Detroit Lions - Logo History (2024)

Stories, Photos, Videos, Podcasts, and Publications featuring Detroit Lions Logo History

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'+tableLegend; } else { return '

Showing ' + total + ' of ' + max + ' records.
Change filters or adjust season slider to modify results.
Click on column headings to sort table.

'+tableLegend;} } , fnFooterCallback: function ( nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { //cant get actual 2+ row footers to work below or elsewhere, so just using
on footer results var api = this.api(); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(3)', api.table().footer()).html((34)); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(4)', api.table().footer()).html((53)); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(5)', api.table().footer()).html((12)); // var secondRow = $(nRow).next()[0]; // var nCells = secondRow.getElementsByTagName('th'); // nCells[1].innerHTML = 55; // nCells[2].innerHTML = 47.01; // console.log(nCells); }, // ========================================================== // Functions that automatically calculate sum/average/etc on footer of each column // // each column's class attribute is tagged as to what type of subtotal should be calculated // ========================================================== drawCallback: function () { //sums the footer values var api = this.api(); var ct=0; //index counter var rowCt=0; //count number of rows in particular column var seaCt=0; //number of seasons visible //counts the rows in first column and shows as ## Totals api.columns('.tot', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { if (b!='') { ct++; } return ''; }, 0); seaCt = ct; ct=0; //console.log('=='+sum+'/'+ct+'/'+seaCt); // Update footer of first column if (seaCt>1 && !0) { //season totals and average $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+"
" ); }else if (seaCt>1 ) { $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+" " ); }else{ $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+" " ); } }); // ============================================================ // Calculate Averages on columns that are already averages by grabbing data // from other column Totals // e.g. FG%, Batting Average, SLG, etc // ============================================================ // call from each page , for example: // var colclass = '.3Ppct-calc' // var numerFld = '3Ptot:name' // var denomFld = '3PAtot:name' // var sigfig = 1 // var decPct = 100 // var strip0 = true //strip leading "0." from results 0.500 -> .500 // var numerVal = parseFloat(api.column( numerFld, {page:'current'} ).data().sum(0)) // var denomVal = parseFloat(api.column( denomFld, {page:'current'} ).data().sum(0)) // customFooterVal(); function customFooterVal() { // some columns may have null stats, so cant include those in averages. // This javascript technique iterates one column at a time // So it becomes problematic to count rows in a _different_ column to get accurate averages/per-game totals. // so instead, we'll just get a ratio of the rows with/without null in _current_ column // and then multiply subtotal by that ratio to get a best estimate. // Mostly accurate unless game counts vary from season to season. // var numerCt = parseFloat(api.column( numerFld, {page:'current'} ).data().filter( function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count()+0.00001); //counts non-nulls var denomCt = parseFloat(api.column( denomFld, {page:'current'} ).data().filter( function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count()); //counts non=nulls var subave = ( (denomCt / numerCt) * numerVal / ( denomVal + 0.00001 ) * decPct ).toFixed(sigfig); //create footer if (numerCt<1) { subave='-'; //no stats in column }else if (strip0) { subave=subave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.') ; //strip leading "0." from results 0.500 -> .500 } if (seaCt>1 && !0) { subave = subave + '
' + subave } jQuery( api.table().column( colclass ).footer() ).html( ( subave ) ); } // console.log('---------') // console.log ('1:'+ parseFloat(api.column( '3Ptot:name', {page:'current'} ).data().filter( // function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count())) // console.log ('2:'+ parseFloat(api.column( '3PAtot:name', {page:'current'} ).data().filter( // function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count())) // the sigfig and 'leading 0' are stored in database also creates // a custom class. for use in javascript calcuations of dynamic footer calculations // not currently used // ========================= // footer with sum and average // ========================= api.columns('.sumave00', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =0; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave01', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave02', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave03', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave11', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave12', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave13', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); // ========================= // footer with two averages // ========================= api.columns('.aveave00', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =0; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave01', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave02', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave03', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave11', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave12', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave13', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); //these two should be obsolete, but keeping them here for legacy purposes api.columns('.aveave', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); //these two should be obsolete, but keeping them here for legacy purposes api.columns('.sumave', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); //dont really use these anymore because two-rowed footer code above places average after the sum //other columns are autocalculated based for average or sum based on class tag // api.columns('.sumonly', { page: 'current' }).every(function (rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) { // var sum = this // .data() // .reduce(function (a, b) { // var x = parseFloat(a) || 0; // var y = parseFloat(b) || 0; // return x + y; // }, 0); // //console.log(sum); // // Update footer // $(this.footer()).html(parseFloat(sum).toFixed(0) ); // }); // api.columns('.avg3', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { // var sum = this // .data() // .reduce(function (a, b) { // var x = parseFloat(a) || 0; // var y = parseFloat(b) || 0; // if (b!