thought about it. In a weird way, he was right. “Ok. Let’s do this,” said Kiyoomi, and Komori cheered.
Back with Atsumu.

“OK, so we need an outfit that says, I’m available for romance, but I don’t play games. Or I’m ready to party, but be kind to me,” said Oikawa looking diligently through Atsumu’s closet while the other sat on the bed staring confused at his friend/roommate. “What the hell does that even mean,” asked Atsumu. “Listen it makes sense, trust me. Ooooo what about this? It’s the best thing in your closet,” asked Oikawa pulling out a stylish patterned baby blue button-up. “That’s yers. I borrowed it, remember,” said Atsumu. “Oh yeah. Let’s look in my closet then,” replied Oikawa. “Nah I have my own clothes. Plus this isn’t a big deal anyway. His daughter will be there and it’s not like I’m spending the night,” said Atsumu falling back onto his bed with a quiet thud.

“Oh please, it’s obviously going to lead to something,” said Oikawa, but Atsumu just waved him off. “I’ll figure it out. Just let me mentally prepare,” signed Atsumu. Oikawa pouted. “Fine, I’ll prepare some outfits myself then,” Oikawa sassed giving up as he walked to his room.

Atsumu stared at his ceiling. “I need some air,” he said standing up and grabbing his keys from the dresser. “Hey, imma go get something from the convenience store. Want anything,” called Atsumu poking his head into Oikawa’s room. “Yes, my usual please,” said Oikawa holding up two identical white shirts that Atsumu would swear Oikawa would say they were different.

“One milk bread, and an iced coffee. Got it,” said Atsumu walking to the front door. He quickly left the house. The cool evening air hit his face. Debating on whether or not to grab a jacket. Ultimately deciding not to as he headed down the quiet streets. His mind wondered, going back and forth, on what his relationship with Kiyoomi could be. He wasn’t paying attention to the group of men calling in his direction till one grabbed his arm, forcing Atsumu to turn around.

“I said wait asshole!”

Atsumu was face to face with what looked like a drunken man in his late forties, he and his three friends looked about the same age. All were under the influence of something and reeked of booze. “Let go of me,” snapped Atsumu ripping his arm away. “You're the guy who got my son taken from me,” the man sneered. “I didn’t do sh*t! It’s yer fault for putting hands on yer kid,” snapped Atsumu.

Soon one thing led to another. Atsumu standing over the pile of men, bloodied and bruised. Atsumu out of breath and knuckles black/blue. He managed to make it to the store and buy his things. He was happy the cashier didn’t ask any questions. Probably because he didn’t get paid enough to care. Atsumu watched as a police car, lights blaring, drove past the windows. Going in the direction of the men he left behind. Atsumu signed before hobbling around the corner to a bus stop where he called his brother. It didn’t take long for Osamu to pull up.

“I can’t keep doing this Tsumu,” signed Osamu as Atsumu got into the car. “It wasn’t my fault. They started it,” snapped Atsumu. “Well, I’m ending it. The school said if ya get into more fights they’re gunna find a reason to let ya go,” said Osamu putting the car in drive. “I’d rather get fired protecting the kids than keep my job,” Atsumu replied staring out the window. “Tsumu I'm not staying ignore abuse, we got policies in place. We can figure out a solution that doesn't involve ya gettin’ to know the cops on a first-name bases,” said Osamu. Atsumu could tell he was tired. He was blind to the bags under his eyes or the stress he’d been under. Especially with his trying to have a food truck part-time. “I’m sorry…. I’ll control myself,” Atsumu signed.

He could have kept fighting but it wasn’t worth it. “Thanks. Did ya wanna come over or?,” asked Osamu. “Nah, take me home. I wanna crash,” said Atsumu and his brother nodded, taking a turn. Osamu didn’t say anything more. The drive was quiet, both sitting in comfortable silence.

