15,800 JPY to USD | Convert 15800 Japanese Yen to US Dollar (2024)

As of 11 August 2024, the current exchange rate of 15800 Japanese Yen is equal to 107.656 US Dollar. This is a decrease of -9.368183% (or -11.1279 USD) compared with the same time last year (11 August 2022), when 15800 Japanese Yen equaled 118.784 US Dollar.

Real-time FX


0.004898 (0.0045%)

12:00:01 - Real-time Data. ( Disclaimer )

  • Type: Currency
  • Group: Major
  • Base: JPY
  • Second: USD
  • Prev. Close: 107.652
  • Bid/Ask: 106.58 / 108.733
  • 7 Day's Range: 107.466 - 110.149

Inverse: 15,800 USD = 2,318,857.6 JPY

Historical Rates (JPY/USD): Monday, 05/08/2024 - Sunday, 11/08/2024

One week

  • One week
  • One month
  • Three month
  • Half-year
  • Year

Historical Rate Tables (JPY to USD)

30 Day Historical Table

Date 15,800 JPY to USD Changes Changes (%)
Sunday, 11/08/2024 107.656 USD 0.004898 USD 0.0045%
Saturday, 10/08/2024 107.652 USD 0.014062 USD 0.0131%
Friday, 09/08/2024 107.638 USD 0.113128 USD 0.1051%
Thursday, 08/08/2024 107.524 USD 0.057986 USD 0.0539%
Wednesday, 07/08/2024 107.466 USD -1.487096 USD -1.3838%
Tuesday, 06/08/2024 108.953 USD -1.195744 USD -1.0975%
Monday, 05/08/2024 110.149 USD 2.735296 USD 2.4833%
Sunday, 04/08/2024 107.414 USD 0.076156 USD 0.0709%
Saturday, 03/08/2024 107.338 USD 0.24016 USD 0.2237%
Friday, 02/08/2024 107.098 USD 1.619658 USD 1.5123%
Thursday, 01/08/2024 105.478 USD 0.71258 USD 0.6756%
Wednesday, 31/07/2024 104.765 USD 2.03504 USD 1.9425%
Tuesday, 30/07/2024 102.73 USD 0.05688 USD 0.0554%
Monday, 29/07/2024 102.673 USD -0.037288 USD -0.0363%
Sunday, 28/07/2024 102.711 USD 0.000632 USD 0.0006%
Saturday, 27/07/2024 102.71 USD 0.036972 USD 0.036%
Friday, 26/07/2024 102.673 USD -0.237158 USD -0.231%
Thursday, 25/07/2024 102.91 USD 0.301306 USD 0.2928%
Wednesday, 24/07/2024 102.609 USD 1.34774 USD 1.3135%
Tuesday, 23/07/2024 101.261 USD 0.623626 USD 0.6159%
Monday, 22/07/2024 100.638 USD 0.286138 USD 0.2843%
Sunday, 21/07/2024 100.351 USD -0.01264 USD -0.0126%
Saturday, 20/07/2024 100.364 USD -0.043766 USD -0.0436%
Friday, 19/07/2024 100.408 USD -0.414276 USD -0.4126%
Thursday, 18/07/2024 100.822 USD -0.025122 USD -0.0249%
Wednesday, 17/07/2024 100.847 USD 1.121958 USD 1.1125%
Tuesday, 16/07/2024 99.7253 USD -0.352024 USD -0.353%
Monday, 15/07/2024 100.077 USD 0.164952 USD 0.1648%
Sunday, 14/07/2024 99.9124 USD 0.014536 USD 0.0145%
Saturday, 13/07/2024 99.8979 USD 7.75859 USD 7.7665%

The value of 15800 JPY in US Dollar for the last 30 days (13 Jul - Aug, 11 2024) increased by: 7.75859 USD (7.7665%).

Monthly (2020)

Date 15,800 JPY to USD Changes Changes (%)
Sunday, 11/08/2024 107.656 USD 8.655398 USD 8.039832%
Thursday, 11/07/2024 99.0011 USD -1.530862 USD -1.546309%
Tuesday, 11/06/2024 100.532 USD -0.87769 USD -0.873046%
Saturday, 11/05/2024 101.41 USD -1.786664 USD -1.761829%
Thursday, 11/04/2024 103.196 USD -4.408042 USD -4.271513%
Monday, 11/03/2024 107.604 USD 1.812576 USD 1.684483%
Sunday, 11/02/2024 105.792 USD -2.585512 USD -2.443964%
Thursday, 11/01/2024 108.377 USD 0.33733 USD 0.311255%
Monday, 11/12/2023 108.04 USD 3.684718 USD 3.410515%
Saturday, 11/11/2023 104.355 USD -1.68981 USD -1.619287%
Wednesday, 11/10/2023 106.045 USD USD %

This table shows how much 15800 JPY is worth in USD at the same time in the months of 2020.

Yearly (2015-2024)

Date 15,800 JPY to USD Changes Changes (%)
Sunday, 11/08/2024 107.656 USD -11.1279 USD -10.3365%
Thursday, 11/08/2022 118.784 USD -24.2846 USD -20.4443%
Wednesday, 11/08/2021 143.069 USD -5.2614 USD -3.677526%
Tuesday, 11/08/2020 148.33 USD -1.5958 USD -1.075841%
Sunday, 11/08/2019 149.926 USD 7.426 USD 4.953104%
Saturday, 11/08/2018 142.5 USD -2.3858 USD -1.674243%
Friday, 11/08/2017 144.886 USD -10.3016 USD -7.110142%
Thursday, 11/08/2016 155.188 USD 28.756 USD 18.5298%
Tuesday, 11/08/2015 126.432 USD USD %

This table shows the value of 15800 JPY in USD at the same time by year in the last 9 years (2015-2024).