='') { // ct++; // } // return x + y; // }, 0); // var rowCt = ct; // ct=0; // //console.log('=='+sum+'/'+ct+'/'+rowCt); // // Update footer // $(this.footer()).html( parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(3).replace('0.','.') ); // }); //api.fixedHeader.adjust(); }, buttons: [ // ========================================================== // Build VIEWS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // // ========================================================== // Build SPLITS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { // extend: 'collection', // text: " Splits", // fade: 0, // autoClose: true, // buttons: // [ // // ] // }, // ========================================================== // Build COLUMN visibility dropdown menu // ========================================================== // checkboxes at // // { extend: 'colvis', fade: 0, className: 'btn-group-child pull-left', //collectionLayout: 'fixed two-column', columns: ":not(.notInMenu)", //':gt(0)', titleAttr: 'Hide/Show Columns', text: "Columns" }, // ========================================================== // Build EXPORT/SHARE dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { extend: "collection", text: "Share", fade: 0, titleAttr: 'Export Table to another location', className: 'btn-group-child', autoClose: true, buttons: [ { extend: 'copy', className: 'pullLeft', messageTop: 'RetroSeasons Data', messageBottom: "", header: true, footer: true, text: "Copy/Paste", key: { key: 'c', ctrlKey: true, }, exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' }, }, { extend: 'csv', className: 'pullLeft', title: "retroseasons-teams-detroit-lions-history-logos-export", messageBottom: "", messageTop: "This data was exported from", text: "Download", titleAttr: 'Download Stats', header: true, footer: true, key: { key: 'x', ctrlKey: true, }, exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' }, }, // { // text: " Facebook Share", // titleAttr: 'Share Page', // }, // { // text: " Share Page", // titleAttr: 'Share Page', // }, // { // text: " Embed Table", // titleAttr: 'Embed Table', // }, ] }, // ========================================================== // Build FILTERS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { extend: "collection", text: "Filter", autoClose: true, titleAttr: 'Filter statistics to show a subset of data', className: 'btn-group-child', fade: 0, buttons: [ // ========================================================== // FILTER paramater variables are set on each page depending on data // ========================================================== ] }, //end of collection dropdown menu ], }); //redraws header/footer on colviz changes so that its correctly formatted jQuery('#mainTable').on( 'column-visibility.dt', function ( e, settings, column, state ) { //console.log( 'Column '+ column +' has changed to '+ (state ? 'visible' : 'hidden') ); table.fixedHeader.adjust(); } ); jQuery('#mainTable').show(); // ================================================================= // draw table filtering fields to allow filtering of ranges // (this technique is then piggybacked by the range slider) // ================================================================= function( settings, data, dataIndex ) { var min = parseInt( jQuery('#slider-min').val(), 10 ); var max = parseInt( jQuery('#slider-max').val(), 10 ); var age = parseFloat( data[0] ) || 0; // use data for the age column if ( ( isNaN( min ) && isNaN( max ) ) || ( isNaN( min ) && age <= max ) || ( min <= age && isNaN( max ) ) || ( min <= age && age <= max ) ) { return true; } return false; } ); // ================================================================= // Event listener to the two range filtering inputs to redraw on input. // don't really need this anymore, since they're hidden and // i'm triggering redraw on slider but leaving it here for legacy // ================================================================= jQuery('#slider-min, #slider-max').change( function() { table.draw(); } ); // ================================================================= // Avtandil mod: throttle slide change events // ================================================================= var throttle_inst = null; var throttle = function( wait, func, options) { var context, args, result; var timeout = null; var previous = 0; if (!options) options = {}; var later = function() { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :; timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; }; return function() { var now =; if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now; var remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; } var update_model_throttle = function() { if (null === throttle_inst) { throttle_inst = throttle(500, function(){ demo._handleSliderChange(); }); } throttle_inst(); } // ================================================================= // Avtandil End: throttle slide change events // ================================================================= // ================================================================= // set config parameters for slider range // // ================================================================= var $range = jQuery("#slider-range"); jQuery(function () { $range.ionRangeSlider({ type: 'double', step: 1, min: 1928, max: 2021, from: 1928, to: 2021, from_min: 1928, to_min: 1928, from_max: 2021, to_max: 2021, hide_min_max: false, keyboard: false, from_shadow:true, grid: false, skin: "round", // skin: "big", force_edges: true, drag_interval: true, prettify_enabled: false ,onChange: function () { update_model_throttle(); } }); }); $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('focus:border-blue-500 focus:border-2'); // <-- add this line $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('rounded rounded-lg border border-gray-400'); // <-- add this line $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('text-black'); // <-- add this line // ================================================================= // change min/max input fields and redraw table when slider changes // ================================================================= $range.on("change", function () { var $this = $(this), value = $this.prop("value").split(";"); //console.log(value[0] + " - " + value[1]); document.getElementById('slider-min').value=value[0]; document.getElementById('slider-max').value=value[1]; table.draw(); }); //fixedHeader.adjust(); //breaks wordpress table.draw(); $('#crumbCell').html(''); } );

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Detroit Lions - Logo History (2024)


What is the meaning of the Lions logo? ›

The Lions board of directors approved Blink's design in April 1920. Melvin Jones explained its meaning. The emblem, Jones said, “represents a lion facing the past with pride and the future with confidence, looking in all directions to render service."

