How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (2024)


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Learn how to draw a great looking Football with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Football.

Jump to the step-by-step instructions.

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (1)

American football is one member of a family of sports that includes soccer, rugby, and Australian football. In each game, the teams try to get the ball through the opponent's goal.

Kicking games similar to football have been around for thousands of years. Organized games similar to football were played in China and Greece - and perhaps in Rome - over 2,000 years ago.

During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, a game called folk football was played in Europe during the Easter season.

Villages would compete against other villages, trying to get the ball through the goal - the opposing village's church doors.

This game may have pre-Christian religious ties as a fertility ritual. Folk football was at times banned by various governments due to property damage and violence.

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Football underwent a makeover in Renaissance-era Italy. The rectangular boundaries were introduced and the game was enjoyed by aristocrats.

Soccer and rugby evolved from these as a game played by school teams. Later, American football - often called "gridiron football" due to the evenly spaced white lines on the field - arose from rugby and became the largest spectator sport in the United States.

The ball itself has also changed over the years. Earlier footballs were made from leather, or from the inflated bladders of animals.

This is why the American football is sometimes referred to as a "pigskin."

The oldest football still in existence dates from the 1500s, discovered on the roof of a European castle in the 1990s. Today, footballs are made of plastic, rubber, and cow leather.

The less than round shape of an American or Canadian football is called a "prolate spheroid."

Would you like to draw a football? This simple, step-by-step football drawing tutorial is here to show you how.

All you will need is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and an eraser. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

Hut, hut, hike!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Bike drawing, Soccer Ball drawing, and Basketball drawing.

​Step by Step Instructions for Drawing​ a Cartoon Football

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (2)

How to Draw a Great Looking Football for Kids, Beginners, and Adults - Step 1

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (3)

1. Begin by drawing a long, curved line, like the top of a circle. This will form the top of the football.

Easy Football Drawing - Step 2

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (4)

2. Draw a long, curved line to form a mirror image of the first line, fully enclosing the shape of the cartoon football. The lines should connect in gentle points at each end.

Easy Football Drawing - Step 3

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (7)

3. Draw a pair of parallel lines, curved and roughly vertical, near one end of the cartoon football. These form the football's characteristic stripe.

Easy Football Drawing - Step 4

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (8)

4. Draw another set of parallel, curved lines on the opposite end of the football, forming the other stripe.


How to Draw a Football Player

How to Draw a Basketball

How to Draw a Soccer Ball

Easy Football Drawing - Step 5

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (12)

5. Draw two roughly horizontal curved lines in the middle of the football, near the top. Then connect the lines on each end using short curved lines. This shape lays the basis for the football's characteristic stitching.

Easy Football Drawing - Step 6

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (13)

6. Draw another curved line down the center of the shape drawn in the previous step. Then, use short curved lines to enclose curved shapes crossing the original shape. Erase guide lines as necessary. These shapes represent the football's stitching.

Easy Football Drawing - Step 7

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (14)

7. Draw additional curved shapes, adding more stitches. Erase guide lines as necessary.


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How to Draw a Football Helmet

Add More Details to Your Football Picture - Step 8

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (18)

8. Draw a few more curved shapes, filling the base with stitches from end to end. Erase guide lines as needed.

Complete the Outline of Your Football Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (19)

9. Draw two curved lines running the length of the football. Notice how the lines do not cross over the stripes or stitching.

Color Your Football Drawing

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (20)

10. Color your football. American footballs are typically brown in color with white or tan stripes and stitching.

Keep your head in the game! Use our easy drawing guides to learn to draw other sports-related items, such as a basketball or a soccer ball.

For more great Back to School drawing tutorials, see the 39 Simple Back to School Drawing Ideas post.

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (21)

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See a Google Web Story of this Football Drawing Tutorial.

How to Draw a Football - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial (2024)


How to draw 2D football? ›

Draw a modest-sized hexagon at the centre of the circle to form the first guide to the shape of the ball. Join further slightly squeezed hexagons from three alternate sides of the hexagon. Fill the gaps with lines meeting on the perpendicular lines to form three pentagons.

Is 13 too old to learn how do you draw? ›

Like any skill it is never too late to learn an art or a craft. However what stops most people at later ages is the lack of time to commit to something consistently especially if the hobby doesn't feel like it “gives back”. And as a note, 14 is the perfect time to start.

How do beginners start drawing? ›

Drawing With a Light Touch

Experienced artists started the same way as beginners. Use light lines and avoid pressing too hard with a dark pencil grade. Drawing with the paper upright improves touch and pencil grip. Retaining lines can add movement to subjects and erasing mistakes isn't always necessary.

Is 0-0 a draw in football? ›

A no-score draw is the result of a football match in which neither team scores any goals. But there again, a no-score draw probably suited both. What is this an image of?

Can soccer end in 0-0? ›

League Matches: In league matches, if the score is 0-0 at the end of the game, both teams are awarded one point [1]. This is because league matches often prioritize consistency and fairness over determining a winner in every match.

What is sudden death in football? ›

Sudden death is a way of quickly deciding the winner of something such as a football or basketball game or a golf tournament when there are equal scores at the time when it would normally end. In a sudden-death situation, the first team to score a goal or the first golfer to win a hole is the winner.

How to make football step by step? ›

How to Make a Paper Football
  1. Start with a piece of lined paper. Printer works too, but lined is easier.
  2. Fold paper in half, hot dog style.
  3. Fold in half again, hot dog style.
  4. Fold in half, top to bottom.
  5. Unfold last fold. ...
  6. Take the bottom and fold to the left until the line.
  7. Fold bottom half upwards.
  8. Turn over.

How do you draw a perfect football shape? ›

A Traditional Football

Draw a vertical middle line which extends from both ends (left to right). Draw a smaller oval but with the same length as the middle line. Draw two rings facing each other using the curve lines as guide. Draw the adjoining edges and the laces that put them together.


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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.