It wasn’t till Osamu parked the car in front of Atsumu’s place, that the blond didn’t get out of the car. Osamu looked confused for a second. “Hey, you good? We’re here,” he said and Atsumu signed, “I know… I just have a lot on my mind,” he replied opening the door but Osamu grabbed his shoulder. Atsumu looked back at him. “If you need to talk you know where to find me,” Osamu said with a reassuring smile. “I know, smiled Atsumu and he got out of the car and shut the door. He waved his brother off, before walking up to his apartment. He walked in to hear Oikawa talking out loud about fabric coordination.

Atsumu walked up to Oikawa’s room and hung the bag on his doorknob. “Hey, here’s yer stuff imma take a shower,” said Atsumu walking off before Oikawa could see how he looked. “Ok,” Oikawa called out clearly not paying attention.

Atsumu looked into the mirror in his bathroom and frowned. He looked completely disheveled, his hair was a mess and there was blood on his clothes. “If Kiyoomi saw me like this…,” said Atsumu before letting out a deep sigh and removing all 20 of Oikawa’s products from the chair/ledge of their shower. Slowly turning on the water to be just warm enough. Matching his body temperature as he turned off the lights and got in. He’s gotten good at setting the water to the correct temperature on the first try. These were his thinking showers.

Atsumu stripped and got in, saturating himself in the water before having a seat on the ledge. Closing his eyes and just letting his mind wander as the water hit him. Thinking back to his relationship issues with his ex, then his father. His brain was trying to rationalize that Kiyoomi wouldn’t treat him like them, yet his heart was so scared. He exhaled, his face in his hands. “I want him to be different… If this leads anywhere…. I just want him to be proud to love me,” Atsumu whispered to himself.

He didn’t know how long he stayed in the shower, in this position. All he knew was that the water started to run cold. Atsumu looked up, the water hitting his face as he stood up. He finished his shower routine quickly and shut off the water. By the time he got out of the bathroom, he noticed all the lights were off in the house. Seems he was in there a little longer than he thought. Checking his phone it was 11:45. “sh*t. I missed dinner again,” he groaned hobbling down the stairs to see a take-out box on the kitchen counter with a note on it. He picked it up and it read:

Hey Mr. Dramatic f*cking 5hr Shower!!! I had to go to the restaurant next door to piss!! But no seriously, if you need to talk wake my ass up. -Oikawa

Atsumu could have cried. He opened the box to see some stir fry and potstickers. Atsumu closed the box, before grabbing a beer from the fridge. Finally settling down in front of the television. Feeling kinda happy he had people in his life who cared about him so much. Kiyoomi on the other hand was tucking his daughter into bed. Watching his daughter breathe, looking ever so peaceful. These were the moments when he loved being a father. Seeing how healthy and happy she was made his heart melt. Kiyoomi slowly left her room quietly and walked back to his kitchen. Pulling out an apple juice from the fridge and going over to his couch. Moving toys just out of the way for him to sit down.

He laid his head back and signed. “He’ll be here tomorrow. I feel like a f*cking teenager going on their first date,” he mumbled to himself before taking a big drink of the juice box. “He probably thinks I drink scotch in a suit all day. Would he be disappointed when he finds out I’m out of my pajamas on a good day? Eating the food my daughter doesn’t finish,” he chuckles to himself. He sits there enjoying the rare silence he has in his home. Honestly feeling a lot calmer than he thought about the whole situation.

It wasn't till he felt soft slaps on his face that he realized he had fallen asleep. He opened his eyes to see his daughter 2 inches from his face. “Hello Daddy,” she chirped and Kiyoomi shifted his eyes to the clock. It was 7 am. “Good morning honey,” he said sleepily as Asami crawled off of him before she screamed and ran to the kitchen. Kiyoomi stood up and popped his back. “It’s gonna be one of those mornings isn’t it,” Kiyoomi sighed, shaking his head. He was about to step into the kitchen when he heard a knock at the door. Kiyoomi looked bewildered. It was way too early for Atsumu to be here. Yet he wasn’t confused for long when the door opened revealing Komori in his ‘World's greatest uncle’ t-shirt’.