When did Detroit Lions change their logo? ›

The Detroit Lions' uniform design from 2017 through 2023. On February 1, 2017, the Lions announced a new typeface, logo, and the complete removal of the color black from the team identity. While the previous logo was retained, the border was changed from black to silver.

What were the Detroit Lions called before 1934? ›

Portsmouth Spartans (1928–1933)

The Lions franchise was originally based in Portsmouth, Ohio as the Spartans. Originally an independent team, they joined the National Football League in 1930 after which they compiled a 28–16–7 record by the end of the 1933 season before moving to Detroit the next year.

Why is Detroit mascot the Lions? ›

The team's name was changed to “Lions” to honor the city's baseball team and the Tigers and to represent strength, pride, and connection to Detroit's sports history.

What does a lion symbol mean? ›

What is the symbolic meaning of lion? Lion symbolism represents courage, power, strength and leadership. Lions are fierce, feisty and dominate animals, who take charge. They are also territorial and protect their family and kin.

What do the 3 lions Symbolise? ›

There is an alternative theory to why Richard opted for three lions – he simply wanted to show off that as well as being King of England, he was also lord and master of the Dukedom of Normandy and Aquitaine. The symbol of Normandy is two lions, and the symbol of Aquitaine one lion (you can see where this is going).

Why is Detroit Lions' logo blue? ›

Richards was looking into picking a new color and Honolulu Blue was in the mix because he reportedly had taken a trip to Hawaii and wanted a shade of blue to match the Pacific Ocean. “Mr. Richards, obviously wanting to create an identity unique to the Lions, came up with these color schemes,” Keenist said.

Why do Detroit Lions wear Honolulu Blue? ›

The short answer

George Richards — who owned the Detroit radio station WJR and bought the team in the spring of 1934 — chose that name Honolulu blue because it reminded him of the ocean water he saw on a trip to Hawai'i, according to an old Lions media guide. So began a new — and blue — era for the Detroit Lions.

Does the Detroit Lions mascot have a name? ›

Meet Detroit's favorite fun loving lion, Roary! When he's not on the sidelines of Ford Field cheering on his favorite football team, you can always find him bringing countless smiles to faces throughout the community.

Who is the oldest team in the NFL? ›

The Arizona Cardinals are the oldest established team in the NFL. They were established in 1898 as an independent team and joined the NFL in its founding year of 1920.

Who owns Detroit Lions? ›

Sheila Ford Hamp, 72, is the current Lions principal owner. She is one of four children of William Clay Ford Sr. and Martha Firestone Ford, born in 1951. She has three sons and resides in Ann Arbor with her husband, Steve.

What is the curse of the Detroit Lions? ›

Though there is no written proof, urban legend persists that Layne declared the Lions would not win for the next 50 years because of his trade. It has now been six decades. Let's get real, though. The curse of Bobby Layne doesn't exist.

Was there ever a real lion at a Detroit Lions game? ›

They had a real lion on the field in 1983 for Lions-49ers.

Why is Detroit's mascot an octopus? ›

Having eight arms, the octopus symbolized the number of playoff wins necessary for the Red Wings to win the Stanley Cup. Al the Octopus, the mascot of the Detroit Red Wings, was inspired by the Legend of the Octopus.

What does the standing lion logo mean? ›

Lions symbolise courage, nobility, strength, stateliness and justice, and of course, the lion is recognised as “king of the beasts.” A rearing lion facing forward is ready, prepared and vigilant, and his crown and sword reinforce his strength and determination.

What does the lion crest symbolize? ›

The lion is a common charge in heraldry. It traditionally symbolises courage, nobility, royalty, strength, stateliness and valour, because historically the lion has been regarded as the "king of beasts". The lion also carries Judeo-Christian symbolism. The Lion of Judah stands in the coat of arms of Jerusalem.

What does the lion with a ball symbolize? ›

The concept, which originated and became popular in Chinese Buddhism, features a pair of highly stylized lions—often one male with a ball which represents the material elements and one female with a cub which represents the element of spirit— that were thought to protect the building from harmful spiritual influences ...

Is The lion the symbol of God? ›

In Ezekiel 10:14: "Each of the cherubim had four faces: One face was that of a cherub, the second the face of a human being, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle." This passage uses the lion as a symbol of God's strength and command.


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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.