Other amounts

15799 JPY = 107.65 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Euro
15801 JPY = 107.663 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Pound
15802 JPY = 107.67 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Australian dollar
15803 JPY = 107.677 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Bitcoin
15804 JPY = 107.684 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Canadian Dollar
15805 JPY = 107.691 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Swiss Franc
15806 JPY = 107.697 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Chinese Yuan
15807 JPY = 107.704 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Swedish krona
15808 JPY = 107.711 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Mexican Peso
15809 JPY = 107.718 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to New Zealand Dollar
15810 JPY = 107.725 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Singapore Dollar
15811 JPY = 107.731 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Hong Kong Dollar
15812 JPY = 107.738 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Norwegian Krone
15813 JPY = 107.745 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to South Korean Won
15814 JPY = 107.752 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Lira
15815 JPY = 107.759 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Indian Rupee
15816 JPY = 107.765 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Russian Ruble
15817 JPY = 107.772 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Brazilian Real
15818 JPY = 107.779 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Rand
15819 JPY = 107.786 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Danish Krone
15820 JPY = 107.793 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Polish Zloty
15821 JPY = 107.8 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Taiwan Dollar
15822 JPY = 107.806 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Thai Baht
15823 JPY = 107.813 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Malaysian Ringgit
15824 JPY = 107.82 USD 15800 Japanese Yen to Romanian New Leu

Updated: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 13:57:20 +0000

15,800 JPY to USD | Convert 15800 Japanese Yen to US Dollar (2024)


How much is $100 US in Japan? ›

US Dollars to Japanese Yen: exchange rates today
100 USD14,687 JPY
250 USD36,719 JPY
300 USD44,063 JPY
500 USD73,438 JPY
8 more rows

How much is $100 000 in Japanese money? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Japanese Yen
5000 USD735,075.00000 JPY
10000 USD1,470,150.00000 JPY
100000 USD14,701,500.00000 JPY
1000000 USD147,015,000.00000 JPY
10 more rows

How many Japanese yen $1000 American dollars will give you? ›

US Dollars to Japanese Yen conversion rates
1,000 USD146,907.00 JPY
5,000 USD734,536.00 JPY
10,000 USD1,469,072.00 JPY
50,000 USD7,345,362.00 JPY
7 more rows

How much is 1 yen to 1 US dollar? ›

1 JPY = 0.006804 USD Aug 09, 2024 05:46 UTC

The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently. This is very much needed given the extreme volatility in global currencies lately. Sending money abroad is as easy as ever.

Is Japan cheaper than the US? ›

The average cost of living in Japan is 55% lower than the average cost of living in the United States. Surprisingly, Japan is not too expensive to live in assuming you are used to a Western lifestyle and living standards.

How far does the dollar go in Japan? ›

In March 2024, more than 3 million inbound tourists arrived in Japan, breaking a record. As of press time, one U.S. dollar is equivalent to about 156 Japanese yen; five years ago, it was hovering closer to 100 Japanese yen.

Is it better to exchange money in the US or Japan? ›

When to exchange: Although it depends on the currency, it is generally better to exchange yen in Japan than in your home country, due to a lower commission and better exchange rate. Similarly, you'll typically get better rates away from the major airports.

What is considered rich in Japan? ›

The most common answer for the amount of annual income the respondents considered would make them "rich" was "10 million yen (around $70,000) or more," at 41.4%.

Is 150,000 yen enough to live in Japan? ›

You get the general picture: depending on where you live and on the frugality of your lifestyle the monthly budget for living in Japan can go from as little as 150,000 yen ($1,363) to 300,000/400,000 yen ($2,727-$3,636) a month easily.

Can US dollars be used in Japan? ›

Many smaller businesses do not accept any payment type besides cash. Unfortunately, you can't pay with your own currency either — foreign currency is not accepted as payment in Japan, so travelers must exchange their local currency into Japanese yen.

Is 5000 yen a lot in Japan? ›

5,000 yen – Comparable to an American $50 bill, this may be the one you use to pay for dinner and drinks at a well-known restaurant or izakaya. 10,000 yen – Essentially a $100 bill. Present this bill when paying for the whole family to eat.

How much is $1 in Tokyo? ›

1 USD = 146.664 JPY Aug 10, 2024 23:29 UTC

Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here.

How much is $1 million yen? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates Japanese Yen / US Dollar
50000 JPY339.92800 USD
100000 JPY679.85600 USD
200000 JPY1,359.71200 USD
1000000 JPY6,798.56000 USD
10 more rows

How much is $1 million in Japanese yen? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Japanese Yen
5000 USD735,450.00000 JPY
10000 USD1,470,900.00000 JPY
100000 USD14,709,000.00000 JPY
1000000 USD147,090,000.00000 JPY
10 more rows

How much is a $100 bill in Japan? ›

US Dollars to Japanese Yen conversion rates
100 USD14,240.00 JPY
500 USD71,203.00 JPY
1,000 USD142,406.00 JPY
5,000 USD712,031.00 JPY
7 more rows

Is Japan expensive to visit? ›

The truth is, Japan may not be as expensive as you think. While prices for certain goods and services are generally higher than you'd find in countries like China, Thailand, and Vietnam, on the whole you might discover that costs are lower than places such as Singapore, Australia, and Scandinavia.

How much is a meal in Japan? ›

A meal at a more average restaurant costs roughly between 1000 and 3000 yen, while there is no upper price limit when it comes to high-class restaurants such as ryotei. During lunch hours, many restaurants offer inexpensive teishoku (set menus) at around 1000 yen.


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.