“Oh it’s you, Montoya,” Kiyoomi replied tiredly. “Wow, you look rough? Too nervous to sleep,” he teased. Kiyoomi’s eyes narrowed. “No, I passed out on the couch,” he corrected. “Ah yes so much better, anyway I came to pick up my sweet little girl so you have all the time to get ready,” Komori beamed. “One she’s not yours and two it’s not even eight in the morning,” retorted his cousin. “Hey I have reservations for breakfast,” said Komori, hands on his hips. “For you and a toddler?” Kiyoomi asked, confused. “Well yeah, do you know how hard it is to get into Kirby’s Pink Puffy Fluffy Pancake House? WITHOUT a reservation,” Komori asked surprised.

“I can confidently say the thought never crossed my mind. Let me get her things packed,” said Kiyoomi, rolling his eyes at the absurdity. “No need Cuz. You go take a shower, I'll pack up and get her out of here. I know where everything is anyway,” assured Komori but before Kiyoomi could protest Asami came out of the kitchen running. She heard Komori and ran at him giggling with her arms open for a hug. “Hello, princess! You ready for our date,” smiled Komori. “Ready,” she squealed. Kiyoomi relented and let Komori take over as he hopped in the shower after saying goodbye to Asami.

Kiyoomi realized how grateful he was that Komori took Asami. Now that he was awake, he saw the state of his house. Asami is normally a neat kid and hates mess, but he didn’t realize how much of her stuff took over the house. He quickly got to work. Cleaning, sanitizing, and organizing everything that wasn’t soluble in water. Working till about noon. By then he felt comfortable enough to text Atsumu that he could come over whenever he was ready. Kiyoomi was in a nice shirt and slacks. Debating if he was trying too hard.

Atsumu on the other hand was in the bathroom since 6 am trying to get his hair to behave. “Why is it when I need ya to look good ya don’t,” snapped Atsumu ready to get out the hair clippers. He was debating outfits when he got the text. “Anytime hu? He can’t just say that! I need a time!,” groaned Atsumu falling back on his bed. Oikawai walked by his bedroom and saw him. “Hey you're gonna mess up you're hair,” he said in between bites of a pop-tart. Atsumu quickly shot up. “sh*t!,” he yelled, running back to his mirror. “You should wear the white shirt with the red and gold design. More guys hit on you when you wear that oh and those burgundy pants,” said Oikawa looking at all the clothing scattered on the floor. “Why didn’t you suggest that yesterday,” said Atsumu grabbing said items. “I was having fun,” replied Oikawa as he shrugged. “Leave,” snapped Atsumu and Oikawa walked off.

Atsumu sent the ‘I’m on my way’ text after confirming Kiyoomi’s address. Atsumu was glad he didn’t live too far. Only about 5 minutes from his place on foot. He chose to drive because of what happened on his last walk.

It wasn’t till Atsumu was right in front of Kiyoomi’s home, that he debated backing out. His hand hovered over the doorbell. “It’s fine Atsumu f*cking ring the bell. It’s just a day with a father and his kid. It’s not a real date. His kid just loves me,” thought Atsumu, taking a deep breath before gently placing, (not pressing) his finger on the doorbell. “I’m a coward,” he thought depressed. Kiyoomi was on his couch looking at the time. “He should be here any minute now,” he said, getting up to check the door. As soon as his hand touched the doorknob Atsumu rang the bell.

They both paused and held their breath. Kiyoomi opened the door and Atsumu put on his best ‘I’m calm, cool and relaxed’ smile. “Come on in,” said Kiyoomi trying not to stare at the man in front of him. Atsumu tried to do the same as he walked past him. “Wow this is a nice place ya got here,” said Atsumu looking around. “Thank you. Have a seat anywhere. Would you like a drink?,” asked Kiyoomi, going into the kitchen. “Sure, anything is fine,” replied Atsumu, taking a seat on the couch. While Kiyoomi was making drinks Atsumu noticed something. He didn’t hear Asami. “Is she in her room?” he wondered.

Atsumu gets his thoughts interrupted by Kiyoomi handing him a glass of red wine before setting the bottle on the side table next to the couch. Atsumu was a little surprised as he expected a soda or something. “Should we be drinking with Asami in the house? Is she napping,” asked Atsumu as Kiyoomi took a seat next to him. “Oh she’s with my cousin for a couple of days,” said Kiyoomi casually, not realizing the implications as Atsumu’s cheeks dusted pink. His heart started to pound out of his chest. “Oh,” was all he could say before taking a sip of his drink.

Kiyoomi, unsure about the tone said, “Sorry did you want her here? I can make a call-.” Atsumu quickly interrupted, “No no no no it’s fine I just…. It’s totally fine,” he blurted out. Kiyoomi took a sip not sure what to say. They both just sat there drinking, unsure of what to do. Atsumu noticed he finished his cup rather quickly. He needs to say something… “So… um thanks fer having me over. I’m surprised a guy like ya isn’t taken,” Atsumu tried to lighten the mood. Kiyoomi also realized he also finished his glass pretty quickly. “Oh? Why would you think that,” he asked, refilling their glasses.

Atsumu took a big drink before saying, “Well yer handsome, and a good dad. Kinda perfect.” Atsumu realized what he said before he could stop himself. His cheeks turned bright red. “As a dad I mean,” he quickly tried to correct himself. “I appreciate that. However, contrary to what you might think. Not many want to date a single dad,” said Kiyoomi as he swirled his cup, before taking a drink.

“Well they’re idiots,” said Atsumu, the alcohol quickly easing his nerves as he finished his glass for the second time. “I agree,” Kiyoomi said with a half smile. He refilled Atsumu’s glass. “So why are you single? You’re clearly very attractive,” asked Kiyoomi, the alcohol also getting to him. “I have too much bad luck. Samu says I’ll be alone forever,” signed Atsumu. “So I'm bad luck?,” teased Kiyoomi before finishing his glass. “No no Omi yer not,” chuckled Atsumu. “Omi?,” he asked and Atsumu’s face went red again. “I mean Kiyoomi, sorry,” said Atsumu quickly. Kiyoomi placed his hand on Atsumu’s hand, as he leaned in closer. “It’s fine. I like it,” he replied and Atsumu swore his heart was going to explode.

“I apologize that our first date wasn’t more exciting. I didn’t expect Komori to take my daughter,” Kiyoomi explained, not moving from their close proximity. Atsumu drank a little more. “It’s totally fine, I really don’t mind,” assured Atsumu staring at the liquid in her glass. “Really? I could have taken you to a fancy restaurant or dancing,” smiled Kiyoomi. “Nah it’s ok. I do love food, but I like a good hole-in-the-wall place. Not somewhere that charges you 20 bucks for a napkin. Plus I’ve never been good at fancy dancing,” chuckled Atsumu. He wasn’t completely drunk but he was getting too comfortable. “I’m sure you're not that bad,” smiled Kiyoomi. “No Omi really! I have two left feet. Pretty sure Samu took the right ones,” said Atsumu.

“I can guarantee you're not that bad,” assured Kiyoomi. “I guess we’ll never know,” teased Atsumu. “Or we can find out now. Alexa play Viennese Waltz,” said Kiyoomi standing up as the room filled with music. Kiyoomi also dimmed the lights before standing in front of the other.

“Wait what now,” said Atsumu as he was being lifted by his hand to his feet. “Follow my lead ok,” said Kiyoomi, getting them both into position. “Omi really I can’t,” panicked Atsumu. “Hey it’s ok, eyes on me,” said Kiyoomi touching their foreheads together, and Atsumu gulped. “Ok,” he managed to say as they both started moving.

The two moved a little rough at first, yet soon they were flowing with each other. The tension in their shoulders loosened with each step they took. Both of their bodies gently swayed to the music that seemed to melt into the background.

The notes roped their souls together. Kiyoomi’s hand gently on Atsumu’s back, guiding his body, with a touch that felt not only warm and protective but familiar. As they danced, everything else in the world seemed to drift away. Rough in skill on the surface yet their movements were softer and delicately displayed. Their eyes seemed to speak in a language only they seemed to understand at that moment. As the music swelled they both leaned in on instinct till their lips met.

A kiss that washed away any insecurity they’ve ever had towards each other. Melting into each other's touch. The taste of wine captured the moment they both fell in love.
Both of them found themselves dancing the evening away. Nerves now forgotten as alcohol muted the fear.

Both ended up on the couch again laughing and sharing stories. Atsumu's head on Kiyoomi’s shoulder as the other had an arm wrapped around Atsumu’s waist. Atsumu went on and on about the kids he’s had over the years and Kiyoomi listened with hearts in his eyes as the blonde spoke. “He really brought in a live snake in his pocket for show-in-tell Omi! Scared everyone half to death,” laughed Atsumu. “Did you inform his parents,” smiled Kiyoomi. “Nah. He’s just a kid. Plus the tiny snake was harmless. We just released it outside. I couldn’t get that kid yelled at, at home. His parents already seemed super strict,” said Atsumu looking up at Kiyoomi.

“You care so much for these kids,” replied Kiyoomi. “Someone hasta Omi,” smiled Atsumu. “So why did you become a teacher? Just curious,” asked Kiyoomi and Atsumu snuggled in a little closer. “I love kids, plus I wanted summers off,” laughed Atsumu, but after he paused and said in a more serious voice, “I wanted to be the person I needed as a kid.” Kiyoomi saw the look in Atsumu’s eyes. The look of someone who's trying to heal.
“I wish I had someone like you growing up. I did everything to please people who only saw me as a tool for their image. My first marriage… was an arrangement made by my parents,” said Kiyoomi, trying to be just as vulnerable.

“Were they nice at least,” asked Atsumu, very interested in the lore that was Sakusa, Kiyoomi. “She was Christmas pretty, and to be honest that’s all she had going for her. We were civil. The house was divided in two. Like children, there was my side and her side. She passed away…,” Kiyoomi trailed off. “I’m sorry for yer loss Omi. You and Asami,” said Atsumu gently. “Even though we were forced to be married, I didn’t hate her, but it’s not like I openly embraced her either. Though I am glad that out of a terrible situation, we got Asami,” explained Kiyoomi before quickly saying, “Sorry I don’t mean to drone about my ex.”

“Don’t worry, it’s fine. Asami really is the best prize you could have gotten. You got everything you could ever want,” chuckled Atsumu trying to lighten the mood. “Well not everything,” smirked Kiyoomi. Atsumu looked up at him confused. “What do ya mean? Ya got money, influence, and an amazing daughter. You OWN a home. in this economy. What more do you want,” asked Atsumu, flabbergasted.

Kiyoomi let out a soft laugh before leaning down to eye level with Atsumu. “Well there’s a cute blond kindergarten teacher who I want to be all mine,” Kiyoomi smiled and Atsumu froze. “Is this a marriage proposal?,” the words fell out of Atsumu’s mouth before he could stop them. His cheeks blazing red. “How about we start with being partners first, then I’ll take you to pick out a ring,” said Kiyoomi with a soft half smile and Atsumu smiled back. “I’d like that Omi. I’d like that a lot,” he smiled brightly before they both shared one of many soft kisses.

The End.

Kind Of Pretty - AnnaChi246 (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.